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So the reveal of the Leviathan Dread showed that we'll probably be able to take Deamon Engines without "breaking" the legion keyword. For example if I take a Maulerfiend with my TSons, the Fiend will probably get the "Thousand Sons" keyword, just like the Levi gets the appropriate keyword when it joins an army.

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So the reveal of the Leviathan Dread showed that we'll probably be able to take Deamon Engines without "breaking" the legion keyword. For example if I take a Maulerfiend with my TSons, the Fiend will probably get the "Thousand Sons" keyword, just like the Levi gets the appropriate keyword when it joins an army.


That would be the intent from the looks of it.


Anyone else see the shooting phase article posted?  Flamers can bleed outside their range; AND you may fire when "advancing" Therefore; our slow rubrics have some pretty good threat range with their flamers! 


YIKES those buggers are gonna be painful.....

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rekt, no talking to customers about the demo books til Saturday June 3


It'd be a shame if it fell off the shelf to the Ahriman page

Look when the Emperor told Magnus he couldn't explore secrets of the Warp anymore, did Magnus listen? That turned out okay didn't it?;)


How about when Ahriman got ahold of the Rubric spell. Sure t was 'forbidden knowledge' but he went ahead and explored that knowledge. That turned out okay, didn't it?


Well now that we cleared that up I think you know what you should do, er... right?


( perhaps I should revisit this post with better examples?)

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Yeah, looking at the Leviathon datasheet, it looks like the tagging system will make vehicles...may even allow them to benefit from marks of chaos...though if Traitor Legions was any example, all those rules will probably be "excluding all non-walker vehicles."  On the other hand, with vehicles in 8th basically behaving like all other units in the game, no reason for vehicles to not benefit from marks.


Berserkers piling in twice sounds like an improved version of the Maelstrom of Gore's Red Rain ability.

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Death Guard datasheets from Warhammer Community. Kinda weird that Plague Marines have a single wound, but at least there's the Disguntingly Resilient rule.


It also confirms that the "Blight Launcher" is not what the Drone is carrying, but it also doesn't seem to be anything we've seen on the actual models, or at least I haven't noticed anything that looked different from a Boltgun or a Plasma Gun.






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Nurgle's Gift is a nice nod to the 3.5 Nurgle's rot with about the same chance.  3.5 you had a lot more rolls and more locations to trigger Nurgles rot.  Nurgle's Gift is  only 1D6 per unit but a higher chance to trigger and no saves.


Overal I'm very happy with this simple rule and adding back one of the best elements of classic DG.  


PM's are almost defensively the same as they were minus the change to blight grenades.  


Offensively they got a slight boost between DttFE and the new blight/plague/poison weapons.  I'm a little disappointed there is no plague spryer for DG as we had some nice nurgle styled flamer models.   


I'm not sold on the drone as you need to be close, inside rapid fire range to use the model.  At T7 the S5 weapons are going to crush it looking at those Assault Bolters.  It does have the key word "Fly" and maybe this provides the model with another defensive element but we will need to see. 


I'm hopping someone posts a point index for the DG stuff soon.  

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I'm not sold on the drone as you need to be close, inside rapid fire range to use the model.  At T7 the S5 weapons are going to crush it looking at those Assault Bolters.  It does have the key word "Fly" and maybe this provides the model with another defensive element but we will need to see.


I agree, I was hoping it had ranged weapons, like lascannons. I can't see it lasting long needing to get within 9".

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Well PMs can only get 1 attack in melee now so that is a little drop in power.  Yes you get your pistol shot in your turn but that does not get the plague knife bonus.  I'm now leaning a little more to PMs getting toned down just a bit but we don't know points and what the icon does or the dude with the bells.  Also the rest of the psychic powers.  


This may be a reason to take a plasma pistol on a model now to help boost damage in CC.  


The 7+ armor if I remember correctly you need a 6 and then a 4+ to pass. 

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I wonder how much Rhino combi-weapons will cost and if we can still take two on each Rhino as, with the special element of them no longer being one-shot, it makes our Rhino very handy indeed!
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Well if a havoc missile launcher is not nerf'd being a S5 twin linked small blast will convert over to a 2D6 S5 0AP D1 attacks.  This might be a very good weapon now.   

That's alot of hits! Alot of people are complaining about blasts being removed but I had terrible luck with blasts. For me they always scattered off or clipped like 2 guys. Now they are great against monsters too, I mean if a direct hit from a tank isn't great for hurting a wraithknight then what is??

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From what I remember, you still have to roll to hit with blasts, it's just flamers that auto hit?  so 2d6 would be 7 shots, about 3.5 hits (based on 3+ modified to 4+ while moving), probably about 1 to 2 wounds on light infantry after rolling to wound and armor saves?  I mean, could be worse, but I wouldn't exactly pay a lot of points for it.  Of course, that's just speculation on what the havoc will look like.  I would hope the devs were aware that, despite being a rather iconic gun, it was kind of drab previously, so maybe they'll redesign it from the bottom up instead of trying to directly translate its current profile.


I'm kind of hoping the same for the reaper autocannon, but we'll see.

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Well PMs can only get 1 attack in melee now so that is a little drop in power. Yes you get your pistol shot in your turn but that does not get the plague knife bonus. I'm now leaning a little more to PMs getting toned down just a bit but we don't know points and what the icon does or the dude with the bells. Also the rest of the psychic powers.


This may be a reason to take a plasma pistol on a model now to help boost damage in CC.


The 7+ armor if I remember correctly you need a 6 and then a 4+ to pass.

Two things I noticed, plague marines don't come standard with a pistol any longer so only way they will be shooting in combat is if you pay for the plasma pistol, and the 7+ save I think is so you can still utilize cover without a save.

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Well PMs can only get 1 attack in melee now so that is a little drop in power. Yes you get your pistol shot in your turn but that does not get the plague knife bonus. I'm now leaning a little more to PMs getting toned down just a bit but we don't know points and what the icon does or the dude with the bells. Also the rest of the psychic powers.


This may be a reason to take a plasma pistol on a model now to help boost damage in CC.


The 7+ armor if I remember correctly you need a 6 and then a 4+ to pass.

Two things I noticed, plague marines don't come standard with a pistol any longer so only way they will be shooting in combat is if you pay for the plasma pistol, and the 7+ save I think is so you can still utilize cover without a save.


I had just noticed that too.  No pistols and now that the plague knife does not grant an extra attack like a chain sword they are really down on CC department.  Blight grenade is just a poison frag and that is not bad but you don't get the cover buff from being a defensive grenade.  


To me PMs have been reduced in combat effectiveness and only slight less in the defensive department with the change in the grenades.


They had gone from the 3+ armor save & 4+ FNP in 5th to the 5+ FNP in 6/7 and the re-roll 1's for FNP in legions.  


The blight launcher is cool but for the people that have played DG style armies for a while I think plasma and melta weapons will still work well with the new edition. It is really dependent on the points for plasma gun/pistol, combi bolter on the champ, Blight launcher and melta. 


I can not see PM's staying at the current price or being higher than 23 points after standard gear.


My two thoughts at this point is we should see PMs be slightly cheaper but overall game power had gone down a little.  This I believe is as intended to create synergies between Gift of Nurgle, Nurgle Psychic powers and the dude with the bells.  Also we know they have art works and rumor mill pic of something that might be a new beast of nurgle and a picture of a DG termi.  I think those two will be the main damage deals vs having PMs taking the damage and dealing it.  


It do hope Bloat-Drone does come with more weapons when it gets a stand alone kit.  Ideally something that has greater range.  Double reaper AC please :)


Lastly I'm getting a little worried that we have not seen a hint of a new Typhus in all the previews.  

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