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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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(Quick warning, the majority of the post is me rambling about the strengths of my list, second bit poses a real question)


All the positive response to my list has made me change priorities in my 30k career, and I'll be building it over the next few months! :biggrin.:


Now, my ultimate goal with any army is to reach ~5k points (so far only my Tau are there) but I definitely want a heresy force of that size. And while the enemy deployment zone isn't of infinite size, I feel this kind of list benefits from more of the same so to say. Hence this would be my masterpiece! :wub.:


ROW: Crimson Path


Gahlan Surlak 110pts

Consul (Forge Lord, Rad Grenades, Power Axe, Cyber Familiar, Refractor Field, Melta bombs) 140pts


Troops (Tacticals are despoilers)

Legion Tactical Squad (15 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs) 235pts

Legion Tactical Squad (18 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs, Vexilla) 275pts

Legion Tactical Squad (18 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs, Vexilla) 275pts

Legion Tactical Squad (9 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs, Vexilla) 185pts

Legion Tactical Squad (9 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs, Vexilla) 185pts

Legion Tactical Squad (9 + Srg. w. Power Axe, AA, Melta Bombs, Vexilla) 185pts



Red Butchers (4 + Devoured w. Power Fist, Chainfist) 290pts

- Dreadclaw 100pts

Red Butchers (4 + Devoured w. Power Fist, Chainfist) 290pts

- Dreadclaw 100pts

Red Butchers (4 + Devoured w. Power Fist, Chainfist) 290pts

- Dreadclaw 100pts

Apothecarion Detachment (2 Apothecaries w. AA, Power Sword) 130pts


Fast Attack

Dreadclaw 100pts

Dreadclaw 100pts

Dreadclaw 100pts


Heavy Support

Kharibdys Assault Claw 260pts

Kharibdys Assault Claw 260pts

Kharibdys Assault Claw 260pts



Angron 400pts


4370pts total


Nine claws in total, with three blobs and two butcher squads landing turn one, Surlak boosting two blobs to S5 (from what I've heard, Inductii can't be joined by ICs and so the 16 man squad gains the same benefit from the Rad Grenades instead). With a 4+ FnP they can withstand even plasma fussilades while remaining at decent strength.
Discounting the sergeant and apothecary, a blob kills 5-6 terminators on the charge with EoB popped, while taking ~5 casualties in return, =<2 if the terminators lack S8. Then you suffer the EoB backlash, but the Sergeant makes up for that with roughly 2 more kills. The butchers can bully weaker enemy units as well as vehicles: the Devoured gets 6 chain fist attacks with hatred on the charge, that's almost a dead SPARTAN, or KNIGHT, woot!
Should there be a particularly tough unit on the field, there's also a certain :furious: ANGRY :furious: guy looking to hack away. Versus another death star, the Angron+Surlak combo beats almost anything due to its nasty 3+ FnP. Versus other Primarch stars, thanks to Angron's Red Sands rule, you can challenge all characters in order to snipe out their Primus Medicae/buff character. If they refuse one or more challenges, you simply elect their Primarch as (one of) the character(s) who can't fight! :biggrin.:
Onto an actual question:
Obviously, the list isn't complete. There's another 630 points to spend, although everything but an HQ slot is spent FOC-wise. This has me thinking of an allied detachment. An allied legion is out because of the RoW though. What I really need is something to handle this lists relative weakness: METAL BAWKSES! Barring the Claws (which will most probably be jinking, although their flame attacks can help) I have no real method of breaking transports except through close combat, which leaves my units out in the open for a turn. Sadly cult/auxilia allies won't be scoring, but they can be a worthwhile addition anyway. Mechanicum lack this issue though, so that's a plus.
What allied units do you think would complement the list above, as well as WE in general, the best?
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Maybe replace tactical squads 4-6 with support squads? If you want variety, one volkite, one plasma, and one melta would do it. I can see the value of the large tactical blobs for World Eaters, but the 10-man units are really superfluous.


Or if you want to eat up those points, swap those tacs for Seeker squads in land raiders. If nothing is on your side of the table, you automatically lose.

Edited by Terminus
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So I had a game against tau played maelstrom mission 6. (where you start high and count down on cards every turn) my opponent conceded turn 4 as my rhinos rush had hit his lines mostly intact. My question to the forums is this I felt that besides 2 vindicators my list lacked any kind of shooting what are some good shooting options for us that can keep up with a rhino rush. I'm at work but I will try to provide a list for critique later today. I was running berserker assault
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Sicarans of both the vanilla and Venator variety are awesome. 


They're fast vehicles and do mean things to xenos. The Venator is a little less useful since the scary tau stuff is gargantuan instead of super-heavy, but still a solid investment.  

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Haha the tau player already hates my all AP4 or better in assault army ( I was accused of playong a cheesy list and im not gona lie i almost laughed at him with his three riptides along his table edge )a typhon will just lose me an opponent. The two sicarans are on my list of things to buy after my core infantry is finished.
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Well obviously your list is cheese. 


It doesn't contain all the scissors for his rocks to smash. You might even have some paper in there! THE UNABASHED GALL! How dare you not just lose?


Good job, Nova. Nothing is as sweet as xenos tears :biggrin.:


If they start complaining about a Typhon, ally in a small Solar Aux force for a Malcador Infernus. They'll welcome the Typhon back with open arms. 

Edited by Flint13
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Mechanicum are typically my go to for allies if I'm fighting a 40k army and taking no prisoners. If you ever wanna crumple a wraithknight or stormsurge like a beer can, Grav-Destructors. 


Accept no substitute. 


Both Eldar and Tau abhor anything with ignores cover though. 


Just something to consider ^_^

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One of my fondest memories of my XII legion from a couple years ago is charging my Paragon axe praetor and his bodyguard into a bunch of fire warriors in the middle of a fire warrior and pathfinder gunline.


Tau bro starts counting out approximately all the dice for overlapping overwatch.


Me - "Hey, quick question. What strength are pulse rifles?"


Tau bro - "Strength 5 ap 5."


Me - "Ah awesome. Let me tell you about the void shield harness real quick..."


That game went well.  

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Shame that tactic has to be agreed upon pre game now


Yeah, that has yet to be anything near the problem the Internet has attempted to force me to believe it will be. 

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*** quick list thoughts please ***


Love my eaters and wanna breath a bit of life back into them using the foundations (2 x Spartan with tacs) I have already with some pod action...



Crimson path






Gahlan surlak



17 man tac squads, vexillas, srg with AA, fist and melta

17 man tac squads, vexillas, srg with AA, fist and melta



Apoth with AA

5 butchers, twin chainfist in Dreadclaw

5 butchers, twin chainfist in Dreadclaw



Spartan fully loaded

Spartan fully loaded

Leviathan with drill and probably new melta in a pod


3000 pts


Any glaring issues you think it might have?

Edited by Fangbanger
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Is ghalan a compulsory or has he got support officer? Otherwise I like it, seems like alot of fun to play. But it is a lot of eggs in few baskets big hard to kill baskets but still just seems small for my tastes but I see the WE as a tide of death hence my rhino rush strategy in my last game
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Shame that tactic has to be agreed upon pre game now

Yeah, that has yet to be anything near the problem the Internet has attempted to force me to believe it will be.

I have a couple of nearby gaming groups joining in a small 8 man tournament for 30k next month or two. The base rule is no relics.


It is a relevant consideration to make when building lists.

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Well that's a bummer but could toot it up to 3500 for a preator and a lightening for some anti tank maybe (don't really like lightnings in a world eater list though,doesn't feel right for some reason)


Is ghalan a compulsory or has he got support officer? Otherwise I like it, seems like alot of fun to play. But it is a lot of eggs in few baskets big hard to kill baskets but still just seems small for my tastes but I see the WE as a tide of death hence my rhino rush strategy in my last game

I think rhino rush is wasted on us. We get all our bonuses for combat and charging, taking non assault vehicles just seems backwards to me hence the Spartans and claws. I've tried footsloging too and it's just so lame, especially if you get short edge deployment with

Lots of terrain trying to walk large tac squads up the board is soooo looooong. Not only that but my mates are dicks and often take thud guns, scorpius and typhons so not fun for open blobs.

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Shame that tactic has to be agreed upon pre game now

Yeah, that has yet to be anything near the problem the Internet has attempted to force me to believe it will be.

I have a couple of nearby gaming groups joining in a small 8 man tournament for 30k next month or two. The base rule is no relics.


It is a relevant consideration to make when building lists.



Didn't say it wasn't a consideration, said it wasn't a problem in line with the amount of flak it has caught from the Internet at large (broad generalization). 


"Hey bro, how many points you want to play? Aight, you wanna roll a mission or just chuck stuff at each other? Kay, relics, lords of war, experimental rules good? Cool."



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I'm not sure you have the challenges down correctly.


Is this in regard to Angron challenge-sniping enemy buff characters? I'm pretty sure it works as I intend it to, since you call challenges simultaneously and then resolve them in any order you'd like.


The rule for refusing a challenge reads:

"If you refuse, your opponent gets to nominate one of your characters from those that could have accepted. The chosen model cannot strike blows at all this turn [...]"


I guess it comes down to whether a character that does accept is a character that could accept a challenge. Which they have to be in order to accept to begin with, no?

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