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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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In the end I went for a slightly brighter than the flat, but not glossy, think it works well.


But this thread is for the VIIIth! not the spawn of Magnus...


I finally, finally got some bases done! woot! Milestone and all that. Also worked out an awesome pose for a raptor, if only I had another marine casualty. Tried to add a slight bit of OSL around the bases and marines on bases, results were mixed.



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Fantastic! thumbsup.gif Absolutely love the raptor's pose!

Though the osl effect could be a 'tad brighter I think.

I was also gonna ask about the shell craters on the IF, but Blade beat me to it by a hair tongue.png!

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Wow, fantastic job on those bases, adds a lot more depth to the dark armour. Really impressive lad! I actually think the osl looks great the way it is, but I'm firmly in the 'less is more' camp when it comes to these things.


So far I've managed to not want night raptors, was never overly keen on the models, however your scheme has really brought out the good points of the sculpts a lot better than the forgeworld scheme IMO. Congratulations, I've now changed my mind. I'll send you the bill :P

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will you be doing blood effects on t he fist being used as a wall to vault off of  ? 


Stuff looks pretty awesome especially the like glow of the lava against the armor 

Thanks mate :D Unfortunately the fist being used as a piece of terrain is reserved for the diorama, this was just to see if the pose could work. If I do another, by getting some more legs at some point, I feel the only real way to make that pose work is to go this route. Don't see enough marine acrobatics :P



Fantastic! Absolutely love the raptor's pose!


Though the osl effect could be a 'tad brighter I think.


I was also gonna ask about the shell craters on the IF, but Blade beat me to it by a hair !

Cheers Rune :) Again however, the raptor's pose isn't set, just a stand-in. I tried to brighten the OSL a tad...but it didn't turn out so well, so I dialed it back. On larger miniatures I might try a bit more, however at the moment I'm just trying to keep some detail. I put a fair amount of detailed lightning on, but irritatingly most of it gets covered up by blood/weathering, and now glow. Trying to strike a balance.



Sweet "boot to the chest"

'What's that sergeant, incoming Night Rap-' *Crash* *Chainsword spinning* *Screams* :P



Wow, fantastic job on those bases, adds a lot more depth to the dark armour. Really impressive lad! I actually think the osl looks great the way it is, but I'm firmly in the 'less is more' camp when it comes to these things.


So far I've managed to not want night raptors, was never overly keen on the models, however your scheme has really brought out the good points of the sculpts a lot better than the forgeworld scheme IMO. Congratulations, I've now changed my mind. I'll send you the bill 

Thanks a lot Lodfafnir mate :D Was suprised myself at how nicely the bases went with them, and certainly give a bit of individuality. I think I might have to join you in that camp though, pitch my tent and all. Minimalistic route for once for my painting :lol:


I really love and hate Forgeworld regarding their Night Lords. I think they messed up the paint schemes of the Raptors and Curze a lot (practically ultramarine blue), and the sculpts of a couple of the raptors are...iffy. But the others, they are certainly wonderful when (imo) painted right - dark and bloody. Look forward to seeing yours...but I'll pass on supporting your resin addiction thank you very much ;)



Ooft now those are some tasty 8th.

Thanks! Glad you like them Charlo :)



STUFF IS ACTUALLY COMING TOGETHER! Finished the first 3 marines now, tomorrow Debased brother Vaasa is on the line (bonus point if you can guess who/what he is...)(not in company list, will be added). Also got a small The Three Musketeers Murdereers thing...but that base will be used for something else. Maybe give it a week and I'll even have a full 5 man squad ready! Store has an apoc game going on tomorrow, however I can't go so a friend will be fielding Curze, Skinwolf and Moros in my stead...he better use them well or time to expand my flaying skills!


I personally think the mainly stone base I've just done has to be the nicest I've painted, think the glow effects round the cracks came out perfectly.


Anyway, enjoy as always, CnC welcome and wanted!



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So, ETL has finally arrived, and now I can vow and paint some stuff! Going for a full infantry vow to start with, as I gave into temptation and started painting one of the vehicles I had planned to vow :/ So this vow is 20 terror marines, and assorted seekers and support, with a Forgelord, Ophion, and Mawdrym. Next vow (if there is a next vow), will have the Typhon, 15 raptors, and a couple of dreads.

And thank you Pearson and Krieg biggrin.png Really happy with how the bases are coming out.

Now, not much progress to show. Just a pic of ETL vow, the dread I'm working on, and the start of a tiny mechanicum contingent (priest, 3 bodyguards, and Kastellan)


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Good luck with your vows, can't wait to see all those models completed!

Maybe by next year's ETL I'll be able to contribute to the VIIIth Legion.

Thanks Rune biggrin.png They're actually coming along at an alarming rate...we should do this ETL thing more often laugh.png

Yeeesssssss.....join the darknessssss.....

Been pushing along with the legion, got about 4 men pre/lightning stage, who should be finished tomorrow. In the meantime, I've also just finished the first of the vokite caliver support squad, and decided to give him a bit of a story. And no, every marine will not be getting a story. Anywho, enjoy smile.png



The storm eagle hanging overhead lurched sideways, sky lighting up with a thunderous explosion as it was blown out the air. Xai could make out the mauled figures through the gaping hole in the fuselage, some leaping out onto the ground as the aircraft span wildly, accelerating towards the mountainside. The mountainside he was on. He cursed, slinging his volkite caliver across his back, and turned to run. Five seconds later it collided straight into the dark stone, the shockwave from impact and subsequent explosion throwing Xai dozens of metres away from the rest of his squad. His flight was broken by a sharp impact against him helm, staggering him.

Xai rose, clutching at his face, feeling the shattered remains of an eyepiece, the shards pushing into his soft tissue. The pain inhibitors worked away, distracting him from the injury, leaving it a nagging ache as if he had merely been bruised. Unlimbering his gun, he glanced around. From the ash-wreathed clouds ahead, he could make out a huge figure, stumbling forward. Abhuman. Raising his caliver, he pulled the trigger, a lance of crackling orange splurting out and slamming into the shoulder of the beast. It growled, noticing the armoured figure less than half a dozen metres away, before starting to run forward. Xai tried to shoot again, only to be met with a low tone in response. Damaged power pack...of course. He back-pedalled furiously, ejecting the current pack and grabbing his last one from his waist. The abhuman was five metres away now, huge feet propelling it forwards in great loping strides. Xai could see it more clearly, an oversized humanoid creature with upper body and shoulders clad in crude metal plates, one hand replaced by a vicious hook that would be more appropriate in a butcher’s store. Its small, lumpy face was scrunched up in an expression of primal hate, while the snarl on its mouth dripped drool and blood.

Another heartbeat, the pack was loaded, and the abhuman was four metres away. Xai pulled again, bracing his feet into the dark earth. Beam after beam of brilliant fire slammed into the fleshy bulk, a few burning away harmlessly on the basic metallic armour. The others charred flesh, and Xai could see fat bubble away in places, while one simple pauldron was sheared off; a sequence of melted holes cut through. The energy discharge coils whined and grew hot, his armour lighting up in an orange tint. Finally the beast faltered for a second, the heat burning a ragged hole all the way through its belly. Then it leapt forward, closing the last metre in an unruly jump. The hook descended on the gun, pulling and throwing it to the right, letting it clatter to the ground. The other hand gripped Xai’s left arm, before ripping it off at the shoulder in a fountain of gore. The pain inhibitors fluctuated for a second, leaving Xai to scream out in agony. The abhuman paused, its eardrums burst by the loud sound. Xai flopped to the floor, pain receding from his mind as his bio-enhancements and psychotherapic barriers returned, filling his system with adrenaline and balms. He crawled desperately to where his caliver lay, barrel still red hot. His remaining hand barely gripped the handle before he felt the brutal hook pierce straight through his right leg, metal pushing through layers of ceramite and red flesh in a show of barbarian strength.

Pulling him up into the air, it glanced at the armoured body with an expression of glee, content to let Xai hang there for a few seconds. He had other ideas. Arm thrust out, Xai pushed the smoking end of the barrel under the metal plates protecting the abhumans upper abdomen, and presumably its heart. The barrel melted into the bare flesh, penetrating a couple of inches in as the meat of the torso bubbled away from the extreme heat. A heartbeat later, Xai switched to fully automatic, and depressed the trigger. Dozens of cracks were heard, as the creature howled, heat and ancient technology burning away at its body. Eventually Xai heard a change in pitch, as the back of the monster’s body was burnt out, energy having cut all the way through, disintegrating bone and flesh.

A couple of seconds later, the abhuman reeled backwards, before collapsing to the ground with a satisfying thump, lifelessly dropping Xai to the floor. Its chest cavity was reduced to a charred ruin, internal organs, meat and gristle burnt to ashes, even as the fire lapped at the rest of the corpse. Xai grunted, gritting his teeth before pulling his leg off the bloody hook. Steadily rising back on two legs, he took one last look at the singed thing before him, before raising his caliver and firing a last shot into the beast’s inert face, expression frozen in a rictus display of surprise. Xai watched, the coruscating flames burning the flesh down to the skull, before that too blistered away to ashes upon the wind.


Now, I was just looking through the forum...when I came about this beauty by IHF on his thread here. In case he should ever read this, you're awesome biggrin.png

And as such, I have planned to at some point, along with the justaerin/atramentar, build these breachers/knights...

I get the feeling I'm going to need to improve my GS skills...

(Not my sketch, just a work of art)



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eek.gif That breacher is absolutely sick! (in multiple ways tongue.png) That may be the push I need to start dabbling in sculpting.

I'm really enjoying your fluff excerpts, there's a few minor grammatical issues mixed in there, but nothing that can't be easily fixed.

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Thanks Newtoncain and Charlo :)

Just did some finishing touches to Curze while I desperately try to get the bits for a dead marine on his base. And the style on those stormcast blades will certainly be repeated soon enough.

So, didn't actually include any text with the last update due to technical difficulties, so I'll sum up here quickly, before talking about today's update.

Rune, glad you like the fluff. Just dabbling in it now, but it's a hella lot easier than painting :P And mistakes mean I can improve, so that's always good. The breacher is gonna be a tough one to do for sure, but I have a few ideas.

Helter, they're pretty damn amazing, aren't they? Thanks as well, and good luck for any vows you do. The choomilator came out brilliantly, along with the squad and librarian. Good work brother :ty:

Wolf, thank you :) Soon enough you'll see a typhon in a somewhat similar style ;)

Pheidias, glad you like them :) Since I have zero actual contrast on the men, bases were the next best choice for it. Thanks :)

There were some updates for my ETL progress, a bit of work on Curze, and two new styles of force weapon. Those styles however, have prompted another...project. Something Star War(hammer)-y. So, with that in mind, I've made some more progress towards it recently...

Now, I've completed another 2 marines for ETL (slow progress, I know), however, the army is actually starting to look like all one force! Also put some work into Mawdrym, wasn't sure how to do the 'red jaqa' so just did it as a red power weapon dagger. Think it works. Ophion has also received some more paint, gonna finish the trim on him, then work out where to go. Namely, what colour/thing his cloak should be. Is he a flayed flesh sorta guy, or more traditional?

I've started work on the diorama. General plan is going to be on the bridge of a ship, 2(3) 'Sith' chaos lords, vs the 4(6) 'Jedi' marines. And I was in no way inspired to do this by GoT...no sir. The colours of the blades, between the red, green and blue options should make for ok swords, so we'll see how it comes out. Since this is in no way related to any of my current 3 project threads, yep, I'm going to have to start another one. Probably just a 'Random Aeternas stuff' one, so the Fist terminator will probably go in there. I'll post up a link when I have enough to qualify for the start of it.

At the moment however, only done the first 2 marine casualties. Don't you think the one with the robes would look perfect as a Templar? Yes? I thought so too devil.gif The other non-robed one will most likely have a sword sticking out of him by the end. Let's see how this project comes along! (Also done some work on the main Chaos lord, complete with half bionic face and evil looking sword)

Enjoy, CnC always welcome and wanted.


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  • 3 weeks later...


+++Access Granted+++











+++Access.Enquiry.Relay Failed+++





+++Access.Enquiry.Relay Success+++




Location:___Imperial Palace Sub Level Theta





Information.Store: Unknown Legionary. Unknown armament. Unknown Designation. Unknown Result. Known Mark. Known Casualty










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Okay now, Update. Almost finished the first contemptor! Just need the shoulders and arms now :D Also created what I call a Malum-Noctis pattern battle automata...but really I just wanted to make the model more Night-lordy. Personally, that thing now gives me nightmares as I can see it as some sort of scissor handed little creepy toy. Fluff to come once it's finished.


Also done some work on marines generally all over, and got another Curze and Sevatar to paint at some point :)



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Paint job looks great on the contemper. I like the work you've done on the Automata. The marines look great I especially like the helmet on the guy in the 3rd picture bottom left. The bone paint makes the grill look like an evil grin.

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