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I suppose Chaos need something unique :') stop the whiners...


Just had a beautiful image of 20 bolter DC coming out of it.

Sadly 15 is the new max size.

DAMNIT. On some related notes, did anyone ever see the unit a guy made of jump DC with all thunder hammers over on dakka dakka? Full unit of 30.


ALSO our upgrade kit was teased again in news letter from FW :D

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I would love to have even three drop pods but the thought of painting them makes me scared!

Airbrush or Colored Primer is gold when it comes to paint several pods. :)

True, that's how I painted mine in fact - see here and the finished article here


It's actually not so much the painting, it's more the kit is a bit fiddly to work with and get the doors lined up. I think when I do two more I'll leave the interiors out and use them as Dreadnought pods - that will speed things up!

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Thought I would add to the BA today showing my WIP additions to the chapters Death Company, another 15 to go after this 10 =(. Makes a change from painting vehicles tho. Both the Jump packs and regular packs need primed plus the boys need detailing up further. But a decent start. Awful camera phone photo =S




On a side not I have 5 drop pods and in most maelstrom games they win it for me. Having 3 pods land in the enemies deployment turn 1 (often 2 meltacide squads and a 10 man tactical squad with flamer load outs) result in cutting him off from the rest of the board and usually 4 other objectives become out of their reach.


The Melta will often score first blood/Destroy a vehicle/Monstrous Creature and the 10 man tactical squad can normally hit the warlord and his squad and will often score enough wounds to nab slay the warlord. Or even just Target all of the forces fast mobile stuff and its GG.


And due to the first turn pressure all other fast units (bikes or transports) move over the board claiming objectives untouched, while your opponent deals with the stuff in his face.


So now I try not to use them as all of my games are just beer and pretzel for a laugh.


I do agree it hurts paying 25 quid for a model that has a point value of 35 points =(, but definitely one of the space marines best transports.


Anyway Peace

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Not strictly BA today, but BA over the last few days. I recently had my 'Stag do' @ Warhammer world had a gteat couple of days gaming and drinking. I picked up the Command LR and Rhino for inclusion in my BA force as well as a Deimos Pattern Predator.


I have a bunch of stuff to paint, so I'm considering building and priming this stuff, but then saving it the next ETL, because I want to make a big push and complete a 3k vow as I know we're determined to take the title from Chaos.


Closer to the present I've been working away on an old AoBR MM dread that I want to bring into the folder. I'm making a real effort to get everything I own looking up to standard before I drown in yet more unpainted models...



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I recently picked up the HQ tanks if you transport your stuff about I would recommend magnetising the fiddly bits I did it to mine with minimal fuss like. The attenae the radars the eagle seat on the raider.

Thanks for the advice. Any pics?


It's quite pointy @400pts, so I don't think I'd run it at sub 2000...I picked it up because its totally rad looking and since I was at WW I figured I'd grab one. After reviewing the rules, they seem pretty cool. I've been trying to figure out the best way of supporting it...



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Yeh well pointy but I cant see it being run with out the Rod upgrade 18" for any friendly faction model and give it counter attack, Fearless, Hit and Run, Interceptor,Preferred enemy, Skyfire, Split FIre or Tank Hunter. and 18" around that big metal box is a pretty big bubble. Then the Rhino Garaunteeing a reserve unit coming in or that mega blast.


The real question is what do you put in it.


Ill post some pics of the magnetizing of the sticky out bits tomorrow when I can take em in the daylight but it was pretty straight forward.



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Got this old boy in the mail today, he needs some love... Not quite sure what I'm going to turn him into yet - suggestions?




Yes though, it's a Classic Baal - the AC's and HF's are in the bag.

Edited by Charlo
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The real question is what do you put in it.




I like the idea of putting bolter Death Company in there and having a Chaplain coming out of the top hatch. Could make for a pretty versatile squad combined with the command rules, but it's definitely more for fun and fluff.

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A Tank Formation of 3 Baal and Predators in the Mix would be great to field my tanks all at once without a second cad. :)

This. And the bonus to the formation could be scout!


....or if they're all inferno cannons they can choose to team up thier fire for a torrent hellstorm template :o

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With the ETL over I had a tinker with an idea I've had for a while...


Home-made Predator Executioner!


*snip pic*


Got the Pred off eBay for dirt cheap and the Plasma Cannons are from two Venerable Dread Kits, messily Chopped down with pliers until they fit :whistling:


Definitely cheaper than fifty quid on Forgeworld :wink:


Now just to figure out how I'm going to put the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on.


For someone who used to be adverse to tanks I've not gotten far too many Mk1 Chassis Vehicles...


FW have given a very wishywashy answer on whether or not we can use the Executioner.



@Charlo: That looks really good. I think I'm stealing this idea.

Thank ye kindly. Got another old Pred in the mail, a Baal no less (it's seen better days though) considering turning it onto a Conversion beamer one, or just using the Turret and keeping the Rhino Chassis for something else!



We can't use the conversion beamer Predator either :/


When I go on the FW website, it has a link with the product saying experimental rules. Surely, surely if this is by all accounts wrong now it should be removed from their webstore? If not, it's simply what I'll bring to my games and ask my opponent if I can use.


If someone is really so agaisnt me using it, for whatever reason (when I've bothered to convert the model etc) then i'll find someone else to play against :tongue.:

But cheers for the heads up! Honestly, the IA books are such a mess. The rules PDF's should all be updated each new edition and the IA books scrapped as being individual source rules. But that's a different discussion :wink:



Following the updated website, this link has been removed. This leaves two sources for the Predator Executioner: IA12 which allows us to have it and IAv2SE - the more recent source book and one which condenses the Deimos patterns into one option - which does not.


Just an FYI really.

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With the ETL over I had a tinker with an idea I've had for a while...


Home-made Predator Executioner!


*snip pic*


Got the Pred off eBay for dirt cheap and the Plasma Cannons are from two Venerable Dread Kits, messily Chopped down with pliers until they fit :whistling:


Definitely cheaper than fifty quid on Forgeworld :wink:


Now just to figure out how I'm going to put the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on.


For someone who used to be adverse to tanks I've not gotten far too many Mk1 Chassis Vehicles...


FW have given a very wishywashy answer on whether or not we can use the Executioner.



@Charlo: That looks really good. I think I'm stealing this idea.

Thank ye kindly. Got another old Pred in the mail, a Baal no less (it's seen better days though) considering turning it onto a Conversion beamer one, or just using the Turret and keeping the Rhino Chassis for something else!



We can't use the conversion beamer Predator either :/


When I go on the FW website, it has a link with the product saying experimental rules. Surely, surely if this is by all accounts wrong now it should be removed from their webstore? If not, it's simply what I'll bring to my games and ask my opponent if I can use.


If someone is really so agaisnt me using it, for whatever reason (when I've bothered to convert the model etc) then i'll find someone else to play against :tongue.:

But cheers for the heads up! Honestly, the IA books are such a mess. The rules PDF's should all be updated each new edition and the IA books scrapped as being individual source rules. But that's a different discussion :wink:



Following the updated website, this link has been removed. This leaves two sources for the Predator Executioner: IA12 which allows us to have it and IAv2SE - the more recent source book and one which condenses the Deimos patterns into one option - which does not.


Just an FYI really.



Which drives me crazy. . .  As I had bought one, magnetized the different barrels, and painted it up about two weeks before that book dropped.  It was the TDA Sanguinary Priest all over again!

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Worked on scouts most of the day today! I was given a small armies worth of models not long ago and among them were five bolter scouts. Problem was I wanted them to be cc scouts and don't have any of the scout cc arms. I ended up using regular marine arms fitted with fantasy chaos warrior gloves and blades (filed down of course!). The sgt has a combi-melta and a lightning claw. Got a bit into painting, but no pictures yet.

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