Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) Iron Warriors 5th Grand CompanyThis is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they DIE!!!!!!!!!!VIXI: "I have lived" - "I have survived" Hi everyone So, a few week ago photobucket chosen to change there terms with out any advance notice. The result of this was, if member wish to keep using photobucket to post on forums, blogs, ebay, etc.... then they where been ask to take the plus 500 & that you had to pay $399.99. So sadly this had a big impact of my last Iron Warrior army log, with over 50 pagies worth of post & updates. Because of this, I'm now starting a brand new army log today, but will link the last one if there any information that is needed. You can find the last army log here, just the image are all down due photobucket. Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company re-born army log You can also find my facebook page here, it just a hobby page & when I got to say events allow me show a few more photos Iron-Daemon Forge So onto the wordy bit, as Iron Warriors are my main force, they mean a lot to me. Just with this been first page & though be a nice intro. Collecting I've been collecting Chaos Space Marines for over 20 years now. The reason today are the same when I started the hobby in 1996. Cool models, background, way they game & most of all converting models. Converting models has always been the main part of the hobby. I like the challenge & making models "my" own. Also add, it because of White Dwarf 202 with John Blanche art work that really got me wanting to collect Chaos Marines. When I started the hobby 1996, I started near the end of September & I think this was the last month of the Chaos release during 2nd ed 40k. This art work, along with the 2nd ed codex Chaos in general have been a big source of inspiration over these years as well when ever I'm looking for ideas. Here my first ever conversion - Lord for my Black Legion force which was very Khorne heavy There been a lot that help toward idea as well. From a lot of really cool army logs on Bolter & Chainsword, from Dan the Daemon, Brother Heinrich, Brother Nihm, Midnight Runner, Bio, just to name a few.Then a lot of the Black Library novels, Storm of Iron which is the most go to novel for all Iron Warriors hobbist. The Bloodquest comic as well about group of exile Blood Angels go to the Eye of Terror & battle on Daemonic planet, just the art work & look of Chaos. Iron Warriors This is my 6th Iron Warriors force. When I started the topic on this, it was to mark 10 year of collecting & I wanted to start a new force. Part of this was to move away from the old inks & just way my painting was, as well as lot of other reason. Also because I like going to a lot of different events. Pretty much I started collect Iron Warriors back in November 17th 2001, with Warsmith Abhorred Riddick been the first model.I started the Iron Warriors for a lot of different reason. With the Index Astartis article from the White Dwarf, as Iron Warriors just got there a few month before I started collect the IV Legion, give background, shown great art work & given some rules to help theme the force. Also I find they suit a lot of my own traits, with me having a forum of autism. Also history wise, siege & trench warfare one of my favorited & days off often go to few castle, there three with in 10 min train/drive from my home. One of my friends converted up some really nice Obliterators for his Thasound Son army, before we had the current models we have today. Also gaming wise Obliterators where complete diffrent from the way they are today & your able to take up to 6 in a single unit. But I've been collecting this version, Mk6 of my Iron Warriors since 2011. The aim, as well as adding cool new models. Was to build update version of past models & character, to carry on there glory & history in future games. A few exsample is one of my main HQ beside Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, is Lord Narach Delau - He was once a Champion as part of my Warsmith bodyguard (when we use to be able to take unit chosen as body guard) & because of how well he'd done in games, during codex 3.5 he was rise to rank of Lieutenant, a lower wound HQ chose & took part in the Medusa V campaign & then brought back to this version in 2012, just with Daemon Prince been a bit more costly in points. Lord Narach Delau, was recently give the Siege Breaker Mace relic when Traitor Legion supplement was release last year. All the models in my Iron Warriors force are converted & all have a theme/sub theme to help tell there story. Having a narrative & theme for the armies I collect are very important to me. I've also had my Iron Warriors force feature in the White Dwarf as part of Army of the Month article - White Dwarf August 2013. Really grateful for the help & support from the White Dwarf team & the great care they'd taken with my Iron Warriors. You can not guess how happy I was for this to happen & still a great highlight for me. Trophies Having a narrative for my armies is really important to me. One of the thing I've been doing with this Iron Warriors force is trophies. Ever trophy you see on my models are base on someone I've game against over the years of collect Iron Warriors in general. So any games that have been really great, I want to rememeber them & this is a great way to do it. It also nice to wind up a few friends from time to time, as there a friend who collect Ultramarine who always get mad when they see a Ultramarine trophy. Just this is important to me & really help further make this my army. Events When I started my Iron Warriors back in 2001, it was for my first ever event - Conflict Scotland & what has gotten me to attend event ever since then. For me I like going to a lot of different events. It ether a single day or weekend of gaming, as I don't get to game as often as I'd like to (use to be 15 games per week 2005). It not just that, but for me it really important & main part for me seen all the different armies, the painting & conversion people put into there own collection. Though I will say, I've not gone to as many event as I'd like to over the past few years. This is just due to, I don't care about the win, loss or draw, I'm just there to get those games. But I dislike gaming against Win that all cost player & those who goal are to wipe the oppent in 20 min, deathstar list was one of the main thing putting me off last year. I dislike been told to drop my Iron Warriors because Chaos maybe not the top thing & instead go for Tau or Eldar (anyone know me, know both armies are not for me), I just don't like that mentality. Like wise I had no interest in the ETC or ITC scene, it just not how I wish to enjoy the gaming side of the hobby.I prefer going to Warhammer World events like Throne of Skulls, there really great. Everyone just take the list, units & models they like. End of the day it a great weekend & it in the best gaming venue I've been to, with Warhammer World been the great place for the Games Workshop hobby & a place everyone should try get to. I go to a few local gaming club for there tournament, again just like minded people & great to game against. One of my hardest fought games was during Throne of Skulls Nov 2012, against Space Wolves. By turn 4 to turn 7, we ended up with just three models each. With a lot of epic moment, like my Champion Bronn Tal slay a Wolf Priest in a challenge, turn into a Daemon Prince.......only be slay in return by a Space Wolf Lord. Since then, when I made a Power Axe version of Bronn Tal, he had a Space Wolf trophy to mark that great game. As said I originally started my first Iron Warriors force for Conflict Scotland. While the Mk6, this version was been built & getting ready for there first return with Throne of Skulls April 2012. Since then they've went onto a lot of other event, fought a lot great games. One of the recently once was the Boralis Schism campaign weekend that Warhammer World, base after Cadia Fall from the Gathering Storm narrative. I still don't believe in the Imperial propaganda & that Chaos won the campaign in the name of the gods It was a great weekend, with a lot of new trophies to add onto future models. I'm now looking forward getting my Iron Warriors ready for going back down to Nottingham. For Throne of Skulls Dark Imperium in September. Throne of Skulls events are really great & I'm always going to high suggest them, as said there held that Warhammer World. Future When I collect armies, I keep adding onto them, keep adding models I think look cool. So with the Iron Warriors, dispite having over 300 models between my Iron Warriors, Dark Mechanicus, Chaos Knights & Chaos Guards. There also more to add. This topic not only going to cover my Iron Warriors. But I'm going to look into other Chaos faction. Right now I've just started my Nurgle Marines force, thanks to the new Dark Imperium box game. As said it due to the models looking really cool. But it not going to stop there. Right now the Black Crusade project going to be Iron Warriors (Main), Inc: Dark mechanicus, Chaos Guards & Chaos Knights. World Eater/Daemonkin. Theme wise, there old allies to my Iron Warriors. Fought along side each other during the Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Legion Wars, the Long War. There trusted as far as a Iron Warrior can trust in someone. So idea is that they are currently understrength after taken part in a Blood Crusade on Angelus Prime (Warhammer World biggest display). This will tie in with the Fate of Konor campaign that happen soon Black Legion. I've been wanting to bring back my old Black Legion warband as well, in a all updated version. Theme there a warband sent by Abaddon to make sure mission are done in his name. There not trusted that all. Nurgle. Main part Warband will be Death Guards, but included a few other unit in different warbands. There meant to be on a crusade in Nurgle name, sign shown that they need to be here. Red Corsair. I've not really seen many Red Corsair armies & there a lot of really cool thing you can do. There under Huron order that no one out side them know. It going to be great, convert up fallen Space Marines & base them on a few of my friends Marine armies. Night Lords. ADB Novels pretty much. Background, there just here to cause terror, know that there will be a great fight. Fallen Angels. I use to have Fallen force & really want to get them on the go again. Also Cypher always been my favorited Character. Thousand Sons. After painting a force for my friend. There great models. I'm thinking pick up my first box this Saturday as it seem like it maybe a little while until we see the multi part Death Guards models. I think gaming wise there going to be a power level force. I'm just waiting for new Chaos Marines to get release before some of these start. Like the World Eater.Here how the Iron Warriors are looking, this photo was taken Oct last year. Then the Warhammer World display that help a lot with idea toward my Iron Warriors over the past two years So that it for now. Should hopeful have my first update for this log tomorrow with my new Nurgle force. I think that the bottom on my post, I'll try put the Legion down, sort like Key words help if people are wanting to search. Edited January 31, 2020 by Iron-Daemon Forge Biohazard, Kythnos, Aasfresser and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 It really sucks seeing people abandoning their threads all because of Photobucket. :( On the other hand, it's nice to see them pick up with a new thread and a new photo hosting site and keep going. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gianlucafiorentini123 Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Sad to see the old blog disappear it truly was a treasure trove of conversion ideas, great to see you're staring up a new thread though can't wait to see some more of the different warbands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 I'll echo the others; its a shame to see the old thread pass away, but exciting to have a fresh start. Good to know we will be keeping abreast with the 5th Grand Companys movement. Fortunatly for me I have a lot of your old photos saved on my harddrive for inspiration ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiny Norman Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Sorry to see the old thread go but great news that you are starting a new thread! Any chance you could please post a better pic of your chaos knight wrecking ball arm? I'm trying to do something similar myself and it would be very helpful to see how you attached the wrecking ball to the knight arm. Thanks in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 14, 2017 Author Share Posted July 14, 2017 Thanks for the comments. Sad to see the old blog disappear it truly was a treasure trove of conversion ideas, great to see you're staring up a new thread though can't wait to see some more of the different warbands. Currently trying to upload the photos I had over on to my facebook page so that they are all still about. Also got most them on my own personal facebook as well. Time permitting I'd like to try get a squad by squad photo of everything & something been meaning to do. But as said it down to time. Sorry to see the old thread go but great news that you are starting a new thread! Any chance you could please post a better pic of your chaos knight wrecking ball arm? I'm trying to do something similar myself and it would be very helpful to see how you attached the wrecking ball to the knight arm. Thanks in advance! Here the photos I could find while the model was WIP & when it was painted back in 2015 You will need to add liquid green stuff on the wood effect from the Skaven part of the conversion. Spiny Norman and Noserenda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 15, 2017 Author Share Posted July 15, 2017 (edited) Update Iron Warriors For the first part, here where I sorted of left off after the last army log topic. I just got this Forge World Iron Warrior dreadnought from ebay after spotting the model. I really like these models & was really gutted when Forge World stop selling them. If I knew this then I'd pick up a lot more that the time.So with this one the aim to try sort out some parts so it fit in more with my Iron Warriors. Re-paint. Trophies I'm adding will be base upon the once that where on this Helbrute when I got the model. Also going to try magnet for the first time for the different type of weapons that came with the model. He will get a brand new base.I'm hoping to possible get some time tomorrow just sort out the Dreadnought model, along side with a few other - Like a Vindicator I've got for my Space Wolves waiting to get built. I also attended my first 8th ed event which was been run by one of my friends. Just a single day of gaming, with three good games. One of the best moment was my last game when Space Wolves dreadnought slay my Chaos Knight in combat, only for me to roll that 6 & pretty much cause a lot damage - friend & foe. Best way for my Chaos Knight to go & it the stuff like that I will rememeber from my games.Also pick up the army award & use the voucher from the store to pick up a box of Devastators. Also recently got this art work. A friend had pick this up for me while they where that Warhammer World two week ago & another friend drop it off with me last week that the local event. It No13 out of 50. This unit of Rapier Artillery where added back that the end of March after buying the models during the Warhammer World Campaign weekend. Still got to get around to add soot weather powder. I'm hoping to try out the unit in a few games as I've got the FW Chaos Index book waiting there. Then the predator. Back when this model was built & painted, it was just so I had two squads of Three Predators. Having this as the sort of champion (theme) for the unit. But thanks to the new Spearhead detatchment, I can still use the Predators & again with FW Chaos Index book, I'm now looking convert up a few Relic Predators from that & they will cover my Elite chose, so they will be something for Call of Chaos near the end of this year. The Deflier. As said one of the aim for this force is to bring back some older models in a all new updated version. My Iron Warriors use to have Deflier during the 13th Black Crusade World Wide campaign back in 2002/2003? It has been a model I've though about adding back in, but I wanted to try update it a little bit. Then one of the last post on the older topic was when I recently build a new Terminators as part of Lord Narach unit of Terminators. Carry the Icon of Vengeance. Part this was seen that my terminators would need a extra model to the unit. Other part is, I though be cool to make a banner for this unit. Terminators have been my main unit, one I;ve use in a LOT of list over the years & have defended on how I enjoy using them in games when other on the forum or local event put them down.There a important part of my Iron Warriors history, once who've done really well in my games. So this model important & carry my Grand Company banner. As said trophies are all theme on games I've fought over the years. With this new Terminator, the Crimson Fist trophy is base on my game from the Warhammer World Campaign weekend round 3. The theme was the Imperial side, there HQ was believe to be a saint. The mission was simple, slay them in the name of Chaos. But I had a whole company of Marines to get though, also there was really cool rule added to make the HQ powerful to rep them having these power, to show them been a saint.I got the Crimson Fist Captain in the end, with my Terminators & my Chaos Knight It was a really great game, really fun & a great oppent. I try making my own transfer so I could list Campaign that where in the background (BL, WD & FW) as well as campaign my Iron Warriors took part gaming wise. As said this narrative important to me. But it didn't work out & I ended up free hand painting the names on the back of the banner. Gutted I couldn't get all them on there, but pick once which was really important to me. With the Fate of Konor been the last one, I'm really looking forward taken part in this in a few week time. I also pick up the Age of Sigmar Dreadhold Kept. I'm wanting to convert this into a bastion for my Iron Warriors. I'm still trying to get idea to try make this more Warhammer 40k, that it would fit on a planet taken over by the Iron Warriors or a nightmare fortification they'd build during battle. So any idea, any 40k terrain kit suggestion feel free let me know what would suit trying convert this. FutureSo there always something been added to my Iron Warriors Second Warsmith. My Daemon Prince Warsmith Abhorred Riddick has been leading my Iron Warriors since 2001 & that not going to change.Pretty much, a few friends have been running a 40k RPG game, with character base on people in the community. The main bad person is a Iron Warrior Warsmith who they've base upon me. They came up with a lot of really cool background & some are starting to models there RPG character for there own armies. So a few week ago, a friend build a new Space Wolf lord & using our game as a way built up there narrative. So I'm going to model the Warsmith base upon me & he going to be in command of a sort of "sub" warband with in my Iron Warriors. With him been part of the Stor-Bezashk, he going to be in charge of the heavy weapon, so like the Rapier Artillery, basilisk & when I start adding in those units from the Forge World book. Basilisk - Again a model that was one part of my army back in 2001? I always like them & Iron Warriors use to be able to take 1 in there list in the Index days. There cool models, making them Chaos is even better Another squad of Chaos Marines. It for Throne of Skulls. I'm possible think theme them as once been part of the Stor-Bezashk. Maybe convert there Rhino to look sort command, one that would stay in contact with the fleet. So maybe use the Warhammer World Rhino model & convert that up. I just need to check with the event team if that ok & then message a few friends see who going to Nottingham soon. Bought Here what I've pick up from my local Games Workshop store today Getting started 40k book. There just helpful to have around & Space Marine!!! Thousand Sons - Start of my warband Base - For my Fallen Angels Clip together Nurgle. I bought the £10 box first. Then later on a friend wanted the £25 box set but only wanted the Marines from that, so went 50/50 (£12.50 each) so I could get the Nurgle models. Fallen Angels Fallen have always been one of my favorited part, background, look, etc... in the Warhammer 40k. Just one of the armies many year ago (2001) that went to my local store that the time, it was a really cool Fallen force using the old metal robe models. It had a strong witch hunter type vibe as well. It been one of those armies I've remember. Also because of the Bloodquest comic. Also from see Eddie Fallen Angels army from Throne of Skulls Sept 2013 & then few month ago on the Warhammer Community page My Iron Warriors had a Fallen Angel as part of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick bodyguard, back when he was Marine. Inspired by Bloodquest comic. In fact that Fallen was brought back in a updated version when Games Workshop release the really cool single spure Chaplain model in 2015.So I'm wanting the Fallen to be his warband. I'm going with different base from the rest of my Black Crusade theme force. I want to show how they are doing there own thing & let me try out the Games Workshop base as well. Not quite sure what I will have in this army wise. I think I'm just going to aim for 100 power level first, just to get them going. Have Cypher, then Lord to rep the Fallen Champion I've converted with the Dark Angel Chaplain. I think I will stay away from Daemons & Daemonic tanks. But look that Helbrutes (count as Dreadnought). Nurgle Another, they where last few post on the last topic. Pretty much after seen the preview video from Games Workshop on the new Nurgle models. I was hook. They pretty much how I've wanted the new Nurgle models to look. Nothing against the metal/finecast models, there cool but now how I wanted my force to look. The new model & later Dark Imperium are how I've wanted the models to look & always say when ask how I view/image each of the legion should look.Also since seen Maxime force in the White Dwarf & Warhammer community page So here how the models are looking since then. They've been really great fun to paint. I'm just looking forward to the multi part models to get release.This force is theme around a hold nurgle crusade. So these models will be the sort of backbone of the Warband. But I'm going to try included a few different units rep warband who've sent them to take part. So it will allow me to add units theme around Nurgle armies my friends have collected in the past as well. Just painted the Helbrute & Nurgle hero today that my local store. Pretty much, as said it mainly waiting for the multi part models to get release now. But I've still got the pox-walker to paint & I've got those clip together models I bought today get ready & added to this first squad. So I think get them sorted so there ready for painting this week. Edited July 18, 2017 by Insane Psychopath Aasfresser, Marqol, Trixie and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiny Norman Posted July 16, 2017 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Thanks for the comments. Sad to see the old blog disappear it truly was a treasure trove of conversion ideas, great to see you're staring up a new thread though can't wait to see some more of the different warbands. Currently trying to upload the photos I had over on to my facebook page so that they are all still about. Also got most them on my own personal facebook as well. Time permitting I'd like to try get a squad by squad photo of everything & something been meaning to do. But as said it down to time. Sorry to see the old thread go but great news that you are starting a new thread! Any chance you could please post a better pic of your chaos knight wrecking ball arm? I'm trying to do something similar myself and it would be very helpful to see how you attached the wrecking ball to the knight arm. Thanks in advance! Here the photos I could find while the model was WIP & when it was painted back in 2015 You will need to add liquid green stuff on the wood effect from the Skaven part of the conversion. That's awesome dude, thanks very much! Trixie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted July 16, 2017 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Great to see you back in action IP :tu: your Iron Warriors have a lot of love! These new Nurgle doodz are suitably disgusting, what you have done with the FW Dread is especially great. I love that model! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo13 Posted July 16, 2017 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Hey, Meant to ask this forever ago. What size bases do you use for your thudd guns? Also where are those bits from? The mortars shells and such? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 16, 2017 Author Share Posted July 16, 2017 Hey, Meant to ask this forever ago. What size bases do you use for your thudd guns? Also where are those bits from? The mortars shells and such? The box ammo are part of the Thudd guns kit, you can see it just in the last photo on the Forge World web site. For the base, I use the one that the flyer base models have. I think this is it, but your best double checking the Games Workshop web site jimbo13 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted July 16, 2017 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Those DG look awesome! Love the glowing blue! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 18, 2017 Author Share Posted July 18, 2017 Update Iron Warriors So just before the whole photobucket issue. I posted this new Rhino I converted for my unit of Havocs I've been using in games. Thanks to the 8th ed rule, this made me want to get the unit transport ready as soon as possible & ready for my first game of 8th ed.When it the gaming side, I prefer going as tank heavy as possible. It just the way I prefer gaming. I think the only hoard list I'd ever go with would be Nids. But I prefer using tank heavy list in my games, something that been like this since I started getting more into the gaming side during 3rd ed. 8th ed brought a lot of really cool thing, mostly charging Rhinos & my vindicator in combat, it great & you have no idea how much it wind up my friends when my Vindicator charge there units now. Since the genestealer cult truck was release. I've been looking for a way to included that dozerblade. It remind me of some of the vehicle that where part of Honsou warband during there siege of Calth, led by Soltarn Vull Bronn when building the defence. Just fixing my Vindicator. During the 8th ed event I went to last week, sadly the first table terrain wasn't the best, been tall MDF ruin building & not on a base. Pretty much the ruin building kept getting knock over & result in a few broken models, same when my friend running the event wanted to try get photos of the games & armies, ended up knocking some of the terrain.Vindicator was sadly one of the models damage I've said about building a new squad of Iron Warrior soon. I'm thinking of trying get the command Rhino that sold down that Warhammer World. Convert that up as a Chaos version. It something I've wanted to try convert for a while, after seen some of the command tanks shown in some really great Horus Heresy armies both on here & the facebook group's I'm part off. I still see Chaos using those tanks, units & wargear from the Heresy. I'm also hoping to start convert up my second Warsmith, who has been vowed toward Excessus +++ DIU AD BELLI - Legion War! +++ event. So hopeful start converting the model next weekend. Thousand Sons Here the first Thousand Son, the test model I painted yesterday. I've just follow Duncan guide from Warhammer TV with few way I general paint stuff & using lighter blue for the finial highlight. There base will be same as my Iron Warriors & Nurgle, just keep them on separate base for time been. I'm starting them after painting a army for a friend early this year. Also a long time ago, another friend collected Thousand Son's just when the 3rd ed Codex Chaos was release, it along with other Chaos force they collected where a big part of my hobby life & further adding why Chaos has been my main faction. Not just that, but from recently re-reading Talons of Horus, while I'm waiting for the Black Legion book follow on in the series by ADB. Rest of the squad will get painted next week. I'm wanting to try keep them aside for the moment as I'm waiting to see what the criteria is for the Fate of Konor campaign which is happen in two days time. As I think there extra points for painting set units with in set week during the campaign. So I want to use Fate of Konor to try give me deadline for that. Fallen Angels I was hoping to start painting the Fallen today, but it not been the greatness weather with it been way to hot. I can't tolerate hot weather as it cause me to get unwell, with headache & nose bleeds. Nurgle Here the clip together Nurgle models. Aim to try get them painted tomorrow & this will get my first unit all complete. Aasfresser, DaBoiKyknos, Noserenda and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted July 18, 2017 Share Posted July 18, 2017 Very nice update! I'm glad you're moving to the B&C gallery. That Rubric Marine looks nice, I'm looking forward to the rest! And I'm very curious for the Fallen. I have some spare DA bits and the urge to build and paint some myself for some very long time now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted July 18, 2017 Share Posted July 18, 2017 This looks promising, I´m hoping to see plenty of cool stuff here! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Feral Posted July 19, 2017 Share Posted July 19, 2017 Judging by looking at the pictures online and your conversion, it looks pretty easy to convert that snap-fit Plague Champion to a standard Plague Marine. Good to see you branch out into Death Guard, they look great alongside your seminal Iron Warriors. I'm jealous you managed to get a hold of that Nurgle Dread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted July 19, 2017 Share Posted July 19, 2017 Iron Warriors look awesome as always, really liking your Death Guard and Thousand Sons as well. They're off to a great start. I like what you've done with the new easy fit guys. I can really see one of those Relic Rhinos still being used in an IW army actually. Could maybe look at the new objectives that were released with 8th for bits to make a Chaos version? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted July 21, 2017 Share Posted July 21, 2017 Could you upload your converted Dreads next? Normal ones and esp. Contemptors? I need some inspiration, fast :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 21, 2017 Author Share Posted July 21, 2017 Thanks for the comments Could you upload your converted Dreads next? Normal ones and esp. Contemptors? I need some inspiration, fast You mean the once I've already got in my Iron Warriors collection? Aim try get photos sorted during the weekend. I've been thinking when I do post updates, to also get some new photos of units I've had in my Iron Warriors. Just since units, like the one led by Bronn Tal change a bit since I first started my originally army log from a few replace Battle Brothers, adding some parts & trophies & then finial move them 32mm base. Should have update soon, just been busy right now. Aasfresser 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dogfender Posted July 21, 2017 Share Posted July 21, 2017 Awesome stuff! Though the saw/ crusher blades on the sides of the dozer are facing outward and not inward, not sure if that was intentional. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 22, 2017 Author Share Posted July 22, 2017 Update Been a little bit busy over the past few days. Also took part that my wargaming club 40k double tournament. I was originally not going to go , just gaming wise I'm not to keen on small point games to be honesty. But a friend was searching for someone team with them so I ended up going. While still not keen on smaller point games. It was a great day, with three great games against 6 great oppents. But my one feedback I've left is, I think I still should get the points for Warlord & First Blood, when Lord Narach failed with his super charge Plasma, trying to slay a Greater Daemon of Tezeentch!!!!!!!!! A friend who return to the hobby won best army for there really cool Salamander force, with another friend getting runner up with the Eldar. This is what I like & one of the main reason I go to events is to see these cool armies, to get idea for my own models. This has & always will be one of the reason why I like going to events. As said when I go to events, it just to get a day or weekend of gaming, but I'm never going to give up my time if a event is more aim for ETC or ITC style as that not the way I wish to enjoy the gaming side of the hobby. Most of all, see cool models. Iron Warriors The second Warsmith: So a few friends are running a RPG (Deathwatch?). Where they've base character on people from my local Games Workshop store & gaming club. So they've base a Iron Warrior Warsmith on myself. The narrative meant to be base on the Gothic sector & how he led to the warp storm there.His warband meant to be Helbrute & Obliterator heavy, it sort of the Chaos era version of Narik Dreygur (the limited ed Forge World model). With the Warsmith having the flesh-metal armour that was a relic in Traitor Legion. Has the eternal hate of Magnus. So if & when new Obliterators models get release from Games Workshop, there going to make up his warband who are attach to my 5th Grand Company. Sort like the two Iron Warriors force in Dead Sky Black Sun. 5th Grand Company I think when I do update on this topic. I will also add photos of past models that where in the last topic before photobucket issue. So here are the models that been build & painted since starting this version of my Iron Warriors in 2011 Squad 1: Iupatus Proeliator, led by Champion Bronn Tal This was the first squad I started in this collection in 2011. With the test model been to the very far right with the spike T face helmet. Background wise, this unit where the true veterans, once who'd been there since day 1 when the Emperor arrive to the Iron Warriors home world for the Crusade. With a few of them been Terra born as well (maybe Bronn?) Gaming wise - The Iupatus Proeliator have been a unit that have been in my Iron Warriors forever, different era, updated unit. All carry on the glory & history of there past incarnation.This is a unit that pretty much been in 97% of my armies. Only time I've not use them was last year Throne of Skulls March when I took unbound Terminators & Chaos Knights, then today. But there a unit that been there in a lot of games. Bronn Tal back when I started the log arm with Power Fist. After Throne of Skulls Novemeber 2012. I think I drop this, so Lord Narach could get the Axe of Blind fury. Also it was a good way to update him a bit. During Throne of Skulls Nov, I had one of the hardest fought games that I've ever had. This was against Space Wolves, where by turn 4, both me & my oppent had four models each all way to turn 7.After the game I think we both shut down mentally. Everyone who watch the game, commented how it was one of the greatness games they've seen, but also the most difficult once due to how one dice roll could change it all.Just during that game. Bronn Tal had issue a challenge against a Wolf Priest. He won, the Chaos gods turn him into a Daemon Prince. But then the Wolf Lord challenge, slay Bronn Tal in his moment of glory, also I forgot all about Daemon Prince been able to cause a smash attack when I think back to it.But it was a great game, ever epic thing that could - did happen. It really was worthy of a saga & as said while I've had a lot of great games, I've yet to get anywhere close to as hard fought as this game was. Contemptor Dreadnought - Name add soon I got this model for my birthday back in 2014?? This was because of the Iron Warrior version going on advance order back then. Also because of Brother Heinrich with his Night Lords & Warhammer Commuinty Eddie model for his Fallen. I'm needing to try get him back out there to get some games & more so after getting the Forge World Index book. So maybe something I'm going to look that in a few weeks. Squad 2: Be Graphicus, led by Champion Uzas Vel This was my second unit that was added to this version of my Iron Warriors. Once more this is a unit that has had a lot of history with different version of this unit in different era of my Iron Warrior.They where sort of like Tactical Marines are to Space marine. Gaming wise, I seem to rememeber Uzas always getting the Daemon Prince boon roll. It has been a while since I've use them in a game. Also first time I converted up a Apothecary theme Iron Warrior & trying to convert the chainsword halberd. Rhino Fulmen Clavi - There transport, along with Bronn unit & Kroege Santarr unit transport. There three Rhinos where the first once I try out using Forge world weather powder. Squad 3: Apocalypse, led by Champion Kroege Santarr This was the third squad I added in 2011, getting the Chaos Space marine battle force box set for Christmas. Again another unit, different era that been a main part of my 5th Grand Company.The unit was aim as once who'd recently been made into the rank of Space Marine after complete there training. But like Space Wolves Blood Claws, well they where slow going down the path of Khorne. A lot of this is actual base on there games & how they'd done in combat. Also I wanted to try have a unit a bit more cover in Blood - back then it was Red Gore with Cheastnut ink & gloss varnish. After seen how cool Marines look in this way from the Space Marine PS3 Computer game. Here Champion Kroege Santarr, with his past version to the right. The past version was my Mk5? Iron Warriors force in 2008 when 5th ed was release, 9 year ago!!!! Sorcerer - I do have a name, I just need to find it again. This Sorcerer conversion came about after seen Flint using the Alpha Legion model for a different conversion. I just though it was a cool model to use as a base for a conversion. I though a Sorcerer would be suited. He aim as one who was going to summon Daemons back in 7th ed, because I though that was a cool theme & just give him a bit of theme & background. Chaos Lord This is one of my favorited models since his release back in 3rd ed. The model in the past has been use as a base for the mortal version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick & the Lord for my Mk2 Black Legion force back in 2001 when I originally planned for them to be taken to Conflict Scotland before collecting Iron Warriors. I still check the White Dwarf where the Eavy metal team that the time have a painting comp with this model. I bought this model & painted him, as said because he my favorited & I'm unsure how long he going to be around for been metal base. I might pick up another one soon. Sorcerer Krull So the middile model is the current version of him. While the one to the right it the first, when I started collecting Iron Warriors in 2001, though painted 2002. Krull life started the day before my first event, Conflict Scotland. Pretty much I just like that Sorcerer model & painted him the day before Conflict Scotland, re-writing my list just to included him. The one to the left, it because a friend found the model in bit box & knew it would go to a good home. Seem the Chaos gods where watch out & was cool with it been same. So painted that one just for look/display. Middle Krull is the main one. As said one of my aim's with this Iron Warriors force, as well as add new cool new models. Is to bring back old character, I want new updated version of them, to carry on there glory & add to there history in epic, great, fun games. Just having a look though few White Dwarfs for some idea. 202 having John Blanche art work as well as shown studio member conversion. While the other White Dwarf has the Will of Iron article by Christian Bryn, just it has the Basilisk, which I'd like to add my own version to my own Iron Warriors soon. Also just getting ready for the Fate of Konor campaign. My first game next week against Necrons vs a new friend/new person that going to my gaming club. As said narrative really important to me & want to add onto to the history of my Iron Warriors. Not sure how I will do future photos. Maybe do it where it maybe set things. Like x amount of Heavy Support one update. Or just go by shelf's where my Iron Warriors are on display. Nurgle Here the clip together Nurgle marines. I've still got to finish painting the models & varnish them. As well as a few detail like blood for the blood god. As said past few days been a bit busy. But these models are really great. They don't look out of place with the box game models & I'm looking forward to the release of the multi part version in the near future. Aasfresser and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted July 23, 2017 Share Posted July 23, 2017 Great update IP, and great conversion too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 24, 2017 Author Share Posted July 24, 2017 Update Iron Warriors Here how the second Warsmith looking. His warband will be Obliterator heavy if & when new models are release, just all down to what we will see when codex Chaos Marines is release from what we've seen on the community page. I've added a few parts. Like skull on the belt, extra Mk3 armour plate sort match the armour loin cloth the 5th have. Then green stuff to help rep the flesh-metal relic Iron Warriors get where it bit of the Obliterator virus binding & tie with the warband. 5th Grand Company Since the last update. I think I will get photos of past units I've added to my army from the orignaly log. As said before, just allow me to get the photos & because some have change a bit, ether new trophy, new model added or rebase. Today mark four years since my Iron Warriors where part of the Army of the Month article in the White Dwarf. Just doesn't feel like those years have past & it still one of the many great hobby highlight in my life. Really grateful for the help White Dwarf team gave & just to have it all happen. As said Bronn & his unit are one of my important units who've been there in a lot of my games & events I've attended. Lord Narach DelauNarach is second in command of my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company. Originally started as a Champion in Warsmith Abhorred Riddick bodyguard of chosen (when we got them in 3rd ed), which you can see to the right in the photo, 2001. Then 2005 Narach return, promoted as a Lieutenant (3.5 codex, Legion era), he had Terminator armour & had a Kai gun, I do still have a photo of the model as he was part of my list for Conflict Scotland 2005. Then the year later he was brought back in power armour as another version of a Lieutenant, which you can see on the left in the photo below. Then the current version was brought back in 2012. When Daemon Prince sadly became a bit "to" much points when the codex was release, which also left me with 12 days to get my Iron Warriors up to date for Throne of Skulls October 2012 event as well. Since then he been battle it out. Since the model was orignaly converted. He since had the Axe removed & replace with a hammer from the Age of Sigmar kit which rep the Iron Warriors: Siege-breaker Mace, a relic the Iron Warriors got in the Traitor Legion supplement release last year. Raptor - Name soon When Chaos Marines got there last update in 2012, it saw some really cool models release. One of them where Raptors. Originally they've been a unit I avoided in the past as I was just not that keen on the past models, they where not what I wanted. But then the plastic models got release. Despite been release 2012, I'd bought a LOT of boxies just for conversion, the chainsword & bolt pistol are really cool. It wasn't until 2015, until this unit where built & I think I just got them done after ETL? Pretty much, it because of the really cool Blood Oath display that Warhammer World, with Chaos Daemonkin vs Ultramarines, a display that been a big part of idea toward my Iron Warriors over the past two years. There was a cool scene of Raptors vs Assault marines, with Heldrakes & Storm Talons all battle above the sky. So I wanted to model mine as though there mid-air because to me it look cool. I've been trying to build the squad up to a unit of 10, there a few been built & painted, but still need some finish like shoulder pads. Helbrute - Name soon This 2nd ed era Metal Chaos Dreadnought is a model that been with my Iron Warriors since Christmas time 2001. He been paint stripped & waited years. It seem a shame have the model hidden in a box unbuilt, unpainted. May 2014 saw me bring him back, to return, get some epic games & carry on his history. I've always like the 2nd ed era Chaos Dreadnought & since then gotten a further 5? There still one waiting to get base & will be painted soon, it just been down to time. Warpsmith - Name soon This Warsmith came about in March 2013. There was a mess up with my mail order, that hadn't arrive for three weeks & I needed it for Throne of Skulls March. As a sorry I was given a £10 gift voucher & just ask them if I could pick up my order when I was that Nottingham for Throne of Skulls.I chose to buy the FW Techmarine with the aim of converting him into my second Warpsmith as he just a cool model & I had a lot of left over parts after buying two Warpsmiths during the Chaos Space Marine release. Fallen Angels Work in Progress - I was hoping to get a bit more painted on the Fallen Angels models. But due to the heat - I tend to get ill when it hot weather led to headache, nose bleed & general just not that great. Meant I wasn't able to get much done today on anything. Then with Game of Thrones on right now, pretty much why this post is a bit later than past few. But just want to get a idea & just show them. Aasfresser, deathspectersgt7 and chaplainmikey 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted July 25, 2017 Share Posted July 25, 2017 The Fallen are looking very promising! I'd add some more checkers and some chaos stars or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 26, 2017 Author Share Posted July 26, 2017 The Fallen are looking very promising! I'd add some more checkers and some chaos stars or something. Don't worry, just I forgot to take photos of the different sides Update Iron Warriors Here how the second Warsmith currently looking after spending today painting him. Going to try get transfer added some point tomorrow & hopeful get him ready for a game next week against one of my friends who are running the RPG this Warsmith from. So he will join Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, Lord Narach & rest of my force for there second game of the Fate of Konor. So the shield will get a half Iron Warrior skull icon. Maybe some of the writing from the Forge World transfer & try add a Chaos icon on the inside part of the shield. Thousand Sons Took the first unit of Thousand Sons with me today & just painting part of the armour, layer blue, then highlight when time permitted. This was done while waited on paint & shade to try on the second Warsmith shown above^^^ 5th Grand Company I think I'm going to try focuse on set parts now, show past models from the last army log. So here the Heavy Support - Tanks. Predators As said before one of the aim was bring back models in a new updated version. I use to have a lot of Predators (well 4) in my Iron Warriors list back in the 3.5 era of codex Chaos. I just like using tank heavy armies, that the way I enjoy games over hoards. So they needed to be brought back. Also with the release of Traitor Hate, this led to Predators becoming squads, making me want to get those unit together. While this is no longer around, the new detachment help. In fact I'm looking that the Forge World Chaos index so I can run a all Predator list, with relic predators been Elites. Predator squad - Add names So these are the more newer Predators. I've added between two year ago, to this year. The Predators in the middle was built in March 2015 during my holidays & back when Warhammer World was still re-vamp the place. While the other two where added because of the Unit rule & I wanted to try using them in a local tournament. Sadly I missed out on the event, this was due been badly ill. The predator to the left wasn't painted until two week after as I was that badly ill. While the Pred to the right was painted during this year. Predator squad - Names still be added. So the two Predators that the back where added near the end 2012. House that the time was on sale & I was searching though the garage for a few things. I ended up find two boxes that had complete spure for the Predators. This help out as this was also around the time I was getting my Iron Warriors ready for the White Dwarf. The Predators in the middle was added in 2013? For Call of Chaos. Land Raiders - Names still be added Just like the Predators above, I found boxes with complete spure for the Land Raider & again really help getting my Iron Warriors ready. There my favorited tank, I still remember how much I was looking forward to the Land Raider kits to be release when they where shown in White Dwarf 244 & 245? Land Raider - Still add name This Land Raider came about in September 2014. Warhammer World was re-vamp to the really great way it been since 2015 to now. This meant there was no event during that time & I general take time off in September, with my birthday been that the start of the month. So I though be nice to spend a few days painting a model & get it all complete during that time. So spent Monday afternoon, all day Tuesday & then Sunday adding all the finial detail while also pick up some new DVDs (Ironclad 2 & Captain America) after going HMV after spend Monday moring that Stirling castle. This is Lord Narach Land Raider. Base after game I had against my friend Red Scorpions during that same year, as he was moving to the USA. We got a 7000pts game in June as well as spend once per week up until the move trying to get as many games as possible. We had a re-match two month ago when he was back seen friends & family. Vindicators - Add names as soon as possible When I collect armies. There always set units I belive all that faction should have. Take Blood Angels, Death Company a unit I think should be there. So the first Vindicator in the middle & show in the main post. That came about around Aug/September. Purely because I was in my local Games Workshop store & having a look that the Vindicator, know I needed add one to my Iron Warriors force & also looking that the Vampire Count Dragon. Ended up buy them that day & by weekend started building them. Sadly I didn't get the tank finish for Armies on Parade & when I took my Iron Warriors down to Games Day 2012. Since then I've started to add few more. So the Vindicator to the right, was a trade with Bio. He got a Heldrake for a Vindicator (all on spure) he had waiting there. So I put this model forward for Call of Chaos 2015. While the Vindicator was added around September last year, part because of the unit rule Traitor Hate brought & to try them out that a local tournament. Since then, this Vindicator became part of my core list. Take part in the Warhammer World campaign weekend in March this year & recent games right now. Rapier Artillery - Names still add I wanted to explained into adding Forge World units to my Iron Warriors. Some of them would be the Rapier Artillery, which we saw brought in with Armour 13: Lost & the Damned. The first squad (second photo) started because I saw a lot of really cool Heresy units of them on a Heresy facebook group I'm part off. It look cool. While the second unit was just added back in March this year, I was unsure how long the Thudd Cannon would be around & though I'd get a second unit added. Deflier - Still add name I use to have Deflier in my Iron Warriors force back when they where release during the originally 13th Black Crusade campaign in 2003? Since last year I've though of bring a Deflier back, again bring past glory from the past version. But I wanted to update it a bit more as the Deflier kit is aging a bit. This model was painted early this year just around May? Where I spent a few hour per night during a week get it all complete. Also found these two Iron Warriors. They where part of the very first version of my Iron Warriors in 2001, before the multi part Chaos Marines kit was release. So I had to use the Tactical Space Marines, Chaos Bikers & Khorne Berzerker if I wanted to get Chaos Marine models. It wasn't until a month or so before Conflict Scotland until we saw those Multi part Chaos Marines release. Fate of Konor So pretty soon my Iron Warriors will be take part in the Fate of Konor campaign. After taken part in Medusa V & the originally 13th Black Crusade. There no way my Iron Warriors are going miss out on this. It also tie in with current narrative. They took part in the Warhammer World The Boralis Schism campaign weekend in March this year. Because a lot of my 7th ed games where base on the Fall of Cadia. It was a good way having them, then Boralis. Then once the campaign was finish. Theme was my Iron Warriors where going to go toward the Ultramarine realm. So this fit in (some would say Fate!!). This is also going to tie in, because if & when new Khorne Berzerker models get release. I will be starting my World Eater/Daemonkin force. They are base on the Warhammer World display - Angelus Prime, which has Chaos Daemonkin vs Ultramarines. It a really great display & since 2015 been a big part to help me with idea. My World Eater force is going to be theme as one of the Warband that took part & suffer heavy loss. They know my Iron Warriors & are trusted as far as a Iron Warrior can trust anything. Aim meant to be because been there during the Crusade, the Heresy, the Legion War, the Long War. They now seek help. The display base on a planet in the Ultramarine realm. I'd like to think after it my World Eater been trying to just survive, trying to keep away from there Primarch with his return & escape his wrath. Anyway until then. My Iron Warriors are going to battle it out. My first game going to possible be against Necrons that 120 Power Levels. I think some place are running a set power level. But I'm doing the campaign way I want to enjoy it & use the models & units that are important to me. Also found this Land Raider I bought last year. I'm going to use this as my Heavy Support slot as part of the painting side for Fate of Konor. Painting this for my Iron Warriors does mean that all my Terminators unit now have transport, same way vast majority of my units have there own Rhino transport. As said Mech heavy armies are the way I like the game. While I like to add these tanks to each unit, I'm not keen on say painting One Rhino which ever single squad in a army borrow from game to game. They deserve same attesion as the other models I built & paint for my force. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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