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Casual 30k Hobby Challenge. Month 1


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Having just spent the last half hour fiddling with guitar wire, I think its time to invest in a green stuff tube making kit!

Man, freaking tell me about it... I've been playing guitar since I was 13, the same amount of time I've been painting tiny plastic men, and I cannot work with guitar string. So frustrating!

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gah, why does the postage have to take so long!?


my head is filled with ideas, but i have no models to work them out on!

Same here brother! Mines not even been dispatched yet!


What!? Really? How long has it been? Mine usually dispatches within 4-5 days of the order (I'm assuming they make nearly everything we get on a per-order basis, thus the delay) and then receive it within 2 weeks, since it has to cross the Atlantic and such.

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Oh ok...For some reason I thought it had been ~1 week or so lol. I was about to suggest ringing FW up and being all like "golly gee bro's!? Where's My Resin Man! WHERE'S MY RESIN!?!" :p

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I get paid on Thursdays every 2 weeks so I just wait till sunday/monday to place my orders :P Also lets me order more frequently and in smaller, manageable chunks.

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Dammit really? Ugh. Yeah I'm a nightmare with payday Fridays, a big chunk of my wages normally goes on the same day... It's gonna be a shock to my system when I have to pay for those non essentials like bills and food ;)
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O.o ouchies


My main issue is need to learn patience ive placed that many £100-£150 orders if i just waited an extra week n went for 1 £250 order id save 30ish quid.... 30 quid thats like kahn or a rampager squad.... For free >< lol


Edit: ohhh yeah slip tis beautiful not to have to explain why im spending half my wage on "little plastic men" lol

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Ah, the joys (and woes v_v ) of being single :p

Or having a supportive girlfriend and no other responsibilities :P


O.o ouchies

My main issue is need to learn patience ive placed that many £100-£150 orders if i just waited an extra week n went for 1 £250 order id save 30ish quid.... 30 quid thats like kahn or a rampager squad.... For free >< lol

Edit: ohhh yeah slip tis beautiful not to have to explain why im spending half my wage on "little plastic men" lol

It's really annoying cos I don't quite make enough in a month to place an order that big, and I don't have the patience to save for a couple of months... I'm such a nightmare.
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Try moving out and saving for a chuffing wedding. But I do have a large backlog of stuff to build/paint from going a bit mental at Games Day.. And just before it.. 


I'll post my Sicaran on Friday - still need to assemble the sponsons and take the mould line off the main guns then to paint it! All lovely Iron and hazard stripes!

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Backlogs, the unsung wallet heroes :P 


Its the only reason why I truly slowed down on my purchases; unless something I MUST HAVE NOW DAMNT! (Dorn, Sigismund, Templar Brethren..) come out, and actually saved some money.


That Space Hulk Release though....

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I get paid this thursday...so yeah I'm one lucky SoB since it goes on pre-order the day after :p


Will probably buy one for myself and one for posterity.... Or both for myself, depends on how hard it is to remove the BA iconography...though I don't really need anymore terminators... Also would be nice to have an uber-large Space Hulk Board.

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Limited RUN. Knowing GW, they might pull this stunt again or you might get lucky and find a set at a LGS or Ebay for roughly the same price. Maybe even a pawn shop for uber cheap...but we ain't all THAT lucky.

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Amazing Chaplain Daismith906, cant wait to see more of the First Legion.


I have finally undercoated my Emperor's Children. Although I have not painted in over a year, so found out some of my paints have dried out. So off to Dark Sphere to stock up on purple and metallic paints.


Also not wanting to jump on to a HQ model after a year break, I decided yesterday to paint up a Sons of Horus marine. 
I had this model laying around for god knows how long, he looks a bit like a SOH so had a go at the scheme.

He came out quite a bit darker than I wanted, but its a start.

Will be painting up some Reavers and Terminators in SOH Colours as well as my EC. My pledge this month is still a EC centurion, hope to have some WIP up later today. 



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