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I cannot see the pic but would it be possible to get some cheap chain or something to sling it?


I do not think a war fighter would want to discard their primary weapon unless it was completely out of rounds or something. I think they would release their grip of their weapon, which is slung to their side, and draw their side arm. Then when the opportunity presents itself they holster the side arm, draw up their rifle, and reload. 


If you throw your rifle down that is precious seconds fumbling to locate and pick it up.


Good point.

But you don't always have time to sling a rifle.

Sometime you can save seconds by discard a primary weapon and drawing a side-arm.

You can always recover primary weapon later.


I am also tempted to use the power-pack from the Aspiring Champion instead.

It has a bolter on it and has a bit more chaos feel to it.

It would also make a kinda of sense to give the captain different power-pack to make him stand out more than the other Primaris.

Perhaps as a trophy.

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I need to get on my PC as I can't see the pic still on my phone or tablet.


Also, I will have to agree to disagree about dropping a rifle down.


I am no military expert or anything but I believe you always want to retain your weapon. If you were reloading and came under fire you can let go of your primary to pull your side arm and with the sling you won't drop it as it will hang to your side. That way you just have muscle memory from training reach over and grip your weapon instead of having to stop and stoop down for it. And let's say you were being overwhelmed and had to fall back you wouldn't have to worry about picking it up or worse: leave it behind.


The reason I have this thought goes back to some show on spike where X warrior vs. Y Warrior. One episode was US Rangers against NK Special Forces. I have no idea how they calculated their results but the ending is what sold me on why you keep your primary slinged:



Also, this scene from John Wick 2 shows a few good shots (no pun there) where he doesn't drop his primary:

John Wick 2 gunfight


Seeing this again, I guess you don't have to sling your weapon.

But until he runs out of rounds he doesn't discard his weapon. However, he did throw it at a guy which was cool. Strange too but effective


Alright, let me get off my little soapbox. In the end though it is your mini so make that killer the way you will be most pleased. I'm just sharing random thoughts here.



As for the power pack with a trophy idea...maybe the real captain wants you to think that guy is the leader. Devious!

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As a ten year veteran of US Army and an Iraq war veteran: you never drop your primary weapon.  We use special slings that let it hang from the shoulder or across the chest to keep the hands free, but can easily be pulled up to the shoulder.  I know there's a world of difference between me and a Space Marine, but that just seems common sense.

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As a ten year veteran of US Army and an Iraq war veteran: you never drop your primary weapon.  We use special slings that let it hang from the shoulder or across the chest to keep the hands free, but can easily be pulled up to the shoulder.  I know there's a world of difference between me and a Space Marine, but that just seems common sense.

Especially not if you have something as handy as mag locks where you can make your primary weapon stick anywhere to your armor. :D

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Valid reasons to drop your primary weapon:

You used it as a club to beat someone over the head and now it's broken.

It was a plasmagun and exploded in your hands.

A daemon has possessed it and wants to take you over as well (dropping weapon is optional)

You are pretending to surrender in a complicated ruse to defeat the enemy from within.

You are dead.

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Valid reasons to drop your primary weapon:

You used it as a club to beat someone over the head and now it's broken.

It was a plasmagun and exploded in your hands.

A daemon has possessed it and wants to take you over as well (dropping weapon is optional)

You are pretending to surrender in a complicated ruse to defeat the enemy from within.

You are dead.

So basically when your primary weapon isn't your weapon anymore or you're unable to keep fighting. :D

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Valid reasons to drop your primary weapon:

You used it as a club to beat someone over the head and now it's broken.

It was a plasmagun and exploded in your hands.

A daemon has possessed it and wants to take you over as well (dropping weapon is optional)

You are pretending to surrender in a complicated ruse to defeat the enemy from within.

You are dead.

Is this a redacted page of the Guardsmen's Uplifting Primer?


It has to be. If they discard their lasgun what will their fix their bayonets to?

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Thanks for all the feedback.

The feedback and the fact that a bolter just lying on the ground look wrong.

So I am going with the chaos powerpack. It has a lovely little combi bolter on it

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Posting here because I didn't get a response in another thread, but what is everyone's opinions on Chaos Terminators vs Obliterators for Alpha Legion? Both units seem good this edition but which one seems more worth taking? Some points for both: 

-More reliably consistent shooting with Combi-Plasmas 
-Potent in CC 
-Versatile weapon loadouts 
-More models in the unit 
-More total wounds in the unit 
-Model losses hurt less 

-Daemon keyword 
-Higher potential damage output 
-No chance of killing themselves from shooting 
-More wounds per model 
-Cheaper as a unit 
-12 shots vs 10 assuming rapid fire range for the Terminators

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I have only used terminators in my list so far. I like the combination of load outs they can have but I normally just bring combi plasma and powerfists. They have been able to wipe out or severely cripple two units in shooting phase thanks to mark of slaanesh, endless cacophony, and a Lord nearby for rerolling. Then when they usually get a charge off they punch stuff to death.


I want to try out obliterators soon but my heavy slots are normally taken by missile launcher havocs.

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Do you feel like they're worth their points and that they make it back most of the time? The potent shooting and great CC (especially if they get Warptimed after they come in from DS) definitely make them a huge threat to anything, but for the points Obliterators are cheaper overall and on average their shooting vs a 5 man unit of combi-plasma Termies are very similar with Oblits obviously having a higher potential upside and at worst you got a 12 shot Reaper Autocannon which isn't the worst thing. Even the survivability and durability is similar as it's a total of 9 wounds vs 10 wounds per squad.


Maybe the real answer is to take both and DS them all with a Terminator Lord and Terminator Sorcerer to back them up haha

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The last few times I played them I brought eight with combi plasmas and powerfists. That was about 460ish points I think. They normally make most of their points back. Usually on their debut turn they come in and destroy two vehicles (which I usually prioritize) in shooting and then charge an infantry squad or another vehicle causing more wounds. So in one go I earn back a good chunk of points.


After that they either A.) attract a lot of shooting if they kill off their charge which lets a good chunk of my army going unmolested. B.) get charged themselves and cause more wounds in overwatch and can go toe to toe in combat. Sometimes even holding up some nasty enemy units.


And whatever terminators lives keeps being a thorn in my opponents side.


Lately I have been toying with the idea of bringing a jump pack lord and/or sorcerer since they would be cheaper than a terminator variant.

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So a bit of an update for my quest to craft the Primarch (or the other Primarch... or both Primarchs... or neither Primarch...). Things are pretty much set for basecoat, save for some touching up in spots. 




I did decide the scaling needed to be even, so I filled it in on his right side. I also switched out the greenstuff power cable to the plasma gauntlet with some twisted wire. Looks way better to me. But the big thing is I finally got the bits to create a fitting head. The base is - of course - one of the Forge World custom helmets. But the fun parts came from a Dark Elves Corsairs champion head. Turns out it was damn near perfect.




The hyrda crest is perhaps slightly too big, but it works for me, and was already a separate piece from the corsair helmet - which I chopped up to create the swept-back "wings" on either side of the head. I'm rather pleased with the effect. And it looks better than any of my attempts at crafting serpents out of greenstuff... yeah, that was an hour well spent... :sweat:


Of course, credit is due to @Azekai for a lot of the inspiration here. I didn't end up using the High Elves dragon standard for the crest as you suggested (it - and the similar half-moon dragon standard were a bit too large), the heads of those beasts found themselves along the armor for a couple small touches. One on the right gauntlet, and the other on the powerpack. 




There is also a meager sculpt of the chained Alpha/Omega symbol (we all know the one). It's resting over the belt and above scale pelt, conveniently hiding some Stormcast details that were hard to remove. It turned out... okay. It can't fully be seen thanks to the spear in the way,  but I'm okay with that. Here's a nice size comparison, for fun.



Just about the right size, eh? I know I'm very pleased with it. But now, I must once again consult our Hydra's many heads for ideas. This time, with basing. I will, of course, be keeping the theme of the dirt/mud with some patchy grass flock added. And there is a precedent of including dead Ultramarines beneath their feet (which is right where they belong, amirite?!). But I feel like I need something... more. I just don't know what. 


Anyway, hope you enjoy. 

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That helm turned out even better than I had imagined! That Alpharius looks insanely imposing and very close to the inspirational art. Glad those elf bits turned out to be (sort of) useful!

Regarding the base, didn't Alpharius 'die' fighting Dorn? A bisected Imperial Fist or skewered Black Templar might provide a bit more contrast than a slain Ultramarine. On the other hand, the Primarch already takes up a fair amount of space. Maybe something a bit more subtle and low-profile, like a crumpled and fallen banner or an empty helmet.

On a side note, what is this model destined to be on the tabletop? A chaos lord?

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Scourged, the Primarch-maybe-not-the-Primarch is fantastic! I cannot wait to see that guy with some paint slapped on. Are you going to put him on a bigger base or make your own scenic one like FW has done for their characters (where it is a mini diorama where you can remove the mini on a smaller base)?




Looks good! Hope you gave them a good throttling!


I didn't score a single point and got pummeled, points-wise;p


Those tight-pants-wearing-space-elves bastards! I know that feeling though. One of my buddies is my opponent 90% of the time and he rocks Drukhari hard and has a big Harlequin army. I always feel outmaneuvered and outgunned sometimes but I always do something that makes me feel 'mission accomplished' like killing a particular unit or leader.

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Scourged, the Primarch-maybe-not-the-Primarch is fantastic! I cannot wait to see that guy with some paint slapped on. Are you going to put him on a bigger base or make your own scenic one like FW has done for their characters (where it is a mini diorama where you can remove the mini on a smaller base)?




Looks good! Hope you gave them a good throttling!


I didn't score a single point and got pummeled, points-wise;p


Those tight-pants-wearing-space-elves bastards! I know that feeling though. One of my buddies is my opponent 90% of the time and he rocks Drukhari hard and has a big Harlequin army. I always feel outmaneuvered and outgunned sometimes but I always do something that makes me feel 'mission accomplished' like killing a particular unit or leader.


I drew some horrific objectives (all in his DZ) and I couldn't even get Blood And Guts, because he would pull his last man out of every combat, and I'd be forced to blast them with lascannons. My opponent is better than me, and if you play Eldar, that means you can really leverage their tactics in Maelstrom Missions. If I hadn't fluffed my 6" charge (I even used a re-roll!) with my Chaos Lord, I think it would've made the battlefield look nicer, but I would still have lost. 


Strategically, I'm not sure why I deployed my Cultists so far ahead. I didn't realise most of the Eldar guns have rather short range. I should've been more conservative with them.


Also, my CSMs were awful, again. They fluffed their two melta shots (snake eyes), then got obliterated by 20 Guardians coming through the Webway. All they did was block my opponent from getting too far into my backfield, but Cultists would've done the job for much less. Cultists do what they do, which is sit around and block the Webway. It irks me that they cost the same as Guardsmen, but are worse.


Predators, deployed in trios, are dynamite when backed by a Killshot stratagem, a Chaos Lord, and Prescience. +1 to hit, wound, and damage on one, and all three re-roll 1s. It doesn't really take advantage of the Alpha Legion trait, but there you go.


My Helbrutes (as Red Corsairs) have a terrible loadout. THe Renegade Trait allows Advance and Charge, but I can't fire the multi-melta then. They also only have 4 attacks with the Helbrute fist. Oh well. 


Huron and Cypher suffer from W5, T4, and 3+/4++, especially against Rangers with Sniper rules. They are incredibly easy to kill. My Chaos Lord helped get a few more Predator shots off, but his fluffed charge marred his performance. The Sorcerer is always good (I have only killed him through perils once during T1 so far this edition, though snake eyes on a psychic test was my first roll ever this edition), but he struggled against the Eldar and their Warlocks, Farseers, and Hemlocks. 


My Fallen did alright. Cypher giving them re-roll 1s is great for overcharging plasma, I just need more ablative wounds. Also, it annoys the :cuss out of me that they can't take bolters, bolt pistols, and CCWs. 


I'm now 0/0/6 in W/D/L after the codex, which isn't good. But at least I'm picking up where I left off in 7th!

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Dangit! I wrote a big ol' reply and its gone! I'll try to summarize what I remember.


First off, I think I have the same blue/green dice for my Alpha Legion. So high-five!


For me, the Eldar species always have movement range and speed. We aren't slouches but thier basic transports can just hover around everything while we have to avoid terrain and what not. They can get just about anywhere quick and without a problem. So I always avoid having some units stray too far away from the army because they may get jumped and shot to pieces without any reprisal for the Eldar. Unfortunately your cultists are front and center so learn from that little incident.


I am not too big of a fan of regular CSM and Cultists. Neither are terrible but with all the goodies the Cult Marines have I just cannot pass them up. I understand for fluff if you want to avoid them but they are some good pipe-hitters worth trying out. Also, would a Dark Apostle help out your cultists blob? And were you able to use their stratagem?


As for the helbrutes are you running the Multi-Melta and fist? Have you tried any other combos? I like the autocannon and missiles. A wee bit cheaper and quite a bit of shooting. They sit back and fire and only move up when something needs a curb stomping. Sure they don't have a melee weapon but they can still put down some hurt if needed.


As for the game itself, have you played smaller games like 1250. I play it currently due to time restrictions but I think with less stuff on the board you can really get a feel for some units better. Also, I know you play only with painted minis (maybe also WYSIWYG) but I would say try proxying things so you can check out different units if you haven't already.


I think that was all...Hydra Dominatus!

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Thanks again, all. And yeah, @Azekai, he'll just end up acting as a standard Lord on the tabletop (should I ever get a chance to play again). 


That banner idea is a good one. Especially when combined with the scenic base suggestion. There's a lot that I could do there. Hmm... I wonder if I could rig something up where the bottom tip of the Pale Spear is embedded in a fallen enemy when the model is rested in a scenic base... 

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Dangit! I wrote a big ol' reply and its gone! I'll try to summarize what I remember.


First off, I think I have the same blue/green dice for my Alpha Legion. So high-five!


For me, the Eldar species always have movement range and speed. We aren't slouches but thier basic transports can just hover around everything while we have to avoid terrain and what not. They can get just about anywhere quick and without a problem. So I always avoid having some units stray too far away from the army because they may get jumped and shot to pieces without any reprisal for the Eldar. Unfortunately your cultists are front and center so learn from that little incident.


I am not too big of a fan of regular CSM and Cultists. Neither are terrible but with all the goodies the Cult Marines have I just cannot pass them up. I understand for fluff if you want to avoid them but they are some good pipe-hitters worth trying out. Also, would a Dark Apostle help out your cultists blob? And were you able to use their stratagem?


As for the helbrutes are you running the Multi-Melta and fist? Have you tried any other combos? I like the autocannon and missiles. A wee bit cheaper and quite a bit of shooting. They sit back and fire and only move up when something needs a curb stomping. Sure they don't have a melee weapon but they can still put down some hurt if needed.


As for the game itself, have you played smaller games like 1250. I play it currently due to time restrictions but I think with less stuff on the board you can really get a feel for some units better. Also, I know you play only with painted minis (maybe also WYSIWYG) but I would say try proxying things so you can check out different units if you haven't already.


I think that was all...Hydra Dominatus!



I got those dice from a friend - he said I was rolling so poorly I needed new dice. They're nicknamed the Dice of Khaine, because they roll well until you really need them to roll well, upon which they betray you (see the fluffed charge). Also, they whisper to people and curse your descendants with bad luck. 


I didn't get to use the Cultists' stratagem; it is, as all stratagems, very situational. As long as the opponent kills 23 Cultists, the rest die to Morale anyway. I would need 2 CP to autopass morale, then 2CP to recycle, which is roughly half my CPs on one unit. It kind of worked, because he actually sank a lot of his killing power into them, as he thought I might do that. Cultists are quite good at blocking Deep Striking units, but they are outclassed by Guard at every turn. As you say, I need to learn how to use the Cultists against Eldar. My playstyle is still too aggressive, I think, and I could benefit from a more cautious and measured approach. I think I should've dropped infiltrating them and/or just blocked his Guardians/Wraithguard with a screen.I don't like the idea of sinking points into a Dark Apostle just to save some Cultists (3 models per Morale check, so that's 12pt per player round), and I'm not a Word Bearers player, so I'm doubly negative to it.


It's the same with Noise Marines and Khorne Berzerkers - I'm playing Alpha Legion for fluff reasons, not competitive reasons. I paint so slowly I'm not keen on spending time on converting or painting miniatures that are from other Legions.


I only run painted and WYSIWYG - I find it an abomination. However, I am painting up both a FW Alpha Legion Dreadnought (see below) and the old metal Chaos Dreadnought in Alpha Legion metallic blue, and they'll be armed with a Reaper Autocannon (might swap for lascannon) and a Missile Launcher, and Lascannons/Missile Launcher, respectively. 




I'm a very fluff-oriented player with competitive aspirations; for my 40k Alpha Legion, I'm currently working on the Dreadnoughts, 2 Daemon Princes, and 60 Cultists/Renegade Guard. I've binned some FW autocannon Havocs recently, but I'm going to get two new squads made from GW's CSM kit and FW autocannons and missile launchers. I also want to get a few Daemons for summoning (again, limited amount and preferably Tzeentch to go with the fluff). I might get my CSMs a Rhino, but I might just drop them for Cultists. My Fallen are also getting some ablative wounds soon.


I'm not a big fan of 1250 - 6x4' becomes too big and 4x4' too small, which disproportionately favours shooty or CC armies, skewing the game and detracting from the fun. I think 2000 and 6x4' is optimal, but I like 1000pt on 4x4' too. 

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Oh man, I want one of those dreads. I really want the head for a contemptor conversion I have been daydreaming of. Plus, it's a nice dread! Unfortunately the only ones I have been seeing are on eBay...from a country where cheap recasts are the norm. I do not like buying stuff that I've seen 'rot out' in the past and I just don't want to buy knock-off stuff. Feels wrong.


I like 2000 points because you can bring so many toys but I've been enjoying 1250 on a 6x4. I find the board not crowded and there is more room to maneuver. It is tougher when you need to go after objectives but the challenge just adds to the fun. I normally game on a week night after work and time flies by too quick. So when we were doing 2000 points in my group we usually got through maybe 2 turns of mayhem before we would have to call it. It is crazy now that I think about it how much stuff happens in only two turns of our games.


As for playing no cults that fine. It was just a suggestion. I don't power game but I like to use different things from our codex because I love all of it (I am lying, most of it). Plus, I bought a book and do not like the idea of only using only some of it's contents. Which didn't get any better when I bought a digital copy of the FW index and now I want all of the tanks and even titans (which I normally don't care for).


I am looking forward to the new additions you are working on. Dreadnoughts/Helbrutes are something I have been really enjoying this edition while in 7th they just racked up bench time. Daemon princes have been excellent brawlers for me but by the dark gods do they attract a lot of gunfire. I also love Havocs, those guys have been putting in so much work for me after never really being used in my armies before 8th. Rhinos have also been a unit I've enjoyed. I have been running them with an extra combi and havoc launcher and they have been putting in work. And as I said before I do not like using cultists. There's good fluff to back up their inclusion in our book and it is nice to have chaff but I want to spend my points on marines. However, I have been ever so tempted to build some Savlar Chem Dogs as operatives of my Alpha Legion army.

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