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Casual 30k Hobby Challenge. Month 1


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Teeny tiny update from me, my praetor is in its first stage of build, no doubt ill change my mind 4 times before it gets some paint lol the rest of my CCW support squad are mostly modelled just waiting on weapon choices/conversions but alas im house sitting for the parents so no PC means no pics :(
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Ok little update, so I have my centurion ready to paint, but then I got a package from Chaplain Mortis. I had agreed to buy his Iron Hands, it was the first time I had brought already painted models before, as I generally advocate painting your own stuff, but the opportunity was there and they are really nice. I also got a bunch or resin to play with. As I placed them on my 'hobby' shelf in my part time man cave, part time spare room, i was captivated by this:


(again I want to make it clear, this was painted by Chaplain Mortis, not by me)

I was captivated. So I have changed my plans for the army. I am going to go breacher heavy. Chaplain Mortis provided me with 10 more breachers already made, so I am just going to add a vexilia and get painting. The guys above will get a few little touches just to tie them in to my style of painting. And I am going to make a new Praetor/Iron Farther, although in my army he will be the Iron Captain and thus second in command.


So to sum up, I will be working on 10xbreachers, a few touches on the already painted 10 and a Praetor.

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@Demon...say..they some nice models hahaha. ..really like your idea for breacher heavy! And gonna be good to see what you come up with for your iron captain.


@Brother captain lucian...if you have that contemptor, we need pics!


Not quite what I pledged...but waiting for paint to be delivered and really wanted to try this scheme, also gives me a chance to try out photography with a different background..












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@Demon...say..they some nice models hahaha. ..really like your idea for breacher heavy! And gonna be good to see what you come up with for your iron captain.


@Brother captain lucian...if you have that contemptor, we need pics!


Not quite what I pledged...but waiting for paint to be delivered and really wanted to try this scheme, also gives me a chance to try out photography with a different background..















Nice, what colours did you use to get that blue?

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Thats a great colour Captain Mortis, and the weathering is great. Are you going to be sticking with them or will I have to buy those off you to ;)


I have started on my Iron Farther, but taking it slow as I want him to be awesome, plus I have started to put together my first distraction - a Imperial Fist terminator test model.

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Cheers for the replies guys!

Quite happy with how that has turned out...the Mrs thinks its too bright...like 80's pop video bright lol..


@Zedmeister...its a mix of green and blue...50/50..will have to dig out the paints and check which ones..thanks


@Brother captain lucian...hurry up with those pics mate haha


@Demon..cheers mate..still not sure which legion lol...might be keeping you in models for awhile haha


@Fire golem...proud of you brother! Ravenguard rock


@Frostmourne...good to see you back..thought you went A.W.O.L lol

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Well my monthly vow is going to be failed. Not happy. However I took holiday for my birthday and my wife put the fam on a plane and we flew to family in the UK. Got to go to Warhammer world! Happy about that though

Did you get to meet our lord and savior (at least for 30k lol) Alan Bligh!?

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So my work/life balance goes a lot more towards work for a week, and I can only stick my head in occasionally. I come back, and all of a sudden I don't have any likes left.

This is seriously great stuff everyone. There's a really high standard of work in this thread, and I can truly say I'm looking forward to more!

I've been waiting for some bases to come in for my Red Butchers, so I made a start on Angron yesterday, and made much more progress than I thought I would. I took this photo at about 11pm last night, so please forgive the poor quality (taken on the spices shelf in my kitchen), because I realised I'd gotten so into it that I'd not taken any pictures yet.


This is obviously only the base colours at this stage, with similar drybrushing of the armour to match my Red Butchers, but I'm pretty happy with him so far.

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He looks pretty badass bud, loving the base :)


And a slight update from me. I have finally finished my first ever world eater marine, hehe but unfortunately im stuck at work all day so unless i figure out how to post pics from my phone it'll have to wait till i get time tonight :(

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sorry about the double post wouldn't let me edit my previous 1 O.o

but anyway i have FINALLY regained access to a PC so here is my first painted World Eater and a pic of the current incarnation of my Devourer captain? (termy praetor unsure how he'd fit into WE organisation lol)

so here ya go lemme know what you think, think i may have slightly over done the blood and the pics arnt the best had to take them at work on my phone sad.png




Edit: I got bored so erm well...... this happened lol

"Ahh the XIIth bringing knifes to gun fights since M30"

source: Unknown legionnaire LVIco XII legion designated World Eaters


jus bodged together in 2min the left arms just a place holder till i can get back home to my full bits box smile.png

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Decided to FINALLY put together my Severin Loth & Honor Guard, still testing out paint schemes so this is just grey plastic / resin. 

For the Marine with the MK VI helm, I derped out and completely forgot that I had Grey Knight helms laying about....oh well, still looks good.

Might use them more as Squad Sergeants since that's how I modeled them (power Fists and Power Axes, the apoths weapon is there for variations sake but its a power sword rules wise).














Don't actually know if I'll use them all as IF since I haven't used the IF upgrade kits yet....Will see later on.

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I'll join in =)


My first months pledge is to finish my land raider mkIIb for my death guard force (with interrior). Haven't done much on him last week, thats his current state:





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Hail brothers, i come before you to throw my self on the mercy of greater minds!!


Basically i dont own or have access to the FW HH books so with that in mind.... What the hell would i call my world eaters termi praetor? Lol centurion? Captain?

I know i could technically call him what ever the hell i wanted to but wanted to try my hand at some fluff/back grounds for the lads of the 56th assault company so wanted as accurate start as i could (forgive the nubness i dont game so 70 for a rule book seemed a tad much let alone 2 of em hehe)

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