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Plaguebearer​s are looking solid, nice and nurgely. Only thing I would say is that for the theme they might benefit from some more body horror medical stuff, maybe some implanted chemical vials. Do you have some of the Pox walkers? As I can see you doing some brilliant things with them especially the lab coats.


The Herald arms are coming along nicely too and I'll be eagerly awaiting  

Thanks, that a good suggestion, unfortunately they're all built now, so It'll have to wait until I build some more. Although that will be a while as I already have a bunch of other units planned.


If you're interested the things I have figured what I'll do with are (in no particular order):

Pink horrors

Herald of tzeentch

Soul grinder




Fiend of Slaneesh





Hieronymous has made many different attempts to turn normal humans into Bloodletters to varying degrees of success. Although his creations are far from perfect, he has discovered that using soldiers for test subjects produces the best results for Daemons of Khorne. As a result their main role is as foot soldiers. However, the transformation process tends to sap their intelligence and humanity, making them barely more than wild animals, but even more fierce.

Heironymous prefers live subjects, so during raids the Bloodletters goal is to incapacitate, rather than kill, but The Arch-Biosmith still lets them have their fun...




I finally got around to writing the background for these guys. Yay, my first finished unit! :smile.: Not my best writing, but I think it works.


Ok so big update...

I started work on some pink horrors



Not sure about these guys, it's my first time doing anything with Tzeentch, I think these guys need a bit of tweaking :S

The idea is that Hieronymous uses psykers for his test subjects for horrors



This is my Iridescent Horror and Icon Bearer, I'm pretty happy with how they've come out, still need a little bit more work though


I've also started on my Herald of Tzeentch on Disc



Really happy with how this guy is turning out :smile.: theres already a lot of detail, and a lot more to come, hopefuly i can transfer what's in my head onto the model.


I've also made some progress painting my Herald of Khorne


He's coming along nicely I feel, should have him finished tomorrow then I just have to build the Bloodthrone :smile.:


oh and @Mechanist - I took you're advice, I managed to get a hold of some dark eldar syringes and stuff and jabbed a few into my remaining plaguebearers


C&C greatly appreciated!




Of the small number of Marines and cultists that followed Hieronymous when he first split with the Iron Warriors, five Marines stood out as being more loyal to him than the rest. Hieronymous appointed them to be his personal retinue and dubbed them 'The Sons of Bedlam'. Being Iron Warriors most of them already had some bionic augmentations, but over time they were slowly and continuously worked on by Hieronymous, making them stronger, faster and more resilient than ever before, to the point they were more metal than flesh.

Unfortunately for The Sons of Bedlam, following someone as unstable as The Arch-Biosmith usually doesn't end well. Hieronymous grew increasingly paranoid that his favoured warriors would attempt to overthrow him. During what he called 'routine maintenance' Hieronymous and Dr. Mortelus secretly installed obedience and cognitive dampening bionics into 'The Sons' heads, scrambling their brains and turning them into little more than combat servitors. Whilst they still serve as The Arch-Biosmiths bodyguards on the battlefield, they are no longer as involved in aiding his experiments, instead they shuffle mindlessly through the fortress, waiting to be called on by their master.



Combat Servitors done, not much to say about them really, they were pretty fun to make and paint but painting hazard stripes is a PAIN.


I also finished painting my Herald of Khorne


He was A LOT of fun to build and paint, Still waiting for bits so i can start making his Bloodthrone.


I really wanna enter these guys into the armies on parade, I think they might have a good shot, unfortunately, I was in my local GW today talking about it and it was only on my way home I realised that the dates are going to conflict with my honeymoon :S


Though artfully made, I don´t know if I´m really a fan of your creatures stylistically, but that guy with the big eye-head is great, of course! :biggrin.:

Thank You, I feel that way about quite a few projects on here.

Yeah, I like him too :smile.:


Fantastic update, love the Iridescent Horror and Icon bearer the most! The disc is looking awesome as well, some great details chosen. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks, I'm having fun going Tzeentch for the first time, as someone who was always Nurgle it feels a bit weird but I think I'm getting the hang of it :biggrin.:

Quick Update


I finished painting a tester for the pink horrors :)


I think it works, Still obviously a pink horror (maybe?) but still fits in with the rest of the army


I also made some of the other ones look a bit better


I've built some more but they still need some GS work


C&C Welcome!


Amesome stuff
The conversions are amazing but man yhe painy job makes it next level awesome!
Keep it up!

Thanks! The trick with the painting is that I don't use any 'layering' in the normal sense, every model is just drybrushing and washes.... lots and lots of washes :)

All coming along nicely and so much progress. For the Horrors I do have a similar criticism to the plaguebearers in that they don;t quite look worked on enough, they make for great mutant Psychers but a bit more 'Work' I thing would tie them in with your army, a bit more guitar string around the back of the heads and shoulders maybe some control collars. Might be worth looking at the sort of traditional brainwave/psychic head gear with halos and arcane equipment drilled into their skulls.


The first one's helmet looks cool though and painted up I think they'll be a fine addition.

I finished building my Herald of Tzeentch



Happy with this guy, lots of detail, should be fun to paint.


I also played a game yesterday against some Iron Hands, my bloodletters were once again instantly wiped out. but my plague bearers and GUO stomped around the board, healing wound faster than he could remove them. I ended up tabling him with mostly my GUO and he kept using his Fleshy Abundance power so ended the game with full wounds :D My first win!!


I like it, but I am not sure the first one you did screams pink horror as much as some of the others. Probably will be fine within a unit though.

Thanks, Yeah, I'll admit he's not the best one


All coming along nicely and so much progress. For the Horrors I do have a similar criticism to the plaguebearers in that they don;t quite look worked on enough, they make for great mutant Psychers but a bit more 'Work' I thing would tie them in with your army, a bit more guitar string around the back of the heads and shoulders maybe some control collars. Might be worth looking at the sort of traditional brainwave/psychic head gear with halos and arcane equipment drilled into their skulls.


The first one's helmet looks cool though and painted up I think they'll be a fine addition.

Thanks, Yeah you're right as always, I definitely have gotten a bit lost somewhere, trying to make them more pink horror/psyker and sort of forgetting about the whole mechanical part, I have gone back and added little bits, just some bolts and spike and cables. I had a look at them next to my bloodletters and there's a real difference



Thanks, Yeah you're right as always, I definitely have gotten a bit lost somewhere, trying to make them more pink horror/psyker and sort of forgetting about the whole mechanical part, I have gone back and added little bits, just some bolts and spike and cables. I had a look at them next to my bloodletters and there's a real difference


I think the process of getting the form and function in place then add additional mech stuff to finish off should work well for you on these guys. I was wondering about Slaanesh and if the Sicarian Ruststalker legs would make a good start when your ready for them.



The Plaguebearers of Bedlam come from many different backgrounds, as Heironymous discovered that people with knowledge of disease (such as doctors and infected) and certain mutants and abhumans survive the transformation into Daemons of Nurgle better than others. The Plaguebearers in The Arch-Biosmith's army fulfil three main roles. The first is what Heironymous calls 'Experimental Subject Acquisition', which involves collecting the wounded survivors from the battlefield for use in experiments, loading the bleeding and screaming bodies into 'The Bone-Shaker'; a trundling behemoth little more than an enormous cart on tracks. They’re second role is as laboratory assistants for Hieronymous, helping him perform his vile experiments. They're third role is as common soldiers, although they lack the military prowess of some of the other creations, they have been bolstered by Nurgles gifts and carry weapons dripping with synthetic recreations of horrific diseases, and are still a force to be reckoned with...



I'm very pleased with how these guys came out, they all look so different,but are still clearly a single unit :) I think they each have they're own character


C&C Welcome 


Wooo, great stuff and creepy, I like this interpretation of Chaos.  Veeran Mortelus in particular, is awesome.


Looking forward to more!




Thanks so much! The good doctor is one of my favourites!



I think the process of getting the form and function in place then add additional mech stuff to finish off should work well for you on these guys. I was wondering about Slaanesh and if the Sicarian Ruststalker legs would make a good start when your ready for them.



You know, that is exactly what I have planned, something along the lines of 2 legged centaurs for seekers, deamonette top half, fully mechanical steed of slaneesh (minus the head) with ruststalker legs :)



Like many who possess latent psychic abilities, Ygavax was stolen from his family when he was still young. He was trained in Tzeentch worship by a band of renegade witches known as 'The Daggers of Deception' and proved to be incredibly skilled in the ways of the psyker. As the years went by he could feel his power growing, but his mentor, Kal'khar could sense that Ygavax would one day overthrow him and so held him back from his full potential. When Ygavax discovered this, he challenged Kal'khar to a dual for control of 'The Daggers of Deception' but was unsuccessful.

Abandoned and barely alive, Ygavax prayed to the God of Change, prayed for some way to become stronger and more powerful. He swore revenge on Kal'khar and followed the whispers in his head.

The whispers led him to Bedlam, where Hieronymous could instantly see his potential. The Arch-Biosmith promised him not only power, but a seat at the head of his growing army, and help in tracking down and slaying Kal'khar. Ygavax knew that he had been lead to this place for a reason, and gratefully submitted to be transformed.

Ygavax now serves Hieronymous as his Head Psyker and the leader of his Tzeentchian creations, riding into battle on a mechanical flying disc. With Bedlam as his new home, Ygavax has turned into something Kal'kahr could have never foreseen, a terrifying force of nature, who's powers and knowledge of the Warp grow stronger everyday



Herald of Tzeentch finished!! Very fun model to build and paint, lots of little details. I'm not sure why but I felt having 2 heads, but neither of them having eyes was fitting for a servant of Tzeentch. I feel like I'm getting better at my backstory writing, but I'm not really sure. 


As always C&C greatly appreciated!

Fantastic paintjob and conversion! Nice back story as well! I think the glowing effect is a bit too much, but that's just personal preference. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks heaps. Yeah the white in the glowing is not nearly as intense in real life :)

++Quick Update++


My parents just came back from England (Where GW is a lot cheaper than here in Aus) and brought back some stuff



Forgefiend, Helbrute, Soul Grinder. This is gonna be fun!! :)


saved about $100 :D

The Herald is ace and the fluff works great. Very much looking forward to seeing what you do with those shinies.

 Thanks, you're not going to have to wait long...



My Soul Grinder so far

I'm going for more of a spider feel with this guy, ignore the cardboard at the head, I'm still a bit of a GS noob so i need something to build off and cardboard seemed an easy choice.



My Forgefiend

This is what I've got so far, plus the head I plan to use, again the cardboard is just a base for GS. I've been building these 2 side by side.




I wasn't quite sure what I was gonna do here, but i figured it out and had to start straight away, so far all i've done is cut a hole for it's 'face', added some more exhausts and swapped out the helbrute fist for the hand from the maulerfiend kit.


I think they're coming along nicely and will add some much needed firepower to my mostly daemon army :smile.:


C&C Welcome!

Wow I'd say more than coming along nicely that's a ton of progress.

As for the cardboard its perfectly fine to use an armature to work on instead off using solid (expensive) greenstuff, I find that tinfoil is good as you can scrunch it up and get a more solid base along with being easier to make more uneven shaping.


keep it up that's some great starting points there.

I finished the Helbrute



I kinda rushed to finish this guy, cos I'm planning on a playing a game tomorrow and I wanted to have at least one of the new models finished and this seemed the easiest. Yummy tentacle goodness




This is the small progress I've made on the Forgefiends head 


Wow I'd say more than coming along nicely that's a ton of progress.

As for the cardboard its perfectly fine to use an armature to work on instead off using solid (expensive) greenstuff, I find that tinfoil is good as you can scrunch it up and get a more solid base along with being easier to make more uneven shaping.


keep it up that's some great starting points there.


Thanks as always. I've been really enjoying making these, it's kinda making me want to put aside the daemons and focus mostly on making daemon engines. But I'm planning to start an Ork army after I've painted these 3, but who knows, maybe in the future! :)


I am impressed with your work man, this is amazing stuff...it really is.

This makes me want to start converting now. 

Keep this up man!


Thanks heaps. Everyone should should convert everything all the time!! :)

++Quick Update++


Finshed building the Forgefiend



The idea for the head changed a few times but I'm happy with where it ended up :)

The idea being that Hieronymous has used all his failed experiments just sort of smashed together to make the organic part of the daemon engine.


Also, my progress so far on the Helbrute



The armour is done, but i still have a fair bit of work to do on the skin, then just a few details :smile.:




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