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HH Weekender 2016 thread (Titan Secutarii pg. 56)


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Guess I gotta start turnin tricks

I tried... Not alot of cash in that as a dude sad.png

Hey now, maybe you were just limiting yourself to the wrong gender in terms of clientele. tongue.png

Let's all steer away from the prostitution jokes. Any more and the posts in question will face the barrel-end of my melta.

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Guess I gotta start turnin tricks

I tried... Not alot of cash in that as a dude sad.png

Hey now, maybe you were just limiting yourself to the wrong gender in terms of clientele. tongue.png

Let's all steer away from the prostitution jokes. Any more and the posts in question will face the barrel-end of my melta.

Oh god, the jokes write themselves!

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"Second new model seminar"???

Yeah, what? I don't remember seeing one on the schedule, but then again, it would be apropos if they were revealing Alpharius to suprise everyone.

They had two hold two of those seminars, due to the large amount of people who turned up.

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"Second new model seminar"???

Yeah, what? I don't remember seeing one on the schedule, but then again, it would be apropos if they were revealing Alpharius to suprise everyone.


They did a second one because there were too many people attending for a single seminar, or so I understand.

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"Second new model seminar"???

Yeah, what? I don't remember seeing one on the schedule, but then again, it would be apropos if they were revealing Alpharius to suprise everyone.
They had two hold two of those seminars, due to the large amount of people who turned up.
But they already limit the number of tickets, surely they would be able to predict that the new model seminar would be popular and make it work in one.
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As always, the foyer of the hotel was pandemonium. I was there for about 07:30 whilst it was still quiet, but registration didn't start until 08:30 (change your ticket for a programme and free bag), and then the tills took a further hour to come online. 400 people and 4 tills, no obvious queuing system, and things didn't help when people (i.e. Staff) occasionally tripped over the till power cables and turning one or two of them off. However, there was plenty of Book 6 to go round, not so many of the new Red Book. Lots of people opting to buy just books, and less of people buying models - whether that was because with very few pre-releases there wasn't a lot of temptation, or people were going to do that later as they were late for the opening Seminar, not sure. All I can say is that I couldn't see lots of large bagels that I normally do...


Apparently there were Warhammer Fest tickets available. Didn't see them, but to be honest I wouldn't be interested in going. New canvas prints available, and after two failed attempts I now have a Horus, and the new Archmagos ANacharis Scoria. Dark Mechanicum, and apparently has a giant metal scorpion body...

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thanks @ imperial truth


There was a pack of about 7 SW on Terra sent there on Euss's orders in proxy of The Sigilite to "watch the watchers". Packs name was Howl of the Hearthworld. A short story describes there displeasure on being sent to Terra as the SW are readying themselves for Prospero in the new collection of stories "War Without End", so entirely possible that a SW is fighting alongside an IF and the Sigilite

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"Second new model seminar"???

Yeah, what? I don't remember seeing one on the schedule, but then again, it would be apropos if they were revealing Alpharius to suprise everyone.

They had two hold two of those seminars, due to the large amount of people who turned up.



"Second new model seminar"???

Yeah, what? I don't remember seeing one on the schedule, but then again, it would be apropos if they were revealing Alpharius to suprise everyone.

They had two hold two of those seminars, due to the large amount of people who turned up.

But they already limit the number of tickets, surely they would be able to predict that the new model seminar would be popular and make it work in one.

Apparently not. As the crowd was too large.

So new models to come tomorrow?

There is a seminar for the next book tomorrow. Hopefully lots of Space puppies/Thousand Sons.

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Bad news and good news. Bad news: Rapiers just got nerfed, but not by much (+10 points):




Good news: for +20 points you can now shell your enemy with x4 AP3 small blast templates. Combine this with the Iron Warrior ROW and you have some serious pain.

This might just be me being slow, but they mean 'siege breaker' consul don't they? Or does some other legion have a slightly different consul?

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 Dice packs will be in sets of 16, released throughout the year, Legion symbol on the '6'

Common sense at last to put the symbol on the six.


Loving the new Mechanicum and Iron Warriors. Only problem is the amount of cash I'll need.


Thanks for the reports everybody.

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Mortarion24 from Heresy30k has this to say about Legion ROWs:




Legion Specific ROWs



+infantry gain :relentless in friendly deploy zone, fleet in middle, crusader in enemy zone.

+In first game turn all models re-roll to hit of 1s

+Legion Termites non compulsory troops

- must be traitor

- no slow and purposeful without deep strike or transport

-no fort or ally


DG stated previously


WE stated previously



+Kakoph troops  and gain relentless

+infantry with power/arti armour may tae sonic shriekers

- traitor only

- no allied detatch

- allied armies count as 1 loyalty level worse



+Gal Vorbak troops and must take drop pod/anvillus

+rhino options may use drop pod instead

+12" pinning aoe from all drop pods when landing

-infantry must teleport or drop pod

-no immobile, allies or forts



+ night raptors troops

+squads can take trophies of judgement

+10+ info squads can take kharibdys

-must always charge if feasible

-no fort, or allies

-traitor only



+barrage within 12" of IW scatter D6 only and put a counter where it ends up future barrages hit that spot no scatter

+IW within 6" of ironfire fearless

-must be attacker

-no fort or allied



+headhunters troops

+re-roll to go first

+enemy unit shooting at AL must pass LD to fire unless AL has shot at it before.

-must kill warlord or enemy+d3 VP

-vehicles must start reserve

-no allies (witnesses!)

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Fans of Autek Mor will be pleased. He's heading up his own force from the Red Talon capital ship he leads, and has self from Shardrak Meduson. He doesn't like the guerilla style that Meduson has opted for, but has a more direct approach to dealing with the traitors. His is the element that uses the most destructive of the Legions weapons, and has no qualms about using them against the Traitors.
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