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While I did want to make a stab at my Vow before I went away for a few days, instead I've been forced to clean up my painting warzone (or table, to some people). As such it has given me the opportunity to organise my entire BA/ SM Collection (plus some other stuff) into a stand of drawers, plus leaving me an actual decent painting space not covered in boxes of eBayed mini's


Will post pics later.


Initial thoughts are:




"Huh, I guess with finding my old tanks and rampant eBaying has lead me to owning 8 Rhino Chassis Vehicles."


"That is more Death Company than I expected. Excellent."




Didn't get a chance to shoot much, but here is all my tanks in a drawer including from left to right in rows:

  • Vindicator MkII
  • Rhino MkI
  • Rhino MkII
  • Whirlwind MkII
  • Pred Anihilator MkII (going to turn this baby into an Executioner with some Venerable Dread Plasma Cannons :biggrin.:)
  • Vindicator MkIV
  • Pred Anihilator MkIV
  • Baal Pred MkIV

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Ha ha, had a similar experience when I was cleaning out the closet today. :D


"Oh, I had totally forgot about those speeders and attack bikes!"


I also managed to put together 2 heavy flamer marines, then I realized that they were both equipped with the sternguard version. Which is odd considering that I've only bought one BA tac and one Sterguard box. 


I later found the BA heavy flamer in my bitsbox but I have no clue from where or when that extra SG flamer is from....

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Bought a Rogue Trader Land Raider.


I swear it's the last thing I'm getting on eBay!



Always wanted one of those.

It's currently in the worst marine colour (blue) but it does have some magnetising on the sponsons (currently assault cannons?) so I'll be able to switch weapons in pretty easily. I now realise it doesn't have a front ramp, but if anything I might use it as a count as for perhaps a spartan (if sizes are similar) or just a LR with the right weapons.


But of course pics when it arrives!

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The best match for the old Landraider is the Forgeworld Proteus. Modern landraiders are larger and the spartan is bigger than them! Enjoy your new tank though I have fond memories of mine back in the day ,besides who doesnt like a scout tank with two twin liked Las cannon?

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Forum's back...and I've neared the completion of my vow.


Astorath done, jump librarian done, jump priest done, termie librarian done, librarian dread done, fragioso done, sternguard and vanguard squads done.


Fire Raptor is on the table with paint on it.


Even started to paint up the first 10 man tac squad I've had built up.

Edited by Ovidius Incertus
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I have been working on assembling a squad of Death Company (but I shall be using them as Assault Sergeants, I think) - just 5 fun models with cool wargear and a nice Blood Angels vibe - and also a squad of mixed-weapon Terminators based on Grey Knight figures which I am going to have function as the bodyguard for my Terminator Librarian (in fluff, they will be a unit of trainee-Librarians) ... I just had the models lurking.


I am thinking of getting out all my models and overhauling the project I started a while ago ... which was a full company of 100 Marines (3 Platoons of 3 squads of 10 + 1 Lieutenant each, a Captain + 5 man Command Squad, and a Chaplain - total, 100 men - with transport vehicles (Rhinos for the Tactical and Dev squads, and a Razorback for the Command squad).

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Same here. Although I actually got some writing done so there was a silver lining...

Writing? Not painting? :wink:



Well during the day I'm in the office and funnily enough, that's when I'm most active on B&C...

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As for painting, on Friday I was painting terrain*


* By terrain I mean the huge steel girder in my living room with intumescent paint. This stuff is thicker than Skull White, it's like painting with Polyfiller...

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I'm thinking I might have to call my vow a loss right now. I've not been able to find my last Vindicator or my Razorback since the move, and I can't get the paint to look right on the Vindicator I DID find.

It looks like I'll be checking myself into the ol' Black Tower a week or so early.

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