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Night Lords 101st company - 1st Legion Link


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When won't he be in a challenge? At least that's the likeliest scenario.


But otherwise I always thought if you were in base contact your attacks would be allocated to that particular model. Which would meet the RaI I think, but maybe not RaW.


It's difficult sometimes when FW insists on writing rules with a past edition mindset.

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Those are some bloody good ideas Rune, especially the vicious murder-claws. Think I might have to use them, if you wouldn't mind? Maybe not on Kheron until I do a second model, but I've had plans for a Assassin-Vigilator drawn from one of the Nostraman Murder-Cults that have been referenced, would work on him perfectly.


I wouldn't have a clue where to start on those throwing blades though...


I'd say go for it, give it a go! Your ideas, I think it'd look brilliant :)


And Skimask, if you mean the power fist holding the shield, I've been thinking of taking the shield off, picking up some more evilcraft ornate arms, and doing it on one of them to tie in a bit more on the lithe but fancy armour. At that point I'd probably also be able to replace the torso and add a cloak. I'll see about doing that after a game tonight, when Kheron will be going Primarch-hunting ;) And I do kinda agree with you. Think it might be a bit better if it was just a USR, any model that rolls a 1 to hit. Oh well. Tonight I'll see how it goes, and whether he's utterly worthless or not...


Now, I've got the promised full body shots of the knight, which is slowly coming along. Also, my bases all arrived, so included a picture of them. If Lava doesn't work, think I have to go with more traditional urban rubble :/


And finally...ZEAL!




Please, excuse the hand


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The lava base looks good, perhaps a tad flat, but a good paint job fixes many things msn-wink.gif. The red/orange will contrast nicely I think with the Night Lords blue.

For the knight itself, perhaps less might be more for the lightning. The half lightning half Night Lords icon is really cool, and I think maybe just leave the lightning there; things might get a little cluttered otherwise. Though the arch above the head would look pretty neat with some lightning.

Great looking champion, are you doing March of the Legions?

What army are you playing against tonight? You definitely need to take pics and post a batrep!

I've got no problem with you using my ideas, especially if you can do it better than me (which is highly likely lol tongue.png).

With my horus heresy addiction knowing no bounds, I've got probably one too many projects started, so I'm thinking about condensing some of the into shattered legion themes, to lighten model count for each legion (and so I can get it all done before my Space Wolves are released this fall).

What is your opinion on a Night Lords/Death Guard shattered army? I like the idea of a horror cult list supported by some off the rails DG termies with trophies of judgement.

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The lava base looks good, perhaps a tad flat, but a good paint job fixes many things msn-wink.gif. The red/orange will contrast nicely I think with the Night Lords blue.

For the knight itself, perhaps less might be more for the lightning. The half lightning half Night Lords icon is really cool, and I think maybe just leave the lightning there; things might get a little cluttered otherwise. Though the arch above the head would look pretty neat with some lightning.

Great looking champion, are you doing March of the Legions?

What army are you playing against tonight? You definitely need to take pics and post a batrep!

I've got no problem with you using my ideas, especially if you can do it better than me (which is highly likely lol tongue.png).

With my horus heresy addiction knowing no bounds, I've got probably one too many projects started, so I'm thinking about condensing some of the into shattered legion themes, to lighten model count for each legion (and so I can get it all done before my Space Wolves are released this fall).

What is your opinion on a Night Lords/Death Guard shattered army? I like the idea of a horror cult list supported by some off the rails DG termies with trophies of judgement.

I think the lava pattern will work well, but what I'm scared off is the possibility of any glow lightning on the legs really ruining the detail of the lightning and such, making it seem quite crowded. However I think I'll have to see how it looks before I start worrying :P

The arch on the head is a good idea for another area for the lightning, think it could definitely work. So I'll finish up the other shin, do the top, and see if it feels like I need any more. So close yet so far...

I am participating in this month's MotL, but not with the champion. Instead I have a very beaten and worn Fists tac marine I'm working on. I'll post him up later :)

We run a fortnightly heresy campaign over at my local store, working our way through major heresy battles. Istvaan was a few games ago, but all but the first game have resulted in a traitor victory :D This game was a failed ambush type, so Traitors with very limited options vs the elite of the loyalists with primarchs. Unfortunately I didn't catch any pictures, but we found out Sigismund is one hell of a nasty challenger. Luckily with Ophion bearing the brunt of Corax's attacks for a good 2 turns we eventually took him down with the new Mechanicum character, while Dorn fell to massed phosphex, and Ferrus to Myrmidon destructors. They managed to rip their way through half an army first though...

Shattered legion armies might be a good call for you, to somewhat condense all the stuff you've got going. Also brings a bit more variety up in the AoD! Opportunity for customisation and uniqueness is also pretty high, means they can really look beautiful ;)

I think the NL/DG idea could definitely work, plus the colour schemes (if you kept them vaguely in their original schemes) would blend quite nicely imo. In terms of effectiveness in game, you'd be pretty powerful in melee with all the raptors and death guard, while you'll also have a somewhat more sturdy force alongside the lords. Fluff wise, I think it could certainly happen. Give me a shout if you start it :)

Well interestingly enough, the rule says any attacks that role 1s which means to hit or wound. The only tricky part is to get them to target ophion

Oooh, that makes it a lot more useful. I reckon it could very much be a one trick pony though. If your opponent doesn't know what he's capable of he'd probably accept the challenge quite happily with whoever, but once they know they'd just decline or let a sgt take it.

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I've changed up Ophion a bit...CnC would be welcome. He's now in a less defensive position, but has his underslung serpenta, along with a change of head and torso. Planning on picking up Enkomi's cape/backpack, and I might also replace the head as well. Opinions? Which head would be better, original, current, or Enkomi. And the pose, better or worse?


Also started the massive base for the knight, at the moment only the main stream of lava is done. (excluding rocks in it), think it looks quite nice under the knight. Considering trying a wash over it, but not sure if that might make it worse rather than better.



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GAH! Shame you did your Lava Base since GW did a pretty nifty tutorial on how to do some:


It still looks REALLY good though; better than anything I wouldve been able to do..




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Ah, yeah, I got really excited when that came out. Even did one for my seekers in it, but just couldn't get it quite right, plus it's less active lava and more smallscale. I wanted something that would be noticeable from a distance, as well as quite individual on each one. And thanks :)

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Yeah, for the scale of a knight, your method definitely works better since you can make much larger and active lava flows, like you said.

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I can be a perfectionist with lightning, but trying to get that effect all over a knight base :P ETL would have come and gone by the time I'd finish laugh.png Hopefully the bases work well for the infantry as well, but I guess we'll see

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Just a tiny update, as to my dismay I've run out of black. The one colour my entire colour blue scheme relies upon...

So, I've busied myself with finishing a Terminator that's been sitting around with blue but nothing else. Almost finished, still go tto do the lenses, back, and plasma gun (repaint it). However I think he blends in with the pathetically few marines I've fully (well, almost fully) finished. The blood on the chainfist went a bit matte in the pictures unfortunately. Once I get some black back, hopefully wednesday, I'll blacken the left knee pad and shoulder pad, then apply some transfers.

I have also almost finished the poor Imperial Fist I've been working on...boy has he suffered. 5 gunshot holes, countless scratches, half his helmet/face destroyed, and an unfortunate encounter with a chainaxe upon his right shoulder. Fluff is gonna be fun to write :D (I apologise to any Fists that see this...whistling.gif )




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For an Imperial Fist, he's pretty badass! He deserves some bloody awesome fluff.


Perhaps you should consider making a small diorama for him.


Quick question, what size brush do you use for your lightning bolts?

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Well, this isn't putting pressure for an awesome story at all :P I'll see what I can do...


I'm almost tempted to do a good end part and a bad end part. Both parts end in his death though :/


And I'll see if I have enough bitz around for a cool diorama with a dead (probably iron warrior) traitor, amongst the ruins of the imperial palace. Or he'll just go on a basic urban rubble sorta thing, but I think he deserves better.


Rune, for the lightning I use a kolinsky sable size 5/0, and if I really want to be fine 10/0.

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Ah, an imperial fist following the example of his glorious primarch: Being left battered and bloody by a night lord :P


Cataphractii looks fantastic, I was reluctant to put any lightning on mine as I thought the armour plates looked a bit small for it, but I think I'll definitely give it a go.

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Ah, an imperial fist following the example of his glorious primarch: Being left battered and bloody by a night lord tongue.png

Cataphractii looks fantastic, I was reluctant to put any lightning on mine as I thought the armour plates looked a bit small for it, but I think I'll definitely give it a go.

laugh.png laugh.png There will be injuries inflicted by the night lords. Indeed, the bad ending might have even more of their...skills...involved.

And thanks :) My general direction with lightning is too much, but I think it works okay. Fiddly as hell though.

Sooooo...worked some more on general stories, and I'll put a bit of the Fist one and a Night Lord part up tomorrow morning. As for now, just about finished almost half of the lava base! Working out where I can put some dead legionnaires, or if I should have a mini duel on it. Still need to go over the lava a bit with yellow and white to make it 'hotter', but I'm happy with the direction it's going. Otherwise, finished the other pad for the Knight, and worked out how to make a completely derpy pose a little better. A little. Pity it's on a 40mm base...gonna have to find a way to recreate it on 32mm.

Started finally putting a list of bitz and stuff needed to make Lucifex...and I regret looking at the price. Hardest part is currently finding a fitting head, and knowing that I'm going to be sawing through Konrad Curze to get the torso...

In other news, trying to choose a second legion. Now, the choices have been narrowed down to the vaunted 1st legion, the resolute VIIth, the mysterious XVth, and finally wild Vth. Any and all attempts at bribery, coercion, or general persuasion are welcome ;)

And finally, a question I might ask if it's not too much trouble. A friend approached me about doing some painting recently, more specifically, cerastus knight chassis. What would you say is a fair price to paint one?


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Of the four legions you've picked, I'd personally go with Dark Angels. They've got some pretty awesome rules, but are not overpowered by any stretch of the imagination. Plus there's just not enough DA players here on the forum (there's been an awful lot of WS lately).

Though my official recommendation is definitely VIth Legion, the Vlka Fenrika (or to outsiders, Space Wolves tongue.png). Space Wolves offer a huge amount varied modelling opportunity, so many opportunities for the creation of a truly unique and awesome army! Not to mention they have some of the best overall fluff (imo) of any legion (even though it seems that a lot BL writers seem to dislike SWs for some reasondry.png).

(sorry for threadjacking, but I'd like your opinion) I was planning on starting a WIP thread of my own, but recent monetary/time constraints have stopped me from doing that sad.png. So I'm just happy to see what magic you can conjure for whatever legion you decide on while I plan my own purchases and wait for better times.

Anyway, I've finally bit the bullet and given up on my small DG and SoH projects, so that leaves just my Space Wolves, Night Lords, and Ultramarines projects to plan/continue. I'm trying to settle on a theme for my NL's (I have a hard time staying focused on an idea unsure.png) and thought perhaps the Sacrificial Offering RoW could be a good fit, especially for Sevatar, as all that outflanking would finally make use of his warlord trait. Thoughts? This would require investing in a renegade militia force though. But it could give some nice fire support for Night Lords decidedly cc tactics.

Any other readers thoughts are also welcome smile.png.

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So, no votes for the sons of Dorn then? Pity, really fancied them :P

Of the four legions you've picked, I'd personally go with Dark Angels. They've got some pretty awesome rules, but are not overpowered by any stretch of the imagination. Plus there's just not enough DA players here on the forum (there's been an awful lot of WS lately).

Though my official recommendation is definitely VIth Legion, the Vlka Fenrika (or to outsiders, Space Wolves ). Space Wolves offer a huge amount varied modelling opportunity, so many opportunities for the creation of a truly unique and awesome army! Not to mention they have some of the best overall fluff (imo) of any legion (even though it seems that a lot BL writers seem to dislike SWs for some reason).

(sorry for threadjacking, but I'd like your opinion) I was planning on starting a WIP thread of my own, but recent monetary/time constraints have stopped me from doing that . So I'm just happy to see what magic you can conjure for whatever legion you decide on while I plan my own purchases and wait for better times.

Anyway, I've finally bit the bullet and given up on my small DG and SoH projects, so that leaves just my Space Wolves, Night Lords, and Ultramarines projects to plan/continue. I'm trying to settle on a theme for my NL's (I have a hard time staying focused on an idea ) and thought perhaps the Sacrificial Offering RoW could be a good fit, especially for Sevatar, as all that outflanking would finally make use of his warlord trait. Thoughts? This would require investing in a renegade militia force though. But it could give some nice fire support for Night Lords decidedly cc tactics.

Any other readers thoughts are also welcome .

The 1st is probably my current go-to for my next major project, and that way I can do a full Thramas crusade force. A properly themed AoP board. Only thing is I'll probably wait until a few more kits are produced for them, or a primarch. But lets face it, the moment a primarch comes out I fall in love with that legion...

The space wolves...I guess 40k turned me off them a bit. It's all I can really think of. They're good, and cool, but they just don't have the grab that night lords did. Plus I really dislike painting skin, and they typically are chock full of bare heads and the like. But they are still waiting out there as a distant idea for a project at some point. I'll be doing one as my personal MotL thing, so I'll see how I like painting it then.

And mate, that's really fine. I'm not going to complain if you keep posting on here till you have something up and running. I'd like to think my thread is a friendly place laugh.png wouldn't you agree? *hides flaying knives*

'I have a hard time staying focused on an idea' Preaching to the choir here man ;) I think that idea of using sacrificial offering would solve a lot of problems we have with sevatar, but as others in the NL tactica thread said, exchanging a bit more utility with the risk of not having your army around when you need them...I reckon it might take a bit too much effort to work well. However the use of militia and cults to provide a bit more ranged weaponry isn't a bad idea, and you could always go Dark Compliance. Honestly, I kinda gave up using Sevatar for his warlord trait. He's just underwhelming in that regard. Much better as a potential hidden blade for all the non-eternal warrior characters out there.

The VII. Do it. You know you want to. All the cool Night Lords players do the Fists at some point, anyways.

In case I wasn't clear, that goes for both of you. Though, Runefyre, you'll of course have to do Night Lords first.

I think you know what I'm voting for

Oh what a suprise laugh.png I do really like some of the Fists. If I started a force though, it would basically only be Sigismund, and templar brethren/phalanx warders. The models are adorable wub.png But the downside, I'd be really stepping on Bladewolf's toes (paws?) with the templar stuff, and I'd rather not do that. So...I'll see. I'll see. It does seem every son of nostramo switches to the VII at some point though laugh.png

Anyway, I promised some fluff, and some fluff you shall have. Night Lord one I've had lying around for a while, but as it might be a bit before I do the Gargoyle, the start is coming out now. First attempt at really doing stuff in realtime, rather than a book format. CnC would be appreciated. The Fist lines are just a bit of the story I've got for the MotL marine.

He walked through the dark corridors of the ship, trailing one crimson stained gauntlet along the plasteel wall covering. He felt the hum of the generators, the tremble of the metal as they were propelled through the warp. Abruptly he was shaken from his thoughts by the vox-speakers in the ceiling. “Dislocation into real space imminent, ETA 0.3 cycles. All crew report to stations. Arrival zone hot.” The words echoed for a second, stated abruptly in Low Gothic for the mixture of legion crew aboard the Persephone. Then, a second later in Nostraman, for the Legionnaires, “Viris colratha dath sethicara tesh dasovallian. Solruthis veh za jass.” He knew what the words meant, of course. Raised in the gutters of the hives, under a sky devoid of a sun, he had learned the language before even his first kill. He knew the words, he just didn’t understand why the others found them fitting. So dressed up, they would fit the Peacock’s legion more. He shook his head fractionally, dispelling such thoughts for the moment. He had a war to prepare for.
The secluded arming deck for the company’s destroyer squads and single moritat cadre, normally dead silent, was bustling with activity. As he crossed the threshold the hulking Atramentar standing guard by the doorway nodded his head fractionally. Returning the gesture, the marine kept moving. He saw destroyer squads prepare their armour, slotting racks of proscribed munitions into rotary missile launchers, closer to grenade launchers when coupled with the rare suspensor webs. Others picked up chemical grenades and slotted custom pistols into heavy holsters, before hermetically sealing their altered mark IV armour. Many of them had customised the heavy ceramite plates in fresh midnight paint, accentuated with streaks of bright lightning breaking up the dark colour. Others had worn hazard stripes or rad-markings daubed on the blackened plates of their warplate. The weapons born by this brotherhood of killers had an unfortunate side-effect of scouring covering from ceramite, replacing it instead with a sootlike effect. One of the lesser problems of rad weaponry.
He strode towards his arming chamber, noticing a few turned heads as his fellow exiled warriors glanced at him, muted clicks indicating private vox-chatter. He saw the company’s other two Moritat-centurions conversing in private. Tal’sar, affectionately referred to as The Grim, checked the energy readings on his two Mars pattern plasma pistols, clutched in red gauntleted hands. His face, hidden behind his skull faced helmet, was probably fixed in a grimace. Tal’sar never smiled now, most of the flesh lost to a flesh eating stream of green energy, upon the world named Quetios. One of the earlier conquests of the fleet. The adept did what they could, but what little face that remained, now melded with metal, only ever felt pain. With one last nod, he ended his conversation with Daryus, the other Moritat, and stalked away. His half cloak fluttered behind him, the faces trapped within still seemingly screaming. Daryus was an enigma, one of the few brothers upon the separate deck who did not wear the crimson upon his hands. The only Moritat to not wear it. Rather than being sent to these squads as punishment for his sins, he requested the transference upon the death of his true-brother on the last prey world. All others here were sentenced to a long death through cancerous decay of flesh, or a short one upon the field of battle, sent against the hardest foes.
He had reached the door to his chamber, and within a brief moment the door slid open, the gene sensors recognizing the biological matter before them. He took a moment to look upon the bronze plaque on top of the doorway, age fading the words. ‘Quyon, Moritat Secundus. Memento Mori.’ A smirk tugged at his lips. He moved in, and prepared for the war to come.
Tolias blink-cycled through the vox channels, feeling the icy cold of depression in his heart as he heard how many were filled only with weeping static. Eventually he found the one he wanted, and waited. Barely five minutes later, a voice came crackling through. Low and seemingly devoid of emotion, it growled a message.
‘Essential civilians withdrawn from complex. Beta squad, move back to Thespian arch, hold there. Additional legion units to join you, expect heavy support.’
He waited a second before answering, letting the channel grow silent.
‘How many civilians did you leave behind? Half of Beta squad will stay.’
Tolias could hear a snarl of irritation now, and a tinge of anger as the reply came through.
‘Wall-Captain, you will withdraw to the arch. Alpha squad is down to half strength.’
Tolias took a moment, glancing around. Amegion and Rainar lay face down, their power armour ripped to shreds by dozens of bolt shells. A steaming patch of rubble was all that remained of Eniax, vaporized by a stray plasma shot. Here and there other Astartes were collapsed, the once golden armour charred and burnt. Tolias remembered the screams over the vox as the volkite rays burnt away at them from within and without. Beta squad had fought and bled and screamed and died here. Less than a dozen of them still lived, and only half that could move with any ease. He felt his leg collapse from under him, the pain of the wounds returning. The dull ache in his shoulder from the lodged adamantium shards. The feeling of nothingness coming from half his skull. He replied, his voice stained with shame and sorrow.
‘I can’t, sir. We will hold-’ His voice catched in his throat, feeling the unwelcome taste of bile and blood in the pit of his stomach. He continued.
‘We will hold for as long as we are able. Retrieve the civilians.’
When the voice came back, it was almost compassionate. Almost.
‘I understand, Tolias. Fight well, die well. And take as many of the bastards with you as you can. For the Emperor. For Dorn.’
With that, the vox-link cut off, the sharp sound of static returning. Pushing himself up, Tolias whispered through torn lips.
‘For Dorn.’
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So, it's that time of day night again. Update time!

On a brief side note, I might alter the last line of the fist story. On second thoughts seems...cheesy. I don't know.

Back to updates!

Enkomi's cape and head finally arrived, so Ophion is now complete! Well, almost. A question, do you think I should replace his current head with Enkomi's, or save that one for a character/atramenter? (pic shows side by side) He's added to my pile of resin to be painted for ETL...but dammit I want to start now tongue.png

Also finished the cracks on the lava base, leaving just some glow and brightening up of the lava. Taken a team murder squad photo of the guys just to see how they look on it, quite happy.

Another question for you lot, and especially you sons of Dorn...since he may...may...be wearing some yellow soon. On one of the cataphracti's, I've put a resin pad over a plastic arm. This means he doesn't have the 'lower' plate of shoulder armour. Do you think this is a problem, or does it look okay without? (picture for comparison with normal system)

And finally...REINFORCEMENTS!!! Raptor bros reporting for duty. Again...ETL pile.



As always, thanks for viewing, and feel free to leave any CnC thumbsup.gif

Edit: Are the most recent picture links going down for any of you? Because if so I need to sort that out...

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The last line of the story isn't cheesy at all. In fact, I think it sums up the character of the VII Legion rather well, fighting, giving it all, never backing down an inch, even unto the point of death, in the name of their primary and their Emperor.


Ophion looks really good. I wouldn't change a thing, honestly.


The Cataphractii looks a bit odd to my eyes, but it's not bad by any extent. It does lose some of the layered look indicative of Cataphractii armor, so I would use the second plate if you have the option, but it'd hardly be the end of the world to use the single plate.


I'm losing some of the pictures on my end, too. What image host are you using?

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