Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 14, 2016 Author Share Posted March 14, 2016 During the weekend there, I took part in Throne of Skulls March: Carnage in Warhammer World. It was a really great weekend, with great games, seen really cool armies, seen really cool display again & buying new models. For Throne of Skulls I chose to take down two unbound armies with me. - Terminators: This has been a force I've been planning for a while to use in a Throne of Skulls. When I saw March, I knew right away I'd use this as my deadline to get my Terminator force complete. This saw me getting the Siege Breacher theme unit painted during past few days before attending the event. - Knights: I'd just bought my fifth Chaos Knight & though I'd take a unbound Chaos Knight force with me as well. This also give me a deadline to complete the new model. Also I really enjoy building & painting the Knights, there some of the best models & the video by Games Workshop on youtube really inspring (sp?) Overall, it was remind me of Storm of Iron. In fact when the Knight was annouce few year ago (already said in the update back then) I was just reading the Titan battle scene in the Storm of Iron novel. So here the Knight I was painting during the second finial week before Throne of Skulls. He was finish on Monday? Just I wanted to try keep all the finish models as a suprise when going to the event. I also spent Monday adding the Forge World soot weather powder onto the engines to help further add that theme as been part of the Iron Warriors Legion. Siege Breacher Terminators that where painted in the days led up to Throne of Skulls. Autocannon arm Terminator who was part of Lord Narach unit of bodyguards, Then I pick up this lot during the event - Bloodletter: I'm wanting to start my Daemons again. I'm also going to use a few unit of Bloodletter for summon when I try out my Chaos Knights with the Daemonkin codex, thanks Midnight runner for that idea & will be really cool theme/background. I'm going to use the Chaos vs Ultramarine display for idea for painting the Bloodletter. But yes, keep a eye out for Daemons in the future. - Kytan: Since seen the model during last year Warhammer World re-grand open been preview & on the Chaos vs Ultramarine display. I've been wanting to add the Kytan to my force. But I've had a lot of other hobby to get done or money needd for other things.Since Warhammer World has a brand new Forge World store & with the model been in stock, I though it would be time to add the model sooner than later. For Throne of Skulls I had a lot of great games. I got a grudge match against my friend Rich & his Tau, dispite going to Throne of Skulls event for past while we've never really gotten a game until Saturday. Really fun game & Rich shown me that Tau are just as good in combat as they are as a gun line force that there normal know for. Then grudge match against Dave & his Mechanicus. I battle against Dave during Throne of Skulls Sept, against his Imperial Fist force & there was a lot of epic moment, real fun game. So we've got our grudge game sorted for a re-match. Talking during the event, we've planned to try link any future games together to try forge a background & theme which will be pretty cool. The Mechanicus trophies I have on my Iron Warriors force will be theme on Dave force. This is why I like attending event - Getting great games & seen cool armies. Throne of Skulls is how I enjoy the gaming side of the hobby/event wise. While I'm not all to keen on ETC or more hardcore events, other like it & I have no issue, end of the day it all about find what you enjoy in the hobby. My Iron Warriors where also up for Army Nominee, along with both really cool Chaos Marine force (see below) & Space Marine force which won the Best army award in the end. It was really tough, as there where another 8 or 9 armies on the list, but only three armies where going onto display due to space. They where all really cool & again, I like going to Throne of Skulls events to see other people armies, it great seen fully painted armies that a event. There a lot of really great ideas & while I may not collect say - Tau, there idea there I can use on a current force. Everyone who attended Throne of Skulls March got maelstorm cards just for this event. There really fun & reward aggressive play style I'm looking forward to trying these cards out in future games against my friends. Then my army set up after Round 1. When my Knight was enter into the tank painting comp during Saturday lunch time. Here the Lava Chaos Marine force that was also up for Army nominee, there Kytan won the Tank comp & I belive they won Beasy as well for there Bloodthister. It a really cool force & shame I never got much time to talk to Alex until near the end of the event when everyone where getting the result sheets. Here the game against Dave Mechanicus with Blood Angels allies. Then the Chaos vs Ultramarine display. This is my favrout, I always enjoy seen this display when going to Warhammer World since they where all brought in last year during the update. Ever time I've went to see the display there always somthing I've never notice before. As always it great to check out for idea's. As said I'm currently adding Bloodletter to my Iron Warriors. Same with the Kytan. There still a lot more photos from Throne of Skulls that are been sorted out. Just really tired as I've just arrive home during today after 6 hours travel by train & been up since 5.50am. So tomorrow going to be spent recovering & depend how I am, I'll try get the Bloodletter built, as well as get the resin part for Kytan washed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phatsquirre1 Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 Hey everyone, I just managed to find my way back on to B&C, and I'm glad I did, this thread is awesome. I started collecting my Iron Warriors after Angel Exterminatus- It showed me a side of the IVth I had never thought about before, and combined with a newfound addiction to Resin, birthed my 3500 point legion force. Anyways, here we go for my Legion Entry: The 52nd Grand Battalion (Reconnaissance) Warsmith: Tol'haryn Vyl (Acting) Location: The Salient Cluster, Segementum Ultima Currently, The 52nd Grand Battalion is fighting the forces of the Warmaster in the Salient Cluster, pitting themselves against Sol Jakre's Word Bearers for control of the cluster's worlds. Having suffered heavy casualties during the evacuation of Auror, the Battalion, under Warsmith Tol'haryn Vyl, is refitting and rearming- centralizing and fortifying the worlds of the Icarian Reach in anticipation of the coming conflict. Vyrr Tactical Warsmith Tol'haryn Vyl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calas Typhon Posted March 19, 2016 Share Posted March 19, 2016 As late as it is I suppose I should introduce myself considering I am a quite the IVth Legion fan (which is a bit of an understatement). I have been lurking this thread for about a year, long before creating an account, yet never got round to jumping in. I am in the process of obtaining a few more pieces before getting down and dirty with painting/sculpting and basing and I will edit this post with the pile of resin sitting by my computer for this project as well as the thread that I will be logging my progress with. I have a lot of fluff, plans and details for my Grand Company already in place, however it has just been down to waiting for everything to be perfect for painting. As it is so close (within the next two weeks), I would like to introduce my Cohort before I actually introduce my Cohort in their own thread. + CDVIII Cohort + (or the 408th Grand Company) I have been a fan of the Iron Warriors for a very long time and have had plenty of time to plan and design my Cohort/Grand Company. I am a big fan of 30k Iron Warriors partially due to my liking of Perturabo. However as of this year I have decided to look past the 30k setting and push on past them and past the scouring and into the years beyond and the time in the Warp. The Cohort will be led by Warsmith Minos, from the landing on Isstvan V up to the 13th Black Crusade. They are a Siege Company designed for zone mortalis, unforgiving garrison defense and bloody Forlorn Hopes, you know, what you expect from the IVth. The majority of the Fluff I have starts from the final stages of the Heresy and through the Scouring up until the self destruction of Olympia. I will have two separate designed unit halves for the Olympian defense era, some corrupted by Chaos or descending into bloodlust and others similar to how we see the early Iron Warriors in the Horus Heresy era. Now some of the new fluff I am writing as I type this is focusing on what happens after that. They will be seperated, unable to get to Medrengard due to either not knowing where it is, or getting lost in the Warp. Long story short, they are going to wipe out the more unstable elements of the cohort, turn 100% more robotic and go back to the disciplined force they once were, away from the Legion, but not apart from it and not free of the rule of the Lord of Iron. They will become mercenaries for hire, paid in blood and munitions. Small Edit: I have a small backstory to the legion written up here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 11, 2016 Author Share Posted April 11, 2016 Iron Circle models will be pre-release that Warhammer Fest. Check out Forge World blog!!! Warhammer Fest is on May 14th & 15th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hopkins Posted April 13, 2016 Share Posted April 13, 2016 #wipwednesday lord of iron, please give me the strength to finish this 3rd and final maulerfiend Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted April 13, 2016 Share Posted April 13, 2016 That is truly a grizzly beast - let it tear down the walls of the servants of the false emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 13, 2016 Author Share Posted April 13, 2016 Hopkins the Maulerfiend looking really cool. I'm hoping when the codex get updated that we do see squad for Maulerfiend. Just somthing about that & for Iron Warriors I think be really cool.One thing I'd like to run is a unbound list with Chaos Knight with Maulerfiend, seen them like hunting hounds type thing. Iron_Within point out that the 2nd ed Codex Chaos Space Marines will be 20 years - July when I check out White Dwarf 199. Will any fellow Iron Warriors hobbiest be planning any?I think for ETL I've got a Khorne Chaos Marine with Icon I'm going to paint for my Daemonkin. He a model I've been mean to buy for years & gutted I never got him during all time he'd been on sale. But just pick up one recent & should be arrive over the next few days. Dos recently said to me that he's got a 2nd ed era Metal Chaos Dreadnought, so once a few thing are sorted. This should be join my force & along side the other four I've already got. Just really like the model. Was great re-painting & adding the orignaly one I bought back 2001 to my current Iron Warriors force. My orignaly one from 2001 Also as said on Monday Forge World just annouce these great models will be pre-release that Warhammer Fest in May. I'm going to try talk to someone I know who planning on going to this event & see if they can that least pick me up one. Like the Lord of Iron, just want to have the Iron Circle model there, it Iron Warriors & it look cool that the main reason Depend scale for the model, maybe use for future conversion. One a Siege theme Dreadnought. Just spent today painting the Kytan. I pick up the model during Throne of Skulls March last month. It been a model I've been meaning to add for a while. So seen the Chaos vs Ultramarine display & then Alex version for his lava Chaos theme force. I ended up pick the model on Saturday after round 1.But gutted that he ended up with two left legs, but that got sorted & why delay after waiting two weeks & then spend the past few weeks getting Bloodletter fully painted. Some reason he remind me of The Mountian from Game of Thrones. Next to the Lord of Skulls model I painted back in 2013. Beside my Iron Warriors. Currently looking on starting a Daemonkin force, already have with the Khorne Daemon side. Just inspired by the Chaos vs Ultramarine display from Warhammer World & Khorne my favrout Chaos god. Then, as said above there with 20 year since the 2nd ed Codex Chaos was release. Black Legion where my first 40k army when I started the hobby & what got me to join Chaos. My reason for collecting Chaos Marines are the same today as they where 20 year ago - Converting models, cool art work & great background. So I'm going look into doing brand new Black Legion force carry on the history & glory of my first force. My Black Legion lord was my first ever conversion as well - from 1996 when I was ten year old Pretty much both warbands will be join up with my Iron Warriors - Daemonkin theme around Warhammer World display, took heavy loss & looking for help/oath, etc.... From the World Eater Legion & the Lord & veteran Battle Brother fought along side my 5th Grand Company during the Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Legion Wars, etc... - Black legion, base on my first force. See them been sent by Abaddon with the led up to the 13th Black Crusade to make sure set mission are done/goes his way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hopkins Posted April 13, 2016 Share Posted April 13, 2016 Maulerfiend squadrons are badly needed. I have something like 7 choices for heavy support now, but that new Black Legion formation of a Warpsmith + 2 'Fiends will help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goodwin Posted April 16, 2016 Share Posted April 16, 2016 Goodwin has returned to the grim dark future! As with any time I get back into playing a game, I started with a modest purchase! I preordered the Renegade Knight game because any Warsmith worth his salt should have his own knight or two. Insane Psycopath - The Brothers Khorne there look mighty bad ass. I hope I can peel some inspiration off of those to make my incoming knights look half as good! I really dig the blood splatches on the Lord of Skulls where it looks like he either bashed some poor sucker against his own chest or drove over them. I'll try and get some painting done soon that's worth posting! Edit: I keep staring at that Kytan too. Such good work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague Angel Posted April 16, 2016 Share Posted April 16, 2016 I just saw that Iron Circle picture earlier. Is it an actual model or a conversion? EDIT: Found the other pictures, answered my own question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 17, 2016 Share Posted April 17, 2016 IP!! That Kytan is looking awesome. But... WHY did you not wait for the ETL to paint it!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goodwin Posted April 24, 2016 Share Posted April 24, 2016 Goodwin's return wasn't a lie! My first offerings - may even shoot to enter that painting thing on the website. Biker Lord of Fists Biker Sorcerer Neither one particularly amazing. The sorcerer especially is pretty trashy, but I don't do much greenstuffing. It helps having WAY too many pieces of armies but no actual armies finished. The Biker Lord is made up of; space marine bike, chaos marine body, FW claw/fist/shoulder pad, Maggoth Lord shoulder pad and fies (had extras since I got three of them :/), sorcerer lord backpack, Blightking gut-tentacle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 24, 2016 Share Posted April 24, 2016 Welcome back goodwin! It's awesome that you're into the hobby again. We'd love to see your pics but it's better to post them in your post instead of just linking to them. If you have any trouble doing that, Pm me, I'll explain how. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goodwin Posted April 25, 2016 Share Posted April 25, 2016 Sorry for that, fixed the images! I've been looking around online for tips on magnetizing Imperial Knights. I've found a lot on how to do the weapons, but can't find any specifics on magnetizing the waist. I thought it'd be more convenient to have it magnetized. I saw some instructions on making like a washer type weird set up but that seems too complex for me! Any tips on what size magnet you used for the waist? Speaking of Knights! I'm going to end up with three. Even though I've only played three games of 40k yet, surely I'll use those knights one day! I'm thinking of doing - one as fully Iron Warriors painted, one as Dark Mechanicus and one as more of a pirate style dude. My thinking is that renegade pilots are probably more self-fish and singularly thinking then imperials as its probably hard to get properly outfitted. So I can't see an actual group of them hanging out for long without killing each other. I thought having ones that looked distinctly different from each other would also be a bit more interesting on the table top. Maybe I don't have the confidence in my budding Warsmith that would state that he has the resources to boss around three knights :p Also, in Storm of Iron I thiiink the titans that are hanging out with Honsu were kind of all individualistic and such, right? I could be wrong here, its been awhile. I'm fairly new to the Imperial Knight lore and still rusty on 40k in general! What are your guys thoughts, or plans? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 1, 2016 Author Share Posted May 1, 2016 Goodwin - The Knight model should be stable with out magnets the waist. I had no issue with the first Knight models I built. With the Renegade Knight set. I'm building one up as a Paladin, so this will give my Knight collection - 2 Knight with Battle Cannon, 3 Knight with Metla, then I've got a Combat Knight. The other knight from the set, I'm wanting to give up some gear that is unique to the Renegade Knight, so two shooting arm/weapons. Not quite sure what I want to go with, it was ether going to be two Battle Cannon or two Gattling guns as I've also got the autocannon left over from a Fiend model. I'll see near the time when building the model. Painted versio of the Iron Circle model from Forge World I'm hoping to get that least one of these models from Warhammer Fest, few my friends are going & I've ask if there able to get one for me. He will ether be Chaos contemptor (?) dreadnought from armour 13: Lost & the Damned. Or my friends will let me use the rule for them from the Horus Heresy, end of the day they know me as a oppent. That the Kytan all finish & just in time for game against my friend Black Templars (I hate useing painted models in games). Was really suprise, I think overall he'd take out 2x Imperial Knight, 2x Templar squads & then by Hammer of Wrath taken out the last Centurion model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron_Within Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Do you think the Iron Circle would be okay to use as Maulerfiends in 40k? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Hell yeah! Any reason to see them on the table is just fine. They look so damn good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burias-Drak'shal Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Do love the old style chaos dreadnought Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 3, 2016 Author Share Posted May 3, 2016 Hell yeah! Any reason to see them on the table is just fine. They look so damn good. Agree. Just quickly ask - Has anyone ever built a Warhound titan & how have you found it? Just I maybe getting a Warhound Titan for my birthday this year. While I've got lot cool Forge World models. I know I didn't have the best experience with a Storm Eagle (for someone else) model & needless to say I'm never building one of them ever again. Just the Chaos Warhound look really cool & is one of the main models I check when seen the Warhammer World Chaos vs Ultramarine display. But if it going be a lot hassle. Might just try use the money for that to pay toward another trip to Warhammer World. I'm not quite sure, as said just wanted to find out how other found building the Warhound Titan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 Black Library just posted about The Beast Arises series, book 6 which will feature the IV Legion.I've not really read any of the Beast Arises series (to much about the Imperial Fist right now ). How are they? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 Their appearance in TBA series has mostly revolved around a smaller sub-plot story arc. There's been little about them so far, and whilst they could easily be swapped for most other Traitor Legions, it has made for a few memorable moments. Probably worth a read, but better in context of the series: the series itself is fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hopkins Posted May 12, 2016 Share Posted May 12, 2016 no spoilers, but their inclusion is just to provide a foil against the imperial fists successor chapters. no major characters or anything Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 16, 2016 Author Share Posted May 16, 2016 Iron Circle model from the Warhammer Fest topic over on rumour Wasn't really sure where to put this, but Lil Legends Studio posted a pic on FB of the Iron Circle, and it's pretty damn big! Not sure if it's been posted already, apologies if so. £52 seems a lot more reasonable now: I should be getting my two models on Wed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted May 16, 2016 Share Posted May 16, 2016 Very nice IP. I can't wait to see your take on them. Love your models and your thread. Is anyone entering the ETL this year? I am, and I'm hoping we can retain our crown for a third year. The event is now in it's 5th year, and we are the only faction to have consecutive and multiple wins (we've won 2 out of four so far). We can only continue our reign as ETL champions if people sign up and pledge their allegiance to the great cause that is Chaos. I'm hoping to see some names from here added. Perturabo demands it . But seriously if you can vow, please do so. From a single model to an entire Grand Battalion, your vow will help crush those Imperial dogs beneath our boots. Plus, it's great motivation for painting up any models you may have stashed away that need the brush treatment. Please follow the link below if you are interested in joining: Best of luck guys, and to those involved, may the IV Legion reign well in this years ETL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted May 17, 2016 Share Posted May 17, 2016 Another ETL, another year I've vowed for my Sororitas instead. Also another year I will make an out of competition vow to my fellow Warsmiths. So here in this thread will I paint and present three Predator tanks in the colours of our beloved Iron Warriors to help encourage the IV Legion fraters with their official vows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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