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That's what I was getting at too ;)

Looks nifty, can't wait to see the finished article!

One thing I forgot to mention though, the Terminator resting his foot on a helmet, wouldn't the helmet be crushed under the weight of a terminator? That's at least what my internal mind-movie-reel tells me...

Bit of cinematic license. In my head, he's just emptied his charger into a NL, begun reloading, and the empty helmet has rolled across the deck towards him. He's just lifted his boot and trapped it, like a football. Maybe he casually kicks away after he's put a fresh power pack on?

Work continues on the reinforcements.


Very impressed with the Contemptor kit. I've mocked him up with a TL Volkite Culverin and a DDCW with a plasma blaster, which he is casually using to deliver a coup de grace to a wounded NL.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

CHOOMtemptor finally done.


Very happy with the Dark Arts dreadnought base.


I kept the palette the same as the terminators. I carried the red stripe on the helmet down on the front of the gorget to break up the black.

They do go together quite well.

With the Contemptor finished, I now have a 1000 pts Zone Mortalis force ready to go. So, now I just need a ZM board:


To start with, I just have two board segments. I ordered some barrels and hatches from Zinge Industries and some MDF squares and resin computers of eBay to use as terrain.

Also, now the cornerstone of my 1st Legion has been set, I think I'll spend a little time on this side project:


I've been tinkering on-and-off with Cypher for a while. He's a great character and - as a mysterious gunslinger on the run - a great chance to capture a snapshot of his story in model form.

I've used Polux' base and a converted set of Mk V legs to give him a sense of motion. I went for a hooded cloak (head from Anvil Industries) instead of robes as I like the idea of him concealing himself until it's time for the guns to come out. To that end, I also opted to trim down his backpack so it is similar in size to the modified heavy weapon packs and put it under the cloak.

I kept the armour underneath clean and unadorned, partly to carry on with theme from my terminators but also to keep his allegiances ambiguous. As with my terminators, I wanted him to look practical, so he has a variety of pouches, grenades, and magazines. I also gave him Tartaros pattern shoulder pads to make him look more streamlined and agile. It probably helps a gunslinger to be able to look left and right, too.


For his weapons, I went for an Umbra pattern bolt pistol and a slim plasma pistol and fitted both with Anvil holo sights. I've canted them over as that helps manage recoil when shooting pistols one-handed. For the Lion Sword, I opted for a GK great sword - big enough to look like it's not designed to be used by a marine but small enough to not be distracting.

The Anvil head I used has his face concealed by a bandana. I chose this to emphasise his ambiguous allegiances and give the impression he might be little more than a bandit.

Your Cypher looks suitably mysterious, I like how you've managed to make his gear look practical as opposed to the traditional Dark Angel aesthetic. The same could be said for the rest of your force, keep up the good work brother.

Cheers gents. Thanks for the kind words.


Soric - I actually got the inspiration for the practical appearance from Mad Max. If you look at his outfit on screen, he just has on him the important things he needs to survive on the run; his maintenance tools, his tin opener and spoon, his sawn-off shotgun. I wanted to capture that idea and put it to play in a different, non-post-apocalyptic setting, so-to-speak. Not the raggedy look, but asking what a man on the run would carry and wear.


Applying that idea to Cypher - moving from one place to another, trying to avoid drawing attention to himself - meant a few changes. Why would he have glaring obvious wings jutting out from his backpack? Why would he wear bone white robes that don't conceal his armour? Why would a gunslinger not carry plenty of spare ammunition?


Or simply, sometimes I have too much time on my hands and the mind wanders.


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