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Finally completed my Meltacide Squads!!!




Also started on a command squad as an off project while I work to bring my tanks and Tacs into Table Top standard :smile.:


More pics in my WIP thread :D

Edited by Charlo
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Today in BA, I learned that messing with xenos will drag you away from blessed BA painting time...literally.


I went to pick up some DE Reavers for my lady's army...and it took 8 hours because of an accident on the highway.  5 hours sitting in a car to and from and 3 killing time walking around Home Depot. 


No BA love today. :furious:

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Today in BA, I learned that messing with xenos will drag you away from blessed BA painting time...literally.


I went to pick up some DE Reavers for my lady's army...and it took 8 hours because of an accident on the highway.  5 hours sitting in a car to and from and 3 killing time walking around Home Depot. 


No BA love today. :furious:


Power from Pain.

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With the ETL over I had a tinker with an idea I've had for a while...


Home-made Predator Executioner!




Got the Pred off eBay for dirt cheap and the Plasma Cannons are from two Venerable Dread Kits, messily Chopped down with pliers until they fit :whistling:


Definitely cheaper than fifty quid on Forgeworld :wink:


Now just to figure out how I'm going to put the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on.


For someone who used to be adverse to tanks I've not gotten far too many Mk1 Chassis Vehicles...


FW have given a very wishywashy answer on whether or not we can use the Executioner.



@Charlo: That looks really good. I think I'm stealing this idea.

Thank ye kindly. Got another old Pred in the mail, a Baal no less (it's seen better days though) considering turning it onto a Conversion beamer one, or just using the Turret and keeping the Rhino Chassis for something else!



We can't use the conversion beamer Predator either :/

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Got two Laserclaw Bro´s nearly finished. Want to ad some Airbrushpowerweaponglow soon.




I also want to present my Puppetswar Centurion Builds. Picture captured @ our 2on2 Grillhammer Event. BA & Necrons Brofist vs CSM. Scroll my PB-Album fore more. :)


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With the ETL over I had a tinker with an idea I've had for a while...


Home-made Predator Executioner!


*snip pic*


Got the Pred off eBay for dirt cheap and the Plasma Cannons are from two Venerable Dread Kits, messily Chopped down with pliers until they fit :whistling:


Definitely cheaper than fifty quid on Forgeworld :wink:


Now just to figure out how I'm going to put the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on.


For someone who used to be adverse to tanks I've not gotten far too many Mk1 Chassis Vehicles...


FW have given a very wishywashy answer on whether or not we can use the Executioner.



@Charlo: That looks really good. I think I'm stealing this idea.

Thank ye kindly. Got another old Pred in the mail, a Baal no less (it's seen better days though) considering turning it onto a Conversion beamer one, or just using the Turret and keeping the Rhino Chassis for something else!



We can't use the conversion beamer Predator either :/



When I go on the FW website, it has a link with the product saying experimental rules. Surely, surely if this is by all accounts wrong now it should be removed from their webstore? If not, it's simply what I'll bring to my games and ask my opponent if I can use.


If someone is really so agaisnt me using it, for whatever reason (when I've bothered to convert the model etc) then i'll find someone else to play against :tongue.:

But cheers for the heads up! Honestly, the IA books are such a mess. The rules PDF's should all be updated each new edition and the IA books scrapped as being individual source rules. But that's a different discussion ;)

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Finally completed my Meltacide Squads!!!

Also started on a command squad as an off project while I work to bring my tanks and Tacs into Table Top standard :smile.:


More pics in my WIP thread :biggrin.:


I like the bases. Where's your WIP thread?


Got two Laserclaw Bro´s nearly finished. Want to ad some Airbrushpowerweaponglow soon.

I also want to present my Puppetswar Centurion Builds. Picture captured @ our 2on2 Grillhammer Event. BA & Necrons Brofist vs CSM. Scroll my PB-Album fore more. :smile.:


More please. How did you make them? From what I can tell, it's GW centurion weapons attached to the Ripper arms.

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Finally completed my Meltacide Squads!!!

Also started on a command squad as an off project while I work to bring my tanks and Tacs into Table Top standard :smile.:


More pics in my WIP thread :biggrin.:


I like the bases. Where's your WIP thread? 


Right Here!


Link also in my sig, and one to a Index Astartes (very unupdated though and mostly a mess of ideas...)

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Got two Laserclaw Bro´s nearly finished. Want to ad some Airbrushpowerweaponglow soon.

I also want to present my Puppetswar Centurion Builds. Picture captured @ our 2on2 Grillhammer Event. BA & Necrons Brofist vs CSM. Scroll my PB-Album fore more. :smile.:



More please. How did you make them? From what I can tell, it's GW centurion weapons attached to the Ripper arms.



I buyed the Puppetswar Rippers. Cause they have some bigger shoulderpads with rockets on it. http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=299 you can chose if you want to close the helmet and make a fast headswap. I used the Stormraven Techmarine Head and some conventional Marine heads. I asked they guy from puppetswar if he could swap the destroyer arms with ripper arms. He was very friendly. :smile.:

I buyed the Gravweapons cheap from an 40k Facebookgroup and glued them simple on the ripper arms.

(though i hope there will be soon some third party heavy gravs on the market)

I got the big bases from the Tyranid Warriors of the Leviathan box. I used slate to bring the destroyer in an even height with the origin cents.

I´m very pleased with the result. :happy.:


Here is another mug shot.




Edited by Riot Earp
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Started work on my ETC Penance Vow; a set of five Character Death Company. I'll be basing them on forum goer suggestions, aside from the first one. So, please, gimme some ideas! Any and all are welcome!


Without further adieu I present Former Captain of the Blood Owls 6th Company, Battle-Brother Helion.






Shown here after his deployment in the 7th day of Blood Owl involvement in the Second Shrine War of Voltamedes, Helion survived an honourable eight deployments as part of the Death Company, before finally being granted the Emperor's Peace after being stepped on by a Traitor Marine Helbrute.

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My BA have been sat on the shelf this week, glaring at me angrily as I ransack Gotham City in the Batman Minitures Game.

My FLGS opens a newer, bigger, shinyer shop this weekend so I'm helping him move some stuff. Hopfully I'll have a chancce to play on one of the beautiful new tables before the weekend ends.

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Here is a shot of my Grav Command Squad with 3 x Gravgun and 3 Stormshields magnetized Jumppacks. I know it´s not verry effective in theory but i run them in a view games with some succes. Plan to exchange the selfmade Cup with the one from the Upgradesprue for more Eyecandy. Better pics follow soon.



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Here is a shot of my Grav Command Squad with 3 x Gravgun and 3 Stormshields magnetized Jumppacks. I know it´s not verry effective in theory but i run them in a view games with some succes. Plan to exchange the selfmade Cup with the one from the Upgradesprue for more Eyecandy. Better pics follow soon.




I'm just about to make the same squad with some of the same models, glad to know they look awesome in red and gold!

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I'm just about to make the same squad with some of the same models, glad to know they look awesome in red and gold!



Yeah i made them 6 years ago with all melta but they where to expensive and sat a long time on the shelve.

They are out of white metal so it was very nasty to convert them.

Hope you got the finecast ones. ;)

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Deathstorm is "temporarily out of stock" on the Uk webstore and certain third party sellers in Britain are no longer advertising it :/


So the aera of cheap market prices for Dreads and Death Company ends. 



Indeed. We knew it would never last but I'm still irked I never got around to buying one :/

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Deathstorm is "temporarily out of stock" on the Uk webstore and certain third party sellers in Britain are no longer advertising it :/


So the aera of cheap market prices for Dreads and Death Company ends. 



Indeed. We knew it would never last but I'm still irked I never got around to buying one :/



If it didn't have normal terminators in it, I probably would have, and obviously sold the Nids on.


Normal Termies just don't do it for me... Or anyone really :tongue.:

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