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Hey guys...room for one more?


Currently collecting heresy era iron warriors...with a bias towards dreads


6th Grand Company... 31st Grand Battalion


Also in the Etl...half way through second vow :-)


More pics can be found in my oft updated blog: (probably pg8 onwards)


Wow, that's quite a big army you're having there - impressive! Do you have close-ups of your superheavy and your HQs? I'd really love to see those in more detail :smile.:

Sorry no close ups of the shadowsword, but champions and HQ are no problem.


Firstly the eternal WIP that is the warsmith of the 13th grand company, Started this guy way back and am pretty tempted to strip him and start again as my painting has gotten way better since.




Lieutenant Huron Ironheart.




Lieutenant Abarax, Warpsmith. I wanted to come up with another title for him, as I think warpsmith is too close to warsmith, any suggestions?



And some Champions:










Welcome to the IW here on the B&C! :smile.:  Nice Army you got there! :thumbsup:  Keep pics, fluff and/or battle reports coming, we're happy for everything. You can put it right here, or you can of course start an army log.

Cheers. Its pretty sweet to find such an active topic on the greatest legion.


I love that Contemptor with the Imperial Fist being destroyed! How did you do the banding on the Contemptor itself?

The banding is done by hand with a putty called procreate, it's like green stuff but grey. I find it does sharp lines better and is easier to file. The rivets are scale rivets from a train company called titchy trains.

If the forum rules allow it I can post my blog at dakka where I have way more pictures and all the WIPs from my projects


Ratking: beautiful army and models, mate!

Thanks, no sign of slowing down either.

Ratking - Iron Warriors are looking really cool :D


I should be update the first post with new IV memeber & there warbands/grand company.  Also to say, anyone who starting Dark Mechanicus or know any cool armies feel free post link over here




The new Warhammer Vision going to show some of John Blanche own Mechanicus army which will be pretty cool & inspiring for conversion.


Also how everyone getting on with ETL?


Champion Dragos







3x Terminators that will be part of his squad










Since then - Champion got a lot more paint, hopeful finish painting tomorrow.  Both Dreadnought have there arm glue on & the more painted one nearly finish.  Hopeful get the Dread & Champion varnish.  Then next week start painting the second Dreadnought.


Then it just my Lord.

Also my 5th Grand Company might possible get another Knight added to there Ranks.  Just trying think of somthing really cool for this model.  I know I want to use the IW transfer once Forge World release them.  Also make use of the new Chapter upgrade spure for trophies.

Then have this as a Warlord when I use the knight as a stand alone army.



On another note - Has anyone read Ironfire short story.  Any key point/spolier & any info on Warsmith Idriss Krendel?


nice bit of filler, also includes those siege engines gifted to perturabo by the lion


this new 40k novel is also relevant, if you read the extract





On another note - Has anyone read Ironfire short story.  Any key point/spolier & any info on Warsmith Idriss Krendel?


nice bit of filler, also includes those siege engines gifted to perturabo by the lion


this new 40k novel is also relevant, if you read the extract




Yes I saw the book on Saturday & hopeful going to pick up my copy this weekend.


Any info you can give on Ironfire?  Just seen nothing on it so far & be cool find out a little bit about it & most all Warsmith Idriss.


  • 3 weeks later...
*Hopefully IP doesn't mind me using the 5th as a little portion of my war bands fluff* 

      I, Warsmith Demetrios, would like to personally introduce you the my honored, vaunted warriors of the 25h Grand Company                                            The Iron Warriors 25th Grand Company



            Commander: Warsmith Demetrios




Estimated Strength: 1000 Astartes operating alongside the Warsmith at any given time (skeletal force of 200 left behind on Medrengard on rotation to guard any holdings and keeps), several Dark Mechanicum elements, innumerable mortal military assets organized into a military force known as the “Steel Sons”




Base of Operations: Space Hulk vessel Gorgophone and the Mirekeep on Medrengard.




Sub-Groups/Cults: Inquisitorial records from past millennia suggest that amongst the 25th Grand Company there seems to be a slight split in the way worship of the Archenemy is conducted. It seems that the overwhelming majority of marines within the warband have served since the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, and many of them were recruited directly from the Iron Warriors original home world of Olympia. Testimonies extracted from mortal serfs of these warriors encourage the idea that the rituals and practices of worship amongst many of these warriors are strongly similar to a blending of pre-Imperial Olympian religious practices hybridized with daemon world culture. As such, the painting/etching of daemonic runes, and ancient constellations meant to evoke dark power on their power armor is commonplace. However later recruits, almost exclusively from more savage daemon worlds, see such organized worship as foolish and pointless. To them, the only way to honor the Gods is to send to them the screaming souls of their enemies. There is rarely any conflict between these two subgroups, apart from the instigation of hostilities mainly caused by the terminator champion known as “The Beast”.




Interactions with other Grand Companies/Legions: holds a “friendly” rivalry with the 5th Grand Company of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, the latent hostilities of which only being held in check by Demetrios and Riddick’s lieutenants when operating together. Deep mistrust and hostility towards the Emperor’s Children. Passing association with warbands from many of the other traitor legions, both friendly and hostile.




Attitude: Demetrios seems to see himself as a builder of a new order. He hopes to help in the building of a new Imperium under the banner of Chaos after Abaddon has led the final Black Crusade against Terra.




Quotes by members of the 25th -




             “ I’ve never been one to take more enjoyment in tearing down our Grandfather’s Imperium as opposed to building something much more beautiful from the ashes.”


                        - Warsmith Demetrios to Black Legionnaire Kraelor, Lord of the Drael-Eshja’hk




            “My Warsmith and gene-brother never gave up on me. Khor’ghal would’ve consumed my soul had Demetrios not led the raid that acquired the Iron Heart. Now I am in control of my daemon, and I can march alongside my brother once more.”


-                    Possessed Lord Aeron, gene-brother to Warsmith Demetrios and leader of the Iron Hounds possessed pack




“Bring me a portion of the captives will you? I go through test subject oh so quickly, and my children do get ever so hungry.”


-                    Arch-Heretek Dresdon of the Torn Shroud




“Liquid metal will choke you’re lungs, clog you’re veins, leak through you’re eyes. And me? I will be their to rip all the secrets from you’re mind as it happens.”


-                    Sorcerer Lord Irimaz the “Metallurgist”






-                    The Beast commencing a sanctioned ritual of burning in the name of The Gods and Demetrios.




“The Beasts have a purpose my lord, no one is denying that or their skill in combat, but how can we fill the Gorgophone with slaves or newbloods when they kill as much as any World Eater?”


-                    Terminator Champion Alexon, leader of the Iron Talon Terminator squad




“ He sees the future in everything. Our Lord isn’t a madman who just murders mortals like some of the others. He knows without mortals there is no new Imperium, or newbloods, or means of powering the meat grinder we are. He’s shared his vision with us, and I’d gladly die a million times over to see it come to fruition.”


            -           Unnamed Steel Son.                                 





*Hopefully IP doesn't mind me using the 5th as a little portion of my war bands fluff* 


Yes that ok/great :biggrin.:  Background looking really cool, do you have any photos of your Iron Warriors force? :biggrin.:


Also though I show Siege Knight I'm currently convert up for my Iron Warriors




Still a few parts to convert/waiting for.  Then it waiting for the Iron Warriors transfer before I can add further battle damage & weather powder to my model.


Also just notice it been 7 months since my Iron Warriors last saw battle in a event.  Just waiting for a Throne of Skulls to be annouce later on this year & just be great get back down to Warhammer World.

I have a question do iron warriors use bikes and assault marines at all? Some guy in ny local store claims they dont but i have never read anywhere they dont



They most certainly do use Assault marines.


Read the Space Marines battle novel- 'Siege of Castellax' it features an Iron Warrior assault squad.












Just finished this fella, will happily use him in 30K and with my 40K force :)

I have a question do iron warriors use bikes and assault marines at all? Some guy in ny local store claims they dont but i have never read anywhere they dont


Just quick note to say - Yes Iron Warriors do hace Bike units.  Raven's Flight audio talk about a Iron Warriors group with Predators, Land Raider & a unit of Biker that scounting for this armour company




Perry - That really cool :D

Does anyone have any decent ideas for making spawn fit into an iron warriors theme? Less mutate-y and more mechanical. I'm considering looking into some of the mechanicum range, like the kataphron, but I feel like they mightn't be chaos-y enough. It seems finding the right balance is difficult.

Does anyone have any decent ideas for making spawn fit into an iron warriors theme? Less mutate-y and more mechanical. I'm considering looking into some of the mechanicum range, like the kataphron, but I feel like they mightn't be chaos-y enough. It seems finding the right balance is difficult.

I've been using Skaven Rat Ogres as a base for my spawn and added additional mutations, cables and armour plates to 40k-ify them:



In the background of my army they're the poor sods who have to care for the demon engines, e.g. chaining them again after each battle. We can all imagine what a :cussty job that's got to be... ;-)

Does anyone have any decent ideas for making spawn fit into an iron warriors theme? Less mutate-y and more mechanical. I'm considering looking into some of the mechanicum range, like the kataphron, but I feel like they mightn't be chaos-y enough. It seems finding the right balance is difficult.

The kataphrons would make great spawn conversion bases, I think. The price of the kits is unpleasant, but the modeling possibilities are well themed for IW.

Does anyone have any decent ideas for making spawn fit into an iron warriors theme? Less mutate-y and more mechanical. I'm considering looking into some of the mechanicum range, like the kataphron, but I feel like they mightn't be chaos-y enough. It seems finding the right balance is difficult.


Have you though about the Renegade Ogryn (as another chose), try convert them with a few bionic from the new Mechanicus models & add Obliterator style virus on them?



Has any of the IV Legion or anyone read Tech Priest novel yet that was release a few week ago?  What it the novel like?  I'll try pick up a copy soon.




When I saw the post I ended up swearing really loud that the train stastion.  Then as soon as I get home town, ended up run from the stastion here to my home, push all those in my way just get to my lap top.

A friend going to pick him up for me.  Just saying they knew as soon as they saw this I'd want to add the Lord of Iron to my collection!!!!

The only thing is................ he need a Strength D warhound model titan :D

I'm looking forward to this & waiting to hear from my friend during the day on the model & when to met up with them during the week.

If anyone attend the Forge World open day on Sunday or see anything Iron Warriors related please feel free post them here.  While I'm not going, I am looking forward to the day it self & seen all the cool preview & general cool hobby.


I should know by Sunday after the event what happing, then it to arrange a day to pick up the Lord of Iron & give my friend the money toward the model.


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