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++ The Harrowing - An Alpha Legion Community ++


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Had a game last night with my bud. I brought Alpha Legion versus his Harlequins with Drukhari allies.


All kinds of paintings in progress and some proxying.


-Terminator Lord with black mace

-Winged Daemon Prince, MoS, Elixir, and two talons

-8 terminators all with Combi Plasma and Power Fist

-8 Noise Marines with 1 blastmaster and 7 sonic blasters

-8 Noise Marines with 1 blastmaster and 7 sonic blasters

-Rhino with two combi bolters and Havoc Launcher

-Rhino with two combi bolters and Havoc Launcher

-Heldrake with Flamer

Winged prince hangs back in cover to either support my spearhead from deep strikers or move up and take out enemies. Just depends on how the battle goes. Terminator Lord tags along with the terminators to deep strike and lay down hurt, plus that reroll. MoS on them so I can shoot again in the same phase which always seems to happen as they deep strike into good positions for multiple kills.

The noise marines move up the field and engage enemies and go after objectives. Heldrake usually jumps on the juiciest target and tries to go for the throat.



-Havocs with 4 missile Launchers and MoS

-Havocs with 4 Missile Launchers and Mos

-Havocs with 4 Autocannons and Mos

Basically, Idea is havocs hang back in cover and provide fire support. Lord hangs back with a unit for reroll. MoS is for that sweet Endless Cacophony if the need arises.

We bought the Open War cards not realizing that was for the PL stuff. We wanted to try something different so we made it work without using the ruse and sudden death stuff for the time being. Our mission was basically relic, our deployment was the table split in half long ways, and the twist screwed me out of going first.

It was a bloody battle that lasted two rounds until I had to call it because of time. In two turns I only had my lord, 7 terminators(one terminator killed himself with an overcharged shot), a rhino, 5 noise marines and a lone blastmaster from my other NM squad left. He had a flyer with 1 wound left, 3 diminished troupes, a venom with archon, a few kabalite warriors and a next to dead bike. I could not believe how must stuff had died in only two turns.

If we had kept going I would have grabbed the relic with my lord (that was practically delivered to him by a Solitaire that bit the dust from overwatching, supercharged, plasma shots) and guarded him with my terminator cohort. With that many terminators I think I would have done well holding off the remains of his army. Plus, there were still a few noise marines around to cause some pain.

Overall I had a great game and like I said, I wished we could have finished it out. Regardless, win or lose the Alpha Legion always Win!

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2,000 point game tonight against "Imperium" of some kind. Wont know til I get there. Forgeworld is allowed.


I'm bringing 3 detachments.


Det 1: The Faithless, Vanguard Detachment


Lord Arkos, 8 Berzerkers, 2x9 Chosen with plasma guns, 3 Rhinos.


Det 2: Alpha Legion, Battalion Detachment


Chaos Lord (blade of the hydra), Chaos Lord (intoxicating elixir), 12 cultists with close combat weapons, 2x5 chaos space marines with 1x missile launcher each


Det 3: Alpha Legion, Spearhead Detachment


Sorcerer, 2x Hellforged Scorpius, 7x Havoks with 4x Missile Launchers


Plan: Arkos and sorcerer ride with the Berzerkers, each unit of chosen gets a lord to ride with them. Havoks, marines, cultists, and scorpius set up a fire base in the back and hold rear objectives.

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There was a big discussion about this some pages ago.  The consensus was to treat these warbands as just splinters off their parent Legion, and essentially like the successors to loyalist chapters.  So Faithless are still Alpha Legion and can use their stratagems and rules, but if you had a named character who would only buff Alpha Legion, he couldn't buff the Faithless.  Same thing as with Novamarines, who are Ultramarines in ruleset and can use their stratagems, but they can't bring along Calgar to buff them since he only buffs Ultramarines.

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Do the Faithless have some sweet stratagems? 


I do not know what trait the Faithless have either but maybe micahwc is trying to give those two detachments the Legion trait? With our Legion trait I will probably have an AL spearhead detachment loaded with Havocs. 

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Alpha Legion when near Arkos get +1" advance and +"1 charge. Since I plan on charging these guys out of a rhino with Lord Arkos it seems like it would be a good idea. So our consensus is that the Faithless are part of the Alpha Legion and so my entire force could just be The Faithless, and still use all the Alpha Legion traits/strategems/warlord traits/relics?

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Arkos only grants that bonus to Faithless, not Alpha Legion, but I assume that is what you meant.


You are correct in your assessment of the consensus of this thread.  Basically treat these warbands as successors of their parent Legion, thus sharing the same rules.  Since the Alpha Legion has no named characters, there is no drawback to running everything as the Faithless.  On the other hand, if for example you wanted to run the Skulltakers so you could use Zhufor's rules, you would be able to use World Eater rules/relics/stratagems, but would not be able to include Khârn and stay battle-forged and benefit from his aura.

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In case you have to clarify for an opponent -- I don't see it being an issue, but it never hurts to be prepared -- your Legion Trait and your Legion Keyword are two entirely different things.  This is based on the fact that the Legion keyword RED CORSAIRS (see Huron's datasheet) uses the Renegade Chapters Legion Trait.  The operative phrase on the issue is under the "Legion Traits" sidebar heading on page 157 of C:CSM.  The sentence in question reads as follows: "If your Chaos Space Marines are from a Renegade Chapter, or if they do not otherwise have an associated trait, use the Renegade Chapters trait opposite."  Emphasis mine, and that phrase in particular implies that you can have a Chaos Marine force with an "associated trait" that does not automatically equate to a named Legion.  Ergo, the "associated trait" of the Faithless as a warband is the Alpha Legion's Hidden in Plain Sight Legion Trait.

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Had a great game that ended in a draw, 0 to 0. We played with the open war cards. Deployment was the two short edges. Mission was a winner take all objective spawning in a random location on turn 3. Twist was night fighting.


He went first dropping two pods as close to my scorpius as he could get, and flying his Corvus 12" away from my havoks. I moved my rhinos around his circus to get closer to the center of the board. 8 knack missiles, a scorpius, and a smite later his Corvus is down to 1 wound. The only guns I have left are my cultists auto pistols. A cultist shoots down his black star, leaving a squad, chapter master, and librarian surrounded by my 3 rhinos with Arkos, 2 lords, a sorcerer, 18 chosen, and 8 berzerkers. It was an epic fight that lasted several turns before I won the combat.


During all that he killed the rest of my army minus the havoks that would not die. I used endless cacophony 3 times with them.


Turn 3 the objective spawned on the far side of the board and no one was able to reach it by the end of turn 5


I had one unit of chosen, a lord, the sorcerer, a rhino, and two havoks left.


He had a sniper deathwatch marine, a captain, an injured lascannon dreadnought, and two frag cannon marines left.

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Starting deployment. Most of his non dreadnaught stuff was in a Corvus or drop pod.



His Corvus came up to unload on the havoks, but he didn't kill any of them.




The board after killing the Corvus. The group of models in the lower left are what survived its crash, surrounded by Rhinks.



Night fighting had us limited to 12" range for half the game, so that lascannon dreadnaught was pretty ineffective.


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So I'm having a modelling quandary. I don't want obviously chaotic dudes (some trim is fine, but no mutations), but I also don't just want to paint tactical marines blue and green. I also don't want my army to look like they got lost on the way to the Heresy.


The only thing I think I do want is scaled cloaks and also the scaled armour. How the hell do I get the armour without just taking a press mould of Armillus Dynats armour?


Speaking of Dynat, I want to use him as my lord with the Hydras Blade. I'm just wonder if the MK IV two handed chainsword will fit on him or not, any ideas?


@micah: That Xiphon looks pretty sweet. How's it worked for you so far?



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So I'm having a modelling quandary. I don't want obviously chaotic dudes (some trim is fine, but no mutations), but I also don't just want to paint tactical marines blue and green. I also don't want my army to look like they got lost on the way to the Heresy.


The only thing I think I do want is scaled cloaks and also the scaled armour. How the hell do I get the armour without just taking a press mould of Armillus Dynats armour?


Speaking of Dynat, I want to use him as my lord with the Hydras Blade. I'm just wonder if the MK IV two handed chainsword will fit on him or not, any ideas?


@micah: That Xiphon looks pretty sweet. How's it worked for you so far?



Greenstuff is your friend for the spiky armor edging, as is painting.


This guy's been a testbed but here's what I've done with a primaris so far.




Midway through a convert and touch-up so the paintjob's beyond shoddy-not that I'm a Duncan at the best of times- but you get the idea. Sculpt on the "arrows" and armor edges so it doesn't look loyalist, scales here and there, sculpt or swap for a hydra shoulderpad...


Slightly non-Imperial styles, but still somewhat sleek and efficient. Arrows without going full Chaos stars everywhere. Take the styles used in 30k- the greek letters, the alpha motifs, and tweak them to your satisfaction. Look at games like Space Marine's DLC or the Eternal Crusade Alpha Legion options. Limited studs also work, but not enough that it comes over as pure Heresy era, or Emperor's children.


For colours, silver and bronze are excellent and match the alpha legion, and tabards in black, brown, or even red can look good.



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All great ideas. For scales I always liked the ones from the dark elves corsair guys. For scaled armor I think making molds is one way to go. Especially if you want it on other parts of the armor aside from the torso. There are also the headhunters from forgeworld that have scaled torsos.


As for Dynat I'm sure having the right angled arms and some work it could be done. Kizzdougs reposed his Dynat to hold the hammer two-handed and it looked great. So some tweaking of that may be a good place to start getting ideas.

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Probably eBay. I still have some from a box I got years ago. I just don't have the energy to cut them up to fit.


I do want to use them but not 100% sure on what. Champions, chosen, troops, I am not sure yet. So far I have been using regular cloaks for my leaders ever since I saw some fan art for Exodus from 30k.

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I haven't used the xiphon in a game yet, just painted it last night. Dropped it today and a wing snapped off. I hate resin. Glued back in just fine and the break was clean, so it fit back in place well, but still annoying.


Nice thing is the engines didn't seperate from the body. I drilled holes in the engine and fuselage and put green stuff plugs in to bind the sides to the center. Glued it down so it would hold until the green stuff dried.


As far as using clean marines that are not just plain Tactical's, may I suggest the mark 3 and 4 armor from Betrayal At Calth and Burning of Prospero? They look similar but different enough.


I'd also suggest the Kromlech dragon born parts. They are supposed to be for Salamanders but they have a lot of pieces with scales, flames, and dragon heads. I think they go fine with the hydra theme.

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