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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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Update time (not much unfortunately). Away in France for a week so only a tiny bit of progress on painting - Just finished up the lightning on the first of the night raptors. While the marines have a medium amount, the seekers have very little (need to put a picture up), the raptors are going to have a lot. A lot.

Also finished building my BaC contemptor, with all in all about 15 skulls on him. Still not enough tongue.png

As for the atramentar, begun thinking on what weapons to give them. There will be chainglaives certainly, but I'd want to represent each legionary fighting with their preferred weapon. To this effect, I've found an absolutely wonderful axe for a Night Lord. I'm torn between giving it to an Atramentar, Ophion (he has a power axe), or to Kellendvar (from the books). I'll leave a picture here for your thoughts. While you ponder that, I would also ask, do you think a Morghast Archai halbard would be Teq scale? Two handed certainly, but they have a wonderful vicious feel about them. Thoughts?


99800207009_KrellLordofUndeathNEW02.jpgHere's the axe

99120207028_DeathLordsMarghastsArchai02.And a halbard. For scale purposes, the base is 60mm on this...

As always, CnC welcome and highly appreciated smile.png

Thanks for viewing

Edit: Forgot to mention, ordered the Atrapos. However, I managed to do it through FW, through GW, in such a way I totally circumvented the titan competition for FW and the Army competition for GW sad.png Gonna have to make another order before the month is up tongue.png

Double Edit: 100 posts! Woooo. If only I had 100 models finished laugh.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've taken a bit of time to try and write some fluff for the company. Well, just some writing at the moment, not too much about the company itself. Got another bit of writing being made for the future Moritat...The Gargoyle. Just need to get a fitting model. Have the ideas of it, but the bits are varied and costly.


Anyway, please let me know how you think it is, whether I should give up or if it's actually decent. I mean it, any and all opinions are welcome.


Here it is...


'When we sent the Legions into the darkness, the eternal night that stretched out through the galaxy, we had no idea what would come back for us. Our lost sons, changed by the duty we forced upon them. Out of all the legions, from the noble savages of the wolves to the grim relentless warriors of Iron, save perhaps the mysterious warriors of the XX, the quietest was the VIIIth. We in the core worlds heard little about their way of war, their slide into darkness, until we had to face that ourselves. The remembrances we sent out to meet up with their fleets, to record the supposedly glorious conquests they made in the name of man never returned. The college stopped sending them eventually. Whether they made it and became victims of those things, or lost on the way, we know not. The news came back to us in the end. Years before we would see that midnight armour march against us. We heard of how the Legion of the Night had been changed into such grim creatures, depraved and sickly. Unlike those systems in the outer reaches, those who faced the ceramite clad forms and fell, we had believed them to be similar to the other legions, those whom we had contact with. We were wrong.
I should’ve seen before then. The crime rate in the Terran underhives had fallen 23% after the first legion aspirants had been taken. Not for better policing, but for a lack of criminals. What sort of an army, the supposed best of Humanity, would be made from it’s worst people? We should’ve known. Instead we lay in blessed ignorance, believing the Night Lords were just protecting us. And perhaps that was the sin that brought them back, ripping their way from the far darkness. Perhaps this was our punishment for making them. Perhaps they were our judge and jury, executioners who had returned in the name of revenge.
Humanity forged a legion of nightmares to protect ourselves, to push against the darkness.
And we were somehow surprised when they turned on us.'
                       - Chapter XII of Meditations on the Legiones Astartes, by Quorin Santardus, Remembrancer first class
'Those among my kin believe almost all of the Eighth were murderers, criminals, psychopaths and sociopaths alike. They are wrong. Though many of them were eventually, following decades of butchering their way across the stars, losing their humanity, they were still sane to begin with. Well, sane as a relative term. Sane on their world of eternal darkness was certainly not the same as on Holy Terra. However, they were still human, with all the weaknesses that came with it, no matter how much they tried to hide their past. They could still feel love, hatred. They could still fear. How ironic. Though these were twisted in the years to come, they were still there. Love for mutilating another’s flesh beyond recognition. Hatred for the Lord of Mankind, He who they believed had forsaken them, knowing their eventual fate. And fear, fear of dying alone in an uncaring galaxy, with no mound of enemies beneath them. Fear of the darkness they sent so many others to.
No matter how bad the majority were, they paled in relevance to some. Those who were divorced from their sanity even before being made into Proto-gods. When you wrapped a human in layers of ceramite, and gave him to the Eighth, you would create a monster. When you took a monster and made him into a demi-god, you created something else. Something infinitely more deadly. Something closer to the worst xeno than a pinnacle of humanity. War, without knowing why. Dealing death, while feeling nothing. Hearing talk of duty, honour, without ever knowing the words. Not for these precious few was there ever hope of redemption, if there was such for the rest of them.
From those officers who relayed such things back, we on Terra learned of a few of these demigods, those who had no purpose. Most of them made their ways into the Moritat cadres of the legions, doomed to walk apart from brothers they could not understand. To walk a path to save others, even as they did not care. Kaedes Nex of the XIX was one. However the VIIIth seemed to have them in abundance. The Prince of Crows was said to be one. We never knew for certain. Other companies however, they had them. The Crimson Prince of the 78th. The Gargoyle of the 101st. We forged such beings, and we paid the price for our hubris.'
                            - Chapter CX of Meditations on the Legiones Astartes, by Quorin Santardus, Remembrancer first class
Edit. I'll put a few pics up this evening of a recently finished Seeker. Maybe even of something else as well. Other than that you can look forward to a Knight Atrapos. 
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Thank you very much Observer and Loddfafnir! I was very much going for dark and gloomy. Got some 1st person stuff I might put up tomorrow, but it's still in prototype stages.

The name was a sudden burst of inspiration, but now with such a good epithet he has to have a good model laugh.png And if you want to do a model or writing for him, feel free. Who knows what companies he was in before he came to the 101st?

Suddenly, a seeker! As promised. Going for a dark and muted tone on them, more stealthy. So for that reason, they'll only have lightning on their weapons, as they've turned the arco-projectors on the armour off. Yeah, I'm aware they're still lit up, but what can I say...I like lightning.


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Nice writing, I especially enjoy this quote: 

Humanity forged a legion of nightmares to protect ourselves, to push against the darkness.
And we were somehow surprised when they turned on us.'
Puts a grimdark smile on my face. 
The seeker looks quite good as well! Though he looks like he needs a few trophies (in my opinion).
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Nice writing, I especially enjoy this quote:

Humanity forged a legion of nightmares to protect ourselves, to push against the darkness.
And we were somehow surprised when they turned on us.'
Puts a grimdark smile on my face.
The seeker looks quite good as well! Though he looks like he needs a few trophies (in my opinion).

Aye, I was quite proud of that line. Was considering going with a sort of 'Man made a reaper to defend it's enemies, and was suprised as the reaper returned', but Reaper is far more to do with the Death guard. But nevertheless, Thanks, I'm glad you liked it smile.png

I have an abundance of helmets right now, so just waiting on some GS or tiny chains and I'll start giving people trophies. I do very little conversion work on my men, it's a weakness I plan to solve, just need the parts to do so. I think I'll refrain from doing any flesh on the seekers, just helmets and such, but the terror squads themselves will be decked head to toe.

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So, reinforcements have arrived msn-wink.gif

Also, plans on starting a kinda 18 legions thing, got the (predictably) first model as a NL sorted, and the other is going to be an ultra. Kinda blackshields like, but more because I just want to try out all the schemes.

Still trying to come up with a paint scheme for the knight - House Nyx, on deployment alongside House Achlys and Legio Ulricon. Any ideas? There's going to be a mix of Night Lord scheme and other, just haven't decided on the other. Black and red is rather...common now.

And thanks Krieg smile.png


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So you wanna build one legionnaire from every legion? Neat idea, I might have to do that tongue.png. That could be some interesting fluff how such an unlikely band would come together. The only bug with that Ultra is he's got a beard, which seems decidedly un-Ultra, if you know what I mean (though I know some did have beards, it's my personal preference, so no pressure smile.png). Also, love your use of the awesome chaos raptor chainswords!

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So, got a couple of schemes side by side. Metallic black with brass trim, or blood red with a silver trim. I'm thinking maybe Blood red with a metallic black trim and bone with brass as alternative colours?

(Yeah, I tested on a scion, the schemes for a knight though msn-wink.gif )


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Mortals, you have chosen your path, and now you must follow it to its bitter end'


Morisa'ta was one of the 101st companies cadre of commanders, regarded by many as the company champion - a title he neither welcomed, nor wanted. One of the early recruits from Nostramo, when the Haunter's legacy was still remembered, he stood apart from his Terran brothers in the company. As opposed to his brother centurions who each had their preferred bodyguards, either the multitude of terror squads, or the Atramentar brethren, Morisa'ta chose to walk alone. He excelled in ship to ship boarding actions, or perimeter breaching. Here his murderous skills could be put to use in the tight corridors and claustrophobic spaces, his artificer chainglaive whirling in a deadly dance of adamantium teeth as  his ancient ceramite half shield covered his weaknesses. Overtime he grew even further apart from his legion, especially after the Istvaan atrocities. Eventually, after one boarding action alongside the XVII legion against the Blood Angels when daemonic allies were brought forth, contact was broken. His company proceeded to withdraw as evidence of the XVII forces corruption showed, and after numerous vox-inquires went unanswered, left Morisa'ta to his own path...


'He stood grunting, the chipped teeth of his glaive spluttering as they ground to a stop, shards of ceramite and bone still stuck between them. One last look at the fallen angel, one of their veterans, confirmed the kill. With half his skull missing, the viscera spilling to the floor, and a rictus look of horror on his face. "Not so beautiful now" Morisa'ta hissed out through a clenched jaw. He could feel his artisan wrought armour split open in several places, a victim of the custom bolter shells that had been spat by the angel's bolter in the moments before his death. He turned, about to move further toward the command deck when a high pitched giggle interrupted his movements. Turning back towards the corpse he noticed a slim, slender wraith of a figure gliding towards him down the dimly lit access corridor. Opal blue eyes set upon a too perfect face, framed by a mass of off white hair. The torso, altogether too thin for a human, yet looking like the most beautiful woman he had set his black eyes upon. One swaying arm ending in a vicious barbed claw, the other gripping a silver knife. Daemon. 


"For one so keen to inflict fear upon other humans...you reek of it." The words came out in perfect cadance, uttered by a forked tongue.

Pressing the activation stud on his glaive, and raising his shield upon his left arm, he prepared for combat once more. 

"I will rip your body to shreds, filthy concubine of the warp. This I promise you. You will not find the sons of Nostramo as weak as the bearers of the word", he growled through his winged helmet's speakers, a low growl to contrast the Daemon's pitch. He moved into a run at the same time as the daemon leapt from the deck, and their weapons met in sparks, gene-forged murderer against a predator of unknowable age.




So here he is. Unfortunately a few details such as weapon stripes were lost in pic-capture. However such is phone technology.


Edit. :cuss. Ignore the resin shard in the kinda ditchy part on the base. Somehow slipped in there while photos were being taken. Dammit.

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Stunning! Best Sevatarian conversion I've seen! That flesh wound on his left thigh is a nice touch. The only criticism that comes to mind is his power pack crest doesn't look quite 'right' to me, like it's a little too clean. And fantastic writing again! You should do a more fleshed out backstory for Morisa'ta sometime.

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Thanks Observer, Pearson and Runefyre! I'll have a look at the power pack crest at some point. It was rather an afterthought for an iron halo, but in the flesh it appears a bit more battered. I'll look at throwing some more weathering on it, like a scorching effect or something. Most full model posts from here on will come with a bit of writing, and later on I'll probably have a go at fleshing out such characters as Morisa'ta.


I've still not worked out a scheme for the knight overall, but I've finished the interior cockpit and pilot. Discovered I'd have to glue him in rather than magnetising, as once the area is sealed he can't get out (even leaving top off). Today I should be able to do some work on the central body area. Leaving the legs until my base arrives.



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One side of the central area just about finished. Yeah no-ones gonna see it, but still. I appreciate the detail they made it with.



Edit, also close to 1000 views. I like to celebrate little milestones ;)

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Hah, cheater ;) I like to do all the cables as it gives me more time to think of an actual colour scheme laugh.png Plus there's always the chance you'll glue it all together, and just see an unpainted cable sticking out...

But thanks Flint :)

Should be able to post up other sides later tonight.

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