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this might be the most dynamic pose with the tribune mini! Looking forward to seeing it painted. your other terminators are already stunning. I did not buy the tribune, because i thought it is boring, but know i kinda think i missed out a good opportunity...

@ lost soul 18 - not sure about the Lightning claws. I always find dynamic poses with LCs difficult. I think it's possible, which LC arms did you have in mind?


@ okonom - thanks for the feedback. Yeah I felt the same about the pose, so I didn't head up on the 25th like everyone else, but slowly regretted that over time! I was lucky though, popped into my local GW the other day and the chap had a few in the back left over for staff, sold me his after seeing the Spartan pictures and the smile on my face looking at the blister pack! Top chap!

When comparing the praetor sculpt to the standard tartaros arms, there is a significant size difference. The upper arms might look a little small. If you separate the glove from the elbow joint it would work, keeping the praetors upper arms. I think the dark furies or cataphractti ones would work well, love the 'extended finger' lightning claw look.

So, I need help with a decision everyone. I bought a ten man tartaros squad when they were first released. I'm in the process of repurposing them into a 30k squad, a few weapon changes etc. As you can see from the images, they are almost done from a painting perspective:




However, I'm aware that 30k terminators should not have a "crux terminatus" (I can deal with the odd imperial eagle) on their left pads. I'm considering removing them but it's risky as the paintwork will likely be damaged.

For all you heresy die hards, is it worth the risk?

Thanks all! I agree, too risky to change them now! I'll post some more pictures when they are done, just finishing off the iron hands contemptor as well! I'm on a roll for once! Looking forward to the open day coverage and liking the LALCAL changes. Time to revise the XXth legion list - veteran squads here we come!

This arrived today:


I can now finalise my alpha legion list and finish building the infantry. Working on my caliver support squad so I can join the MDRC, pics to follow, at some point....

I've been finishing off the contents of my BaC box set ready for batch painting in XXth legion colours. I've tried to make each marine individual by adding different arms/hands and reposing the legs. The proposed list has seen a few changes, but with the points drop on veterans squads I have settled on the following:

Autilon Skorr - chosen duty - 125

Veteran tactical squad x10 - marksmen - x2 heavy bolters - nuncio vox - 210

Veteran tactical squad x10 - machine killers - x4 combi meltas - x2 melta guns - thunder hammer - 250

Veteran tactical squad x10 - marksmen - x2 plasma guns - power glove- 205

Tactical support squad x8 - volkite calivers x8 - 185

Terminator squad x5 - x4 power gloves - chainfist - x5 combi plasma - 240

Cortus contemptor X1 - kheres assault cannon - plasma blaster - 170

Whirlwind Scorpius - 115

Total: 1500

Picture of the power armoured component of the list:


Edited by Cadmus Tyro

@rangaman - thanks mate, I wanted to include as many models with the 'legion Astartes' rule so I can take maximum advantage of mutable tactics and Alpharius (eventually!)

@flint - thanks, the tartaros are not quite finished, I'll probably rebase them TBH, my gaming surface is no longer winter themed! Planning to get some paint on the marines soon!

@ knight of the raven - it's nice to be appreciated!

Thought I would include a few close ups of the more interesting poses:







Final post of the weekend, having finished building my infantry I thought I would finish up my iron hands contemptor:


Tyran Lercaan , the immortal cursed with immortality. Tyran previously served in clan Vurgaan's 63rd void assault breacher squad. Following poor squad performance, relating in no small part to assisting failing elements of the imperial army during the compliance of One-Five-Four Four, Tyran and his squad were relegated to the ranks of the immortals, tasked with winning back the previous honour bestowed upon the squad.

Further failure afflicted the 63rd squad, being slaughtered to a man during a daring frontal assault. Ferrus Manus himself dragged Tyran's broken body from the field of battle, insistent Tyran be interred within the sarcophagus of a dreadnought, as a mark of shame rather than honour.

Confined within the shell of a cortus class contemptor dreadnought, the pain of his battle wounds an ever present reality, Tyran served for 54 years by Ferrus's side. Achieving many battle honours but never the forgiveness of his father. He was declined the honour of accompanying Ferrus Manus to Istvaan V, all hope of forgiveness is now lost......






Spot on! It's the closest I could get to the 'Legion' artwork with the BaC kit.

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