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Actually yes, I noticed some time ago and remember briefly and unsusccessfully trying to fix it as I was in some kind of hurry, but had totally forgotten about it after that... :blush.: Is there a way to change that? Thanks for pointing it out.

Thanks a lot, I´ve just fixed it... So embarassed that this even happened. Changing the subject, neither of my chainaxes orders have arrived yet and its been a couple of weeks... has anyone ordered from Victoria Miniatures or Puppets of War before and know how long do their products usually take to arrive? I´m not getting worried at all, but it would be great to know, just to set my hobby objectives, as they´re quite open now, not knowing when they´ll come so that I can build my marauder squads (the core of the army).

Puppets of war can take between 1 week and a month. Had already both occasions.


Really good xhainaxes come from kromlech too and they deliver at light speed.

Yes, I saw them and they´re gorgeous, will probably order some next time I need chainaxes. If they take a month... well, I´ll paint more Hands of Doom I suppose!


Whoa the Daughters of Hella look really great, Soul Eaters look interesting too. Looking forward to see where you go with them.

Thanks a lot, I´m not too convinced by the Soul Eaters myself, but they´re original at least.


Awesome work brother definitely digging the soul eaters

Thanks, I finished the remaining three this morning, so here they are:


Soul Eater sergeant 1

Soul Eater sergeant 3

Soul Eater sergeant 2

This is the squad champion, the Everhungry, which is looking at a decapitated enemy head, probably delighting himself with the soul he has taken.


Soul Eater 3 2

Soul Eater 3 1

This is the only one who is shooting, the others prefer to hit enemies with the axe.

Soul Eater 4 3

Soul Eater 4 2

Soul Eater 4 1

This one is wielding the axe over his head, prepared to strike the final blow.

Soul Eater squad 2

Soul Eater squad 1

Though I still dont totally like how the "hoods" ended up looking, the unit looks fine overall and I think they´ll be even better when fianlly painted.




Well, I've finally decided to make some rules for the legion, which are mostly an adaptation of the Blackshields ones:


Legiones Astartes (Harvesters of Souls)

Undead Legion: Even Astartes find hard to fight side by side with the walking dead, even more when they've been shunned by the Emperor himself. Even though, th Harvesters of Souls usually fight with the support of the Messian Operations Team, the automatons of the Adeptus Mechanicum, the members of the Officio Assasinorum or other agents they use to gather information about the enemy, who are either accustomed to their presence or unable to feel it.

Harvesters of Souls are “by the Emperor/ Horus command” allies to other Legiones Astartes armies, while fellow warrior to non-legion army lists.

Live to die, die to live: The powers of undeath fuel the Harvesters of Souls, giving them more strength and making them harder to kill but giving them less control over their body.

Every model with the Legiones Astartes (Harvesters of Souls) rule has +1T and +1S, but cannot make sweeping advances, subtract -1 from its running and charging rolls and have -1I.

Battles are won before they start: When Virgultur’s sons march to battle they do it prepared and with as much knowledge of the enemy as they can gain access to. Usually the Harvesters of Souls battlefleets stay on orbit for months before going to war, gathering information and sending agents to kill important individuals.

An army whose warlord has the Legiones Astartes (Harvesters of Souls) rule may add 1 to the roll to see who goes first.

Edict of Konstanople: In the Edict of Konstanople the Harvesters of Souls were severely limited to avoid them falling due to their sorcerous powers. Because of this they were prohibited the use of a librarius, as well as any kind of dreadnought to prolong even farther their life. Because of this, the usual chain of command of the Legion was totally decimated and, instead of trying to rebuild it, Virgultur decided to change it completely.

Harvesters of Souls army lists may not take praetors, command squads, tactical squads, legion dreadnought talons, contemptor dreadnought talons, legion mortis dreadnought, contemptor mortis dreadnought, leviathan siege dreadnought talons, deredeo pattern dreadnoughts or contemptor-cortus class dreadnought talons. Also they may not take the Librarian consul type and can take a single Centurion per detachment.

They do, however gain access to Executioner squads (marauders) and Death Lords (reaver lords), as well as their unique legion units.

Ok, I have to admit that I haven´t progressed at all with my Harvesters of Souls (should I call them HoS?), but I have a good excuse for that:

WIP Horus 1

WIP Horus

Horus had been lying unpainted in my desk for more than a month now and was looking at me with those deep vicious eyes of his which I cant resist. In conclussion: I´m painting him while I wait for the chainaxes to arrive.

Also did my christmas orders and the HoS are getting cool reinforcements soon (both for 30k and 40k).

WOW, that is a brilliantly painted Horus! I really like the cape! 

Thanks, I ´m quite happy with the red/orange side of the cape, but I´m not so sure about the white one, do you think that I should do some freehand on it? I just don´t want to mess it up!


But I fear that Horus´s base (which is quite advanced now) must have to wait because... My chainaxes have finally arrived! So I did some assembling this afternoon and fineshed two executioners:


Executioner 2 1

Executioner 2 2

The first one didn´t go very well, I did an irregular cut on the shotgun and the pose just isn´t good... but I learned my lesson: you need both hands to properly fire an Astartes Shotgun.

Executioner 3 1

Executioner 3 2

The second one is better, the idea was to have him in a quite static pose, with his axe resting on his shoulder, possibly contemplating the true meaning of life.

Executioner group shot 1

Finallly a group shot of the three actual members of my first Executioner squad (marauders).
PD: the Victoria Miniatures chainaxes also arrived today and thay have turned out to be much more smaller than I thought... I will do some experiments tomorrow to see how they look...

Okay, so I managed to finish another three Executioners today and I´m happier with the results, I think I´m now getting better what poses look cool with an axe:


Executioner 4 1

Executioner 4 2

This is my favourite so far, love this axe model.

Executioner 5 1

Executioner 5 2

This one actually carries a power axe instead of a chainaxe, so I´ll do some OSL in it.

Executioner 6 1

Executioner 6 2

This is the first Victoria Miniatures axe I´ve used and, while it´s smaller than the others, it doesn´t look too weird.

Executioner group shot 2

My first  six Executioners, fourteen more to go!

I like the half skull you've sculpted on the face plates. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks, the idea is to do it in everyone I can, kind of a characteristic thing of the legion. I'm thinking of calling them the "Mausoleum" pattern armours/helmets, somewhat like what the Corvus pattern is to the Raven Guard.

Ok, so I managed to finish another two executioners today, I´ve had aa pretty busy week and haven´t been able to do much, and tomorrow I´ll go to see Rogue One so I expect no progress at all... such is life.


Executioner 7 1

Executioner 7 2

I´ve tried puting the shotgun lower to see if it looks better when shooting with one hand and, while I think it looks passable, it still isn´t too satisfactory...

Executioner 8 1

Executioner 8 2

This is my new favourite! Reposing the legs takes so much time but it surely ends up in very cool poses. Even though, I don´t think I will do it much through my HoS, they´re are suposed to be slow.
Edit: sorry for the instamould but the greenstuff that I´ve used to paste the foot to the stone is still drying up... ;-P

Okay, so I haven´t posted in the weekend because... well, I started playing SWTOR:sweat: . But this afternoon I did some progress, I finished my first Executioner squad, so I just have 10 marines left unassembled (unfortunatelly, Christmas is coming, so new models will be added to the pile...):


So here is my ninth executioner, in a quite static pose:

Executioner 9 1

Executioner 9 2

This one is much more amusing and I´m quite proud of the final result, my first Sentencer, the Harvesters of Souls apothecaries (as explained before). I think he´s quite loyal to the initial sketch, which is good, and I can´t wait to put some paint on him!

Sentencer 1 1

Sentencer 1 2

Sentencer 1 3

Finally, the whole squad:

Executioners first squad

Also, I´ve changed the background I used to photograph them and, while the photos still aren´t good, I think the plain white is an improvement.

The apothecary looks awesome! Great pose, how hard was it cutting apart the legs for the kneeling pose.

Actually with mkIII it's quite easy. You cut above the knee pad, below the knee pad and the back of the knee pad so that you just have a circular knee pad and two half legs that you glue to some greestuff and pose as you desire. Sometimes when flexing too much the legs (like when kneeling) carving out part of the leg who is at the back of the knee will be necessary, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe I could do a quick tutorial next time I do it, as now that I read over it, it sounds difficult to understand ;-P but seriously, it's easy.

Everything is looking really cool but those Hands of Doom are something else. Amazing stuff!

Thanks a lot! It's true that I've been wanting to paint the remaining Hands of Doom, but I need to assemble my forces first and painting white armour is quite tedious, I must admit, so they'll have to wait.

EPIC JUST FRACKIN EPIC I love the executioners brother they look amazing I can't wait to see them painted up. Its a damn shame we're on different continents I'd love to see these guys across the table from my Vipers. I love the character you've given each one of these minis definitely a job well done oooh and that sword you made for your Apothecary that will most definitely end up being copied ;) Seriously keep up the awesome work brother.

EPIC JUST FRACKIN EPIC I love the executioners brother they look amazing I can't wait to see them painted up. Its a damn shame we're on different continents I'd love to see these guys across the table from my Vipers. I love the character you've given each one of these minis definitely a job well done oooh and that sword you made for your Apothecary that will most definitely end up being copied :wink: Seriously keep up the awesome work brother.

Glad you like them brother, an Ash Vipers vs Harvesters of Souls would certainly be epic... About the sword, go on and copy it, I have modified it myself to give it some more bulk:

Sentencer sword closeup

I quite like how it looks now, and tomorrow I´ll do the same to the other side when this one is dry.

I know I should be building my second executioner squad but... I got distracted by another project. I´ve always liked the Officio Assassinorum, and when I started my Harvesters of Souls I knew I wanted them to work closely with each other, but hadn´t given the idea much attention (except for the rules that I did) untill I decided to go to a tournament (my first one ever) here in Spain with an assassin list! This tournament is being promoted with the colaboration of GW itself, and the manager of the store I go to, who is heavily involved in its organization, convinced my to go, even though it uses an alternative system called WAP0 that is gaining popularity in Spain, but which I honestly hate, as it basically bans pretty much everething I like and I don´t really think it makes the game more balanced. The thing is that it however allows you to run as many Imperial Assassins as you like while you ally them with Inquisition, and that is basically what I plan to do. This would be a totally unoptimal list if it wasn´t because almost every counter I could think of is banned or heavily restricted. Highly mobile armies that could present a threat like eldar jetbikes are mostly out (you can take a single unit of jetbikes and with a single scatter laser), every deathstar is out, most flyers are rerstricted, tau excesive firepower is restricted, etc... So I´m playing 11 assassins, which also help me expand my Harvesters of Souls who are suposed to deploy dozens of them before and during battle, though I wont be able to play them in 30k beacuese, well, they´ve got no rules...

The problem about this is that I haven´t got the money to buy 11 assassins (which would cost 275 euros) so I´m going to scratch build most of them (I already have four old metal ones that I managed to get some time ago). My goal is to model and paint before the 29th January the folllowing:

- 4 Culexus

- 3 Vindicare

- 2 Callidus

- 2 Eversor


But I´ve already built three of them and have my old four, so just four more to go!


Assassins front

Assassins back

These three I did using Chaos Marauders as a base, but I plan to do the other four totally from scratch, using greenstuff, wich would be my first models completelly made with greenstuff. Chaos Marauders are great for everything, but they´re too bulky and I plan on doing my other four assassins female, so it wouldn´t look right.

Culexus 1 1

Culexus detail

The Culllexus was the first one I made, and is in that pose because, after all, that is what Culexus usually feel like to your opponent, so I´m just manifesting it in the model. I used a non-human skull for the helmet, as I wanted something different from the usual ones, but I think that at the end it looks fine.

Vindicare 1 1

Vindicare 1 2

Vindicare detail

The Vindicare is the one that I like the less, but it is pretty cool nevertheless. I now the rifle doesn´t look too much like an Exitus Sniper Rifle, but I always supposed that each Vindicare heavily customizes his own gun (one of the few things that I didn´t like about the Nemesis book, they give the Vindicare a new rifle just like that).

Eversor 1 1

Eversor 1 2

Eversor detail

The eversor is defenitelly my favourite, a shame that I´m only going to run two of them for the moment (they´re, unfortunatelly, not very competitive, even in a restrictive system as WAP0). I´m really happy how it turned out, it looks just as I wanted him to!
Now I have to build the other four (2 cullexus, 1 callidus, 1 vindicare) and paint them all, which is going to be extremely difficult with the things that I´m getting for Christmas! I suppose that Magnus will have to wait (oh, spoiler!)...



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