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+++ Hidden Hands of the Emperor +++


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Got the bird built. Easy construction if you don't convert or use magnets :lol:. So prime and some starter painting this week. With a change in work schedules I'm thinking two weeks to completion. That'll make the Terminus vow very thin. Very.
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Congrats everyone! Milestone Reach!


As it stands right now we have 111 (120 including allies) models completed, making us Company Strength!


Keep on keeping on! Lets see if we can at least be able to outfit 2 full companies! :thumbsup:

Edited by Bedouin2
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Oops...  Double Post time.


I, Damo1701, of the Fists of Corax Chapter, vow to complete one Primaris Lieutenant, one Primaris Ancient, and one Hellblaster Squad by 11:59 PM on September 15th 2017.


All from the Dark Imperium boxed set.  My phone is right riling me up currently, sometimes it saves the pictures, sometimes it doesn't...  Ah well, it's resetting and starting again so, hopefully, that will fix it.

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/off topic


All from the Dark Imperium boxed set. My phone is right riling me up currently, sometimes it saves the pictures, sometimes it doesn't... Ah well, it's resetting and starting again so, hopefully, that will fix it.[/size][/font]

Is yours a Galaxy S7? Mine does that it used to be worse before my SD died and I had to replace it. Yay for Sandisk replacement warranty.

It still does it now, although I think its only an issue when I take a snap and exit the camera / lock my screen too quickly. Not sure if that's of any use to you.


/on topic


I hope to make another vow this evening! I've been formulating what units I can continue to paint until the end of the event and hopefully fill out the FOC. :D

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I haven't forgotten about my vow. I've just been super swamped with work and personal life stuff and haven't had much chance to get to it lately.


Most 40k stuff I've been able to do lately is a little bit of the Deathwatch game on my laptop (no Raven Guard, boo!)

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Just a little announcement from me. Starting this Monday I will be going through orientation and training for my new job out of state for most if not all of the week. So if any vows get completed in that time, I will do my best to update the Stat post as quick as I can. I'm sure i'll be able to at the end of the day, but in the case just know that it will get updated eventually.

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Update 2/10: Praetor


Shadow Warden Gherith Arendi, Commander of the Black Guard.



I 'borrowed with pride' extensively from this guy


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Always been a fan of this Sicarius model, which sports just the right amount of bling for a RG commander i think. Just changed the shoulder pad and stuck brass etchings over the most obvious Ultra symbols.


Also tried a new black recipe (Abaddon Black with progressive 'The Fang' blue grey blend and pure 'The fang' edge highlights). Recommended.

Not sure how I missed this one, looks great!


Congrats Bedouin2, good luck with it all! Which state will you happen to be in? If its STL way maybe we can get a game in! ;)

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i'll be in Columbus, Ohio for the week. Not really happy about it cause there is nothing worse than Ohio drivers :biggrin.::biggrin.:

Hey! I resent that remark. I grew up there. You've clearly never driven in Chicago ;)


On another note, if you ever find yourself in Toledo for some reason and have some spare time, check out The Game Room on Sylvania Ave. Did most of my early 40k gaming there, and if I recall correctly a Golden Demon winner hangs out there, so there's usually some stunning models on display.

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Today I put down the wash.  All that is left is all . that . black and decals for the Thunderbird-pattern Stormraven to be completed.  I also successfully cleaned the lascannons from the old LR, thus cleanly preparing to build and paint the Terminus Ultra for a clean sweep ... except for the Race Bannon challenge.  I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull that off without using vacation time :lol

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