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She’s gorgeous! The pale purple flesh is fantastic!


And I would love to see you take on that second flagellant with just you, tools, and putty. That would be awesome!

Thanks a lot, it´s actually a pretty simple recipe, purple shading over white priming, and then higlihts in pallid flesh and afterwards in white. Will see about the arco-flagelant, still not sure if I´ll do it over the Dialogus...


Excellent work on the Harlequin, especially the discolourations of the blade. The Slaaneshi force is really nicely done too, the melding of kits has produced a much more dynamic and truer image of how I would imagine such a force to appear.

Thanks! I´m actually not that happy with the blade as the blending isn´t as smooth as it should, but I´ll try to make the rest better. And I´m quite proud about how the slaanesh army is turning out, I really want to get a unit painted to see how they look.


Sadly today I didn´t make as much progress because I was sick and didn´t really feel like painting, but still I finished the skin on the first daemonette unit, which did take its time, and painted six different test faces to see which one I liked better:


I think I like the upper right one the best, with regular eye paint and purple lipstick, though the upper left has it´s appeal too. What do you guys think? Any other ideas I should try outy?

I prefer middle left too, for some reason, but why not give each one a different pattern?


As for ideas, Darth Talon from the old Star Wars EU springs to mind, think female Darth Maul:) (And don't google her at work, there's a lot of fan art that removes what little clothing she has)

Thanks for the input guys, middle left seems to be getting the most approval, is it because the longer eye paint or because of the lack of lipstick? Either way, I think I´m going to follow ElDuderino tip and mix and match a bit between the top four designs.


So, sorry for the lack of updates this days, but I actually did progress, only that I started batch-painting the harlies and the daemonettes, and discovered they are very time-consuming models and thus did not finish anything. As I found this a very unrewarding process and I do not want to loose interest in this projects, I started painting them one by one, which turned out to be much more fun, and finished two of each. This means from now on you should get quicker updates as everything is already halfways through the painting chain:sweat:...


So, the two additional players I finished using the same grimdark scheme as the first one:





Loads of checkers on this guys that make them take me hours to finish each, though I like where this seems to be going and hope they´ll look impressive as a force.


On the slaaneshi side of things I finished two daemonettes. First up the alluress:



Who is actually missing the water effect on the base, but everything else is done. I´m very happy with her and, even though the hair is not as smooth as I would have liked, this models already take enough time with all the blending I´m doing on them, so I´ve decided to leave it as it is, as well as going for plain white instead of half dyied purple as in the test model because, you know, less is more :P. I also went for NMM instead of true metallics because I want to improve my skill in that technique because I think it gives very impressive results when done correctly, as well as reinforcing even further my limited palette vibe. Only thing I´m still not sure is if I should try out some weathering on these, as after all walking through as swamp should leave some dirt, but I think the clean look fits them better and maybe I should put aesthetics above realism for a slaaneshi army... Maybe daemons dont get dirty as they´re halfways on the warp?


Second, the horn blower:


I haven´t painted her base because I think I´m going to leave all bases for the end as they require other colours and washes need to dry, benefitting more from batch painting. Again, pretty happy with the result, and I´m really enjoying painting these once I´m spending enough time on each, they´re really beatiful models!

The new players look great! Dark colors look just as awesome on them than their usual bright regalia.


Daemonettes are also looking sweet! Everything on her is looking like perfection and the NMM is coming along great!

Great work, as always!!  What's really awesome (and horrible) about this whole bit you are working on, is its "proof of concept" for something I've been thinking abou since I'm not horribly fond of the deamonette models. The "horrible " part being, I've been trying not to buy more minis. :)  

Wow those Harlequins look amazing, love the paint job you've done! Very nice work on the daemonettes as well, loving all the free hand stuff!

Thanks a lot brother, I´m getting a bit tired of the damn harlies, but they´re turning out alright. I´m quite proud of how the tattoos on the daemonettes are looking, even though they add even more time to the already time-consuming models!


The new players look great! Dark colors look just as awesome on them than their usual bright regalia.


Daemonettes are also looking sweet! Everything on her is looking like perfection and the NMM is coming along great!

Haha, thanks! Dark has become my signature style :tongue.:. And I´m glad you like the NMM, it´s a technique I still need to practise a lot.


Your Daemonettes are looking awesome man! As for the different make-ups, I like all of them. I think you should mix'n'match, use them all!

Thanks, high praise indeed from such a skilled follower of Slaanesh as you! And yes, I´m going to mix make-ups a bit to keep things more interesting.


Great work, as always!!  What's really awesome (and horrible) about this whole bit you are working on, is its "proof of concept" for something I've been thinking abou since I'm not horribly fond of the deamonette models. The "horrible " part being, I've been trying not to buy more minis. :smile.:  

Thanks for the compliments! I´m not a fan either of the actual daemonette models, and if witches weren´t so damn expensive I proably wouldn´t even mix the both... And not buying more minis is impossible, don´t even try :wallbash:!


Well, I finished the first troupe with the addition of two more players:






And the full squad:



Then I painted the Starweaver...







... and the Solitaire.





And even started the second troupe with another two players already finished:






On the gaming side of things I haven´t got many updates, as I´m mostly playing AoS with the DoK rules because, as things are standing right now, I´m not fully happy with how my chaos armies are in the 40k meta. I liked the ways daemons worked pre-faq, but right now, being unable to DS turn 1, the army isn´t what it was. My CSM aren´t attracting me right now either, the army doesn´t have as many tricks as the most recent codices. Because of this, I´m left with four options:


- Firstly, I could play a list consisting of Magnus, Ahriman and three TS daemon princes, with other fast element to escort them like screamers or furies. Even though I beleive the list will be strong, I know I´ll be called all kinds of nasty stuff in my local store because many people still feel the harsh from the Infernal Tetrad I used in 7th :wink:.

- In second place I could use a foot-slogging Slaanesh daemon army, which will proably not be very competitive but it´ll be worth the try as I´m already getting the army done for AoS.

- Thirdly I have the bits to build a CSM biker focussed army that might be fun to play and very cool looking, even though not very competitive, but would involve building a lot of models.

- Lastly, and the most wild option, would be to look again at my old eldar corsair army and retool it to be playable as a mix of harlequins and dark eldar, as I´m liking a lot how those two codices work, it would involve buying new stuff, mainly eldar transports, as I have none, but would proably be the playstyle I´d like the most and would allow me to continue my anarchist-metalhead-viking-space-elves, which was a concept I loved, even though I would change the colour scheme to depart them a bit from the HoS, probably to white and red.


What do you guys think:sweat: ?

Heck of an update! Everything is looking great! The patterns on their clothing and the freehand on their skimmer is still phenomenal! And your NMM is great so keep at it. I can't paint NMM to save my life.


As for 40k Chaos I kind of feel ya. I always get envy when I see some redonkulous things my opponents have or can do. But I have stayed with CSM for years so I'm in for the Long Haul/War. Plus I sold everything else I had so...there's that too :sweat


As for your options they all sound good. Personally I vote for Corsairs. I still want a corsair army but with the index now I have just been holding off. I really missed out on their cool shenanigans last edition. I think you have a good plan for them though and I've to see your take on them!

Heck of an update! Everything is looking great! The patterns on their clothing and the freehand on their skimmer is still phenomenal! And your NMM is great so keep at it. I can't paint NMM to save my life.


As for 40k Chaos I kind of feel ya. I always get envy when I see some redonkulous things my opponents have or can do. But I have stayed with CSM for years so I'm in for the Long Haul/War. Plus I sold everything else I had so...there's that too :sweat


As for your options they all sound good. Personally I vote for Corsairs. I still want a corsair army but with the index now I have just been holding off. I really missed out on their cool shenanigans last edition. I think you have a good plan for them though and I've to see your take on them!

Thanks Hushrong! NMM is one of those things you can only get better at with a lot of practise, I still remember a Dante model I painted five or so years ago as a first attempt at NMM and it was horrible... 


Well, I´ve always had my chaos armies as I´m unable to selll my own models, but the thing is (as it already happened in 7th untill I committed to daemons more seriously) that their playstyle just isn´t as fun to me, as I usually favour highly mobile glasscannon armies so, even though I´ll always come back and forth to my Harversters of Souls, I think it´s time I continue what I started last edition and get an eldar army painted, as they fit what I want to play so much more, and I´m already enjoying a lot having changed from dwarves and chaos warriors to daughters of khaine and Slaanesh in AoS. 


It is a shame corsairs lost their codex, and if FW releases it again I´ll surely jump to the corsair train again, as they were an amazing army to play before, for now however I´m going to repurpose the models as DE and harlequins to get some games going!



Brilliant free hand work as usual, love the snake especially! The harlequins are looking so cool I'm inclined to pick option 4 to see some more stuff! Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks brother, though I´m getting really tired of the checkers:sweat:



Brilliant freehand, dude. Excellent work. :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot, freehand usually is so much fun... Except for patterns, which are really tedious.



So, another big uptade, first up I made a lot of progress on the Death Masque harlies, with only Eldrad Ulthran and another bike left:



And some close ups:









Who is missing his base as I left it at my local store yesterday...






Troupe Master and Death Jester

The death jester is one of my favourite models ever, so I was really glad to pait this one and took extra care on the blending.



And also I´m really proud with the TM cape, must be the best checkers I´ve ever done.







Secondly, yesterday I had a game using Harlequins allied with Haemonculus Covens using some of my old corsairs as proxies and borrowing some stuff... And I had so much fun. There´s nothing as swooping 25" through the table with a Starweaver and then blasting stuff with your fusion pistols, or spending 3CP so that your T5 tank can stand th fire of almost a whole necron army. There was so much finesse in the army, almost elegancy to it, so yeah, I´m going back to the aeldari. I´ll still finish the Slaanesh army. as I´m using it a lot in AoS, but for 40k I´m getting back to the pointy ears.


My initial plan is to mix up Harlequins, Covens and Kabalites to make an aeldari force with loads of shanenigans and mobility, using my old corsairs as a reference to build from which, by the way, are previous to the creation of this thread, and I don´t think I ever them showcased here, sp here you have an example:




Here you have, the Anarchy Whispers! I know the quality of the work, specially conversion-wise, isn´t up to my actual standard, but I´ve improved a lot since I made these and know what to improve. I´m going to give them a different paint job, based on white instead of black, and probably removing the purple. I´m going to remove the "wings" too, as they make no sense if I´m not playing them with corsair rules, as well as the crossbow/ pistols. I think I´m going to base my troupes on wyches, as they´re still dynamic models but moche more grimdark. As I said in my last post, I´m going for a metalhead-social outcast-viking-anarchist theme, so I´m going to mix up kharadron overlords grundstock gunhaulers from AoS with acual raiders to make my raiders and venoms/ starweavers and, even though they´re very different aesthetics, I think i can make it work.


What I´m not so sure about is how to make the haemonculus covens. As I already like the idea of the army back in 7th, I even did some conversions to use as grotesque proxies to use in kill team:


and, while I like the concept of someone bound to a killing robot suit against their will, I think the conversion does not look as good as i want, and I dont think my plasticard skills are good enough to make it look much better without spending a horrible amount of time... So I´m not sure about what to make. Mybe something with mechanicum models? Just classical grotesques using the crypt horrors? Some ideas would be great, the wilder the better!


As usual, thanks for looking, and any feedback will be appreciated.

Oh man, you just had to show off some corsairs! Did you use the Dark Elf Black Ark guy's repeaters as pistols? Like on the first two you have? That is awesome and something I want to steal the idea of if I do ever get around to Corsairs. Right now I am devoted to my CSM and had sold off pretty much every hobby thing I own just to focus solely on them (mostly just my BL) but if they come out with a proper codex for corsairs I am game!


Once again, great paint jobs and awesome conversions! The grotesque proxy is pretty neat!

Phenomenal work on those harlequins! All the freehand and shading look awesome! Some of the new AoS soul wars models might work for the covens. Really cool to see your old models, and looking forward to seeing more! 

Oh man, you just had to show off some corsairs! Did you use the Dark Elf Black Ark guy's repeaters as pistols? Like on the first two you have? That is awesome and something I want to steal the idea of if I do ever get around to Corsairs. Right now I am devoted to my CSM and had sold off pretty much every hobby thing I own just to focus solely on them (mostly just my BL) but if they come out with a proper codex for corsairs I am game!


Once again, great paint jobs and awesome conversions! The grotesque proxy is pretty neat!

Hahaha, thanks, knew you would like them, I would have swore to have seen you comment on the corsair thread back when 8th was released ;)! I indeed used the Black Ark Corsairs (mixed with kabalites and wyches), they have some awesome bits such as the crossbows, which were slightly converted to be wrist-mounted, or the capes, which I used to differentiate between reavers and ghostwalkers. It's a shame corsairs lost all of their rules, I would love too for them to get a codex again, but for the time being playing other aeldari factions must suffice.


Harlequins and corsairs look ace. I want to see from you a conversion of the bloodbowl elfen team. Convert them.to harlequins or dark eldar. I am sure you make them great

The blood bowl elfs would be an awesome base for what I had in mind, will buy them tomorrow besides raiders and kharadron boats to get this army satrted, thanks for the great idea!


Phenomenal work on those harlequins! All the freehand and shading look awesome! Some of the new AoS soul wars models might work for the covens. Really cool to see your old models, and looking forward to seeing more! 

Thanks Vairo! I do like a lot the new soul wars models, the new stormcast would fit perfectly the HoS aesthetics if properly converted, and the nighthaunt are plain badass, but don't really see how you would use them for the covens, they're lacking any flesh after all:sweat:...


So, after a week away I came back this morning with a lot of hobby hype, and finished an old WHFB Galrauch commission I had during the day. While this is irrelevent to the the thread on it's own, it means tomorrow I'be able to work on my own models, and will probably start making custom raiders mixing them with kharadron parts. Additionally, I had plenty of time to think about the covens part of the army, and realised the FW mechanicum models could be, while expensive, a really cool base for the army with flesh sculpted over key parts. I'll start saving some money for it now so that when the kabalite and harlequin components of the Anarchy Thunders are ready I can order them. I'm even considering buying the FW mechanicum bundle and selling the Thanatar.


As for actual model pics, I finished a third daemonette before leaving last week that I didn't have time to post about, and additionally painted the hornblower's base, so here you have a pic of the command group of the unit minus water effect:


Pretty happy with how the three look together, grimdark enough for me but still a bit purplish so that it can be easily identified as slaaneshi. Also the witch and daemonette bodies look more similar when painted, which I was a bit concerned about-


And a close up of the banner:



And also, I finished the death masque last week too, which I uploaded to my Instagram account but not to the B&C, so here you have the second bike:







And the whole force, with Eldrad Ulthran at its head, which is now at display at GW Bernabeu:



Hope you like her, tomorrow I'll hopefully update with eldar stuff!

The blood bowl elfs would be an awesome base for what I had in mind, will buy them tomorrow besides raiders and kharadron boats to get this army satrted, thanks for the great idea!



Impressive works.

Thanks a lot!



The blood bowl elfs would be an awesome base for what I had in mind, will buy them tomorrow besides raiders and kharadron boats to get this army satrted, thanks for the great idea!




Bad news, it turns out they don't have BB stuff in physsical stores and, as I need my harlies ready for a small tournament this sunday, I couldn't wait or a delivery. So at the end I bought necromund Escher gangers, with which I'm quite happy so far. Will leave the aelven union in case I ever add a craftworld component to the army.


So, the Arachy Thunders train has left the station!!!! 

First up, a WIP of my first raider/ravager:




And a close up of the rectconned front:


Still need to add crew and weapons, which I think will add a lot to it, but I aleady like it a lot.


I also started on my first starweaver/ venom:



I'm tore between two weapon poses (the dark lance is just a place holder, it will be replaced by a shuriken cannon), the option A, which would give it a more anti-aircraft look:



Or option B, which would be a rear weapon, but would probably need an additonal crew member holding it to look good, which would mean one less on the raider:



Also, made my first payer based on the escher models and some bits:




I'm very happy with the results so far and the army is coming along asI had visualized it, will try to paint the harlie this afternoon as a test model to decide a colour scheme.


What do you guys think? Any feedback woud be appreciated!

I’m loving this dude!


Yeah, I posted a question about finally getting into corsairs when 8th came out. Kind of shot down the desire to go that route until forgeworld does something for them however, if my gaming group gets into Heralds of Ruin though I might give them a go.


The new additions and the vehicles are sweet! My buddy plays Dark Eldar and has been wanting a tantalus. I’ve been wanting to build one using raiders and the staircase from the dark elf war engine. Now you really want me to try it out after seeing your sweet vehicles.

I’m loving this dude!


Yeah, I posted a question about finally getting into corsairs when 8th came out. Kind of shot down the desire to go that route until forgeworld does something for them however, if my gaming group gets into Heralds of Ruin though I might give them a go.


The new additions and the vehicles are sweet! My buddy plays Dark Eldar and has been wanting a tantalus. I’ve been wanting to build one using raiders and the staircase from the dark elf war engine. Now you really want me to try it out after seeing your sweet vehicles.

Thanks! While having a dex would certainly be great, I have to say I'm enjoying a lot the harlequin and drukhari rules, they also have a lot of movement shanenigans thanks to starts and, unlike corsairs in 7th, they even have some defensive tricks besides offensive ones!


And I think a tantalus made with two raiders and a cauldron of blood would look even better than the FW actual model, besides leaving you with tons of really cool bits!


The green stuff conversions look great! I especially like the Letter A/skull/tentacles symbol.

Thanks! I'm quite proud with the hull's detail myself, now I have to think what to sculpt on the other two ravagers :sweat:!


Yesterday I spent the afternoon at my hobby store and painted a test model for the army:






She has more freehand work than the usual harlie will, but I wanted to try stuff out. I mst admit I wasn sure about the bronce and the purple at first, but I'm growing to it and right now I like a lot how the model looks, so will probably paint the army like this. What do you guys think?


On other news, this morning I finished the first ravager:





Damn, this model is difficult to photograph! At the end I only added two kabalites to the crew, as I think it doesn make sense for a ravager to be pouring with crew members, however, if I strt using it as a raider I will magnetise more of them. Also, I think I'm going to magnetise it to its base so that its easier to transport, but maybe I should pin it instead? If not, what magnet size to use? Anyone has ever done this befor with a raider?


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