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The New HH Box (Highly Likely to be Prospero) - Happy?


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I'm happy for the Character models to be specific, however the rest of the box needs to be generic (Mk3/Tartaros Terminators) for it to appeal to me.

I've spoken to several people who all feel the exact same way. If you want Legion-Specific units, buy the upgrade kits from FW.

Here's hoping that next year's box is Mk2 Marines!

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Charlo, although mkIII is maybe my favourite, I would also love plastic mkII, it's just that since now they had no reliable way to do it in plastic (or so I read), so I don't think they have made both mkII and III. Moreover, no rumour has said anything about mkII, and thus mkIV is more likely if there are assault marines. Then again, what was told about mkII and plastic was also said about mkIII, so maybe we're in for a pleasant surprise.
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MkIV has always been the Thousand Son's iconic mark so it would make sense to keep it for them. 

I'm not convinced about he impossibility of MkII, it would require some creative dissection of the legs but nothing more complicated than the way the dissected some of the Terminators in Space Hulk. 

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I think I'd be okay with generic troops but specific characters in the next box but I would not be happy to a plastic ahriman, as I think such an important character deserves a proper resin sculpt in the character series to do him justice.


Unsure about custodes and SoS also because I don't think I trust GW to do them justice.

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As HIGHLY improbable as this might be as an Idea, what if plastic Mk III was, in actuality, Mk II that came with Additional Plates you could glue on to transform it into Mk III and the Helmet was done Eldar Harlequin Style with interchangeable faceplates?

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As HIGHLY improbable as this might be as an Idea, what if plastic Mk III was, in actuality, Mk II that came with Additional Plates you could glue on to transform it into Mk III and the Helmet was done Eldar Harlequin Style with interchangeable faceplates?

While I'm almost 100% sure that won't be the case, that would be damn cool and I want it.

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As HIGHLY improbable as this might be as an Idea, what if plastic Mk III was, in actuality, Mk II that came with Additional Plates you could glue on to transform it into Mk III and the Helmet was done Eldar Harlequin Style with interchangeable faceplates?

Humm, it could indeed be cool, however, could it cause posing problems ? Not sure...

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I think I'd be okay with generic troops but specific characters in the next box but I would not be happy to a plastic ahriman, as I think such an important character deserves a proper resin sculpt in the character series to do him justice.


Unsure about custodes and SoS also because I don't think I trust GW to do them justice.

I doubt that it would be the master sorcerer himself, but a high ranking coven member seems likely.


Sisters of Silence shouldn't be too hard- just make models similar to the female Inquisitor a few years back and I think it would be decent. Custodes though, they might be hard. Depending on the source, they are either equipped with artificer armor or a variation of termie armor (Garro's first view of them in Flight of the Eusestwin), while being taller and thinner than normal marines. I don't know if GW could make a plastic version of them that would convey both their very different body type and armor style properly.

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I asked my local GW manager about this straight and he said that any future boxset game on the GW HH line would not be legion specific. Now whether that's just his opinion or fact I can't say.


GW managers generally don't have much more insight into things more than a couple weeks out than anyone else.

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I asked my local GW manager about this straight and he said that any future boxset game on the GW HH line would not be legion specific. Now whether that's just his opinion or fact I can't say.


GW managers generally don't have much more insight into things more than a couple weeks out than anyone else.


so.......... what you're saying is the HH prospero box is a couple weeks out?!?!?!


You heard it here CONFIRMED!! haha 

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I asked my local GW manager about this straight and he said that any future boxset game on the GW HH line would not be legion specific. Now whether that's just his opinion or fact I can't say.


GW managers generally don't have much more insight into things more than a couple weeks out than anyone else.


so.......... what you're saying is the HH prospero box is a couple weeks out?!?!?!


You heard it here CONFIRMED!! haha 



I am surprised it hasn't made BOLS yet.

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I think I'd be okay with generic troops but specific characters in the next box but I would not be happy to a plastic ahriman, as I think such an important character deserves a proper resin sculpt in the character series to do him justice.


Unsure about custodes and SoS also because I don't think I trust GW to do them justice.

I doubt that it would be the master sorcerer himself, but a high ranking coven member seems likely.


Sisters of Silence shouldn't be too hard- just make models similar to the female Inquisitor a few years back and I think it would be decent. Custodes though, they might be hard. Depending on the source, they are either equipped with artificer armor or a variation of termie armor (Garro's first view of them in Flight of the Eusestwin), while being taller and thinner than normal marines. I don't know if GW could make a plastic version of them that would convey both their very different body type and armor style properly.



I hope so but guess we'll just have to wait to find out.


With regards to custodes I feel like if GW do them they might just end up looking like space marines but with funny hats.

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Keep it all generic so everyone can get involved with the action

There are already legion specific upgrade packs and the characters would look better in resin, especially the most prominent players like Ahriman.

I'm not even sure if the Thousand Sons and Space Wolf players will all be completely happy about it, because they won't be able to model a box as a single army: they'll have to mix'n'match stuff with other players, and if there are indeed several unit types (including assault and/or breachers) at least one side will end up not having the type they might have wanted.

Also, what about those wolves who wanted mkIV (well, I suppose there's still B@C) or Thousand Sons who wanted mkIII - those won't be happy either, just like all the other legion players who wanted some cheap generic mkIII.

Yeah, I'm hoping for generic as well, or I will end up slagging half of every box I buy (I will not subject anyone else to the ignominy of space dogs by selling them, any more than suffer it myself tongue.png)!

I am surprised it hasn't made BOLS yet

What are you talking about, they are way too busy posting clickbait podcast links. They'll report any news a few weeks after the fact when they copy and paste it from B&C or Faeit archives.

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Keep it all generic so everyone can get involved with the action

There are already legion specific upgrade packs and the characters would look better in resin, especially the most prominent players like Ahriman.

I'm not even sure if the Thousand Sons and Space Wolf players will all be completely happy about it, because they won't be able to model a box as a single army: they'll have to mix'n'match stuff with other players, and if there are indeed several unit types (including assault and/or breachers) at least one side will end up not having the type they might have wanted.

Also, what about those wolves who wanted mkIV (well, I suppose there's still B@C) or Thousand Sons who wanted mkIII - those won't be happy either, just like all the other legion players who wanted some cheap generic mkIII.

Yeah, I'm hoping for generic as well, or I will end up slagging half of every box I buy (I will not subject anyone else to the ignominy of space dogs by selling them, any more than suffer it myself tongue.png)!

I am surprised it hasn't made BOLS yet

What are you talking about, they are way too busy posting clickbait podcast links. They'll report any news a few weeks after the fact when they copy and paste it from B&C or Faeit archives.

Space wolves in 30k aren't wolfy mc wolferson. Rather than slagging them, send them to a member of these boards.

(I know it's probably irony, but the very idea of models being destroyed for absolutely no reason puts me on edge)

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As HIGHLY improbable as this might be as an Idea, what if plastic Mk III was, in actuality, Mk II that came with Additional Plates you could glue on to transform it into Mk III and the Helmet was done Eldar Harlequin Style with interchangeable faceplates?


I considered this a while back. It would be AMAZING if so, but those pieces for the front plates would have to be so tiny and thin... Then again they make power swords...

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Wonder if we will see the Assault Marines afterall!

And if they will be a slight ret-con and be MkIII too tongue.png

Is that a ret-con? Word Bearers do it. msn-wink.gif

Space wolves in 30k aren't wolfy mc wolferson. Rather than slagging them, send them to a member of these boards.

(I know it's probably irony, but the very idea of models being destroyed for absolutely no reason puts me on edge)

No reason? How about the most powerful reason of all? HATRED furious.gif


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