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..::Kurama Reviews the Horus Heresy Series and Products::..

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Legion Fellglaive Super Heavy Tank


so I guess it's time for a change of pace and of tune, let us take a look now at the Fellglaive the third of the super heavy Tank chassis.


glorious to behold the will of choom and the epitome of the Martian Death Ray Club (this one's for you Olis)


And of course the customary building instructions, as this is my third super heavy but first review I'll knock up a guide with some great shortcuts on getting this bad boy done.


The side plating, these hunky chunks of resin are hard as :cuss to straighten out if warped so remember to check straight away for their alignment, the common are that can be warped is the actual tips of the slanted plating which joins the roof of the construct.


The nexus point from which h choom is generated, this turret is extremely high detailed and a hefty chunk of resin if you wish you can use it to hurl at your enemies or bludgeon them to death if your choom does not operate in ideal circumstances.


The hunting chunk that is the main Piece of this Tanks structure.


The cannon of choom, a highly detailed sculpt which truly is a beauty of pre imperium technology.


The lower hatch this bad boy is a bitch to fit but I'll show you a trick when the time comes to build this.


The engine mount, I love that the MkIIb Land raiders and the Proteus counterparts all share the same engine design it's more realistic than the Phobos style petrochem engine.


so don't mind the dirty Hands I spent all day pulling apart a clutch box from a BobcatS185 skidsteer. Now the tracks ohh how i loathe this part, now with the help of hot water I can bend it back into shape you just have to be careful as the tracks can be brittle it's a fine line between too much heat and too little.


The track and roller ends.


The fuel Tanks


The hull mounted weapon and housing.


The roller guides and bearing housing


The fuel tank mountings and the access Doors for the side Armour.


The sponson guards, I literally despite fixing these into place but these are cast well enough to hopefully fit seamlessly.


The Volkite protective Armour flap he'll now I'm just making words up, but yes it looks great and really it's just an Armoured layer that sits on top of the gun.


The front bumper, no Tank is finished without a tow point


The quad lascannons, some minor warping but there's no loss of detail.


Armoured linkages to lock in the sides of the tank to the main structure.


The choom nozzle or as its now going to be referred to the chozzle.


The exhausts and piping for the engine.


The power cords and arrays for the Lascannon with extra flashing.


The main targeting array.


The sponson locking plates


and finally the god damn Lascannon sponson housing.

Too many pieces to this kit but then again its the fine detailing that makes all the difference. Next up is going to be the Deimos Pattern Mkiic Rhino.

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Thanks for the replies guys I'll get to individual responses in the morning, but before I turn in for the night I'll give one more review;






Legion MkIV Techmarine




well now this bad boy is a beauty of a model, I was so impressed with this blister I decided to take it behind a high school toilet and get it pregnant (cue Tracy Jordan and his impeccable laugh) but really everyone pick one up it looks pretty sweet and I can't wait to see the MkIII counterpart.





nice and tightly packed in there, I personally would rather the return to the sponge foam in our blisters just as these have to be shipped around the world to get to me and Australia post is notorious for damaging my mail.





so a shot of the front and back, the detailing on the mechandrite cape part is amazing and any Iron hand worth his salt should get one of these a great piece of resin very much in love with it.




The arms and Shoulder Pauldrons, the opus mrchanicum is highly detailed and such a nice touch having it sunken into the pad.




The backpack pistol and helm, as much as I love the helm I think this guy needs a bare head I'm thinking space wolf with a bionic eye and a manly beard.




last but not least the servo arm and power axe, now looking at how everything is separate I feel I'll be able to do a great conversion with this piece for my little brothers space wolves army, I may make this a centerpiece model so he can run it as an iron priest Techmarine forge lord or whatever in 30k and his 40k army.


So this kit gets a 9/10 only because I hate the pistol would have been a great opportunity to make another weapon for forgeworld from a needle pistol to a nannyte blaster just to have an official model for those weapon options.


(But Kurama techmarines can't take those options!) Fear not nerds I am aware I just like to give a little optimism in hopes someone from forgeworld see this and go hey might as well sculpt that

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To be a complete knob: the tech marine can take the awesome nanyte blaster if he rolls as a Forge Lord Consul :P


These reviews are good man nice to see what the components look like - especially the mk4 tech marine as I've never given that one much attention compared to the mk3 beast.

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@dantay_xv- yep I'm in agree ancestors the head is a no go I reckon I'll mag lock it to him but this guy needs a braided beard like mist boiler makers I know.


@olis- to have a Glaive is to know the face off god


@Reyner- well buddy I won't label you a know as I was thinking that as I wrote it that someone would throw the consul role out there

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The techmarine looks cool but I hate HAte HATE the helmet. Looks like a mechanical teddy bears head!

Dammit, Dantay, i cannot unsee that now!

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Lol I won't be buying one, clearly...

Don't even joke! This :cussers is a pain in the arse from masdive resin cast gate blocks to extremely brittle (and may I add hollow tracks) I finally got it built but I truly for the love of god hate it

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Land Raider Armoured Proteus; Build review


So :cuss me it's that time again huh? Well here we have it the land raider Armoured Proteus, now before we begin I have to say please wash your hands thoroughly I made the mistake of not washing my bitumen stained Hands and had the joy of scrubbing this bad boy clean. Now the kit itself isn't hard to build provided you take your time and not (as I did) build it within 45 minutes.

So let us begin;


first up get your resin and clean trim and prep it like normal.


now thanks to the resin casting gates you will gave a :cuss of a time clearing all the resin out of the tracks, you'll also find minor blow outs in the mould so just try your best to clean it up (I was pretty rough but you can be pedantic if you wish)


now your hull is ready for fitting note the next few steps are the way the Forgeworld instructions tell you to proceed but in the end I attached them to a track section as they don't smoothly fit around the track casting (you'll understand in a minute)


First I aligned the rear panel to the floor of the land raider.


I then attached the front plate lining it up perfectly.


I then attached the roof and found that the roof won't line up perfectly as it won't fit so I decided to try a new approach.


attach it all to the track section then gap fill the :cuss out of the bits that don't line up.


I then added the other track section and ta-da there's 90% off the model.


next up I added the 2 tension bars to the front.


Followed by the engine block.


and then added the exhausts and piping.


so by now you should look like this, now here comes the parts that start to cause anger.... The sponsons and tracks.


first we attach the main Armoured section being careful to lining it up without obstructing the pivoting part of the sponson


We then lock the pivoting Piece in place avoiding any glue contact as this hugs extremely tight


We then add the doors (careful some may not fit and will require trimming) and the lascannons followed by the locking plates above the sponsons


now you should look something like this.


finally you add the hull mounted bolter and glue the top plate on and add the tracks..... now I found my tracks hollow and brittle and some linkages to not line up due to the casting gates, now I broke a couple minor details but will be using greenstuff and plastic card tube to fix. I found this last part the most frustrating due to forgeworld inability to cast tracks that don't cause some form of :cuss filled verbal diarrhea to come on.

Now a quick comparison shot against the land raider achillies alpha.


so all in all not a hard kit but forgeworld might want to look into casting the tracks to avoid rage issues.
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MkIc Deimos Pattern Rhino


Well now to all you people still paying attention to my tiny corner of the Internet I say welcome and enjoy; today's spectacle us the staple that is the Deimos Pattern Rhino, now since the start of the Horus Heresy I feel this kits been laid to the wayside for things such as kharybidus or spartans or even Storm eagles, it seems we've forgotten the roots of our dedicated transports and the beauty that is the Rhino.


now as you can see the rhinos received the re boxing treatment and looks amazing the way it's carefully packed and presented; contents = basic Rhino sprue and the resin Upgrade Set.


now I know these are newish but I thought I'd show you guys anyway, forgeworld now have a QC check on all products and I think it's a step in the right direction to keep up the quality customer service as we all know there are those out there that abuse their good graces.


now they've even given basic guides on tools and equipment which us a vast improvement compared to how we used to get these kits, hopefully all the instructions get redone as well to provide those inexperienced with Forge World Products the right steps to follow as we've all stuffed up a forge world kit or two.


first up is the side panels, they pretty much just slip over the inner panels and give it a big more bulk.


The front face panel, I much prefer this in comparison to the plastic rhinos face shielding.


The all important exhaust stacks, great casting on these.


The chappy dozerblade that will not be attached as I hate the poor functioning capabilities of a ramming point.


The side door hatches


And finally the hull mounted Weapons and hatches.

sorry that it's another small Review but unfortunately there's not much to these smaller kits. I still have plenty of stuff to come, my workload is ever increasing and I seem to never have any time to build or paint lately so hopefully I get a weekend free coming up and can get some stuff started and finished
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That Rhino was checked by... BV? A boiling vessel (a kettle)? I'll have my tea with milk, two sugars please. tongue.png

Or a busty virgin or a big violin it could be anything?! If your out there BV I'd like to buy you a beer for doing such a great job and also let me know how i can get your job... I'm over construction right now pretty sure I could check resin

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I'm completely in agreement brother and I will be equipping those bad boys for all my deimos Rhino variants except the Vindicator and laser destroyer.


On other news I may be busy for a while I'm sort of taking a break from the forums but I'm not going anywhere, I've got etl to prepare for and im hoping this year I can get a fair bit in. But in saying that my actual motivation to paint is so low so far this year I may just drum up support.


so expect the motivational preparation thread to be started in the next coming weeks. We have a title to take from Chaos and as our forums champion I'll need everyone's support to win this one for our wonderful corner of the B&C


Edit: if we win I'll tattoo the MDRC stamp on me




I've always been a man of my word I did this for ETL IV so let's see what we can do for V

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This thread is a gem.

Well thanks buddy it's an honour that you think so, this is my little contribution to the community here on the B&C and probably the one thing I wish I could put more time into.


If there's anything extra people would like me to cover let me know.


P.s. I also noticed I never posted the finished fire raptors so I'll get some new pics taken tomorrow and post my final review of the kit.

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