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This is as Blanchitsu as I can go for now

The picture is bad, so you cannot see the work on the gold "oxidation" (I do not think there is such thing, anyway....) But I am very found of him.

What do you think?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok then, Call of Chaos finished and I managed to paint all my stuff to a decent level, even if I will probably retouch some character models:sweat:

For now their institutional crappy pic is this


Anyway, some part of me was fighting to make me drop my vow to work on my most ambitious conversion yet.

I mentioned in previous posts that I have some helldrake parts, some undead bits and I got my hands on a dirty cheap (around 40 Euros) AoS starter set (Stormcasts vs Khorne).

Also I am a legendary plastic hoarder, so I came up with some ideas to do some neat and "cheap" conversions .

That is the beauty of 40k Chaos, you can "corrupt" anything, and nothing is out of place in "the far future".

One of these thoughts pointed me in the direction of converting a Lord Discordant! I love the model, but I wanted to try it a little bit before buying and at the same time I wanted something very different in case I ended up using two. I picture them being a lot different from each other, and also used to ride very different beasts... I guess some ideas came to me from the manga "BT'X" that I do not know very much, just enough to steal the idea of "unique warriors riding unique bio-mechanical beasts". In this case beasts they actually created.

Vandus Hammerhand, the hero on the "drake-thing" is a great model for a starter set! I quickly discovered the size of the beast was a little small for a disco lord, while the rider was obviously ok. So I planned to "extend" the beast with Helldrake bits. So I tried to figure out how.


Annnd NO:sweat:

The idea was good, but I needed some other bits... I grabbed an helldrake long neck and pushfitted in various ways into the poor dracoroth body (Slaanesh...) and suddenly I came out with my lovely lovely Giraffe


The head and neck armor came from leftover Mortarch (Arkhan/Mannfred/Nefertara) bits


I love the absence of eyes and the "sphere" bit near the rider (like some arcane control device). I settled for a "head near the ground" position and started thinking a bit more about background of the character.

In the spoiler the "long version" with genesis of the idea description. Feel free to skip

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So, mixing all together, this was Andre', pilot, smith and tech expert of Squad 5 "Astarte" of the last Company of the first Millenial of the Emperor's Children. He was usually the silent type, very self demanding, but passionate about creating weapons and ornaments alike and piloting air vehicles. His personal symbol was a winged horse/pegasus.

Now he is known mainly as the Malus Faber, peerless warpsmith, continuosly creating things of "beauty" mixing flash, metal and demons in variable proportions.

Having some background I could continue my conversion work

I got a fantastic Mark III chaosified helmet from the Conquest death guards models! In my mind the Mark III was surely his armor of choice and I think this helmet fits naturally, after some "nurgly corrosion" removal. I also added the related backpack (they really define a Chaos Marine silhouette, slam one of them on the back of a model and it is suddenly a CSM). Then I needed some pegasus... figure out who has some still inbuilt bretonnians with lots of helmet figure heads? So, after I found a suitable helm, blue stuff, green stuff, grab a dark angel bike front, then bluestuff/greenstuff again, and finally put everything together before it completely dries... and boom, see picture related

Why I put the picture after the explaination and not before? In the hope you could not be distracted by the axe:sweat: gallery_92981_15855_9753.jpg

I swear I did not intended this.

I mean, I kinda wanted to substitute the head of the hammer with the ork chainsword (choppa?) to create a weapon similar to that of the actual Lord Discordant... then I just put the bits together with blue tac just to keep them near each other during transport... and this happened! I liked it a lot, even if maybe I will work a bit on a counterweight on the other side of the warhammerchainaxe:sweat:. Obviously some work will be done on this head too! But they fits! And I am happy that it maintains some "hammerity" as a reference to the blacksmith hobby of Andre' before the Heresy. In a way this character STILL is fundamentally a blacksmith.

So I put all together. As a pegasus reference the "giraffe" should have some kind of wings, and I needed some claws/scythes to represent the original rided demon engine weapons

In this cases old tyrandis are always "handy".


And here we are after a lot of pinning. Not finished yet, but looks very promising and over the top in a very 40k way to me:wub:

In a way it reminds me of some Frazetta's illustrations... well, maybe I am exaggerating a bit...

I really would like some comments on him in his WIP stage, so, please, do:teehee:

P.S. only the bare minimum is glued, so it is still fully posable:wink: You may notice there is a lot of room in front of the base...I have some plans

Edited by Filkarion

Thanks Doghouse! And also you guys who puts your likes, I have seen a lot of beauty in your works, so I am humbled you take some time to view and like mine... I should take some picture of the new painted stuff, but my phone is broken right now.

Luckily I have some pictures already online of the next thing I have done for my Malus Faber.

One of the tricky part of converting something from a whole different model is that you have to some how replicate at least partially the target mini's weaponry, so I needed some more claws/talons/stings and some kind of injector, without ruining my already done work. Adding too much elements on a already "peculiar" creature was not the way yo go, so some inspiration came from "fantasy" side of the hobby.

As I already mentioned, I used to have Bretonnians. Recently I have seen some people using them to proxy demyghriph riders (essentially knights riding wingless griffins) by simply mounting them on a larger base and adding a griph-hound (essentialy a doglike wingless griffin, AoS stuff).

I found the result very good, as it reminds me of some medieval hunter kind of things! I put the image in a spoiler as it is not mine and not 40k related

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This is also a good way to "add mass" to the model. So I decided to create a little guy to accompany Andre'

It's my little nightmare, I call it Tracker-Stinger for now




Sorry for last blurry photo, I was scared:ermm:

It's just a tiranid gragoyle body, kroot lower legs, warp talons wings and obviously a goul head... ah, and some talos pices, becouse why not:biggrin.:

I like him(her? It?), but I will work more on this little monster...

Edited by Filkarion
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the likes and the comments! Unfortunately I have done very few hobby during holidays, and no pictures... I also have some painted conversions now so, pics soon I promise

Things I am working on:

- The Malus Faber... In a way I am a bit stuck... Inspiration will return in time

- Some melee conversions of the awesome Kakophoni bodies... too "beautiful" to hide behind a huge sonic gun, so I converted them with melee weapons! They are "almost" ready to be painted.

- A Wingless Demon Prince converted from age of sigmar bloodsomething of the old starting box, he miss just some power armor jacks/ports and some details.

- A Slaaneshi chaos lord with a Demonette (A Diazette, no less)...wait, I actually have old WIP picture of him.



- Finally a sweet Slaneshi Lady, on a palanquin (actually a "lectica") carried by 6 shirtless marines (because why do not objectify female and male body in the same model?)

WOW, as usual a lot of things open, and almost nothing finished:sweat:

  • 2 months later...

Log time not posting! I have done not so much, but, Inspired by Kraut Scientist and fighting with work and children all day home, I manged some progress!

First, this is how my Lord Discodant (that I call the Malus Faber) looks now


Disco side

Disco front

Disco back

As you maybe know I will give this guy a couple of familiars (the Tracker/Stinger I already posted pictures of and some "tenatcly" one) for him to have the bulk of a real deal Disco lord
Pictures are awful as usual, but I am very happy about him
I wrote on the last post in (gulp) december I had my mind set on...

- Finally a sweet Slaneshi Lady, on a palanquin (actually a "lectica") carried by 6 shirtless marines (because why do not objectify female and male body in the same model?)

So I started from this


then I created this prototype


Proto 2

And I am currently at this stage


The lady is based on a new wood elves bloodbowl miniature..."Convertitors" around the world, do not underestimate BB teams as "cheap" sources of awesome bits and bodies for exotic conversions. The scale seems a bit odd sometimes (they tends to be big), but some bits are really a treasure!

For legs I was going for callidus but I was not happy with scale and I would have had to sculpt some kind of bare feet (I have tried my luck with hands, but feet sees to much for my skills), so I went for other legs I modified heating the part.I am really happy with the left hand position.

I also tried some work on her face to make her less "elfy"... We will see after paint if I done everything right:sweat:

To be true, inspired by Kraut Scientist Awesome Lady Bloodbriar I restarted working on her again... pictures soon.

The guys are old AoS base set "Bloodsomething" barbarians. They are easy to make look as Chaos space marines by adding some bits and by using a heated needle to make power armor jacks...repositioning them to "palanquin carrying" positions will be tricky to do smoothly, but I like the challenge

As usual tell me what you think

Edited by Filkarion
  • 8 months later...
  On 12/14/2020 at 1:56 PM, Pearson73 said:

Fantastic build and paint job.


Thanks, but while I am very happy with the conversion, I am not so happy with the paint job, I end up being so messy

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