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ETL V Brief - Blood Angels


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ha ha not enough replenishing of the losses!! Nah, in fairness I have them up to a good painting standard for games, even though I have few shines stuff that needs a lick of paint, but the my Black Legion is just depressing to look at on the battlefield, need to work on that grey!


Good luck guys, I am sure my circa 200pts won't be missed too much!

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Indeed. And on a more optimistic note, if I do succeed, I'll have a painted thunderhawk. So that'll be nice.

How far along is she prep-wise? I think this will be out first Thunderhawk ETL entry...


Lower hull, wings, landing gear etc is all together. Some black basecoat on the landing gear and engines, otherwise bare.

Nose cone is built but bare.

Tail fin is basecoated red, as are the little top wings with lascannons on them.

All the missiles, main cannon and little turrets are still separate and basecoated.


I was waiting to paint the crew and cockpit before sticking all of the parts together. So they will be the first step, before sealing it up for the big external work to come. I'm not going to have it "open" as such, so you'll only be able to see a snapshot of the cockpit through the little windows.


I'll be proud to represent the chapter with such a mighty machine of war. For Sanguinius and the Emperor!

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Make sure they're appropriately converted for special characters! Let no-one claim the sons of Sanguinius would do anything less than the best.


But I already have a converted Corbulo and Mephiston!


Though Lemartes and Astorath are fair game ;)


As is Dante.

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Been getting some vv assembled in anticipation. Stormshields and pistols are the wargear of choice. Probably jumps also. I've got a Dornian Heresy Seth in the works and depending on what I can get converted up I want to do a small 'Dornian Heresy: Blood Angels Character Series'

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If I paint a 30k Outrider Squad, which are a bike squad, if they are armed with twin linked plasma guns can I count them as a normal 40k bike squad armed with two plasma guns and the bike sgt having a combi plasma?


Yep! I'd imagine so.

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Advice needed. I stripped my 3rd Stormraven over the weekend in prep for re-painting for the ETL, problem is I managed to lose both headlight bits :facepalm:, suggestions of how I can replace them/fill the gap without it looking terrible?


I had a glance on ebay for the replacement bits, but the only option was to get basically half a SR shipped over, with most of the cost covering shipping :groan:, so I don't especially want to go down that road...





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I really don't know what to vow, so much stuff to choose from :(

Well, what in your collection are you looking forward to painting? Is there anything you need to have painted?


Or, you can list what you have and we can suggest something :)

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If I paint a 30k Outrider Squad, which are a bike squad, if they are armed with twin linked plasma guns can I count them as a normal 40k bike squad armed with two plasma guns and the bike sgt having a combi plasma?

Whilst I am not an authority on the ETL I would say yes provided they aren't too dissimilar from this bike entry - but then, I'm also biased. Perhaps you could do the model with one bolter and one plasma to represent the combi-weapon Sergeant?

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Advice needed. I stripped my 3rd Stormraven over the weekend in prep for re-painting for the ETL, problem is I managed to lose both headlight bits :facepalm:, suggestions of how I can replace them/fill the gap without it looking terrible?


I had a glance on ebay for the replacement bits, but the only option was to get basically half a SR shipped over, with most of the cost covering shipping :groan:, so I don't especially want to go down that road...





Any good?



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