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Update time: I brush paint my tanks since I can't afford an airbrush. Needless to say painting a Land Raider takes time. But at this point it's all about the black. Then the decals. I bought some Tamiya Matte varnish spray and I gotta say ... I'm a little spooked to use it. OR I can brush on the sealer, which means I have to paint this thing all over again :lol:

Anyways, check this baby out ^_^


Thank you ^_^


Yep, this here's the one. If I made the time to photo all the issues, it would prove how lazy and ignorant I was to build it. I wore a lot of glue over the days :facepalm: Were I to do it again, it would be perfect :lol:

Thank you :happy.:


Yep, this here's the one. If I made the time to photo all the issues, it would prove how lazy and ignorant I was to build it. I wore a lot of glue over the days :facepalm: Were I to do it again, it would be perfect :laugh.:

I find this is often the case.  I get so excited to build new stuff that I skim the instructions until I notice something is upside down, or on the wrong part of the model, or it turns out I needed that little nub after all, what have you.  Now I have to make myself dry fit every tiny bit to prevent this.  



Thank you :happy.:


Yep, this here's the one. If I made the time to photo all the issues, it would prove how lazy and ignorant I was to build it. I wore a lot of glue over the days :facepalm: Were I to do it again, it would be perfect :laugh.:

I find this is often the case. I get so excited to build new stuff that I skim the instructions until I notice something is upside down, or on the wrong part of the model, or it turns out I needed that olittle nub after all, what have you. Now I have to make myself dry fit every tiny bit to prevent this.

Forge World's Fire Raptor kit doesn't seem to have directions. I'm just hoping it looks like a Fire Raptor when I'm done. :)

Same with the MKIIB, yet the hull parts are the misfiring ones and they are just replacement parts. Although the sponson chunks did have me shave some rivets from the hull for a smoother fit.


There was a serious issue witht the plastic inner back wall (witht the visible engine bit) though. Even after loose fitting something was off. I watched a video and really scrutinized the paper instructions and all signs pointed to what should be done. In the end I had to do a lot of cutting and the plastic top plate still didn't fit flush. I must have built it wrong :(


My second LR will be built better. Honestly, depending on how 8th looks, the second one will likely be used more than the MKIIB anyway.

Have you painted Assault Marines yet?  I can't remember ... maybe?


Anyways, it's a good request and they are on the plate, but once 8th was even burped about I halted all "infantry" building and painting.  I keep making plans but there is this cloud of uncertainty about how this will work with that, yadda yadda yadda.  Although we keep getting snippets, and a grand picture is slowly forming, it's not coalesced in my head yet.


So, can I start on an infantry squad?  Sure.  Yet it's the Sergeant that actually stops me because he could really be a crucial factor in the build.


"But Race, why not 'just do it'", you say?  I could, but I'd rather focus what little time I have efficiently.  If I paint up that 3rd ed model with the raised Power Axe ... well, that may not be a good weapon in 8th.


So, instead of doing NOTHING, I focus on what I can: tanks.  Although, I could finish up my bikes in waiting and flesh out the existing squads I suppose.


Today I took a chance and tried the Tamiya matte spray coat on the MkIIB ... wow that is some FLAT spray... t's so good I may spray the other models in my army :wacko.:  $10 bucks a can though, and it's a small can ...


Regardless, the MkIIB may be finished by Friday.  ^_^

And so ... it is done.


As you can see, it is the second tank. At the rear is the V designating it's assignment to Solaq's 5th Company. I also decided to use a cupola gunner because Storm Bolters may be cool in 8th edition. Yet I also have the resin top door plate as well. Unfortunately, if you opt to use this piece then it will either fall into the hull (unglued) or seal the cupola hole (glued). Since I glued the front door shut, then retrieving the fallen piece would be nearly impossible and turn the model into a fancy musical shaker. SO, I also made a standard non-SB cupola because ... geek. These bits are not pictured. There is a brass-etched plate on the rear door that reads "Malifex Maximus" that seems to be translated as "Famous"?

Seen below is the FW front top door. I think I gave away the matching side doors once I realized the MkIIB doors are Rhino door sized (:wacko.: ). Now that must have been a mistake as I have a second Land Raider to build :tu:. Anyway, I decided the scroll to be actual paper-like, or that the artificers painted the metal scroll to look like paper :rolleyes: Either way, it gave the whole model a dash of color. The tank is named "INVICTA"; I still have a hard time believing ... believing ... a tank can survive almost 10,000 years ... for any reason short of being in stasis that long. Sooo, if it's sci-fi-possible, then sure, this this tank is "Unconquered".

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Below is the starboard side. I used Carlson793's work to have the RG sigil facing the front. I also used the Rhino-sized doors supplied in the kit and (shou nuff) glued them in place.

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Finally, the rear. If you can tell, the exhaust pipes are not centered. That's because the FW rear plate is not centered :furious: This is a case where the devil really is in the details.

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Yep, the sponsons swivel and the barrels can be raised and lowered ^_^

Thank you for looking :tu:


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