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So, I though this was purely a painting thread, which was why I've avoided it thus far. I have 2 BA events of note.

Two weeks ago, I challenged one of the best players at my FLGS to get an idea of where I was, skill-wise.

Two games, Maelstrom, 1500 points. First game, I stomped him so hard that he quit Turn 2 and asked for a rematch. Game 2, he wins by one point, though we've mauled each other. Highlight of that game was that a lone CC scout got into a duel with one of his neophytes. Technically, it ended in a draw, but we continued after the game was over. The fight lasted another 5 turns before the two killed each other, lots if fun to see the the misses, the armor saves as it kept going.

Now, as of today, I ordered a box of bikes and my first Sanguinary Priest, who will become my de facto leader for 1k games and below.

Edited by simison
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So, I though this was purely a painting thread, which was why I've avoided it thus far. I have 2 BA events of more.

Think of it as a blog for the blogless. I made it simply to see what everyone else was up to and so that they could share their stories, painting updates or whatever on here.


For example, I post minor updates on here but my main stuff goes through my blog. I would post a single photo of a finished model here with a link to the blog where all the rest of the photos and the WIPs are. I posted a report about my last game here and the full review with picture is elsewhere, and so on.


All the same, congrats on your win and almost win :wink: What lists did you use?

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HQ: Sanguinary Priest + Veritas Vitae [15] + BP [1]                                                            

EL: Aslt Terms [200] + 1xTerm [20] + 3xTH/SS [15] + LRC/MM [260]                         

EL: Fragioso + DP                                                                                                                              

TRP: 2xCC Scouts + 2xMB [10] + 2xCamo [4]                                                                        

FA: Bikes [63] + 2xGrav-guns [30] + 1xBikes [21]                                                                                

FA: 2xA.Bike [90]                                                                                                                            

FA: 2xAssault Squad + 2 Meltas + SGT w/combi-melta in DP                                        

HS: Stormraven (Aslt/MM)                                                         


Priest is with the Terminators in the Crusader. The Scouts are supposed to be distraction units, while the bikes provide anti-infantry fire. I included so much melta because I knew I would be up against a Knight, while the SR was air support against the Black Templar's Stormraven. 


Besides those two units, the Black Templar brought out a Sicaran (which distracted my 2nd melta unit but eventually caved to their fire), whirlwind, an Ironclad dreadnought, couple of Crusader squads and Sniper Scouts. I was expecting either Terminators or his usual Centurion Squad, but he brought neither leaving my Grav guns without a proper target. Tried immobilizing several vehicles, but I failed all of my rolls. 

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Adding another game to the list. Still 1500 points, but against two opponents. Nate, the Black Templar player, and Sean, IG general. They split the points between them, while I fielded a full points with BA as CAD and an allied IG detachment.


It was....messy. I had a lot of bad luck with my dice. For example, first turn with night fighting and I have a scout squad with camo cloaks in cover. 2+ cover save seems awesome. Enemy Taurox Prime fires it's gatling gun, I have 5 wounds to save. I roll four 1's.....BAAHHHH! That was the worst incident I can remember off-hand, but there were a lot of small incidents where the dice went against me, while Sean's dice loved him. That example, Stormraven dropping off Cassor as it opens fire into a Tempestous Squad as fire support. Get 5 wounds with Hurricane Bolters against his 4+ carapace, and he not only makes them, but he rolls all 5's & 6's. 


Still the game ended early on Turn 4, and at 9-7, my loss. First Blood and Linebreaker did me in. 



Lessons learned: the Quad Gun with the 7th edition version of Interceptor just isn't as useful as it used to be. I much rather I'd have put those points elsewhere, especially after it only did 1 wound to a Vendatta for its entire game damage. 


Always buy hurricane bolters for Stormraven's. The additional utility to unload on infantry squads is useful. 


Lastly, fear Sean and his luck o' the Irish.

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Just a quick thing, you've got specific point costs in your list there, and that's a no-no. Accepted practice it to put total cost of units. Eg:

  • Captain: Stormshield, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Fancy Hat - 205pts
  • Assault Squad: 2xMelta, jump packs, Melta bombs and Fancy Hat on Sergeant - 175pts
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Something completely different today. Some local guys are running a Gothic campaign next month, which sparked my enthusiasm to sort out my Angels fleet. Already got one barge finished, just a bit more to do;


Damn, that's like the entire chapter fleet... in fact isn't that more strike cruisers than we have? 2 barges and seven cruisers right? Looks awesome though.

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Just a quick thing, you've got specific point costs in your list there, and that's a no-no. Accepted practice it to put total cost of units. Eg:

  • Captain: Stormshield, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Fancy Hat - 205pts
  • Assault Squad: 2xMelta, jump packs, Melta bombs and Fancy Hat on Sergeant - 175pts




Ironic, because my lists have both and I thought the total was the more important number to remove. I'll make sure I won't do it next time.

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Damn, that's like the entire chapter fleet... in fact isn't that more strike cruisers than we have? 2 barges and seven cruisers right? Looks awesome though.

Yeah, the new codex puts us at 2 and 7 currently. BFG limits a fleet to 3 and 10, which is what i'm building to. I have the remaining barge and two cruisers reserved to collect from the campaign organiser too, which is good. Its more than i'll ever be able to field at once, short of some kind of battlefleet apocalypse game, but it'll be nice in the cabinet next to my 40K.


Currently descending into the depths of the Red Thirst due to envy of that BFG fleet

My apologies brother! Its been a while coming together. The odd cruiser or barge here and there when prices have been a little less crazy. I was fortunate enough to pick up the escorts and some tiny forgeworld thunderhawks before everything was discountinued. They're practically impossible to find now, so i'm glad to have them.


I'll probably throw up a thread in 'other games' once the fleet is painted up, to track my progress through the campaign. Its 5 events of 3 games based on a star map. Should be a lot of fun.

Edited by Brother_Angelus
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Just a quick thing, you've got specific point costs in your list there, and that's a no-no. Accepted practice it to put total cost of units. Eg:

  • Captain: Stormshield, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Fancy Hat - 205pts
  • Assault Squad: 2xMelta, jump packs, Melta bombs and Fancy Hat on Sergeant - 175pts




Ironic, because my lists have both and I thought the total was the more important number to remove. I'll make sure I won't do it next time.



It's because that way someone reading the forums gets to know the exact cost of upgrades. They're still in your original post and may wish to edit them out :)


Also, I think you may have some points costs and things wrong, like the way you apply upgrades to a unit. Things like camo cloaks have to be taken by all members of the squad, not just 1 or 2.

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Today in BA I finished up my last Breacher marine:



Awesomesauce! What do you count these guys as? Or are they for 30k?


Thanks. Nah, not for 30k, my Crimson Tears are very much in the 40k setting. I initially started them up as a rule of cool unit just for the hell of it and that's pretty much what they are. If I were to try and get them into a list then I think they'd have to be Vanguard Vets on foot with Storm Shields.

Blimey, Midnight. I admire your patience and dedication to batch paint like that. I can't do it anymore, get bored too easily.

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My first unit of DC were done in the days of the 5th codex so had their foot slogging backpacks firmly glued on. I'm just finishing my second batch now and I'm happy to say their backpacks are magnetised ;)

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