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Cleansing of Ioria Campaign - Phase 2
Pitched Battles and Commando Raids

The second part of the Crusade to cleanse Ioria has begin! Regiments and Inquisitional parties participating in this phase are to proclaim their attendance by providing the Administratum the required details on their forces and its representative as well as listing the unit and associated value. Vows may be performed in the tradition of your regiment or Inquisitor, or follow the registered standard:

I, , hereby pledge the forces of [REGIMENT/WARBAND/ORDO] under [COMMANDER/INQUISITOR] to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of [uNIT] at [POINTS] will do their duty no matter the cost.

The phase begins immediately, and vows may be made at any time during the phase's run. Phase 2 will end at 2200 GMT/B&C time on Sunday the 5th of March, make sure your vow is done by then!

Participating regiments and Ordos that have already given their background pieces don't need to do so again as this will have been recorded from phase 1. As a reminder the bonus FOC choices for phase 2 are: Troop and Elite. As before a single FOC unit is eligible even down to the components, whether that is an entire Scion Platoon, a single Taurox, a Platoon Command Squad or an Infantry Squad and their dedicated transport Chimera for example.

Signal your participation in this grand endeavour with this sig image:



Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 2 - Imperial Guard
ID Recruit Regiment Commander WIP Points Completion
1 Cap'm Heckus Agamemnos Prime PDF Colonel Bolivar Hess WIP 46* Completion
2 Tallarn Commander Tallarn 23rd Light Colonel Khomeini WIP 80 Completion
3 HLVW 121st Dark Star Major Ezekil Cross WIP 83* Completion
4 brettfp 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs Cpt. 'Slip' Saveryx WIP 100* Completion
5 GKTerminator First Firestorm Sentinels Commander Militant Edric Shade WIP 445* Completion
6 Mard 221st Barkanum Siege Army Colonel Eleanor Varrot WIP N/A Completion
7 Jam Master Flex 87th Cadian Grenadiers Inquisitor Markarth WIP 115* Completion
8 elmo 711th Cadian Combined Arms Brigade [redacted] WIP 270* Completion
9 mactire 3rd platoon, 2nd company, Midgardian 142nd ? WIP 120 Completion
10 nismogrendel Foxhound Scratch Company LtCol Volontir rear echelonry WIP 40 Completion
11 KasrkinRyu 52nd Naval Tactical Squadron ? WIP ? Completion
12 WarriorFish 144th Arukan Lord Commander Firionel WIP 25 Completion

Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 2 - Inquisition
ID Acolyte Ordo Inquisitor WIP Points Completion
1 Hod Conclave of Holy Fire Inquisitor Larine Bladeau WIP 30 Completion
2 Honda COHORT:110011 ARTIKUS-110011 WIP 216 Completion
3 Jam Master Flex 87th Cadian Grenadiers Inquisitor Markarth WIP 63 Completion
4 our_baz E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards Colonel Leukas Prins WIP 55* Completion
5 Arkaniss Ordo Hereticus Lord Inquisitor Arkaniss WIP 122* Completion

I, cap'm Heckus, hereby pledge the forces of the Agamemnos Prime PDF under Colonel Bolivar Hess to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of a platoon command squad with autocannon, vox, and bolt pistol at 46 points will do their duty no matter the cost.

Not "epic" points-wise, but it's what I need to get done.



I, Tallarn Commander, hereby pledge the forces of the Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment under Colonel Khomeini to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of Techpriest Enginseer with 4 servitors at 80 points will do their duty no matter the cost.


Here is a photo of the unit.  By the way, these 5 models are the last un-painted IG models I own!  After 17 years of painting, I've finally managed to paint up all 350-ish of my guard models (although I still have about 60 unpainted Chaos models and about 150 unpainted Ork models).



I, HLVW hereby pledge the forces of the 121st Dark Star Regemint Under Major Ezekil Cross to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 1x Elysian infantry squad with vox caster, plasma gun and las gun with aux grenade launcher at 83pts will do their duty no matter the cost.


Going to have to smash this one out like my etl vow as I only have 5 days to do it due to rl prioritys.


I, brettfp, hereby pledge the forces of 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs under Cpt. 'Slip' Saveryx to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 1 Platoon Command Squad at 100 points will do their duty no matter the cost.


++Platoon Commander Lt. 'Butcher' Essiris++

Lt. Kyel Essiris is the Lieutenant in charge of the 1st Platoon of the XLII Savlar Chem Dogs. Known as 'Butcher' to his peers, a nickname he picked up from the media on his home planet when he was labelled 'The Butcher of Peprago' after a series of brutal murders he committed. He is a highly unstable individual and in any other regiment his psychopathic tendencies would have prevented him from being promoted. He is seen by many as Cpt. 'Slip' Saveryx's right-hand man, others see him as more of a guard dog. He, along with his command squad 'The Insidious Basterds' have an insane ferocity and penchant for close quarters combat more regularly found in Khorne Berserkers rather than Guardsmen. He carries with him a skull which he claims is from a slain enemy, as to who exactly the enemy was depends on who is asking.

Literally the craziest [CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION] I've ever had the good fortune of meeting. He would gladly fight an Ork Warboss 1-on-1... I actually nearly let him once...”
- Cpt. 'Slip' Saveryx

There's still a little bit of green stuff to be added to them but otherwise they're ready to be painted.

Good Luck Everyone!!!

Edric Shade stared at the holo tank depicting the results of the recon forces. His critical and experienced eye noted the areas that would likely be trouble later on as well as those he had already marked as trouble spots. His current decision was spurred by the potential failing of a flank of the Firestorm Sentinels that had taken up a beach head along an industrial complex on the way towards the capitol. No heavy armor had ben seen as of yet, the majority of the fighting being small units of PDF forces and the occasional APC.

Turning towards his Lieutenant who is coordinating troop movements currently, Edric knows just the tool to help deal with this problem and get his forces freed up to move on to their primary objective of securing a transit route for the incoming armored task forces that recently landed at the secure location some ninety kilometers from the complex currently under attack. "Lieutenant Most, reroute the 1st kneebreakers to the complex, and let Capitain Sarkon know they are coming."

The Lieutenant tapped a few keys and rerouted the chimera carrying the required assets. "Orders given Commander."

On Ioria, the commands were received by the Chimera Crew, who immediately turned the vehicle towards the coordinates given. In the back, the six occupants noticed the shift in direction and the vehicle's speed increasing. The Bullgryns readied their gear with grins and prepared for action.

I, GKTerminator, hereby pledge the forces of The First Firestorm Sentinels under Commander Militant Edric Shade to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 6 Bullgryns and their Chimera Transport at 445 points will do their duty no matter the cost.

Picked up two boxes of the Bullgryns this weekend for my birthday just for this! Besides they are really neat models and the closest thing to close combat troops we have I think.




Here's a pic! The Chimera is a FW kit with a heavy bolter turret and the extra side armor plates. Rescue projects FTW!


20170207 172505


I, Hod, hereby pledge the forces of Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Larine Bladeau of The Conclave of Holy Fire to the securing of the planet of Ioria in the name of the Emperor of Mankind. The contribution of x2 Death Cult Assassins at 30 pts will aid in purging the heretic and witch from its surface.

Inquisitor Bladeau has worked closely with the Adepta Sororitas on many planets to purge them of cults and xenos alike. Her means, while efficient, have been called into question due to their extreme nature. Bladeau has been overheard by many saying that she would, “rather see a whole planet burn than let a single witch survive.” Despite many tribunals, Inquisitor Bladeau has escaped reprisal for her actions, her devotion to the Emperor never found to be wanting.


These are two Rackham minis I had that I upgraded with a little 40K headgear. There were perfect, with both carrying two blades.




I, Mard, hereby pledge the forces of the 221st Barkanum Siege Army on permanent secondment to the Valkyrian 7th Commander Colonel Eleanor Varrot to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of the following forces will do their duty no matter the cost.

4 Infantry Companies
4 Gorgon Troop Transports
2 Ragnarok Heavy Tank Platoon

1 Siegfried Light Tank Platoon
2 Griffon Batteries
1 Bombard Battery
1 Marauder Bomber Wing



Well time to build more guard reinforcements for Epic. This time with a Baran Siege Masters or Death Korp of Krieg feel.

The hive world Barkanum was lost in an untimely warpstorm but loyalist PDF regiments and civilians were rescued by the timely intervention by Valkyrian forces and re-located to a vassal world under the Valkyrian domain. Now the Barkanum PDF regiments fight alongside Valkyrian forces whenever a siege regiment is required. While not being as well equipped as the Valkyrian forces they make do with the Ragnarok and Siegfried tanks, as well as copious amounts of artillery in the form of Bombards, Griffons, Thudd guns and Götterdämmerung Howitzers.

These forces will be painted in the same Blue/grey base color as the Valkyrian forces, but without the camo scheme.

I hope to also pledge an inquisitor this month as well.... just comes down to timming really and how long the model takes to arrive













> SIGMA.RHO. TITAN.00111111/A

> SIGMA.RHO.TITAN.01000000/B

> SIGMA.RHO.HYDRA.10010111







> ALLOCATE COHORT.110011.10001 TO DROP BAY ALPHA.00000011


> SCHEDULE COHORT.110011.10001 DROP IN 350000 MSEC




After exiting the ship's datasphere, Artikus-110011 noted that his data blurt had taken 0.0071 seconds to complete. Unhappy with the exchange, he tasked an Inload trace package with the analysis of all data traffic to identify root cause. He could see that the processing efficiency of multiple inload channels had dropped significantly, firmly registering in the yellow zone. Unsure as to why there was such a significant increase for some of his inload channels, he at least was able to identify which servitor swarms were responsible, tagging their hexapoint coordinates, and then updating the COHORT drop location to align with the highest signal density.

Initial analyticae results indicated a 0.0028% chance that the probability of this significant a source of data volume was due to natural circumstances. Whatever it turned out to be, it had certainly gotten his attention.

Satisfied that his instruction set would process to completion, Artikus-110011 prepared for his departure.


ARTIKUS-110011 has initiated activation protocols for COHORT:110011. This resource allocation shall total 102 on this day 32.344.M2. Drop sequence to begin immediately.

All praise the Omnissiah!

3 x Acolytes


2 x Crusaders


4 x Death Cult Assassins


I, Jam Master Flex, hereby pledge the forces of the 87th Cadian Grenadiers under Inquisitor Markarth to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of one Veterans Squad and an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor at will do their duty no matter the cost.


Inquisitor is at 63 points (Power Armour, Psyker upgrade, Free Force Sword).


Veterans squad is at 115 points (Grenadiers, 3 special weapons and Krak Grenades.



Ebay jobs so already base coated!



Missed one out of the picture whos currently in a bath



I'm not sure the Inquisitor is right points wise as I'm basing it off the Inquisition Codex I have so please correct me if its wrong :)

I, our_baz, hereby pledge the forces of E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards under Colonel Leukas Prins to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 5 Inquistorial Acolytes w/carapace armour and hotshots (I dont have an Inq Codex could someone PM me the points?), secondoned to the Life guards from the Ordo Hereticus as a watch pack, will do their duty no matter the cost.


WIP, got base coats and washes down on the skin tones. Hate waiting for the drying, but this afternoon I should be able to finish up the skin pretty quick and easy, and get going on the armor and cloth. I'm thinking of doing minimal metallics but then adding weathering galor. Thoughts?


20170208 171827

Small update as I test colors again to make sure I'm happy with the way I'm going.

I see my BSM/DKOK as a PDF force allied with my Cadians. So I'll use the same blue/grey base but cover the vehicles in baggage



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