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The storm eagle maybe a tad small.


To figure out if there is a true size difference use the pilots size. We know that the pilot of the storm raven is firstborn size, but does thunderbolt Pilot seen the same size as the Valkyrie crew. If he does it might be slight creep.


Also look at the fluff for size differences:


The thunderbolt is built to be a flying tank piloted by a human. It needs to be robust, dependable, mass produced, and have multiple systems that the pilot does not need to interact with to keep it going. Bigger is better


The storm eagle while smaller and a transport for firstborn is created in far fewer numbers, and are built with marine pilots in mind. Since the marine pilot can interface with the storm eagle, smaller systems can be used allowing for smaller size but not removing its lethality.


And you suck.....so jealous that is one kit on my bucket list of 40k models I want.

The AI model is so true to the larger version.


I'm not sure if the Storm Eagle is too small or the Thunderbolt too large...

That is one thing I've noticed with the AI line they are surprisingly close to the original FW models, just plastic more detailed and better :lol:

Maybe one day we'll get plastic FW flyers :woot:


Haha I know the feeling War

Let's call this one a cheap practice one and I'm still longing to get my FW one :sweat:

Rather learn the hard way on this one then a more expensive one ;)





Meanwhile I've found my next hoodie :D


Edited by duz_

Just finished a bunch of Scions and want something (hopefully) easy to paint next so this is up!


I also finally paid for the premium version of Paint Rack so I can reference my paint schemes because I already had to search this thread as to what colour I've been highlighting my Primaris vehicles despite painting several already :facepalm:

Yeh that's how they sit although he will be flanked by the hatch doors when finished I haven't glued them on yet so I can paint it easier


Agreed it does look odd though

Hopefully less so when I'm done :ermm:

Thanks C&E, I don't think I've seen your Raptor yet though?



Question for the brains trust:

I have a Repulsor, R. Executioner and an Impulsor


Give the points cost of a Repulsor is there any reason for me to have a 2nd? Has anyone used 2?

Well despite this being several hours of work doesn't seem like much

Done most the highlighting at this point (during work meetings :lol: )

Now starting to get onto the other details and then will go back for touch ups

I really like the new GK Steel paint

Blue hue is really nice


Back in 3rd/4th the Rhino was one of my favorite vehicles, with the Dreads, Speeders, and the Predator. Ever since coming back to the game and finding a home in the Ravenspire .... I can't imagine using any of those anymore .... but dang you make that Impulsor look Boss Duz_

Well despite this being several hours of work doesn't seem like much

Done most the highlighting at this point (during work meetings :lol: )

Now starting to get onto the other details and then will go back for touch ups

I really like the new GK Steel paint

Blue hue is really nice


Looks good Duz. And GK steel is heavenly. I use it as a dry brush on my GKs over the leadblecher base color.

Edited by war009

Thanks Dracos

I'm looking forward to using my landspeeder again in 9th

Not sure my LSS will ever be painted at this rate though :(


Cheers war and TWH its tedious as hell but less tedious than sitting though 4hrs of meetings mostly listening :lol:

Mine are usually small groups and I'm often talking but fortunately I've set a precedent for myself never to have it on :D

Well finished the Impulsor!

That sucker had way more detail than I expected. Definitely more effort than I anticipated when I picked it out but its done at least :D



I might go back and grab the few models I didn't fully complete for the last event I had and finish them food for completeness sake. Unfortunately that means a bucket load of edge highlighting... Hopefully it's not too many models :ermm:


Always fun to break up painting stints with some building

There's a few other Easter eggs in there other than just the head swaps ;)

That's all I have from the new box set

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