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Working on another guide because I'm daft like that. This one will accompany the previous one :wink:


Currently a third of the way through this and now I'm finding the need to write a completely unrelated one :ermm::teehee:

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Last phase of my vow proceeding apace.  Fire Raptor has all the reds shaded (not evident from this poor photo) and most of the blacks are applied and shaded.  Takes a lot of time to mask it off, so I didn't do them all in one shot.  Landing gear, engine nacels and right wing jets still to do, probably tonight.


Brief photo of the beast:



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Not today but did a load of edge hilighting on the black of my Stormraven vow, it's subtle but really helped I think. I mean, what else did I have to do between 1 and 2:30am on a Thursday? :P


Just my Librarian to power through on Sunday onwards and I'll have my Vow done. If I have an extra evening I may even vow and complete my Rogue Trader LR assuming I have time (yes I'll plot Pics Jolemai!)

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Bought 10 DC, 5 plain terminators, 5 scouts, 5 assault marines and 10 tacticals for AU$50 off ebay. It was a goooooood day.

Honestly, I don't know how you folk do it. Every time I look there's nothing of note...

You just gotta be relentless. Try and look for last minute auctions and things that end in the middle of the night or during the day at work or a week day evening, less bidders. I'd also assume American eBay has more products on it.

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I am working on a couple of projects between family commitments which, for the time being, must remain secret. Rest assured though they are Blood Angels-related and will be revealed in due course...



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I am working on a couple of projects between family commitments which, for the time being, must remain secret. Rest assured though they are Blood Angels-related and will be revealed in due course...



Well, there are Alpha Legion everywhere after all...

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Bought 10 DC, 5 plain terminators, 5 scouts, 5 assault marines and 10 tacticals for AU$50 off ebay. It was a goooooood day.


Honestly, I don't know how you folk do it. Every time I look there's nothing of note...


By checking ebay daily for 2 months xD

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Bought 10 DC, 5 plain terminators, 5 scouts, 5 assault marines and 10 tacticals for AU$50 off ebay. It was a goooooood day.

Honestly, I don't know how you folk do it. Every time I look there's nothing of note...

You just gotta be relentless. Try and look for last minute auctions and things that end in the middle of the night or during the day at work or a week day evening, less bidders. I'd also assume American eBay has more products on it.


Usually, but sometimes you get lucky and someone's selling a bunch of figures that they just want to get rid of. This guy had them up for like a day with a heap of people watching it so I panicked and bought them. No regrets. Yet. 

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Sadly got caught up this evening, so here is some pics of the Contemptor and Stromraven I've been working on instead :smile.:




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With the ETL over I had a tinker with an idea I've had for a while...


Home-made Predator Executioner!




Got the Pred off eBay for dirt cheap and the Plasma Cannons are from two Venerable Dread Kits, messily Chopped down with pliers until they fit :whistling:


Definitely cheaper than fifty quid on Forgeworld :wink:


Now just to figure out how I'm going to put the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on.


For someone who used to be adverse to tanks I've not gotten far too many Mk1 Chassis Vehicles...

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The two Meltacide squads I've had on and off since the new year are finally coming to a close. Just the eyes to do!


...In my haste I just splatted one up so no more for tonight methinks.


Pics tomorrow after I'm done!

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