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The Shattered Tenth: An Iron Hands Blog


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Gosh, what to say that hasn't been said already?? The modeling, GS work, attention to detail, fluff, and painting are all incredible. Truly awesome work, I can't wait to see everything to come. The truescaling is incredibly impressiv,e I've never been brave enough to try it out but love the idea behind it. I'd love to see a full truescale force run around on a tabletop against regular-sized marines and see how it looks :wink:


Keep up the amazing work!! 

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Excellent work as always. :cool: Looking forward to the true scale Cataphractii - do you have a build method in mind?

Thanks man!

I’ve actually done two truescale cataphractii already and a third is on its’ way:

They are quite a pain but I am enjoying the challenge. I have a general process that I follow but that usually falls apart when it comes to the legs haha. For the torso I have been taking an original cataphractii and widening it with plasticard then building up the front with green stuff until the lines smooth with the newly widened torso. For Varan I did something a little different. I started by widening the Iron Father torso with plasticard then I actually cut the front portion off and used a hair dryer to widen it with heat until it matched up with the additional width. This was incredibly difficult and I don’t know if I would ever be able to reproduce the effect! So although Varan’s anterior looks like the original Iron Father model, it’s actually about 1.75 times wider which allows it to comfortably house Angron’s head. I’ve been wanting to make a tutorial cataloging the process but my method changes every time so it might not be much help!

As for Gorgon’s however, I am totally at a loss on how to truescale them hahaha. I purchased the set recently but it just breaks my heart to imagine covering their awesome details with green stuff.

Is that one chainsword-wielding dude melting? Reminds me a bit of the T-1000 and that's never a bad thing. The marine in the middle of the first pic seems to have kinda short legs, otherwise they look great. They got a brutal and determined vibe going, completely entrenched in battle, which fits the legion nicely.

Thanks man! I was definitely going for the brutal vibe. The shorter legs are a result of a strange camera angle thankfully

That chainsword gent (aka Mr Melty) is probably my favorite out a fantastic squad.

Weathering is nicely done, and boy do they look like they've been through hell and back again.

Congrats on first completion as well!

Thanks bud! He's one of my favorites too and his name is Tronus U'lar:





Tronus is a unification war veteran and one of only a handful still in service to the Tenth Legion at the time of the Istvaan V atrocity. His copper plated helm is a keepsake from his days as a Storm Walker as the veterans of the fifth company (which later became the Vurgaan clan) would bare it as an informal denotation of their seniority. The Vurgaan clan continued this tradition in some legionares of its Order Primii however the significance of its heritage was lost in the casualties that littered the heat blasted valleys of Istvaan V. Tronus himself narrowly escaped this same fate when his armor barely weathered a melta barrage that liquified most of his breast plate and left pauldron. While Adox Ra’s band of Istvaan survivors were strapped for resources, damage of this extent still warranted repair; however Tronus forwent his chance at restoration and chose to cary this scarred battle plate for the rest of his days.

Love the broken shoulder pad on the chap at the front – brutal! The group as a whole look fantastic, too.

Thanks man! I've been watching your Tenth like a hawk for inspiration haha, message me if you ever want to collaborate on models or fluff!

Gosh, what to say that hasn't been said already?? The modeling, GS work, attention to detail, fluff, and painting are all incredible. Truly awesome work, I can't wait to see everything to come. The truescaling is incredibly impressiv,e I've never been brave enough to try it out but love the idea behind it. I'd love to see a full truescale force run around on a tabletop against regular-sized marines and see how it looks :wink:

Keep up the amazing work!!

I'm really happy you enjoyed your tour through my stuff! True scaling takes some experimentation at first but once you get into a rhythm it becomes quite a bit of fun, I would recommend to anyone who loves the hobby! I would love to see that too! I really want to get a game in when I finally build an adequately sized force.

Damn dude, you're killing it.

Love the unique poses on each Astartes.

Thanks Flint! I try to add variety in my legionnaires to evoked the sense that each is from a different part of the legion and has his own story, I'm glad that came across to you!

Thanks for the responses everyone, you all are a fantastic community and it makes me overjoyed to see how well received my labor of love is!

On a side note, I really like this particular Legionnaire and wanted to show him off a bit hahaha:



Questions and comments are always welcome!

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The marine with the chain blade mace is one of my favorites too. May I ask where his bionic arm comes from?


Thanks man! I believe it is from the old space marine captain kit, it is originally holding a chain sword but I swapped it for the pointing hand

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(...) The shorter legs are a result of a strange camera angle thankfully

Yeah, I thought so. Some angles can distort proportions quite a bit. Btw, does he have a metal lower jaw? A gorget?


Tronus, man...he deserved the additional pics. What a badass. Did you cut off the armour plate from a MkIII arm to glue it on him or am I just seeing that wrong? On a related note, what arms are you using? I gotta ask, because you and Apologist have me on the brink of starting with the Tenth Legion. So, research! :wink:


Should you ever get to solve the Gorgon problem, let me know. 

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(...) The shorter legs are a result of a strange camera angle thankfully

Yeah, I thought so. Some angles can distort proportions quite a bit. Btw, does he have a metal lower jaw? A gorget?

Tronus, man...he deserved the additional pics. What a badass. Did you cut off the armour plate from a MkIII arm to glue it on him or am I just seeing that wrong? On a related note, what arms are you using? I gotta ask, because you and Apologist have me on the brink of starting with the Tenth Legion. So, research! :wink:

Should you ever get to solve the Gorgon problem, let me know.

Yeah he does, the head is from the cataphractii kit so I had to add a gorget to make up for his lack of chin. I’m glad you like Tronus! Yeah good eye, that is certainly a MkIII vambrace added to a 40k power armor arm. I generally use normal sized marine arms for my true scale dudes and in that pursuit I highly recommend the FW Iron Hands MkIII set and the Anvil Industry Bionic kits.

On to new stuff!

Below you will find a wip of Ferian Arbor, the former Veteran Legionary Captain of Order Primii, Clan Avernii (still in an early stage, tons of stuff needs smoothing and I have yet to add the clan Avernii banner but I was excited so I wanted to show him to you all).


As a virtue of its newness, many of the proto-Gorgon suits that would eventually lead to Indomitus pattern terminator armor still existed at the time of the Istvaan V atrocity. One of the earliest among these was Obsidior plate, a primitive version of the Gorgon energy field generator fitted to a modified suit of Cataphractii plate. Serving as an experiment for the diffusion of ballistic energy in a battlefield role, the energy field produced by Obsidior armor converted the kinetic energy of projectiles into shortwave electromagnetic radiation. The further evolutions of this technology (found in Gorgon armor) yielded a ballistic conversion that produced electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum effectively making the byproduct of the defensive generators into an offensive burst of blinding light. Obsidior pattern terminator armor provided premium protection for its wearer, however the poisonous chemicals released by the generator proved far too malign for widespread use within the legion. Consequently there was only a single wearable prototype at the outbreak of the heresy.

Arbor won the unofficial honor of wearing the Obsidior prototype when he proved he could not only survive the armor’s toxic byproducts but endure its effects resolutely enough to remain potent in battle. With further modifications, the efficacy of the disrupter field was neutered in order to curb its toxic output and prolong the bearer’s usefulness in the field. Even so, the suit is only utilized in situations of extreme lethality and requires assiduous upkeep to remain viable.

Arbor found himself on the black sands of Istvaan V when the guns of the Third Legion tore his Thunderhawk from the sky and dashed it across the embattled depression. Although he survived and fought valiantly to return to the Avernii vanguard, he was forced to watch their destruction from afar and retreat off world with Adox Ra. Believing he should have shared the grave of his brothers he assumed the mantle of an Immortal vowed to seek martyrdom in the war to come. While he holds a higher rank than both Varan and Ra, he has forgone this tactical responsibility for a place at the tip of the spear and seeks fight until the blades of the Third Legion lay him low or the toxic gift from his father takes its’ final due.





I figured out way too late that I essentially made a cataphractii Korvydae but oh well, I think he looks cool! The hammer is a bit long and frustratingly bent so I’ll have to fix that soon.

Questions and comments are always welcome!

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Ferian Arbor looks amazing! :o Excellent use of the Magos carapace, I would never have thought of that. B)

Thanks man I really appreciate it! I thought the iron hands terminators could use a little bit of the mechanicum aesthetic. The carapace is a bit smaller than the magos one and actually derives from the Scyllax kit

On a side note, I really like this particular Legionnaire and wanted to show him off a bit hahaha:



Questions and comments are always welcome!

That Maul is incredible.

How did you make it / where is it from?!

Thanks man! The maul is made up of three bolter chainsword bayonets attached to a handle that belonged to a power axe. I've seen a few people on BaC do something similar and I loved the brutal look of it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amazing. Shall be stealing that for a Chaplain for sure!

Do it! That mace would be perfect for a chaplain!

wow they look beautiful, just great, but i think if there were more sharp lines and creases with the plates it would be brilliant, keep up the good work.

Thank you sir! I've only been using green stuff for about a year so I'm still getting the hang of it and sharp edges have proven to be particularly difficult haha

Behold! The chunkiest Cataphractii I have ever created! Also I did some work on Arbor, I gave him a more sensible hammer head and the Avernii banner. While also fitting better size wise, the hammer is of an older design which meshes well with the Cataphractii/Obsidior plate. In addition to this I set the banner topper (Is that what it’s called?) sits low on the cross bar to emulate the MkII/MkIII command kit banner in an effort to add to the arcane feeling of the Obsidior plate.



Two more cataphractii to go and I’ll have a full command squad! I am making great strides on their display stand as well- stay tuned to see more of that in the coming weeks.

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The new Cataphractii looks great, although his claws seem to be slightly too short. I can recommend clay shaper for green stuff work, if you haven't got some already, or you could just cheat and cut away the cured GS a bit, like I do. 

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The new Cataphractii looks great, although his claws seem to be slightly too short. I can recommend clay shaper for green stuff work, if you haven't got some already, or you could just cheat and cut away the cured GS a bit, like I do.


That gif is amazing! Hahaha great now I'm going to imagine it's that guy under the helmet! The claws are impossibly short given the length of the torso/legs but I actually like it like that. To me it makes him look really imposing and it reminds me a bit of that famous crimson fist artwork:




Oh I use clay shapers all the time! I can't imagine making true scale legionaries without them!

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That gif is amazing! Hahaha great now I'm going to imagine it's that guy under the helmet!

So will I. :laugh.:


Can't argue with Kopinski. The big guy does look really brutish and imposing. If you get the time for a pic, I'd be interested in a size comparison between Cataphractii and your regular marines. Oh and command squad plus display sounds excellent!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm not dead everyone!

Unfortunately I have been incredibly busy applying to medical school and have had precious little time to devote to my Shattered Tenth. I don't normally talk about my personal life but this has been a truly strange couple of years for me! I've battled depression, prevented my best friend's suicide, been rejected from a ton of schools, and had to part with a girl who just may be the love of my life but through it all Warhammer has provided me with not only a creative outlet but also a steady fixture in my tumultuous environment. To all of those who have entered a dark time in your life, I've been there and I want you to know that winter never lasts forever. Thank you everyone for your generous praise, you guys and gals have made BaC a really wonderful place!

Also I have a few surprises coming up that I think you all may enjoy!

In the mean time, here is some proof I actually am working on my ETL vow! I'm experimenting with different skin tones and I quite like my most recent attempt:


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Good to have you back! The Darth Vader head is great!


Also, remember that the flesh is weak and metal, and , well, resin, is ... Forever.


And for what it's worth, an..experienced ...life makes you a better doctor. MedSchool messes your resin crack schedule up pretty well, though.


Attention to detail and calm hands helps. . You seem to have that area covered pretty well already! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good to have you back! The Darth Vader head is great!

Also, remember that the flesh is weak and metal, and , well, resin, is ... Forever.

And for what it's worth, an..experienced ...life makes you a better doctor. MedSchool messes your resin crack schedule up pretty well, though.

Attention to detail and calm hands helps. . You seem to have that area covered pretty well already! :wink:

Nice to hear things are looking up for you...the good times would be only half as sweet without adversity. Just don't get caught saying out loud "The flesh is weak" in med school. :tongue.:

You all are too kind! :) I guarantee I'll let "the flesh is weak" slip a few times in med school hahaha

That gif is amazing! Hahaha great now I'm going to imagine it's that guy under the helmet!

So will I. :laugh.:

Can't argue with Kopinski. The big guy does look really brutish and imposing. If you get the time for a pic, I'd be interested in a size comparison between Cataphractii and your regular marines. Oh and command squad plus display sounds excellent!

Here's a nice comparison shot:


Tallous' knight "The Bellicose Soul" received a bit of paint the other day:


I've been making use of GW's Typhous Corrosion textured paint as well as hairspray weathering on the knight and I highly recommend them both!

I've been working on a couple of true scale commissions lately (I'll post them soon) but I have also been putting a lot of time into the command squad display base I've got going for my cataphractii. I'm thinking of entering it into Armies on Parade as a fun deadline but I'm not sure if they accept small displays. Does anyone have any experience entering smaller collections?

Anyway back to med school essays! Questions and Comments are always welcome!

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Yeah, Typhus Corrosion is great. I use it wherever I can. Have fun painting the rest of the knight. :smile.:


The Cataphractii looks truly massive compared to a regular terminator. Thanks for taking the pic. It's interesting to see how much bigger your power-armour wearing marines are as well.

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I’m nearing completion on the build for two commissions, an Imperial Fist praetor and a Dark Angels/Knights Errant/Black Shield (long story to that one) Moritat. I still have a bit of smoothing out to do on the Praetor but they should be ready for paint soon. I’ve been unfortunately short on time lately but I can see that changing in the next couple weeks! So keep your eyes peeled for more Luna707 stuff in the near future, including more Iron Hands cataphractii, painted immortals, and some unsanctioned monstrosities from the Forge World Wytaar Prime…








Thanks for stopping by! Questions and comments are always welcome!

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