Pearson73 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 Nice pose and painting on the Master of Signals, especially the baseĀ and green spot colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted June 9, 2017 Author Share Posted June 9, 2017 (edited) IX: Stalker Armies clad in iron and armed with the best steel win battles. A single, well placed bullet or knife win whole wars. --------------------------------------- Hey folks Today I bring you some more Blood Angels stuff! I had a pair of kakophonii legs lying around in my bitz box (Apart from the sternguard legs my favorite ones for more dynamic poses, especially for Mark IV armour) and spontaneously decided to whip up a vigilator-consul for my Horus Heresy Blood Angels. He should see some paint in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, here is something almost finished: I've had this fella sitting around on my table for the better part of two years without knowing what to do with him. Well, I guess a Blood Angels CC dread will have to do It was a nice little experiment in seeing how my BA scheme works on bigger figures and potentially even vehicles (I might get a deimos rhino or three eventually for my BA). Suffice to say I like it. I only have to finish the flamers, powder the base, add the static grass, paint the baserim black and that is it @Pearson73: Thank you very much, glad you like him Well, that's all for today. Hope you like the small update and have a nice day. C&C is, as always much appreciated and welcome! Edited June 26, 2017 by The Observer Bjorn Firewalker, Ramell, Vairocanum and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted June 10, 2017 Share Posted June 10, 2017 That Dreadnought looks fantastic!! I really like the dark red that you've gone with :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 10, 2017 Share Posted June 10, 2017 The Stalker looks badass. Excellent work. Soldier of Dorn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted June 10, 2017 Share Posted June 10, 2017 Consul looks great, as does the chipping on the dread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terminatorAM Posted June 11, 2017 Share Posted June 11, 2017 Awesome dread! I rarely see that pattern anymore, but the way you've layered the black and red armor plates is perfect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 11, 2017 Share Posted June 11, 2017 The dreadnought looks great but that vigilator-consul looks brilliant! Definitely looking forward to seeing him painted up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted June 12, 2017 Author Share Posted June 12, 2017 (edited) IX: The Angel's Arrow Ā Ā We expected the roaring chainswords and screaming powerweapons We expected the searing flames of pressurized promethium We expected the choirs of Sanguinius to sing as they fell upon usWe did not, however, expect the death from afar The Stalker had caught us unprepared Ā The rusted plateaus of Old Straya were a disgusting, irradiated place in which only malformed beasts and insane, vehicle-obsessed techno-barbarians managed to survive. Rad-scorpions the size of a dreadnought burrowed through the dessicated carcasses of long dead prey; beneath the panpacific wastes surrounding Straya the dust rumbled as titanic worms traversed the dunes. I could feel the prickling sting of radiation on my skin; the sizzling kiss of toxic air and invisible death. I cared little for I was of the Baalite tribes; the threat of irradiation had always been a part of our life, ever since the Great Eradication. We drank poisoned blood and ate noxious flesh in order to survive and while most of us were scrawny, wiry imitations of human life, we still prevailed. Those who not only survived but excelled would be granted the honour of joining the Angel's hosts. My name is Inarael Sentianis, born to the Pureblood tribe and elevated into the sixth host of the ninth legion. I am the Stalker. Ā The World Eater fell quickly, his sternum torn apart by three shots. Usually, I would've gone for the head, then again, this was not a usual war. It was the greatest battle mankind would ever wage, for it was the Siege of Terra. Traitors and loyalists fell upon each other with a frenzy that nary a xenos has felt during the Great Crusade. I was not surprised. The xenos was born vile, it had never known a pure, supreme existance; to kill a xenos was to exterminate a malformed animal that had no reason to live either way. The traitors, on the other hand, were hewn from human flesh with purpose. Their names, their livery, their very blood was a tribute to humanity; their sole purpose was to prepare the galaxy for its true rulers. They failed. They turned away and spat on honour, loyalty and fealty. Cousin killed cousin, brother cursed brother. I still remember how much love and respect had existed between the Blood Angels and the Sons of Horus; the trust that lord Sanguinius and thrice-cursed Horus had shared. All gone. Such things oftentimes enveloped my mind as I went about my bloody work against the enemy. The World Eater was alone, so I dragged him into a hole in the sandstone walls and pried his skull open. The brain tasted acrid and was pockmarked with blackish growths and bruises. I could not keep it down for long, its immaterial taint was too much. Ā The visions of the flesh were useless; the legionnaire had spent much of his time in a mad, rage-blinded haze and so I could salvage little tactical information. No matter; death would come to the enemy, be it the mine beneath their foot, the bolt in their back or the knife in their chest. To fail now, to lose this war would mean death to all that we have achieved. The stars can be reconquered, forges can be lit anew and alliances reforged. First, however, the traitors had to be punished. I had seen the recordings of the incidents in the Istvaan-system. I had seen loyalists of all colours die. The trap into which the Salamanders, the Raven Guard and the Iron Hands were led was horrid and dishonourable. Enemies under the guise of allies had torn open their backs in their most vulnerable state. It stank of the Alpha Legion's work, it had to be. To find out that there had been loyalists amongst the traitor legions was a shocking surprise, to say the least. I saw astartes of the Death Guard fending for their lives as their own lord forsook them, despite the adulation they had felt for him. I saw World Eaters cry tears of blood as a spiteful father descended upon them, despite having broken their own brains over the anvil of his suffering. To know that even amongst the traitors there still were those of pure heart and soul was disheartening and joyful at the same time. Disheartening because it meant that it was not some inherent taint that had led them astray, but that it truly was the whimsical character of man itself. Joyful for it allowed for a small inkling of hope that at least some would fend for the survival and preservation of what little honour our once-cousins still possessed. Ā Even here, alone upon the flat, crimson mountain of Aiirez, I could hear the sound of far away boltguns and the thunder of macro-weapons tearing apart the orange soil. A majestic sandworm emerged from the panpacific dunebowl and raked its mouth across the sky. The three petals of calcified bone revealed a maw of glistening, dehydrated purple and rows upon rows of teeth tall as rhinos were long. Slowly it bent its body and descended upon a small supply convoy of the Emperor's Children. May his passing cleanse this world of such filth. All of Terra was ablaze, seemingly in rebellion against the intruders. Ancient vaults had been opened and astartes, custodes and mechanicum marched side by side with the enslaved horrors of the Unification wars, the dark age of technology and other forms of blasphemy. Unlikely bonds had been forged in order to fend off the invaders; yet still those things, those 'allies' send cold shivers down our spines. No wonder, we were forged to kill them, but forced to act against our instinct. I was not ungrateful for the solitude that came with my position. Ā Hello everyone, today I have a finished vigilator for you An immense joy to paint and actually pretty happy with the self-scuplted cloak, definitely looked worse while unpainted!Ā @kizzdougs: Cheers mate, glad you like him! Ā @Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks!Ā @Pearson73: Thanks! The chipping is actually pretty easy; first I sponge with orange broadly around the edges and on the edges, then with dark brown closer towards and on the edges and then black just right at the edges and deepest chips. Last I apply a rough sponge of silver all across the plates.Ā @terminatorAM: Honestly, it is one of my favorite dread figures, despite me liking the castaferrum pattern the least! Glad you like him Ā @Vairocanum: Well, didn't take me as long as it usually does it seems. Ā Anyways, I've also been doing a few things for my traitors, take a look:Ā Today I've laid the basecoats for the blue and red on a Night Lord. Haven't done one in a while, so I figured might as well try a new scheme instead of my usual one. Again, I went for Crimson Sons Ā Alright, that is it for today, hope you like the Consul! C&C is, as always, very welcome and appreciated! Have a nice day Edited June 26, 2017 by The Observer Sandlemad, deathspectersgt7, DaBoiKyknos and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 13, 2017 Share Posted June 13, 2017 (edited) Excellent work on the Blood Angel, and the POV you wrote for him. Edited June 13, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 13, 2017 Share Posted June 13, 2017 Even if it did take you longer, the finished model would definitely make it worth the wait to see. Great story as usual, definitely wouldn't mind reading a full book written by you. The Night Lord is looking good, would love to see you paint some more bigger models too (more dreads, maybe even primarchsĀ ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted June 13, 2017 Share Posted June 13, 2017 Still powering along so well here. Great content, consistently, too. Keep up the inspiration :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 The Stalker is fantastic, so many bits and brought together so well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted June 26, 2017 Author Share Posted June 26, 2017 IX: Elder-Seraph Borgio Ā Ā Once, my body was strong, like forged of steel Once, my hand was swift, like the coursing wind Once, my back was unwavering, like the eternal Narodnya Ā Now, my body is broken, like the rusted blade Now, my hand is shattered, like the shackled wind Now, my back is rent asunder, like Pƶmbyy's crater Ā And yet still, amidst all the pain And yet still, amidst all the dark Ā My will prevails Ā Mantra of the Nephilim Ā I remember the plains of my childhood; Å ah'ra, the uncaring mother. Named after some ancient, long since glassed waste of pre-imperial Terra, it was a beauty to behold; pillars of melted glass and sun-bleached vegetation pushed towards the sky, as if trying to rake the merciless blue and white. I remember hunting the rad-badgers there; vicious bastards, but a good eating. Then came the Emperor's Angels and took me from my home. I was remade in the image of angelic divinity. My body was perfected, by far more arcane rituals and processes than those of my soon-to-be cousins. Readily I took the weaponry of Old-Night into my hands; readily I visited the deadly kiss of cancerous phosphex and noxious genophage upon the xenos. It was no shame to bear the tri-headed symbol of the Destroyer within the ninth, far from it. With every step I felt the toxins eat away at my flesh; my heraclean face wasted away into a bleary, red-eyed thing that could've very well been the child of Barbarus, and I did not regret anything. Lord Sanguinius entrusted the very weapons of Baal's demise into our hands. Yes, we were not shamed. We were elevated. Ā We, the sixth host, did not make it to Signus Prime in time; the Andyahka had given us too much trouble in the galactic north. So we believed our father lost, yet we could not return to Baal. The Nephilim-Prime would not allow it. We were to strike against the traitor and the turncoat; and strike we did. First, we purged the Eol-system. Wreathed in towering flames, the armaments of Old-Night and crimson ceramite, we shattered the local garrison of Sons of Horus and World Eaters. The Nephilims and Seraphs had descended from the heavens just like the old and ancients stories always imagined. On Karneo-II death would try to claim me. A stray rocket had left me a bloody mess; far too damaged for any augmetics and tugging at the last strings of my life. The battle was won, but my hearts were failing. The apothecaries were already preparing to administer the Emperor's last mercy, yet I refused. "Grant me the ironform" I had demanded, fully aware of its horrendous effects on the Thirst. At first, they ignored my words as they would ignore the babbling of feverish madmen, yet they could not pin me down and give me a merciful death. There was strength in my bruised flesh; a will to not only prevail, but to prosper. So, they decided to grant me my last will. I became Iron. Ā Existence is pain now. Every waking minute has me thirsting for blood, every step is followed by a vampiric thirst unlike any I have ever felt. Yet I stand, yet I prevail. I will not, I cannot fail. Not until Horus and his ilk are punished. Still I bear my cadre's unholy ammunition. Still I feel their taint upon my flesh. Yet I will not succumb. I am of the ninth, I am of the Angel's blood. When the last night comes, it will be us who will stand at the forefront of the Emperor's assault. Not the Imperial Fists, for they must man His walls. Not the custodes, for they must protect his body. It will be us, the Blood Angels, who will be the instrument of his eternal vengeance. There will be no mercy, no quarter shall be given. The time for parlays has ended, peace cannot reign in this galaxy until one side is fully wiped from its face. Many traitors were crushed by my limbs of steel; many more will die to their searing flames. Only when all else is ash, will I find rest. Ā Now we stand upon Terra, at lord Sanguinius' side. The sky darkens slowly, yet surely. The enemy has arrived. The war to end all wars will soon end, yet how I do not know. I am Elder-Seraph Borgio. I am Iron. I am Death. ------------------------------------------- Ā Hello all, today I have a finished dreadnought for you :) As some have probably noticed, all my image sin all my threads are broken. This is because photobucket is, basically, holding my pics for ransom because apparently it is prohibited to hotlink your images if you are the owner of a free account. Due to this, I am slowly moving all my stuff to imgur (Something I should've done earlier as it is such a smooth running site!) and will be editing all links accordingly, or even replace the images with better ones. This will take some time, so thank you for your patience and please excuse the inconvenience. Ā @Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks mate :) Ā @Vairocanum: Mate, your words really mean a lot :) As to bigger stuff, well, today I have a dread for you, soon a contemptor in the carcharodons thread and a few more goodies on the way (Alpha Legion Spartan, two leviathans and some more contemptors :>). Ā @Draakur: Thanks mate, posting on this site has majorly improved my hobby-drive due to all the positive feedback :) Ā @sockwithaticket: Funny thing is, the figure just kinda came together. Glad you like him! Ā Well, that's all for today folks. Hope you like Borgio and have a good time! C&C is, as always, highly appreciated and welcome! Ramell, Zebulon, Vairocanum and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 Damn shame about Photobucket. Personally I've grown used to using the B&C's own galleries, but Imgur is a good option too. Ā Great work on the last couple of Blood Angels. Haven't been spending as much time on the hobby myself recently as I might like, and so have been a little more quiet on B&C, but good to see that you're still going strong with your work. Love Inarael, and looking forward to seeing the Night Lord finished. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 Fantastic read! I kinda only just realized how much I enjoyed stories from the dreadnought's point of view. It was really interesting to read about how Borgio chose to be interred instead of dying on the battlefield. Also super excited for all the incoming dreadnoughts (although I was sorta hoping for an update on Morain or Guilliman too ). Stellar work, looking forward to seeing whats next! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 Mk. IV Ironclad is best Dread and those arms are the best, heftiest Dread close combat arms. Looks great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted June 28, 2017 Author Share Posted June 28, 2017 @Soldier of Dorn: Thanks mate, glad you like them Us defenders of Terra gotta stick together, don't we? I noticed your absence, glad to see you a bit more again!Ā @Vairocanum: Yeah, writing from a dreadnought's perspective was pretty fun. I went with the chose-to-be-interred angle as I think it is not as often done as it should be; being interred is, after all, an honour. There should be some primarchs in the future, I'll certainly be getting a Konrad Curze for my Crimson Sons and as soon as demon Mortarion hits the shelves, you'll see that one too. Oh, and I may be planning on doing a certain primarch based upon the primaris marines...Ā @sockwithaticket: The FW ironcald is definitely in my top 5 of most favorite dreadnoughts of all time (Leviathan Dreadnought, Death Guard Contemptor, Chaplain Dreadnought and Raven Guard Contemptor being the rest). Glad you like him mate Ā So, today I bring you one of my many, many, many promised tutorials. Today it's Alpha Legion! Ā Alright, prime your marine with a very light grey or white; I use Valleyo Model Air(VMA)Ā Grey. AirbrushĀ everything with VMA Signal Blue. Do a first zenithal highlight with a 3:1 mix of VMA Signal Blue and VMA White at 45 degrees. The last zenithal highlight is a 1:1 mix of VMA Signal Blue and VMA White, and is done between 70 and 90 degrees. Now go back and deepen the shadows and recesses with Signal Blue again. Your figure should look like this: Ā Now, everything iron-coloured is based with VMA Steel and then washed with a 4:1 mix of Nuln Oil and Lahmian Medium. The Medium will not dilute the wash much, but it will facilitate a better flow. The blue armour is washed with a thin coat of a 1:2 mix of Coelia Greenshade and Lahmian Medium. Everything black is painted Abaddon BlackĀ and everything green is painted with Moot Green and highlighted with a 2:1 mix of Moot Green and Ceramite White. Wash the green with a 2:1 mix of Coelia Greenshade and Lahmian Medium. Apply all transfers. This is how Alpharius should look right now: Ā Now, add a slight sponge weathering of Abaddon Black and VMA Steel each and coat the whole miniature with a 1:2 mix of Nuln Oil and Lahmian Medium. I do this to all my miniatures as I prefer the slightly muted effect that ties together all colours, you can leave this wash and weathering out if you prefer a more clean look as the miniature should be sufficiently shaded for a nice tabletop look. Alpharius now looks like this: Ā Nice and dingy, right? Now it is time for all the detail work. Leather straps and pouches are basecoated with a 1:1 mix of Abaddon Black and Doombull Brown, then drybrushed with the Doombull Brown and finally highlighted with a mix of Doombull Brown and Screaming Skull; just add more Screaming Skull bit by bit until you are satisfied. Wash the brown with a 1:1 mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade. The skin is basecoated with Bugman's Glow, glazed with Leviathan Purple, highlighted with the basecoat colour and progressively lightened up with Pallid Wych Flesh until satisfied. Wash the Skin with a 1:2 mix of Leviathan Purple and Lahmian Medium; then with a mix of Nuln Oil and Lahmian Medium with the same amounts in the mix. Here is how your finished Alpharius will look like: Ā Base him how you like; personally I enjoy Industrial ruins and/or Urban rubble with mine :) Hope you found this little tutorial helpful and have a nice day. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Fenbain, Dr_Ruminahui, Vairocanum and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 Nice to see the process behind your alpha legion. Definitely looking forward to seeing some primarchs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted July 9, 2017 Author Share Posted July 9, 2017 XX: Sonderling Ā Ā Beware, beware of the words I twist I am small but my reach is long Ā Attributed to Alpharius Ā Hey folks, I've recently got my hands on a half-asembled Imperial Space Marine and promptly converted him to an Alpha Legonnarie. Don't really know what I'll use him as, but the miniature just has so much nostalgic value, I'd pay GW gold and silver for a whole multipose kit of those. He was painted with the recipe above, but I tried to sneak in a few Rogue Trader/ 2nd Edition things, such as the different magazine placing and the bright helmet stripe. Hope you like him :) Ā However, I also come with a question for you: As some of you may know, I'm currently also working on Carcharodons, but I want to do a more traditional successor chapter too. I've narrowed my current choice down to two: Scythes of the Emperor or the Angels of Absolution. I've painted up a tester for each. They are not quite finished, but the most important parts (Metallics, armor, weathering and fabric) are done, just didn't have any time for the grenades and small doodads. Have a look. Ā I am really unsure which I like more. Both are amazing schemes to paint and look glorious; both are interesting chapters; the Scythes because they are tough as dirt and beautifully tragic, the Angels of Absolution because they are the only chapter of the Unforgiven, who actually don't see themselves as sinners and indebted. I just can't decideĀ Ā What do you guys think? Do you have any other interesting successors? I'd prefer something with white, cream or yellow as armor colours, and being successors (I've thought about doing Imperial Fists but on one hand I don't really like the chapter character, on the other hand it is one of the big eight). Also, here is the Sternguard squad that will eventually be painted up in those colours :) Ā Thanks for looking and thanks for your input in advance. C&C is, as always, very much appreciated. Have a good day :) deathspectersgt7, Nomus Sardauk, Dr_Ruminahui and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Scythes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FuriousFerret Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Scythes FTW!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 But seriously Observer, how am I supposed to choose when you do both so well? How can I pick one over the other when I know it means I won't see you craft more of the unchosen Chapter in this gorgeous manner?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Scythes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeatTheBeat Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Yup, Scythes. That marine is SWEEEET. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Ā Hidden ContentĀ Ā Ā -------------------------------------------------- Ā Hey folks, I've recently got my hands on a half-asembled Imperial Space Marine and promptly converted him to an Alpha Legonnarie. Don't really know what I'll use him as, but the miniature just has so much nostalgic value, I'd pay GW gold and silver for a whole multipose kit of those. He was painted with the recipe above, but I tried to sneak in a few Rogue Trader/ 2nd Edition things, such as the different magazine placing and the bright helmet stripe. Hope you like him Ā Love that conversion, brother. Especially the bolter. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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