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[HH1.0] 30k Space Wolves tactics


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I think that that limitation is what really hampers the Wolves. One Praetor is good. A second is okay. A third is hard to fit in. Centurions are also rather questionable. Priests of Fenris are among the best HQs (especially since they have access to the Aether-Rune armour), but you will only be able to play two at 1000pts, one at 2000pts and none at 3000pts. This alone might break the army, which is really obnoxious regarding how well the rest is executed ('mandatory' Red-Blade notwithstanding).


Brain fart. Please ignore.

Edited by Immersturm
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So to clear up what its means, every list will include.


Praetor/non-consul Centurion, 2x Grey Slayers.


Further Hqs can be fills by any hq choice, consul, priest, or unique character. 


Yes, after reading it for a second time I realized that the point about mandatory HQs and the number of HQs per 1000 points are two separate rules. Phew. I was worried there for a moment :D

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 I still maintain that Red-blade is a common-sense fulfilment of the preaetor requirement. Obviously not RaW, but I think it's RaI.


Why would Red-blade need another jarl to command his force with him?


I think they wanted to put any independent character that has MotL rule, however, it seems they do not want to allow a delegatus or banner bearer.

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 I still maintain that Red-blade is a common-sense fulfilment of the preaetor requirement. Obviously not RaW, but I think it's RaI.


Why would Red-blade need another jarl to command his force with him?


I'm not against house-rules. And, any 50 point Centurion would solve the compulsory hq requirment, and Red-blade would still be warlord because of the MotL rule. 


They very well may faq it so that Greigor and Red-blade satisfies the compulsory HQ choice. Then the question becomes why aren't you taking Red-Blade he literally makes the army function in a somewhat reliable fashion, and makes both RoW usuable. 

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Greigor seems fine, the lack of 2+ is concerning, but he will likely be the <1500 point go to. No alternative deployment options are concerning, and he isn't really viable in OA but that's not a massive downside. 

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Hes fine for his points , I  dont think id take him outside of sub 1500 points as you  say ,  Id much rather take like  a champion with the rune armor a refractor field and a greater frost blade for 10 points less if I need a random HQ  




He has Master of the Legion though, whereas a Champion does not.

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What are people's thoughts about the priests of iron blurb? Would that allow them to take aether rune armor or not?


The box says they can... I'm not sure what the Artificer part is for seeing as how they are just centurions, or why it would be 20 points instead of 10 like the centurion profile says... I'm so glad they delayed release for 3 years so we could get a quality product :ermm:

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Guys, I may be interpreting this wrong, but can the Grey Slayers Huscarl take a Great Frost Sword? Because his kit allows him to pick a Frost Weapon, but it's weird that all of them would cost the same.



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If hunter's gait and Warrior's mettle had been swapped, SW would play much better. Oh well too late now. 


Anyone come up with anything new? I'm actually really struggling to come up with a interesting list.

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If hunter's gait and Warrior's mettle had been swapped, SW would play much better. Oh well too late now.


Anyone come up with anything new? I'm actually really struggling to come up with a interesting list.

I'm finding it very hard to make something good or that I like I came up with the following lists though both are 3k.


Leman Russ 455 (Storm eagle)

-The Pale Hunters


Hvarl Red-Blade 210 (spartan)


Priest of Fenris 130 (spartan)

-cataphracti armour

-power fist


The Wolf-kin of Russ 100 (Storm eagle)


10 Varagyr 545

-3 chain fists

-7 power fists

-10 frost claws


Spartan 375

-armoured ceramite

-flare shield

-dozer blade


5 Varagyr 345

-5 reaper autocannons

-5 power fists


5 Varagyr 345

-5 reaper autocannons

-5 power fists


Storm Eagle 265

-multi melta



Fire Raptor 230

-reaper autocannons

-hellstrike missiles


OR this other similar list




Lord of War:

Leman Russ (in storm eagle)

-The Pale Hunters



Hvarl Red-Blade (with varagyr)


Priest of Fenris (with varagyr)

-speaker of the dead


-frost claw

-chain fist


Wolf Kin of Russ (in storm Eagle)



10 Varagyr

-5 power fists

-5 chain fists

-10 frost claws



-armoured ceramite

-flare shield

-dozer blade


10 Grey Slayers

-2 combi plasmas

-artificer armour

-great frost blade

-melta bomb



-dozer blade


10 Grey Slayers

-2 combi plasmas

-artificer armour

-great frost blade

-melta bomb



-dozer blade


Fast Attack:

Storm Eagle

-multi melta



2 Javelins

-2 multi meltas


2 Javelins

-2 multi meltas


Heavy Support:

Fire Raptor



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Having to take all these HQs at 2500 is really killing my list building. Normally I run min HQ choices, The cheapest useful HQ choice I can come up with is 95-100 points.


I'm really struggling because assuming I outflank. There is a good chance I go where I want to go. But, then the unit doesn't do anything for a turn, gets shot and then assault with what is left assuming its in range. 


I'm looking at all the ways I can fit in the scout usr to essentially null deploy. But even that has limitations as too the strength of the units I can deploy. Ignoring how effective infantry are in general... and I'm rambling now.

Edited by Baluc
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Couple of points for people:


FW confirmed at the Open Day that Hvarl and Geigor count as a Praetor/Centurion with regards to the Legion requirements.


Iron Priest box-out: 30 points for a Master of Signal or Praevian to take to Æther-rune armour, or 20 points for a Forge Lord (who has artificer armour already). Bit of a typo, but that's how it plays.


Not convinced that Huscarls get great frost blades. It should specify them.


It also seems that Space Wolves get to take as many HQs as their Legion requirements ask for, ie. 5 in a 5,000-point game.

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