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[HH1.0] Militia and Cults tactica


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So the most interesting part of the Militia list is the planetary overlord rule for your force commander. At first, the -1 AP was my go to but I've been playing with everything with rending and fearless recently, which has me gravitating towards infiltrating 150 levies up the board. 


Anything else you guys have been using it for?


The other ones I like are: 


Target Priority - All units within 12" re roll to hit rolls of 1. I assume this is HTH and shooting. On a levy squad, that a lot of every hits. It's also interesting with tanks. Makes thinks like a Vindicators effectively BS4 ish. 

Immovable object - Gives fearless and it will not die to your commander. Which means e can make a unit fearless, which is great for loyalists. Great way to make a unit of Ogryns considerably better. 

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So the most interesting part of the Militia list is the planetary overlord rule for your force commander. At first, the -1 AP was my go to but I've been playing with everything with rending and fearless recently, which has me gravitating towards infiltrating 150 levies up the board. 


Anything else you guys have been using it for?


The other ones I like are: 


Target Priority - All units within 12" re roll to hit rolls of 1. I assume this is HTH and shooting. On a levy squad, that a lot of every hits. It's also interesting with tanks. Makes thinks like a Vindicators effectively BS4 ish. 

Immovable object - Gives fearless and it will not die to your commander. Which means e can make a unit fearless, which is great for loyalists. Great way to make a unit of Ogryns considerably better.


Infiltrating fearless, rending levy squads up the board is distinctly attractive.

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Question for you guys,


I'm taking some cult horde tainted flesh levy guys as an allied detachment for my Night Lords


What would be the best Lemun Russ squadron?


I'm thinking standard battle cannon Russes for pie plate fun, but does anyone else have preferences?

Edited by Perry
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I would be wary of big pie plates due to the nature of terror assualt, which requires you to be pretty close to the enemy. The exterminator has been a favorite of mine since 5th edition, as it gives you some nice auto cannony goodness. Te vanquisher is nice but there's no real way to bring up their BS so that's something to keep an eye for. Likewise the annihilatir can give ready access to a lascannon but tbh I've never been a big fan of a single lascannon.


Are you looking for a distraction carnifexes, anti tank, or anti marine?

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Distraction mostly, just think it will be a fun idea to have a squadron of av14 tanks rumbling alongside 100 mutants. Plus it will take the heat away from my Leviathan and give me some long range firepower
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I'd completely ignore all safety protocols and go for a squad of Demolishers.


Terror Assault has anti-infantry in the bag already. What you need is armor cracking power. Demolishers are perfect for that and can even start picking on infantry squads once you've blown up all the other enemy armor. 

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Honestly, I've been Impressed at how good my standard leman russes have performed. When you can bubble wrap them with fearless rending bodies it really helps there survivability. 


I've also found that instead of blowing up walkers and I just tar pit them... 


Demolishers aren't a bad idea though. 


I'm also interested in trying out the vanquisher + lascannon. It's a total threat to units with ceramite. 

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Omg let me tell you about some Vanquishers with lascannons.


Legion players will tell you Vanquishers are bad tanks, what with AP2 and BS3.


Then you drill a vanq round through the front of their stupid Flare Shield Spartan with a tank hunting tank commander and laugh all the way to the space bank.


Seriously, give them a try, you won't be disappointed.

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They are a great ally for Cults and Militia. The ravening cultist horde is a great side by side for the heavier tanks of the Aux. 


Plus you can use a Tank Commander as a compulsory HQ for an allied force. 

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They are a great ally for Cults and Militia. The ravening cultist horde is a great side by side for the heavier tanks of the Aux. 


Plus you can use a Tank Commander as a compulsory HQ for an allied force. 


Aye - if SA had some sort of T4 troops I'd be taking them as allies to Squats in a heartbeat, especially for that sweet sweet Malcador Infernus!


But I suppose not, gotta be fluffy.

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I'd completely ignore all safety protocols and go for a squad of Demolishers.


Terror Assault has anti-infantry in the bag already. What you need is armor cracking power. Demolishers are perfect for that and can even start picking on infantry squads once you've blown up all the other enemy armor. 


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^Good in Solar Aux, but sadly not quite so much in C&M.


You don't have access to a BS4, Tank Hunting commander, you don't have induction chargers or the option to Outflank, and you're forced to take them in an already pretty contested spot in heavy support instead of Fast Attack.


While they're probably (arguably) superior in an anti-armor roll compared to Demo Russes, they lack the versatility to go after other things after the armor is dead. 

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They got better range tough and 2D6, good for fielding one or two plus pieplates elsewere


I'm dounting between a stormhammer or a baneblade for my cultists, rest of the list is lots of cultists, 5 russes, psyker, commander and a thunderbolt. For 20pts only the stormhammer seems better to me.

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