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The New HH Box (Highly Likely to be Prospero) - Happy?


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Has anybody else realised it says "NOVEMBER" that is so bloody long to wait now....

Actually, nu-old-White-Dwarf now showcases things from last month (look at septembre issue with Deathwatch) - this is coming before the end of octobre!!!



Dual claws could be Bjorn! That would make me weep school girl tears



Matches up with a picture of Bjorn at Prospero (according to Lexi) anyway:



(Except the hair of course. Bjorn's hair color is constantly in flux, tho. Kaspar Hawser says it's black, the art is brown, and this mini is a blond. :shrug:)


Bjorn (dreadnought) has a panel depicting Bjorn (marine) that is exactly like the new model (well hair style at least) - i'm 90% certain that that's Bjorn, and that the FW guys were making a tongue in cheek remark about this set when they said they wouldn't release a model for Bjorn :lol:



 Before Prospero, he was part of Leman Russ' honor guard at Nikaea, so he wasn't a nobody exactly, and significantly more important than an average Tactical/Grey Hunter/equivalent. To my knowledge tho, he wasn't ever a Legion Officer and consequently it doesn't feel appropriate that he would be an HQ character. Just my 2 pence.

I think Russ realised the strength of Bjorn's wyrd before Prosperous and thus gave him certain privileges


Actually... That would make a whole deal of sense (though I still haven't understood if Russ is supposed to be a psyker, a pseudo-blank or something else entirely)

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So it looks like mark 2 tacticals (going by shoulder pads of the 3 T-Sons), with a decorative or mark 3 pad for the T-Son in the bottom right corner.


Mark 2 makes sense as they can become despoiler/ assault marines. FW never did mark 3 assault guys (but about half mine are mark 3 with mark 2 assault backpacks)


Not that impressed with the Custodes I have to say.

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So it looks like mark 2 tacticals (going by shoulder pads of the 3 T-Sons), with a decorative or mark 3 pad for the T-Son in the bottom right corner.


Mark 2 makes sense as they can become despoiler/ assault marines. FW never did mark 3 assault guys (but about half mine are mark 3 with mark 2 assault backpacks)


Not that impressed with the Custodes I have to say.

I was looking at the marines and thinking the same thing, fits the fluff as well, especially for a legion like the 1k sons. I don't recall where but I read in one of the books that Mk II and Iv were the most common marks at the outbreak of the heresy. So it would make sense that the first two released in plastic were those two. Although the dead marine on ahirimans base is definitely Mk III. Time will tell I guess

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What are people losing their censored.gif over? I just see a white sequence of letter and numbers, and when I click on it, noting happens. Could someone post a different link/image?


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Cheers. Sad to say this doesn't exactly fill me with joy. Granted I wasn't exactly psyched for BaC either, but I do wish they'd stop combining my favourite Legion with my least favourite armour mark. Then there's the Custodes, their inclusion in this box, apparently with 30k rules, does rankle slightly with me. The Custodes were one of the most commonly trotted out excuses for the delays we've seen for Inferno, and now we're getting them in plastic, before Inferno drops? Colour me unimpressed. Plus in that, admittedly low resolution picture, they just look like Sigmarines, which makes me suspect a lazy sculpt cribbing from the Sigmarine CAD documents. The assumed Bjorn looks pretty great though, I'll give them that.

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Cheers. Sad to say this doesn't exactly fill me with joy. Granted I wasn't exactly psyched for BaC either, but I do wish they'd stop combining my favourite Legion with my least favourite armour mark. Then there's the Custodes, their inclusion in this box, apparently with 30k rules, does rankle slightly with me. The Custodes were one of the most commonly trotted out excuses for the delays we've seen for Inferno, and now we're getting them in plastic, before Inferno drops? Colour me unimpressed. Plus in that, admittedly low resolution picture, they just look like Sigmarines, which makes me suspect a lazy sculpt cribbing from the Sigmarine CAD documents. The assumed Bjorn looks pretty great though, I'll give them that.


I second the overwhelming feeling of utter meh at that pic. I was trying to stay optimistic previously. Now it's just another release I'll pay zero attention to sadly.


And please, I know everyone loves Bjorn. I love Bjorn. But stop trying to make him out as the heir apparent to Russ or the rising star of the Legion at Prospero. He was neither. If indeed he is in plastic, along with Ahriman, then it's an incredibly lazy move from GW

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You could always use the Custodes as basing fodder for some WB Gal Vorbak... First Heretic springs to mind.

Not for me, personally. Wouldn't touch the XVII Legion with a 10-ft pole. Not now, not ever. I just don't like them very much.


Maybe on my Iron Warriors when I do them though. I'm sure more than a few Custodes got killed during the Siege.

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You could always use the Custodes as basing fodder for some WB Gal Vorbak... First Heretic springs to mind.

I'll be keeping them around to (eventually) use as allies but as I'm planning traitor forces untill FW get to Dark Angels - that could be a while.

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If indeed he is in plastic, along with Ahriman, then it's an incredibly lazy move from GW


I'd be surprised if Ahriman and Bjorn are the named characters. Bjorn didn't get his lightning claw until after Prospero and Ahriman is described as having a cloak of 'blackly iridescent feathers', yet the Thousand Sons sorcerer we've seen only has a mostly unadorned cloak.

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If indeed he is in plastic, along with Ahriman, then it's an incredibly lazy move from GW


I'd be surprised if Ahriman and Bjorn are the named characters. Bjorn didn't get his lightning claw until after Prospero and Ahriman is described as having a cloak of 'blackly iridescent feathers', yet the Thousand Sons sorcerer we've seen only has a mostly unadorned cloak.

I think it's a fairly safe bet that it's Bjorn and Ahriman. Not definite but pretty likely.

I can't be too disappointed (the models look great from what we can see) but I would have preferred generic characters.


You do bring up agood point though. If the plastic "Ahriman" was in the box - wouldn't it be on the cover? It's a pretty big deal.

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We should take some stock of what we're getting from what little we can see (still impressive list mind)


Thousand sons sorcerer/praetor (be it ahriman or no)

Vlka Fenryka praetor/consul (again be it whoever)


5 custodes with swords, Shields, guardian spears, standard and potentially a "sergeant" type


Tartaros with at least power sword, power fist/lightning claw (giving us 3 plastic terminator armour variants)


Mk 3 legionnaires with at least (from what I can identify) phobos pattern bolter's, which takes the total to Mk 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 with odd bits of 5 in plastics and 3 patterns of bolter available


We're spoilt for choice a bit in terms of modelling opportunity in the heresy :) (and outside of it obviously)

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If what we've seen pans out to be genuine (still nothing concrete as yet bar the custodes) then my feelings can be broken down as:


Custodes: no value to me at all


Tartaros Terms: oh god yes


MKIII Marines: oh god yes


Legion characters: no value at all.


Which after Calth is a major disappointment.


If anything I'll grab a sprue or 2 on ebay but we'll see come November. Who knows I could be proved very wrong. But as things stand, this is a massive let down. I don't object to trying to make improvements to something successful but to me they've taken several steps backwards here

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If what we've seen pans out to be genuine (still nothing concrete as yet bar the custodes) then my feelings can be broken down as:


Custodes: no value to me at all


Tartaros Terms: oh god yes


MKIII Marines: oh god yes


Legion characters: no value at all.


Which after Calth is a major disappointment.


If anything I'll grab a sprue or 2 on ebay but we'll see come November. Who knows I could be proved very wrong. But as things stand, this is a massive let down. I don't object to trying to make improvements to something successful but to me they've taken several steps backwards here

I will gladly take the custodes from you xD

I will give them a nice home xD

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