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@Brother Tyrax: Thanks for the kind words; the loyalists will indeed follow the same scheme as the dreads - blue with cream shoulder guards and silver detailing. Should have some photos up by the weekend.


Loving your Marines Malevolent, by the way. :smile.:

I look forward to seeing them!


Thank you very much for the compliment. I am eager to see what you will do with this dual force in future. 

Hey folks, just a quick update with the almost completed tacticals:

Regular Marines:


Special Weapon Carriers:


Missile Launcher and Auspex:


Squad markings and chapter symbols will be in crimson.

As ever, all comments are appreciated; thanks for looking!

Hey folks, just a quick update with the almost completed tacticals:

Special Weapon Carriers:


Squad markings and chapter symbols will be in crimson.

As ever, all comments are appreciated; thanks for looking!

I really like your models and colour scheme.

I +1 the drilling out of bolter barrels.

I especially like your invisible Special Weapons.

Hey folks, thanks for all the kind words, I'll drill the barrels soon, must have forgotten on these guys!

The special weapons are magnetised and very almost completed:



As ever, thanks for looking, all comments are appreciated. :smile.:

Hey folks, finished the tactical marines, barring the chapter symbol, though I'm gonna get some more freehand practice before I tackle that.



I've also got a preview of my next project for the Gordian Sons:


Picked these guys up for a fiver on eBay!

As ever, thanks for looking, all comments are appreciated. :smile.:

@deathspectersgt7: I was planning on a wash as it adds more depth, but I'm unsure what colour, I'm worried black would damage the light shade of the robes.


Should have the second guy up tonight or tomorrow, thanks for the kind words. :smile.:

Hey folks, hope everyone's having a great Christmas, just thought I'd show this year's Christmas reinforcements:


Also got the Chaos side of Dark Vengeance, so that'll be popping up at one point or another.

On that note, are scratch-built vehicles (cardstock, plasticard, etc) allowed on here? As that's where the etched brass is heading and I'd love to share some of my renegade armoured divisions.

Thanks for looking. :smile.:

Hey folks, the Warriors of Mayhem had a quick outing today, was fighting against 2000 points of Guard; expected an easy slaughter despite using a slightly iffy list.

As expected, there were no survivors, however it was the servants of Slaanesh who lay defeated....

Not all bad though, had a great match and very nearly pulled things back in the last turn, also learned some valuable lessons.

Unit of the match was definitely my Lord, armed with a power sword and plasma pistol, he single-handedly killed 53 guardsmen and immobilised a chimera.

Lord with two remaining chosen surrounded by guardsmen, chimeras and more...


Alas, the Lord is laid low, leaving only a chimera and vanquisher in his wake...


As ever, thanks for looking, should have some more stuff up by the weekend. :smile.:

Some kind of suitable trophy required for that i'm sure! Invest in a set of washes, or ebay older ones. I live by badab black, asurmen blue and gryphonne sepia having mostly full pots of each. Will help you no end, especially as you are getting nice solid colours.

A trophy? Daemon-hood?


...Cantek Tor pulled himself up from the blasted earth, smoke clung to the battlefield whilst a carpet of Cadian corpses lined the ground. Rising he noted the last droplets of blood draining into his sabre, sizzling as they were absorbed by the hungry blade.

"Three score souls sacrificed upon my blade, oh Dark Prince," he intoned "May they dance forever in your claws." As the prayer left his lips, his armour began to glow; centuries-old ceramite encased in a daemonic aura. Great gouges left by the heat of the multilaser were filled in, vast craters left from thunderous autocannons healed, fresh material running like wax as his body pulsed in time to his master's energies.

"Time could heal these wounds, artificers could repair my shields. Hundreds I have slain for you, oh mighty Prince. Where is my reward?"

Red claws of fire raked his flank.

"Recant your blasphemy oh Great Cantek, slayer of Cadians, your reward will be of his choosing and only he may say when it will come. Has he not already marked you for greatness? Has he not already showered you with blessings? Do you need more, oh prideful one?"

Driven to his knees by the speaker's words, Tor turned to look at his assailant. The lash caught his skin once more.

"Perhaps this blessing will be more than you can stand." Mocked the lithe figure who's silhouette blocked all else from Tor's view.

"What are you?" He rasped, anger rising...

"Why, your one true banner-man, who else... My liege..."


Introducing Algrath Man-Flayer, One True Banner-Man of the Exalted Cantek Tor, Great Servant of Slaanesh:


As ever, thanks for looking, all comments appreciated. :smile.:

Hey folks, literally just finished my renegade armour that I mentioned the other day, so here I present an Exterminator (Command) and Conqueror.





Not too bad for what was once some cereal boxes, if I may say so myself!

Should have another finished librarian and the beginning of some renegade infantry/cultists soon.

As ever, all comments are appreciated, thanks for looking. :smile.:

Hey folks, thanks for the kind words; as to the plasticard, I think I'll keep in regular card for the time being as I'm just getting into this side of the hobby. I'm also unsure as to the cost of plasticard?

I'm in the progress of a couple of Hellblades that might be appearing in a couple of days too, so keep posted for that.

Anyways, just finished another librarian and shaded the first:



Also started work on the next two librarians:


As ever, all comments are appreciated, thanks for looking!


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