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While not Death Guard specific, in the "Tome of Decay" Black crusade supplement there is a fluff burb about the Germinatoris, plague marine apothecaries who prowl the battlefield collecting geneseed and infecting it "to ensure the propagation of Nurgle's putrefying influence."
  On 12/4/2014 at 4:04 PM, Verbal Underbelly said:

That's a really characterful Nurge mini, mate. That poor, poor horsy. Carrying around a 500kg dude. You should feed it more often.

  • 3 weeks later...

I hate mobile resets.


Zhukov convinced me to go back to Nurgle, I'm basing my Warband colors off the Tarantula Hawk. Here is my first palette brainstorm




Here is what it needs to emulate.



  • 2 weeks later...

I, Gubnutz Da Grim, sworn to Nurgle and former Deathguard Legionnaire, send forth the 'Heralds of Despair'(mono Nurgle CSM) and ' Scions of Disease'(mono Nurgle Daemons) of lead by ,Luthor the Tainted, to do battle with the followers of the Corpse God, victory shall be ours, as only Death and Decay is certain.



Below is some of the fluff written as well as some army shots.  honestly these are lacking as I have added a significant amount since the last family Photo.  I will get them out for a shot at some point.  real life has really taken a toll on hobby time and I have not lifted snips or brush for ages.  That is changing now and I started putting together another squad last night.  Of course I then had to come back here and lo and behold a place for all things Nurgle was waiting on me with pus ridden hands and putrid breath.  


A bit of background for my Deathguard force. Not so great at the filuff, thiough I love to read it. Thought it would help motivate me to continue. Tried to build it around what I field/have with the force. Thanks for reading

Heralds of Despair

Deathguard Successor Chapter

The Heralds of Despair are comprised primarily of Plague marines. Not all of the members are fully plague marines as the force uses Chosen, fully enthralled to power of Grandfather Nurgle, Terminators, that form the bodyguard of those individuals in the Headquarters that have not been elevated to Demonhood, harkening back to the precedent set by Mortorians’ Deathshroud. Also recently the force has enlisted several members of the Obliterator Cult. These hulking monstrosities fitting into the ragged and mutated force seamlessly, as well as adding significant long range fire support. 

The Heralds attempt to follow the tenants of the Deathguard as set down by the Primarch. The use of well trained, self sufficient squads is paramount to the force organization. The army does utilize Rhino transports, the corrupted hulks bursting with all manner of pox and contagion as they lumber across the battlefield to deliver their rotten cargo where it is most needed at the time. In addition, the army has utilized mighty land raiders at times, though the machines retain little of their former appearance and can only be distinguished due their massive size and armament. The force has been fielding the demonic engines referred to as blight drones in recent years to devastating effect.

Squads are arranged into groups of 7 at all times, and following the teachings of the Primarch stand ready for any battlefield role at all times. Squads are equipped with Chainsword, Bolter, Boltpsitol, and are very fond of the using blight grenades. In addition, the squads tend to favor special weapons load outs in multiples with mixed weaponry seldom seen. The unholy trinity of melta, plasma, and flamer are frequently seen though heavy weapons are few and dedicated Havoc squads are not utilized by the force. 

The army is led by a group of founding members that number 7, the favored number of the army’s patron god. Of these 7 no more than 2 are on the field at one time, except in the most dire of circumstances. In this way the force ensures that leadership remains despite losses. The leaders of the force are a pair of Princes that attained demonhood thousands of years ago. These princes were brothers in arms of the legion and now lead the battle brothers in spreading the terror of their lord Nurgle across the galaxy. In addition, the force contains several Sorcerors. These individuals remain silent assets to the force, blasting the enemies of the chapter with all of the blessings of great Nurgle. It is these individuals that tend to the binding pacts with demons that allow the chapter to call upon the foot soldiers of Nurgle in times of battle. Due to the trio of Sorcerers in the chapter, the army is often seen with multiple squads of foul Plaguebearers. These expendable troops are used to add weight of numbers to the smaller Plague marine squads or to mire the advance of the enemy while the Battle brothers engage in short ranged firefights, a specialty of the force. At times of great need the chapter has called upon entire armies of Nurgle’s demons, and has seen action with the Scions of Disease on several occasions. Though this only occurs in huge battles as the preparation for such pacts takes much effort.

As well as infantry the force sports a trio of Dreadnoughts. These once proud warriors are reduced to crazed madmen, encased in walking avatars of death and destruction. They are unleashed upon the field in times of war and have been the death of many, both friend and foe. For once they are released from the dream wracked stasis and released on the field of battle none in the chapter can control their rage, a rage that they will unleash on any and all targets.




Luthor looked around him at the squad of Plague marineshe rode along with through the old hab compound, squad Corpus they were called, after the Plague Champion Corpus that always led the men. 

Corpus consisted of 7 Marines, as did all of the squads in the Heralds of Despair chapter. This was the number of their patron, the Defiler, the bringer of woes, spreader of contagion, Nurgle. In the squad there was Corpus the Powerfist armed Champion, a festering marine of considerable bulk, made even more pronounced by the blessings of father Nurgle. His armor cracked and split, constantly oozing pus and a myriad of other foul smelling liquids. The squads standard was also present, the rotting sigil of the chapter’s patron held aloft for any to look upon and despair, the skulls of some long forgotten enemy arranged in the pattern of three that was sacred to the chapter. In addition, the squad had 2 melta gun armed marines. These marines would allow for the cracking of armor in times of battle but tonight the meltas would be used to gain entry into a long forgotten vault. Rounding out the squad were 3 Plague marines armed with Bolters, combat knives, and bolt pistols. The squad, like all squads of the Heralds, was ready for anything and came armed as such. 

The 8 Marines rode silently in the interior of the rusted and pockmarked rhino APC. The armored tank’s machine spirit had long ago gone mad but remained sentient enough to take commands from the leadership of the chapter. In payment the machine required that serfs be sacrificed every 7th day. A small price to pay for the added security of the beast. The deranged machine spirit could be heard mewling to itself a mixture of binary and demonic hissing, figuring the best course to take into the ruined hab compound.

Luthor the Tainted, as he was known through the chapter, did well to hide his excitement at the mission. If his intel was correct he could very soon have the last piece he needed to attain Demonhood. Nurgle had spoken to him this long years about the needs, tasks, atrocities that would need to be committed to reach the Godlike status. Housed inside the hab compound was a virus strain that would spell the doom for an entire sector, if Luthor could obtain the virus and release it, the sacrifice of billions would ensure his rise to Demonhood. This was sure to open a bloodstain chapter in the universe, and the author of that chapter would Luthor.

Luthor had been a member of the chapter for 10,000 bloody years. During this time of service he had committed unspeakable acts in the name of the chapter’s patron, Nurgle. The poisoning of the water supply on Terrius 104, the spread of contagion that decimated an entire planet in the Millan Sector, the desecration of the monastery on Davidian. All of these things were the stepping stones toward Demonhood. Luthor craved the power that would be attained through reaching Demon status. He longed for the strength the resilience, the god status of Demonhood. With the powers that his father imbued him with through the elevation he would take the chapter to it’s rightful place in the pantheon of renegade chapters. He would crush the resistance offered by those Tzeenchian Dogs, and force feed the imperials with the filth of a thousands poxes. He would see the galaxy burn and out of the ashes he would see the rise of his father Nurgle above all other gods. 

The abomination that piloted the rhino sent a message through the helmets of the Plaguemarines, “Arrival in 7 minutes”, Almost time for a rebirth thought Luthor, and a smiled played across his grotesque and sore ridden face.



Creation of a Monster

The squad of Plague marines moved through the swampland without hesitation, nothing in this slime covered water could match the myriad of diseases that flowed about the genetically engineered servants of the Lord of Decay. Each marine knew that he had been touched by the all father, each marine nursed a host of diseases, viral strains, and toxins that would fell an elephant yet somehow gave strength to the followers of Nurgle. The marines skin had a sickly glow, their armor was pocked and split, foul liquids leaked from every orifice, the stench of the 7 man, if they could still be called men, unit was unbearable. 

At the head of the squad Plague champion Abscessus. A hulk of a man made into a monster by the genetic coding used to form a Space marine, this coupled with the blessings of the all father led to a monstrosity. Abscessus led from the front of the squad, his power fist crackled with power derived from some unknown source, his combi weapon forged in a time forgotten. A time when these marines called the marines of the Imperium brother rather than foe. Abscessus, much like the entire chapter, wore his marks of Nurgle proudly. The texture of his skin was that of leather, his bones tore through his sallow skin in places and his entire digestive tract hung from the front of his armor like a grisly trophy. The mark of Nurgle was emblazoned across the marines face. He wore no helmet, the need for rebreathers long since past for this avatar of war. He relished the taste of the foul swamp land, it was a tangible stink that reminded him of the warm embrace of his patron. Huge boils broke forth from his shoulder guards in the pattern of three favored by his master, they wept pus constantly but he paid it no mind. Pain was not something that he could remember feeling, he along with the rest of his chapter no longer felt pain. This weakness had been taken away by Nurgle, praise his corrupt bulk. 

The squad was on a routine patrol around the area that 7th cohort had landed. The possibility of ancient tech drawing the leaders of the chapter, Foulwind and Luthor the tainted to this spot like a moth to a flame. Abscessus did not take the duty lightly though, he was sworn to the chapter and all that it represented. He took his squad slowly through the swamp lands, making sure that the force was alone in the area. Best not to allow himself to become lax, this could lead to death. Abscessus had served the chapter for almost 10,000 years and this was not accomplished by being foolish. When the silence of the swamp was suddenly broken by the sound of machinery, he signaled for an immediate stop sending his squad fanning out in the patterns long passed down through the chapter. The squad immediately snapped into the 3 pronged formation favored by the warriors of the Heralds of Despair, each wing taking a weapon, meltas in this squad, and one marine, while the middle was manned by the champion and the remaining 2 marines. The crested a small hill and found the source of the noise, a squad of Imperial Guardsmen flanking a hellhound.

Abscessus gave the signal, these followers of the Corpse would not be allowed to live. They would not be given the chance to report the activities of the Heralds back to whatever fool lead them. They would feel the touch of the All father and despair, this was the way the chapter dealt with obstacles. The Melta armed marines were already flanking to intercept the hellhound, the morsels in the tank would never have a chance to see their doom. The rest of the squad readied bolters, combat knives covered in foulness, and blight grenades. These could be replaced with the heads of the prey ahead of them. Abscessus readied his powerfist, he did not feel that the weaklings below would require the force of the fist but could not suppress the desire to crush something in the might of the weapon.

The Guardsmen did not know what hell descended on them as the marines topped the hill and rained bolts of death into their ranks. Guardsmen were torn to pieces by the reactive shells spat from the bolters. The pair of Melta armed marines closed upon the Hellhound without mistake and the tank soon turned from asset to tomb. Abscessus rushed into the guardsmen heedless of the lasfire that pattered across his armor. He sought the commander, his would be the skull that would feel the wrath of his fist. He reached the fool and punched the bulk of the fist through his chest, lifting him with the weapon before tossing the man’s body to the ground in a heap of meat and fluids. The skin had already started to rot, maggots taking to the carcass immediately as the flies that surrounded the squad swarmed the bodies of the fallen.

“Is this all that you have”, screamed The champion of Nurgle. The adrenaline of combat, however brief, still coursed through his veins. The squad was in the process of taking the heads of the fallen to be used as Blight Grenades, looting the corpses for ammo or other supplies; they did not hear the approach of the pair of Sentinels. The vehicles circling back from scouting duty. The guardsmen piloting the machines came into the clearing and witnessed horror, seeing the Plaguemarines decapitating their comrades and both were drawn to the outline of the champion as he railed against the dead. Not armed with lasguns, these machines took aim with Lascannons. Abscessus rushed the pair intent on cracking the shells to get to the flesh housed within, shots from the lascannons went wide as the champion exhibited far more speed and grace than his bulk would indicate possible. He overtook the first sentinel and the powerfist crushed the jointed knees of the machine, wrecking it. He turned to the second for a quick kill but the pilot was a veteran at the controls. He forced his sentinel to sidestep and stomped down on the Champion crushing him into the ground. At point blank range the pilot blasted the prone champion. However, the pilot had lost site of the other 6 marines in the squad and the power of 2 melta guns turned the power plant of the machine into slag, igniting the machine and killing the pilot instantly. 

The squad stood over the remains of their champion, his body not able to withstand the crushing blow of the machine, he was cut in half and his life blood poured from his torn torso, a marine stepped forward to collect the corrupt geneseed from the fallen champion, but his hand was stopped by the gauntleted hand of the Champion. “NO!!” the champion bellowed. “I will be whole again, take the lascannon from the sentinel”, “send word to the techmarines of our force” A smile played across the ruined face of the marine, “ tell them they have a volunteer for the behemoth, I shall be a true avatar of our father in the metal casings of a Dreadnought.”







  • 2 weeks later...

I have a nurgle related question so thought this would be the best place to post it.


in the latest dark angels codex it mentions the death guard and the brotherhood of the plague team up to kill the chapter master (or summin like that) and I was wondering who exactly are the brotherhood of the plague? I have not found any picture or anything about them. so hopefully you guys might know more info about the brotherhood of the plague.



I'm pretty sure they are one of those Death Guard splinter factions that magically pop up every so often usually as a once off mention then nothing. I did the same thing tried finding info on them after reading it but alas nothing, we will know precious little of them unless GW fleshes them out later down the track, so perfect for creating your own fluff


Out of curiosity with the release of the Khorne Damon kin codex what are  fellow followers of Nurgle opinions on the matter. Mainly on what you reckon a Nurgle version would get and what we wouldn't. All I would be happy with would be able to take Plague marines as troops without having lords to unlock them (I'm more of a sorcerer fan) as well as including all my fav Nurgle daemon units in the same army as my Nurgle Marines without having to take allies plus some more fluff could be nice

I don't expect them to release a Nurgle book unless they make new plastic demons.


As it stands, I don't see much potential for the corndex or the total success of the two supplements to make GW consider it without banking on more whales ompulse buying models.

Yeah we have really seen that GW is willing to make people buy new books (and special editions) with only one new, or even zero new, models. Ironically this sad state of affairs is something we are banking on for a Nurgle Daemonkhin book.

If we get one thing special in this book (aside from the plastic GUO, which is kind of a given for it to get printed), I would love to see heralds on plague drones.  Palanquins are cool, but the jump flies would be a lot better with access to the loci.

Edited by Castellan Cato
  On 3/26/2015 at 8:08 PM, Lagrath said:

Yeah we have really seen that GW is willing to make people buy new books (and special editions) with only one new, or even zero new, models. Ironically this sad state of affairs is something we are banking on for a Nurgle Daemonkhin book.


Just rebox the Glottkin... we're all happy!

Not my problem ;)


I honestly think there's a good place for a Plaguekin Codex (as I have now named it), just as there would be for Changekin or Excesskin, and a revised Great Daemon would be useful for each naturally. Equally, just something to make us into a cohesive cult or legion-based entity would be totally fine by me.

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