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..::Kurama Reviews the Horus Heresy Series and Products::..

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Well guys bit of a hiccup last night my fiancé crashed one of our cars so I'll be dealing with all this insurance crap today, as we're currently living separate due to my new job location (300km apart) I'll be trying to help her get :cuss sorted ohh and she's perfectly fine she's just a bit of an idiot and embarrassed.


Now in other news the next order is about to be placed ; all the new weapon packs, a thunderhawk, Thunderbolt Heavy Fighters, Xiphon interceptors, And some drop pods.

Glad to hear that the future missus Rama is okay.

Hope the insurance gets sorted out quickly enough too.


Btw, there is no way I am getting into an arms-race with you. Bloomin' Heck, sounds like you are buying an air armada.


Zone Mortalis Super Special!!!!


Zone Mortalis ohh how i love the casting of your walls the smell of your release agent and the size of your halls. After a :cuss day coming home to you gives me the energy to go on.


so as you can see we have a 2x2 board ready for priming and painting, the Storm Eagle is there for scale. Now after ETL I'll be buying and stockpiling for my own board as this one will be requisitioned for another project and I'd like a board strictly for my personal use (like mellicant).

So now onto all the accessories;


so here we have the large blast door quite happy with the quality of this and it's a pretty simple yet detailed gaming Piece.


now it's pretty simple glue sides onto base and there you have it.


small blast Doors once again great quality and an amazing Piece of detailed scenery.


The build is the same and you really can't get this wrong, here's the group together.


and here they are in place they slide in snuggly.


here we have the containment Tanks now I have some ideas but won't test them till my next board (xenos bodies and water effects

How wide is the containment set wall section. Just wondering if it could be wedged into the back of a Spartan as a warp fuelled power plant or something. Obviously the back of the tanks would be box shaped rather than as it is now.

@Balthamal- all I am is a humble construction worker for the local council, I fix and build roads, dig holes for services and know my way around concrete. Admittedly though I can see how it might look impressive but hell I'd live on 2 minute noodles if it meant I could have more resin.


@dantay_xv- just for you buddy I snapped this;




Hope it helps and I can see what your thinking



Legion Spartan Assault Tank; Build


so it's been a couple of days but as promised here's the Spartan Chassis Build, now I will admit lately I've been distracted with old anime and J-pop. But enough of that let's tackle the Spartan 2.0 kit.


now when removing the casting gates I must advise you, be extremely careful as even using a razor saw you will end up with this;


Or even worse


now I'm happy forgeworld took the time to rework the tracks but honestly I prefer the old style compared to this, I have corrected it with Greenstuff but it can be off putting if your not used to dealing with forgeworld kits.


so first up we attach the interior plate to the side section like so.


We then epoxy the base plate accordingly and allow it to fully cure, we then add the interior door.


now before we add the next side section do not follow the instructions, add the roof components and the ramps first!


then most of your hunk of resin is assembled now it's just the final details.


We then move on too the bolter housing and casings.


We then play around with the engine blocks and add the exhaust pipes.


We then build the sponsons and attach them like so;


and there you have it, the legion Spartan V2.0 it's not a hard kit if you use the proper epoxies and take your time. The kit itself is a perfect cast and gets a 8/10! Only because I don't like the tracks being cast on to the new kit.

next up is the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer build.


Legion Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer


So just has breakfast and decided before I get too far into the day time to post the Cerberus build review, so what to say before we begin, well this kit is pretty stunning once built and truly is my new favourite Superheavy, believe me I love my choom but there's something about the neutrino laser destroyer that gives me a warm feeling inside.


so we start with all the prepped bits and bobs, now as ive covered things like the sponsons exhausts etc I'll be building everything in sub builds as ive covered them to death, I'll still show you when to attach them but really if it's not self explanatory by now you really should read all the other reviews.


so I added the sponson plates to the sides of the hull first up


Followed by assembling the engine block


I attached the base of the neutron laser array to the top hull.


Followed by the start of the assembly attaching the base of the hull to the side of the Spartan.


I then proceeded to attach the other side and let it fully set before the next stage


I then slid the other half of the hull into place and allowed the epoxy to cure.


a quick dry fit to see how the reactor fits


I then attached the neutron laser arrays


whilst that set I attached the engine block to the rear of the Spartan.


now when gluing these half egg shaped brackets be very careful not to glue the cannon together, allow this to fully set as its a very finicky piece.


finally we attach all the surrounding Armour plating around the neutron laser and all that's left then is the sponsons and tracks


I then chose the Lascannon option


and fitted the tracks, then you have yourself a fully finished Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer a beautiful super heavy and will be a joy to build. Overall build of this kit was delightful and im happy the tracks were separated from the mail hull, next up is the Storm Eagle Review and build


Legion Storm Eagle Assault gunship


three reviews in a day he'll what's wrong with you Kurama? Well in all honesty I'm out of beer out of stuff to watch and bored out of my mind, well now I guess that's as good of an excuse as we're going to get. So on to the review of the Storm Eagle, the Spartan if the sky so to speak.


isn't it nice to see such a spectacular kit so nicely presented by the Forgeworld team, so first thing I notice is that I received another kit with unwarped sides so we are off to a great start.


so here's the instructions as always (I must note there's a section where they say you may have to cut the resin or plastic to make this sit flush but they don't actually tell you which piece or where... thanks forgeworld)


so now here we have the sides of the gunship, nice and flat no warping just a bit of flashing.


The underside of the gunship.


The roof of the gunship


The wing fins to make this flying block look aerodynamic


The engine blocks (literally blocks of resin)


The Internal access door and rear ramp of the Storm Eagle


The Stabilizing wings


The missile launchers


more aerodynamic wings to help you zoom from the choom


The landing gears and Pads


The landing gear housing


Interior casing for the front turbines


And finally the leftover accessories, the lascannons are damaged so I'll remove the little raised fins off the good one to make it more cohesive.

So kit was in great condition my only gripe is its pretty boxy compared to the fire raptor kit so in comparison so far I'd rate it 7/10.

Next up the build review of the Storm Eagle

Already built it, it had its moments when I wanted to smash it and turn it into terrain but I got through it.



Now I've had a crazy crazy idea....


Building a zone mortalis bio Chem facility, hear me out Promethian pipes barrels storage containers and bulkheads everywhere, I was thinking about starting my Sons of horus again and thought this idea would be brilliant

Sounds like a great idea for the zone mortalis...


Any missed shots could ignite the storage in the areas etc.... In real world terms though. The barrels around are oil,for various bits of kit and the fuel would be stored away from any control area in big containers, there would be pipework, but it would be outside, with anything hazardous. 


Onshore facilities tend to have boiler houses, which provide energy and heating, with pipework filled with steam, if bio chm then piping could also have stuff in it, breached pipework can either explode, or flood an area with toxic chemicals (rad or phosphex)


Lots of generators etc.


However there is nothing to say that in 30/40K they would be as safety conscious as here. Seventh Serpent might be a good read for the idea of a promethium refinery.


Looknig forward to the Storm Eagle build, as I have one of these sitting in soak.


The Cerberus has me drooling, I can only think it is not so popular because the Sicaran Venator can do a very similar job for a lot less points.


Legion Storm Eagle Assault gunship; Build


Back to buisness ehh? So I'm pretty :cussing bored today in fact I'm watching every Harry potter movie just to kill today as I can't be :cussed going swimming or to the gym. So why not do a review?


well as always prep trim clean all your resin.


so first up we start with the engines adding the plastic components.


We then attach them to the length of the body.


We then add the turbines, landing gear housings and casings plus the little components like the screens.


We then attempt to fix the hull base to the sides.


Now we attempt to get the interior door to fit, as you can see the base doesn't like to line up up but don't worry as the next step will allow you to correct this.


now we correct any gaps when we attach the other side of the hull using the pressure of the bands to pull everything into place.


We then add the top resin hull component; note the instructions do follow this procedure but I'd add this piece after the plastic component in the future.


Like so..


now we add some more plastic details, now as you can see the gaps in the front do stand out, but once again gap filling and pressure does correct this.


next up we add the fins to make this block of resin aerodynamic.


We then build the wings and attach them.


then we attach the resin weapon options and landing gears


and there you have it, a legion storm Eagle. I personally hated this build as it requires so much bastardizing to get pieces into place. Now on to bigger and better things like the Typhon that just arrived


Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank


Now this tank has had a bit of an adventure, not only did it miss role call and have to wait to be deployed but it arrived just in time to save me from my insanity!


now you got to give forgeworld kudos if they packed this kit any tighter it would have needed a cavity search from customs to come in (bad dad joke I know)


The instructions are alot better than the Cerberus kit so I'm hoping the Cerberus is next to get a repack.


so let's have a gander at what's inside ehh?


The classic Spartan Chassis side plates which I've shown for the third time

If you haven't maybe send forgeworld an email about it? I get the feeling if more people send them complaints at how hard it is to put together that they might change something kinda like the Spartan Tracks.

Yep my thoughts exactly, it's a nice kit but god damn it.


So I've been thinking I may return to my son's of Horus after ETL I've sort of got the love and inspiration back.


2 storm eagles and 30 reavers sounds like a good start


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