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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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I'm going to be (finally) starting to paint some Night Lords in the next week or two so I'd definitely appreciate a quick lightning tutorial.


Curze is looking great, I've spotted so many more details on his armour with yours than I realised were there.

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Thanks you two :D


The choom was a matter of having put a scope on a charger...and feeling it really didn't fit well. Most people would remove the scope, but more choom couldn't hurt...Accurate death lasers of doom! 


I'll put a tutorial up in a few days or so, gonna get a half decent camera for it :P 


Anyways, been making some progress on the majority of the Resin in the kit, the base. Going for a 50/50 mix of marble and obsidian, in quite striking contrast. I personally think it kinda emphasizes the character a bit as well. There's only wrong, and right on Nostramo. Abide by the law and live, or commit any crime at all, and die. (I might be going crazy with my painting)


Only the lower bit of the base is currently painted, the rest will be tomorrow today's job.


Anyway, a couple of pics of that, and him on top of it. Just realized how hunched over he looks from above. Plan to add a legionary corpse or two as well.


As always, cnc welcome :D



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  • 3 weeks later...

The tutorial is done, but the pictures will only be up later. As for now, just about finished a terror squad, and I'd like to present a kitbash Alpharius. Decided the night before an Apoc game we should have a *suprise primarch* so I ended up raiding my bitz box, buying a kit, and doing a quick paint job before crashing before the game.


As for the game itself...the kytan ran amok, buffed with a grimoire. It slaughtered its way through 3 knights, a thanatar, and a selection of tanks. By the end of it, despite the deaths of it's two bodyguard knights, numerous baneblade, orbital bombardments, ordinatus, and titan shots, it was still standing. On full hp no less, thanks to good invulns and IWND.


The rest of the force proved...middling. Alpharius snuck up behind a line of tanks thanks to a tactical drop pod and the unassuming vet squad he was hiding in. He ended up with a kill tally of two baneblades, and a leman russ. as well as almost killing an ordinatus. Curze on the other hand, was exposed to a tau gunline. After the smoke from a stormsurge, and a pack of hammerheads cleared, he was left standing on 2 wounds. Then, he got mauled by a pack of castellax. An ignoble death...


The fellblade and shadowsword both earned their worth, killing a mixture of baneblades, and knights, while casually stripping the ordinatus down...


The ordinatus, good god, the ordinatus. That thing...every time it fired you could see a gaping line through our forces. And trying to kill the damn thing...


anyways, here's some pictures









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Update #2 for today, including: Curze, and a lightning tutorial.

Yeah yeah, I know. two updates this fast? I must be going crazy biggrin.png

Curze is finished, and the base is almost. I felt it was a bit of a let down without a butchered astartes so I'm considering poses for one, while scouring the interwebs for one of the marines from Angron or Khârn. This is the possible pose...opinions?

As for lightning...keep reading

Step 1 : main strands. I use a 75/25 mixture of Lothern blue/Vallejo metallic medium, but pure lothern blue works just as well. Remember to keep your paints thin with water. Gently paint a spiky line splitting into two at some point, and leave it there for now.


Step 2 : fleshing out the strand. In the previous picture I had already started to do so on the marine, as you can see by the further split on the left. At large points, just add another split or small line, to get the full effect. Same colour


Step 3 - the white. Gently, using a very watered down white ( I use Vallejo glacier blue) paint over in where the splits happen, and if on a larger surface (tank) then you can gently add yet more small splits of pure white. Though I've done this on the marine, I usually only use this on vehicles, as it leaves the lightning looking way too cluttered on small surfaces.


And finally, step 4. I know, long tutorial. Using a straight guilliman blue glaze, gently go over the lines of lightning you have so far. This will have the effects of mixing the white/blue, making it more vibrant, and also giving a slight glow effect. However, be warned, the more glaze you use, the more noticeable it will become, and the glow effect doesn't always come out nicely. For instance on the marine, you can't see it too much due to the small surface, but on the base you can certainly notice it.


There ya go. A way to do some reasonably blueish, quite vibrant lightning. With only 3 paints. However, don't expect first attempts to go perfectly, keep trying, get that brush precision/reasonably sized brush, and have a crack until you nail it. biggrin.png cheers for following.

Anyway, back onto other things - Curze


Also, if you're into some lovely VIII legion goodness, go check out Loddfafnir's thread here...he has some simply beautiful metallic Night lords going on there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, have something I'd like your opinion on. 

Personally, I think my work is good, but the only thing really lacking is bases, which I can't make for the life of me


So, having decided to buy some, do you think a lava style would work? Or would it throw off the minis too much


And if you like the idea, which out of these two styles would you say looks better? 


Thanks, and sorry about no proper update :/ Curze won the store painting competition though, so happy with that. Still sourcing parts for a moritat, then I can drive on with that project. 




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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, been a while. Thanks Slips and Krieg for your choices :) ordered, maybe I might even have them in time for this months competition laugh.png

Anywhos, here's some things slowly progressing. Started work on the second terror squad, all outfitted in mk2. Going for a really weathered look on this, and I'm quite proud of the lightning. Also, alongside them is my model for the march of the legions, an alpha legion colour scheme test (I think its a tad too green) and a castellan because, well, I had one spare.


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An update on the praetor. The daemonette head is going to go in his left hand. Now just have to find some GS to craft a worthy skin cloak...


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Thanks very much you two smile.png I'm still not convinced on the scale. I used evil craft legs which are considerably more bulky/generally larger than normal marine legs, and they fit with the arms, but that just leaves the torso looking oh so small. But yeah, there's a lot of battle damage on him laugh.png

Been powering along with Sevvys base, which will be this guys for the March of the Legions. I may have done the blood angel slightly too dark, looking a lot like one of Lorgar's lot right now.


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Care to share your paint scheme? I absolutely love that praetor wub.png , makes me feel sad that I don't have the funds to start night lords right now. Also, you might want to look at using a dark eldar archon skin cape as a base you can build off of.

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Care to share your paint scheme? I absolutely love that praetor wub.png , makes me feel sad that I don't have the funds to start night lords right now. Also, you might want to look at using a dark eldar archon skin cape as a base you can build off of.

Absolutely :) Its a heavy drybrush of 40/40/20 Vallejo night blue/Vallejo Metallic medium/GW black (yeah, easiest to do the blue and metal mix, then add in however much black until you get the shade you want) with in areas a blue glaze. I'll put the rest up in a sec. And thanks man :) I'm quite proud of him. I have to admit, I did a fair amount of saving for them, but was definitely worth it once you get in. I have one of those skin capes lying around but it's not quite working with the backpack as well, so going to save it for the medicae, and sculpt a cloak like my champion.

Now, post Bday update. Base and model is all coming together, just need to add a bit of lightning to the upper half, and a couple more details, a story for it, and I'll call it done. However, I now have enough for my next main project, a knight atrapos. So yeah, expect to see one of those lovelies soon, maybe alongside an attempt at the Atramentar...

Feel free to leave C&C :)


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Awesome! I will definitely look into using that paint scheme. Can't wait to see the knight, Cerastus Atrapos is my favoured  chassis. Also, check out these 3d printed shoulder pads ( http://www.shapeways.com/shops/popbits?section=|+Night+Lords&s=0 ), I've heard only good things about them, and I think having one or two of these kicking around would reduce the amount of converting requited to make the atramentar truly unique!

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Why, those were indeed what inspired me that now was the time! Came across them a few days ago, posted them in the Murderer's call, and decided to slowly grab my bitz. Current plan involves justaerin bodies, terror squad helms, one of each cataphractii NL pad, and thats as far as I've got. Any ideas for weapons or such, or general other things to make them truly terrifying? I had considered giving them all a 2H chainglaive, but this would limit the effectiveness of such a unit (besides being illegal...)

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Nobody says chainglaives can't be used as counts as power weapons msn-wink.gif , rule of cool all the way! Anvil industries chainglaives absolutely qualifies for that! Also, Anvil industries skull helmets might be cool as termy helms, if you cut them down a bit.

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True. Chainglaives it is then! (well, maybe a claw or two thrown in)

The anvil industry ones are lovely, but don't quite have the aura of savagery Sevvys has :( Still, they're probably my best bet, ortherwise I plan to try and recreate the night raptor one by just taking a resin chainsword (maybe one of the mk2 ones?) and heating it then bending it into a vaguely curved shape. Should be a bit longer and bit meaner. But the anvil ones will definitely see use on sgts on marine squads. Alternatively, found these ones recently...



The two handed ones just manage to look soooo  much more brutal <3 (also they've been releasing loads of superb stuff recently. Think I might put an order in for a whole load of stuff soon)


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The two-handed chainglaives were incidentally the ones I was referring to tongue.png. I've been thinking about ideas for my own warband, and I like the idea of my atrementar (or terminator elite, I haven't decided whether I want to make my own warband or go for 'official' characters) wearing stolen parts of armour still in their parent legion colors. And afew other "parts" from the original "owner" msn-wink.gif , also anvil industries skull helmets are truly terrifying!

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Thud, unfortunately the assault guy is not mine! Just one of anvil's models from their page, was just showing an example of the glaive :P

Rune: Ah, sorry about that, my bad. Thought you were talking about the one handed ones laugh.png But yes, I think both 1h and 2h will make an appearance. When you do your warband not all the Elite have to be atramentar, and not all the atramentar have to be in Terminator plate. Still, I look forward to what you're doing, especially if its a mix of parts - those are always awesome smile.png

As much as I like the anvil helmets, I just prefer the FW ones slightly. I think the Anvil ones fit chaplains more, but I'll order a pack of the hooded ones nonetheless and see how it comes out smile.png

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