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Another quick update.


Someone pinched my corner so was painted in semi-darkness. Managed to snap the pictures after they left. Paint is a bit patchy plus he bronze & gold are coming through looking quite same-y.


I also looked through my old pictures and switched the plate on the backpack to steel, so it matches the rest of the army.


36079912095_579b2293ab_c.jpg20170721_224140 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35239941244_35f4129525_c.jpg20170721_224200 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


What colour to do the power fist, or should I trade it in for a claw?


35690405440_d40639267f_c.jpg20170721_224251 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

36079911955_2b080ecc8a_c.jpg20170721_224410 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


36079911835_ca21607b4a_c.jpg20170721_224222 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

35239941044_69e031006a_c.jpg20170721_224237 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


36079911865_3eb2935d46_c.jpg20170721_224302 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

35946568291_f613c9d2f8_c.jpg20170721_224346 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35239941414_b066402621_c.jpg20170721_224311 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Looks a little like a certain Ukrainian pugilist.. Might call him Vlad :biggrin.:


35239940474_5944d68956_c.jpg20170721_224329 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


36079912155_e355670cda_c.jpg20170721_224353 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr




Thanks for looking

Edited by Wolf_Priest _Dantay.

I'm going to finish up my vow in the next couple days and then I will probably be done with this event. I've got two huge sculpting projects planned back-to-back for the Arena Challenge and that along with some life stuff is really impacting my time at the hobby table so much that I don't think I could do both events. 

Bit of a late first entry towards this challenge. Am not sure whether I am still eligible to remain. Daughter was born last month, so certain things fell to the wayside :)

I have been working on converting some characters and troops for the project pledged. Here are the results thus far.

Lord Commander Dante (Jump pack will be the same make as my Corbulo conversion shown below)


Sanguinor Exemplar of the Host


Librarian Nuriel


Lemartes Guardian of the Lost


Terminator Squad with Flesh Tearer style claws


Chapter Master Nasir Amit


Brother Corbulo/ Sanguinary Priest


Chief Librarian Lord Mephiston


Didn't pledge this, but I might paint it up if i finish everything else that I committed. Got carried away with this conversion though



My second auxiliary squad for the Marines Malevolent. 7 space wolves originally from a failed attempt at a 30k Space Wolf army back in 6th edition and the sergeant was originally going to be a White Scar sergeant in a failed attempt at a White Scar 30k army. The sergeant will be one of the Marines Malevolent, the space wolves won't be.
Hope this fits in the 'repair and rearm' part of the Tale.

I am going to bow out. I'll still stop by when I can, but as far as the event goes I can not continue. Real life duties require my attention, so it's time to get things done.


Looking forward to following the rest of you as you continue forward!

Finally got around to finish my test mini. Needed to change the head since Eidolon´s one really did look too small once painted. So I´ve decided to do a modern primaris reimagination of Lord Commander Culln and say... he´s his brother! Malcam Culln, decided to primarise himself to avenge the death of his brother.


When finished I realised it´s not a great example of the scheme since Culln has more gold than yellow so I´ll still need to paint a regular infantry model to decide if I´m keeping up the Red Scorpions project or change to another chapter :sleep:






Beautiful works all... I am going to be redoing my entire vow as I have truly fallen into the worm/workhole that is the artscale/truescale/enlarged marines ala Doghouse and Apologist. Ive done my 6th edition Wolves army in this way and seeing them tower over my Heresy fists made me sell them .... and now I am going to finish out my heresy army of Fists/Angels and Warriors and shall be trading away for more primaris and plastic cats and tarts.... sigh... I tried and tried to stay the course but alas have been waylaid by the scenery changing and allowing this biggerized army to become a much easier reality than even 2 editions ago. 


Ive encountered the photobucket problem and am investigating flickr and imgur to see which will meet my needs best. 


Almost finished with the 15 man BA assault squad with chaplain and have 20 BA tacticals awaiting the airbrush. Ive base coated and highlighted a 10 man IW termi squad and 3 thudd guns.


Traded a NOS knight for a glaive and have picked up a BoP box, 2 anvillus drop pods, the tartaros character, a laser destroyer and 2 javelins. Have a bunch of bits on the way from Germany and am awaiting a squad of iron tyrants. The tart character will be a sarge for my fists tartaros squad (teleporting in with 2 assault cannons and a bunch of lightning claws), Ill paint the tyrants up to match the IW termis and hope to trade them away as well as the Fists and Angels I have so far...


Im questioning which legion I shall keep and am leaning towards the Iron Warriors as Im really appreciating their brutal, taciturn and straight forward nature, the Fists are my second option as they too are based on an unrelenting approach to breaking the opponent. 

Lovely works by all so far, I am especially enjoying the Primaris content people are putting out. Just letting it be known that I will most likely be unable to fulfill my second vow in time as have every single item of deferred coursework to be completed in a few weeks, plus four exams immediately after. I think my girlfriend would kill me and then leave me if I failed my degree due to painting commitments. 


Thankfully she doesn't know how I much I have spent on this hobby since coming back in April......she knows I have a full army of 'little men' waiting to be painted, but she doesn't know how much those Cerastus knights are worth xD. 


Keep up the good work all and I will aim to be back in mid August :)

Hey guys, I know this is still early in but I'm Resigning.


I truly thought I could get my hobby back but unfortunately I just don't find myself even capable of painting building or even checking my feeds anymore.


I've got a million projects half started most likely to never be completed, I'm always busy with work and the family and in all honesty right now for me I think I need to stop and regroup.


Etl and events like this I thrive for especially given my ADHD, but I've started to move more towards a different path and life.


I love this hobby deep down and it will eventually happen again. I just think I need to focus on one off models and ideas as I don't think I'll ever truly paint up an army.


I'll occasionally pop in and check on the progress of everyone especially those that I look up to ( BCK you've always been my idol) there are so many amazing talented artists and wordsmiths here and I don't think I'll ever live up to the ego I built up in my head.


Thank you so much for the support but I do think I will be disappearing from the B&C for a time.....


If I do manage to get something finished to a decent standard I'll ensure I'll post it for you guys but I'll be honest 80hours a week of work + Hiking and spending time with my Kepie pup + trying to learn to unwind distress and get my Agro under control are my current priorities.


I love you all and the B&C is inked on me for life.

Maybe if you truly need me for any challenge I'll pick up a brush but I don't want my work to be forced and uninspired.



-King Kurama, Kurama, Jaspcat, Taron

Bit of a late first entry towards this challenge. Am not sure whether I am still eligible to remain. Daughter was born last month, so certain things fell to the wayside :smile.:


Shoot me a PM, and I will see about reinstating you. I think the Frater will be understanding about the life changing events! 

As far as legitimate excuses go, "I had a baby" is pretty high on the list of things nobody can really argue about. I'd say. Might just be me though. ;)


Unrelated to babies but related to this month's vow: I have been waiting on some more heads (the wild rider elf masks for my bad dudes) for a while now, and I haven't received them. I can't finish all the damaged dudes without... their faces... so I'd like to say I will finish DEFINITELY ONE combi-rifleman and I'm tossing in my Eye Daemon to make up for the lack of infantry guys. The more I look at him the more I hate what I've done with him, so I'm stripping him and starting from scratch. Hope that's okay...?

Also, @Binary:


  I tried to send you a PM so as not to clog the thread with requests for help with LEDs, but when I attempted to send it, I got a B&C error code. So I'm dumping my message here in the middle of everything because I'm an awful person that laughs in the face of clutter.


  Dude, I love your LED work and I was hoping I could bend your ear a little for the crazy diorama I'm planning for the Tale of Hobbyists.

Basically, I want to make a giant backlit sea of latent psychic energy as the base of the scene, and I think it'd be pretty sweet if I could actually make that :cuss glow. Like, crackling pinks purples and blues. Somehow like... if the Warp was angrier than usual, and had also flooded the spike pit from Mortal Kombat 1.
  Would you share your knowledge on wiring, setting them into things, how to make all of it work?? It would be so cool of you!

++ Month 2 Vow Update ++


The rearming of the Grenadiers is complete.




Hot-Shot Volleygun


http://i.imgur.com/gxki7e8m.jpg?1   http://i.imgur.com/YA216Yam.jpg?1


Plasma Gun, Vox Caster, and the Sergeant


http://i.imgur.com/oc1Kdufm.jpg?1      http://i.imgur.com/gMk6WOsm.jpg?1   http://i.imgur.com/oAXefkWm.jpg?1



Yikes! I need to make my vow and stat! 

I have been silent, but not unbusy! Just...distracted! I bit off a BIT much last month, so I am gonna take it a bit more slowly from here on out. 

So, for this month, Month 2 of The Tale of Hobbyists 2017, I vow 1 Primaris lieutenant and 1 Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor.


Vow 2


Ta da! Will help me work on a LITTLE more complicated details to my paint scheme. Will try and get some decals and such going for my army as well this month.

As an unofficial aside, I vow to get some lore written up already! I shall break my writing procrastination! My Phoenix Wardens will be fleshed out!

++ Month 2 Vow Complete ++


Primaris Astartes Brother Viliame, 2nd Squad of the Line, Strike Force Bohemond, Lightbringers Chapter


http://i.imgur.com/UocThtdm.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/y0tsE42m.jpg?1   http://i.imgur.com/RSPlHXRm.jpg




I love how much bigger this guy is compared to a baseline human.




@Grieux, that scheme looks amazing on primaris! Would totally convince me to pick up (inferiorly painted) Red Scorpions if there wasn't an overabundance of grey in all my projects already.

Picked up the airbrush I've had since christmas for the first time. Pre-shaded navy blue over a silver basecoat and went over it with clear green. Not too bad but not pleased at all either, perhaps thin the green a bit more next time? Good to get some practice in before I tackle the Knight Acheron though :)


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