Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 29, 2017 Author Share Posted July 29, 2017 Update First up - So yesterday it was spotted that Codex Chaos was pretty soon. While it look like we don't have any new models quite yet. I'm happy ether way as the art work shown so far look great. Sadly it look like it will not be out on time for a event I'm going to in a few week time, the codex seem like it release the same day. But I'm really looking forward to this. So aim to get the limited ed Codex & standard codex, cards & also the Black Legion novel by ADB. Iron Warriors That the second Warsmith almost finish. I still need to add burn effect onto the combi melta, then Forge World soot weather powder. I've also to add a axe after talk with my friends who are running the RPG. So for that, I'm going to use the axe from the Age of Sigmar Wrathmonger & going to use the dead Primaris Marines from the Apothercary who release next week. Really enjoyed converting the second Warsmith. So he going to join Warsmith Abhorred Riddick (Daemon prince) & Lord Narach in a game next weekend, as one of the friends who done the RPG thing created there Wolf Lord & want to get some more narrative added to there army & more so with the current Fate of Konor. 5th Grand Company Follow on from last update, here the rest of my Heavy Support units & since I've already show the Raptors my other fast attack chose. Then just a few other units for this update. Havoc squad - Still add name This is my more recent unit of Havocs that I built early in the year for the Warhammer World event The Boralis Schism campaign weekend. Also with Traitor Legion allow Iron Warriors Havocs unit the Tank Hunter Skill.Just got a box of Chaos Marines for Christmas along side a Rhino. The unit I orignaly wanted to build, I ended up using parts toward my Rapier Artilliary seen in the update before this. Since then, this unit has became a core part of my army list since then. Thanks to 8th ed, it made it even better since they can move & fire with just -1 to hit. Then there Rhino, again had the box since Christmas. Got it made just before the 8th ed release. Havoc Squad - Still add name This unit was build last year. I think I may have done them for the Call of Chaos. This unit came about because of the Dreadclaw model & like the idea that they'd drop in along side my Terminators & the Helbrute formation that allow them to deep strike. Then the Dreadclaw transport for this unit. Ended up getting the Dreadclaw because of the Warhammer World Blood oath display with Daemonkin vs Ultramarines. Where the Chaos Marines made use of Dreadclaw heavy support. The display really cool & just the whole image of it all You can find photos I've taken on the display over on my facebook page Iron Havoc squad - Still add name This unit was build in 2014. This was when the third Horus Heresy book was release from Forge World & it point out Iron Warriors had two elite units, the Siege Tyrants & the Iron Havocs.This unit theme around them & also a big of design work that was seen that Games Day a long time ago, which shown a Devastator carry Assault Cannon & other heavy weapon like this.As said theme to my models is really important & to have them tell the story & narrative for me. Then the Iron Havocs transport. This was orignaly for another unit, but it fitted in more with the Iron Havoc. Havoc squad - Still add name This unit came about in 2015 for ETL, when codex Space Marines got update & release a all new updated Devastator squads. With things like the legs tie in with the 2nd ed era Space marines. They look cool & I wanted to convert them. Went with Heavy Bolter as they just look cool Havoc unit - Still add name Added this unit of Havocs in 2012 during Call of Chaos. Just a few month after codex Chaos Space Marines where release for 6th ed & I was expanding the Iron Warriors. When it come to a army, I do tend to have a core list that I tend to use a lot, but I don't like been lock on just "1850pts" I want to add more cool models, swap squads about from game to game just because I've not use them in a while or use a game & event as deadline get them painted. Havoc squad - Still add name This unit of Havocs where built & painted same time as the above, 2012 & part of Call of Chaos. Champion was orignaly from another squad, but the models from them went else where. So he got promoted to led this unit of Havocs. Biker squad - Still add name, led by Champion Dragoth Adding this squad of Biker in 2014. This was just from seen a lot of cool biker units added to Chaos Marines. From Brother Heinrich, few other member on this forum & also events, Throne of Skulls March 2014 I saw a lot of really cool converted Chaos Biker units. Not just that, I'd just gotten my Ravenwing force finish, so beside a few spare models, was still in that mind set I wanted to get biker models built.They also help get the limited ed Space marine model that Games Workshop where given with order. I don't thin this squad is legal any more. I think it only 9 models in a unit. If this is the case, then I just need to convert up another Champion & get some Melta built so I can have two squads of 6. Also point out, the Champion Dragoth has a Genestealer trophy painted by Dave from the 40k Addiction blog. Dave attended a lot of Throne of Skulls event same time as myself with a really cool Nids force. He heard about me & saw the trophy on my models. So though be cool to paint one up for me. I think he going to add a Iron Warrior helmet onto one of the Nids base, I think a Trygon.But check out his blog, as there a lot of great hobby, battle report & check out the Throne of Skulls events he attended. The Iron Circle Don't care if/if not any rule use in 40k. My friends have said there more than happy for me to use the Horus Heresy rule for them if I wanted or use Helbrtue rules. I got the models as there cool, when I saw the preview for Warhammer Fest. I demand to two friends (well ask very polite) to get me two of them. Sadly they'd all sold out on the Saturday, but Forge World brought a lot more for the second day, they got the last few for me. Third one I got near Christmas. On the 24th Dec I tend to go to my local Games Workshop store just get some space & painting............also so I'm not drag into tidy the house. So painted the third one during then, when in the past it general seem to be a Dreadnought I end up painting on 24th December. But there are cool models & all Iron Warriors hobbiest should get them. I'd really like to get some more, I might get one more later in the year. There really fun to build as well. While the lone Iron Warrior who leading them was built 2012. Brother Nihm done a topic ever now & then as a little hobby challenge. This one was to build & paint a Chaos Marine in one week. So got him done. He was meant for one of my first three squads, but other models took his place. So he now led the Iron Circle. Kytan - Still add name Pick up the Kytan last year during Throne of Skulls March. Pretty much, it was the Warhammer World Daemonkin vs Ultramarine display again & someone who attended Throne of Skulls had one in there Chaos Marine force. Was gutted when I return home that the time to find out it had two left legs. But it a really nice model, really fun to paint. Then Fallen So back in 2001 when I started my Iron Warriors & when Warsmith Abhorred Riddick was a Marine. I had a command squad, where Lord Narach was Champion that the time & my now Sorcerer was a Champion. I also had a Fallen Angel model converted up using a limited ed model because it look cool. It was the one from the diorama with the Dark Angel, Ultramarine & Blood Angel putting up a flag. Just I'd always like the Fallen Angels. Back then, one of the veteran hobbiest that the time had a great full converted Fallen Angels using the metal robe Dark Angels models & seem have a strong witch hunter type vibe to them. Then there also the Bloodquest comic, base on a exile group of Blood Angels battle in the Eye of Terror & they encounter a Fallen Angel who turn out to be a warlord of a Tezeentch warband on the planet. As said few post already. One my aims, as well as add cool new models. Was also to bring back old Character. Sadly no model done the Fallen any justice if I wanted to bring him back.That was until the Dark Angels codex got updated & with that, the plastic Chaplain model. Beside been a really great model & fun to paint, it was perfect for what I wanted. He was a ETL entry, using a Black Legion lord rules & relics from the Black Legion supplement.So the Fallen I'm collecting are part of his Warband, along side Cypher. Fate of Konor Just had my first game for Fate of Konor a few days ago. Didn't go to well, but doesn't matter, it was a good game & against someone who started attending my gaming club just a few month ago & gotten into 40k. So was just making the game fun for them just as much as it would be for me.My next game is next week as said above where I will be using my new Warsmith & battle my friend who running a RPG.Also how cool are the cards we get from our local store. The box was from the Warhammer World The Boralis Schism campaign. We got them along with dice that would act as faith point - Pretty much to re-roll (can't re-roll a re-roll) just with the narrative. We also got mission all theme.The box is really cool & I think I'm going add the Fate of Konor cards into this box as well. Then here what I bought today. As said I'm aim get the Warhammer World Tank set. I want to convert up a sort of Stor-Bezashk theme squad. So just gather part right now. I'm also going to use Aasfresser and deathspectersgt7 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted July 30, 2017 Share Posted July 30, 2017 The new warsmith looks great! I love your IW conversion style. All those units look fantastic, I'm really curious for new stuff. Esp. the Thousand Sons and hopefully an epic sorcerer conversion ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 The new warsmith looks great! I love your IW conversion style. All those units look fantastic, I'm really curious for new stuff. Esp. the Thousand Sons and hopefully an epic sorcerer conversion Thanks for the comment Aasfresser. Yes once I get my Thousand Son's force on the go, I'm looking forward to converting up the Sorcerer. Just finish re-reading Talons of Horus & it given me some idea. No update as such. I was hoping to get the base for the Thousand Son's unit built & ready for painting tomorrow. But I ended up with a really bad headache yesterday that didn't go away until 10am (22 hours). So that going to have to wait until Friday & not get painted until the weekend. They will be my Elite chose for Fate of Konor But though I take the time getting some photos today of current models & bring the topic up to speed. 5th Grand Company Warsmith Abhorred Riddick - Abhorred Riddick was the first model to start my Iron Warriors from the 17th November 2001, back when mail order allowed you to order bits. Since then, when the 3.5 codex was due for release. He ended up as a Daemon Prince. Part this work out as a game against a friend that the time Blood Angels, he wipe out around 500pts worth of models alone in combat. Then the Daemon Prince model was shown & was been pre-release that Games Day. Another friend pick up the model & I had to get him painted right away back then. The metal Daemon Prince is among one of my all time favorited models by Games Workshop. There so much about the model that cool & how a Daemon Prince should look. So each version of my Iron Warriors over the years, I've made sure he was there. I'm current thinking re-painting the red, after the way I've painted the Bloodletter for my Daemonkin follow on the way it done from the Warhammer World Daemonkin vs Ultramarine display. Here the power armour version. So one to the right Warsmith Abhorred Riddick who started my Iron Warriors force back in 2001. Then one to the left was done around 2014-2015? I wanted to try paint a update version of him using the really cool metal Chaos Lord & Techmarine. Just to have & on display along side my Iron Warriors collection. Terminators - Terminators have been a bit of a big part of my Iron Warriors. I've always like Chaos Terminators & the art work of the 2nd ed Terminator champion, seen in WD202 has always been a big part on why I use them. There something really cool about the models, great way to convert up the elite to really show that there Chaos Marines they other do not mess about with, Terminator squad Iapetus led by Champion Brane Kurr This squad was done last year for Throne of Skulls. Since 7th ed brought unbound. I've always like the idea of a Chaos Terminator force. Chaos Terminators are cool, meant to be the Chaos marines you don't mess with. So I aim to take a unbound Terminator list to Throne of Skulls March last year. I wanted this unit to be theme around the Siege Breacher, using the shields from the Varanguard Knight from Age of Sigmar. I've use the Justerian (sp) models from Forge World as they just look cool. Terminator squad Shohvaz led by Champion Dragos Valicar This unit came about in 2015 for ETL. Buying all the parts I needed while I was that the Warhammer World re-grand opening when they where shown off the display for the first time. So been really inspired by everything I saw during the event. Terminator Squad 7: Tormentia Most of these models where there when I started this current version of my Iron Warriors back in 2011. They got painted led up to Christmas & when I was really badly ill due to a virus. Since then this squad has grown as I added the odd Terminator over the year with spare parts. Terminator squad Proeliator led by Champion Sevatar Rauth This is the main unit of Terminators I use in the core of my list. There the unit who act as Lord Narach bodyguard. There the unit who've fought really hard in games, always doing really well. Now with 8th ed, I feel reward with Terminators getting a extra wound & I'm able to use those Combi Bolter a bit more than once per turn. While Lord Narach can not join them, he still led & near by the unit along side support of my Obliterators as well Khorne Berserker - Still add name So Berserker have been a big part of my Iron Warrior history. When I started my Iron Warriors in 2001, the Index Astarties allowed you to take 0-1 unit of them in your army. I knew I wanted to add them, with the plastic model (we have today) just been release & there one of my favorited units. This unit came about because of the Age of Sigmar Wrathmonger & having a lot of really cool daemonic weapon. There also the first unit I use the leadbelcher spray when Games Workshop release the spray back then. Seen today update on the Warhammer community page, look like they can be use once more in games. There Rhino transport The Forsaken led by Champion Gugann Kull. I built the unit of Possessed last year for Throne of Skulls September that Warhammer World. Pretty much it a unit I've barely use & last time I've had them in a army was my first Black Legion force. They where part of one of my two army list, my unbound list & acted as my Warpsmith bodyguard. The theme meant to be sort of different stages of a Iron Warriors going though the Obliterator virus before they became a all out Obliterator. I had them with Mark of Khorne just give them that punch in close combat, as the unit was walking about with 4-5 attack per models & getting counter attack as well. I just wanted to use the unit more than anything. Still rememeber spending the few days (24 hours worth time) painting these Possessed, Rhino for them, 2 Maulerfiend & a Warpsmith. Spending Sunday to Wed getting it all painted. Warpsmith Damocles & Kallus Damocles was inspired by RYSA Son of Rome computer game from seen some of the video over on youtube on the black centurion story. He was painted in 2013 as part of Call of Chaos. While Kallus was the Warpsmith painted during the same week as the Possessed shown just there for Throne of Skulls, take 4 hour in all get him painted. Pretty much spent the four days never leaving my seat & my ipod playing the Space Marine sound track none stop. Daemon Prince - Last year Traitor Hate was release. With that was formation & detachment. If you went with the Black Crusade detachment, you where able to roll boons for your Champions or anyone with the Champion of Chaos rule. Me & my friends, before a local event had talk about what the right amount of Daemon Prince would be. Some just getting two to three ready. Big Daemon Prince - So this model came about as sadly one of the comp that a local event didn't allow Super Heavy, so no Chaos Knights :( I wanted a centre model. This Daemon Prince was inspired by a really cool conversion from Warhammer World 40k open day 2015, that use the Dreadknight & Soul Grinder kit. It look cool & inspired me to get conversion like it done but with my own take. The model was painted the day before the local event. In fact on the day it self, the Games Workshop water effect was still drying by time I arrive & getting ready for my first game. Started painting the model 11am & finish around 4pm, with bit more time trying sort the weather powder out. The chaos shield "just" arrive in the post in the afternoon. This Daemon Prince was inspired by the one on the Warhammer World display with the Daemonkin vs Ultramarines. Few friends been joke recently that I can now use this gun, since Daemon Prince have Warp Bolter as part of there wargear. Forge World Dreadnought - Still add name Got the Forge World Iron Warriors dreadnought back in 2012, spending the 24th of December that my local store just get the model painted & get some time to myself before Christmas & Boxing day. Really gutted Forge World stop selling the IW Dreadnought. I'd happily bought lot more if I knew that it was going to happen. Fallen As well as the Fallen in Warsmith Abhorred Riddick bodyguard. I've had a few unit of Fallen in different era of my Iron Warriors. This version no different. They where built & painted 2013 for Call of Chaos. They will be part of my Fallen Angels force, which I've just started working on a second squad. I just need to try convert up a Heavy Weapon for this unit. Forgefane This unit came about, been inspired by Jason Salamander (seen in the White Dwarf) when I saw them during the 40k open day event that Warhammer World. I like the jaw look that was added to the helmets. Also rememeber bit of background from the White Dwarf & Forge World armour 13 book. There was a grand company that was destroyed by Nids. The Warsmith was eaten by a Trygon. But in one of the upgrade for your tanks, it commented that a few units mange to escape. I'd like to think my 5th Grand Company answer one of the distress calls & pick up this unit. There experience against Nids would help the 5th for any fortification narrative wise. The Nid trophies are base on the manger of my local Games Workshop store force. So they've got a bit more Nid trophies. Lord of Skulls I was given a hobby challenge when the Lord of Skulls models was release. It was simple, see how long it would take to build in a single day. Then spend the week getting it painted & it would be put on display that my local Games Workshop store. This happen just after I move house back in 2013. It a really nice model, but I've still to use him in a game. This was before the Leadbelcher spray was release. Cypher The new Cypher who was painted a few days after his release. I've went with the green power armour just make him stand out a little bit & from the art work. So I'm looking forward using Cypher in my Fallen force once there ready in the near future. Marqol, Aasfresser and Kobrakei 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 2, 2017 Share Posted August 2, 2017 Still love those Fallen and Cypher. And it is amazing how goofy and cartoonish the plastic Demon Prince looks compared to the metal one. I'm thinking about getting another one to finishe a very old conversion actually I'd only need the legs. Hm... now I have some ideas. Could you post pictures of the dreadnought with the assassin as a trophy on his back? I want to have a closer look on its weapons, you spliced the magmacutters and something else for them if I recall correctly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubblesMcBub Posted August 2, 2017 Share Posted August 2, 2017 What an amazing army to see! Your madels have so much character keep it up! Also really like the posts with the fotos and stories of you already completed models! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 2, 2017 Author Share Posted August 2, 2017 Still love those Fallen and Cypher. And it is amazing how goofy and cartoonish the plastic Demon Prince looks compared to the metal one. I'm thinking about getting another one to finishe a very old conversion actually I'd only need the legs. Hm... now I have some ideas. Could you post pictures of the dreadnought with the assassin as a trophy on his back? I want to have a closer look on its weapons, you spliced the magmacutters and something else for them if I recall correctly. He just above the Warpsmith Dreadnought photo & that the one you've given me the Maulerfiend parts from two year ago?? What an amazing army to see! Your madels have so much character keep it up! Also really like the posts with the fotos and stories of you already completed models! Thanks for the comment BubblesMBub Update So cave in & bought the new Dreadnought. This is going to be converted into the Siege one that Chaos are allow from the Index Chaos book by Forge World. It going to be a little while until he built due to time & waiting on the new skulls to be release by Games Workshop which has 340 skulls in the pack. I also ended up mail order the Basilisk. Thousand Sons So work still going on, There almost there. As said just gutted I couldn't get there base done due to a headache lasting 22 hours. But get that done on Sunday & mean I can have them complete as my Elite chose for the Fate of Konor. 5th Grand Company Forgot to add the Possessed squad Rhino transport that was painted Sept last year along side the unit, Warpsmith & 2 Maulerfiend, all painted in 24 hour over 4 days before Throne of Skulls. Rarely leave my painting station & with Ipod play though out the day listen to the Warhammer World sound track. Desolatum Tempestas led by Champion Goran Brakar A White Dwarf that the time, around 2012 or 2013, shown a preview into what Forge World where working on. One of them was a mock up of a Marine in MkIII carry a siege shield. I knew as soon as I saw that, I wanted them. They look cool & Iron Warriors where all about siege. After moving house & with the models been release. I bought them right away & they where the first unit I belive that I got built & ready for one of the local tournament. Since then they've became one of the units been a core part of majority of my army list. Thanks to the great games, adding to there narrative & history. In fact one game saw the Icon Bearer, all by himself. He survive combat against the Slannesh Daemons, they chose to attack the Rhino as well, which they destroyed. It took a lot them out with the blast, they failed there Ld & vanish from the table. The Icon Bearer looking around thanking the Chaos gods for a very close call, led him to go on & claim a object against my friend & rival Ian, someone who I'd always end up gaming against in tournament during 2008 to 2012 before he move back down to England. Rhino Iapetus Daedalus To fit the theme of this unit, they needed a cool Rhino. After reading Horus Heresy Angels Exterminatus. A Castellan Rhino "Their main transport, the Castellan Rhino has unfolding armour plates and impact bracing so they can be turned into miniature bunkers. 'The modular construction allowed the Rhinos to be linked together in a chain, forming a makeshift fortified line when materials for more permanent emplacements were unavailable or a defence had to be fashioned quickly. Four hundred Rhinos assumed a perfect formation outside the walls in a layered barbican protecting the Legions’ line of retreat, while inside, an identical number of vehicles mirrored them. With the perforated citadel walls dividing them, the Rhinos became a fortified bunker complex from which to launch operations within the citadel. " This model was converted up after the Marine release in 2013 after seen the new Tank that the time. I had to paint this in a single day before travel down for Throne of Skulls Sept 2013, from what I rememeber day I'd aim get the model built, I ended up with a really bad headache. So meant I had the Monday get all the plasticard work done & Tuesday painting it all & weather powder. Thanatos Negaera led by Champion Dargron Valicar I wanted another squad & this lot got painted in October 2014, well first five of them. Then the other half of this squad got added in October last year. Rhino Vortrax Hydra, following on from the first Castellan Rhino Rhino Messor Ferrus This is Bronn Tal & his squad Rhino, one that service them really well since starting this Iron Warriors force. Keep a crucified Ultramarines. Sort of my trademark, as this was done back 2005 era with one of my Predators & during Conflict Scotland led to Graham McNeill spend time check the Iron Warriors during the event This was posted on the B&C forum back in 2005 from a member of staff that the time Bonjour! I'm that random member of staff who just floated about and didn't really achieve very much! Even though your army wasn't picked for the painting, it was top 3 and all the judges really really liked it (Graeme McNeill highly amused by the spreadeagle ultramile on your vehicle). I hope you had a good day, it was an awesome turnout, and everyone did seem to enjoy themselves! Finlay Rhino - Still add Name. This belong to my squad that going down the path of Khorne, Apocalypse, led by Champion Kroege Santarr. This was built & painted a few days before I was travel down to Nottingham to leave my Iron Warriors with the White Dwarf team. Obliterators - Still add name Obliterators are one of my favorited units. Don't care how there view on the forum. Pretty much back when the 3rd ed codex Chaos was release, one of the staff from my local store had a Thousand Sons force among many other cool Chaos armies, all converted out, all armies while I can't rememeber the models I know they've had a big part my life & always rememeber when seen them & the Templars army the staff member collected. That was how I wanted my hobby, that how I want to have my models. They'd done really cool conversion for Obliterators & really inspired me. Among so many other reason, Obliterators was another. Back then we had squad go up to 6 models. But the unit was a lot different. You could only fire 1 Lascannon, another one had to fire a Heavy Bolter. They had a lot more weapons, storm bolter, heavy bolter, assault cannons, there was a bigger list than what we had in 3.5, 4th & last ed. Dreadnought - Mayhem pack This unit came about in 2014 - 2015? I like the image that the Mayhem formation, that these Dreadnought would join Lord Narach & his squad of Terminators, along side any other units. Go after bunker, key commander, etc... Just general cause havoc in the enemy lines. While there no Champion rule wise, the one in the middile was inspired by the Warsmith Dreadnought in Dead Sky Black Sun. Dreadnought - Still add name. This was the first, he is the one of the oldest still battle models I have in my Iron Warriors. His life started that Christmas time 2001. Since they he been paint strip, repainted, paint strip quite a few times. When sort though boxies & find the predators, the Land Raider before moving house. I found him in a box along side a whole Battle force set of Ravenwing & 2nd ed Space Wolf Scout backpack. I knew then I had to bring him back, he needed painted. Since then he been back on the table & doing really well, show that helbrute are not terrible. Dreadnought - Still need name Following on from the first. Seem the Chaos Gods work in wired way. So 2015, I though getting a few more of the metal 2nd ed Dreadnought models....... I was that a local wargaming show....... I didn't just find one, but bought two for a really low price. Both models where in the 2nd ed era box, in White metal. Both models had never been glue, never been painted. I couldn't belive it to be honesty & out all models I ask friends to keep a eye out for. This surprise me the most that they'd be there. As the wargame show rarely sold many older Games Workshop models. It all current & to be honesty I rather get them from my local Games Workshop store & support them due to the work & help I;ve gotten over the years. So they got added to my ETL vows, pick up the Forge World arm during the Warhammer World re-open in May. Dreadnought - Still need name Then another one arrive. Little bit damage, but again unbuilt, unpainted. He got painted around Christmas time 2015 as well? Same time I was painting Archon for Age of Sigmar. Helbrute - Still need add name. In all honesty I'm not all to keen on the standard Helbrute model, same way I'm not keen on the current plastic Daemon Prince model. So I wanted to convert the model to fit in more way I'd like the model. I think he was put into the army in 2015 as the model painted on the 24th Decemeber where I go to my local Games Workshop store just to get some space/own time & hobby time as Christmas & boxing day get really busy. Warpsmith Dreadnought Same as above, but added in 2014? I just like adding theme to my models & something I talk about with a few people. I wanted a Warpsmith theme Helbrute. He was built & painted after Throne of Skulls March 2014 & painted while I recover from the travel side from return from Nottingham Knights - Still add name Painted this Knight last year. Just I was aim for a Knight force as the model are cool & really enjoy building & painting them. It because of this model I ended up bring a unbound Chaos Knight force along side my Terminators for Throne of Skulls March. This Knight was added 2015? I just wanted one with the chose of Battle Cannon. I didn't want to have my Knight have the same weapon in a list. This was my second Chaos Knight in 2014? This was inspired by Dan from the White Dwarf one, just like the pose & way Dan built the base for his Knight. As well as looking that the titan from the Bloodquest comics First Knight, inspired by one on facebook use the Chaos Warshrine. Again I was challenge by my local store get it painted in a week & it would be put on display. The next two Knights where never really planned. Both came about when the Renegade Knight box set was sold last year & getting the free limited ed Space Marine model. So this led to me wanting to make another Knight carry a Battle cannon. While the second one would follow the Renegade rules & take weapons that none of the Chaos Knight base on the Forge World rule could take. Something make it a bit more unique. Both painted during Call of Chaos last year. Biohazard and Aasfresser 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubblesMcBub Posted August 2, 2017 Share Posted August 2, 2017 Wow man your dreadnoughts and helbrutes are really cool like really cool! Same goes for your knights! Can you post a picture of all you knights side by side next update? I would really like to see them all together! Btw do you have a name for your knight house? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 2, 2017 Share Posted August 2, 2017 Damn man, I really love all your walkers, dreads, brutes and knights. Especially the knights, it's such a great scheme, it's cool that you didn't just paint them up as iron warriors as most would've done, yet tied them into the rest of the army with the black and yellow stripes. Also, 340 skulls?? You could build some sort of throne with those! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 2, 2017 Author Share Posted August 2, 2017 Wow man your dreadnoughts and helbrutes are really cool like really cool! Same goes for your knights! Can you post a picture of all you knights side by side next update? I would really like to see them all together! Btw do you have a name for your knight house? Thanks. Still got my Siege Knight to post - But can be seen on the first post. It'll be down to space. If not then I can search out the photos I'd taken in last year Throne of Skulls March when they where beside my unbound Terminators. Apart from the two new Knight from the Renegade set. They do have names, it just searching them. I need go back & add unit names when time permit as there all over the place right now in different army list or in the older topic before photobucket saw a end to that :( So doing this & trying add names will help me out a lot & just know what I've got. Damn man, I really love all your walkers, dreads, brutes and knights. Especially the knights, it's such a great scheme, it's cool that you didn't just paint them up as iron warriors as most would've done, yet tied them into the rest of the army with the black and yellow stripes. Also, 340 skulls?? You could build some sort of throne with those! New White Dwarf, I got mine on Monday for been a subscriber. It say there some new kits coming out for base. One them is skulls, you get 340. There different once, from Bloodletter, Kroot, etc... Not said when there due out, but I'm getting them. I've already bought I think over 40 boxes of the Vampire count skeleton over the years for trophies & base. They also get use for my Space Wolves & my Age of Sigmar force. I wanted Red for the Knights. Not sure why, just felt right & I like painting the Red Colour scheme. I like the idea that this is a house that has been part of my Iron Warriors force since the Horus Heresy. It been know for Titan & I'd guess Knight (only titan ever been said but that a while back) join the Iron Warriors force, becoming part of the Warband. As seen with Storm of Iron & Dead Sky Black Sun. Yellow back strip is a good way tie the army together as you said there. Same with my Guards. There weapons & backpack have it. So right now they will get there photos. I've just got the HQ's to get done, Heldrake & Fiend models get there photos. Then move onto the Chaos Guards & the Guard/Cultist side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 5, 2017 Author Share Posted August 5, 2017 Update Sadly didn't get any painting done today for the Thousand Sons. Instead I was getting a 125 power level game against my friends Space Wolves for the Fate of Konor. Just a few days before this that my gaming club, we had a Age of Sigmar game & that allow me get some photos of my AoS force.It was a really great game against the Space Wolves. They've just converted up the new Dreadnought for there Wolves & I'm really looking forward see it painted. So I'll get the base built tomorrow afternoon & try get some painting done for the Thousand Sons some point as well. Anyway for time been. Needless to say I'm really happy with the Codex Chaos Space Marines, going up for advance order today. I've order the standard codex, collector ed & the Maelstorm cards. Also order the Black Legion novel, but I've had to email mail order, as that novel not been release until the 19th & I'm not wanting it to delay my codex's release as I need them asap. I've watch a few review on youtube on the codex & really happy. I like the new art work of a Iron Warrior carry a Thunder Hammer & bring in a extra HQ chose, the Exalted Champion, act like the old Lt chose in the 3.5 era of codex Chaos Space marines. Also just pick up my Basilisk order today. White Dwarf from Monday (subscriber), then Fate of Konor badge & command cards. So the Basilisk will be for my Iron Warriors. I use to have one when I first started my Iron Warriors 2001 because of the Index Astarties rules. Back when you use to have to guess the range as well. It just always been a cool model. I'm just looking that White Dwarf 295 that Christian Bryne conversion from the Will of Iron article he had back then & a few other. I think for my one, I'm going have a plastic strom trooper that the front in the hatch with radio. While that the gun part, have two Iron Warriors, like Christian Bryne. I've got a few shells left from the Vindicator sprue I could use. Use brass etching as well & also add some trophies. Then fix this Havoc battle brother, just during today game. A Battlefleet gothic part broke off the backpack & loss it, so having to replace it I though add the skull/scanner than been seen on a few of my units. 5th Grand Company Almost there covering the 5th Grand Company. I've just got my Siege Knight left. I think I'll also add the Chaos Guards. Again, before photobucket chose to make changes, I'd just taken a lot of photos of my Chaos Guard force & had them all posted a few months ago.Maulerfiends - Still add names Both of these Maulerfiend models where added last year, with the Possessed, Rhino & Warpsmith. Been painted along side that lot in four days over the space of 24 hours before Throne of Skulls Sept. I wanted to add them, have few more Maulerfiend. Just before 8th ed, I'd always wanted the Maulerfiend to get squads, like we seen with predators & Vindicator.While Throne of Skulls, the aim gaming wise was to have them tag along my two Chaos Knights. The idea is them acting like hounds, while the Knights destroy bunker & building, the Maulerfiend would go in & flush out that unit of Imperial Guards for exsample. The Eldar bit on the base was tie in with a friend force. They've roughly theme there Eldar force on base like mine with the colour & water effect. But use plasticard & foam board. Maulerfiend - Still add name The Maulerfiend to the left was the first one I bought when they where release back in 2012. I was unsure if I wanted it as a maulerfiend or a forgefiend. I just bought the model as it was new, along side the Heldrake. The second Maulerfiend to the right was against in the event we ever got squad rules in the future & just have another one. Heldrake - Still add name This heldrake was just painted a week or so before my Iron Warriors travel down to Nottingham be drop off with the White Dwarf team. This one has been my favrioted, doing really well in games in terms that it always made it inv saves & wind up a lot of my friends for that reason. Heldrake - Still add name My third heldrake. Replace the first one (below) for games. When it came to gaming, only time I'd use all three Heldrakes would be in Apocalypse games. While 2013, I did use two in a few events, but to be honesty stop that. I kept the above heldrake, as the model give high to the force when they where on display & just have that flamer to deal with set units like Scouts with 2+ cover saves. Heldrake - Still add name This was the first Heldrake I got, bought on the release day of Chaos Marines in 2012. I went with this look for them as it was easier to get them in a box & later in a case for taken the models to games. If I done them the way they'd look, I don't think I'd ever gotten them to games & events.With this Heldrake, all the time I've use it in games. It never arrive until turn 5. It got beyond a joke that this would always happen. Even if a friend borrow the model it done the same for them as it done for me. Forgefiend - Still add name This was done around Christmas 2012 as part of Call of Chaos. I wanted the Forgefiend to be more like a artillery. Forgefiend - Still add name I wanted to try something different & though about having the Forgefiend walking on it two legs & having the weapon as part of him. Dark Apostle or - Forge Chaplain from Ben Counter novel, still add names After reading a short story by Ben Counter where Iron Warriors attack a Imperial Fist star fortress. It comment about them having a Forge Chaplain, leading a unit of Possessed. It was really cool, the description was really cool about how they'd chant the Unbreakable Litany.The middile Dark Apostle was the first one I converted & painted back in 2012. After getting the 6th ed box game Chaplain model from a friend. Painted 24th Dec along with my Forge World IW Dreadnought. The one to the right was painted a few days before my store ran a trip to Warhammer World back in 2013, take with him the buring brand. While the one to the left was painted during 2015 Call of Chaos or 2014? Chaos Lord - Still add name This model was painted same time as the Dark Apostle (left) during Call of Chaos. Wanted to try convert a model inspired by the old Warsmith model Games Workshop release back 3.5 era codex Chaos, when him & the IW upgrade where sold Narik Dreygur model As soon as I saw the Narik Dreygur model on the Forge World web site. I was contact a lot of friends, asking if they'd be able to pick him up for me. Since then I got one & I've still got a second one still in blister that I'm keeping aside. He just really cool & I wanted him as part of my Chaos era force & just added with him been a Iron Warrior - though no specific icons. Chaos Lord - Still add name Pretty much as soon as the 6th ed box game was shown. While the Chosen models are nice models, there not once I'm really interested in or how I want my Chaos Marines to look as there a bit to "warp" But the Chaos Lord himself was a really cool model & got painted right away when I got the box game for my birthday. I ended up using the Lord as part of my Armies on Parade board as well. This is the only Iron Warriors who has horns. Just I've never been keen on that look ether. Often going with spike seen them as another forum of weapon to use in close combat. Champion sprue - Still add name This model came about when Warhammer World ran a hobby challenge where each month. The theme was one of the single spure models by Games Workshop. You had a month to build, paint & if you want convert the model. You can see the other Champion models over on there facebook page Lord on Juggernaut - Still add name This model came about two year ago? Pretty much I started collecting Chaos Marines in 2nd ed, but games in 3rd ed. Back then there was a really cool Khorne Lord on Juggernaut. Few year ago, I saw a really cool conversion that a local wargaming show that the bring & buy, shame never got a photo of it :(But I wanted to add this model just for old time sake. Converted the Iron Warriors lord with the plastic juggernaut. I could never build a metal one again after all those juggernaut I build for my Daemon Force back in 2008 & amount time they'd keep breaking :( The Lord of Iron Here the very first Iron Warriors, the Lord of Iron himself. When it was announce he'd be on sale that the Forge World open day event. I was that Stirling castle, as work was been done that my house. It only when I was that the train station I saw the announcement & swore pretty loud, then running back home to see what was going on. I got a message from a friend who was attending the event, saying they'd knew before asking them that I'd want this model & would get him for me. Then after getting my Primarch model on the Friday. Spending Saturday painting him, got the Lord of Iron painted in 4 hours in all. Then later getting the Knight finish as I was unsure what colour scheme I'd go for. I've use him in a few games with my Chaos Marines as my friend wanted to use Vulken & then recently Russ. Needless to say if the Chaos version of the Lord of Iron ever release, I'm looking forward to that day. Bloodthister - Still add name So I've said about events & how my views have change over recent years. Well, to start. I've collected Daemons in 2008 & always though about updated them as soon as I started this version of my Iron Warriors, as a allies force & stand alone.Sadly that came to a stop. In 2013, a few people chose to attend a few local event with Sceamer Council. In the past I never really had a issue with army list, it was always down to the person who made the game fun or not. But after gaming against "that" list. It shown me how list can be pretty hobby destroying as well. The impact of this, was to stop me from collecting Daemons. Something that happen to a lot of my friends who collected Eldar, the Warp Spider spam list kicking about 2015 until mid last year put them off from Eldar & it a shame. But when the plastic Bloodthister model was shown in the White Dwarf. It brought back that hype & made me want to go back to those Daemons, then this was further added because of the Daemonkin codex, then when I got the Bloodoath book from Warhammer World where there was a formation for a Daemon Force I like. Also really like the Bloodletter colour scheme the Warhammer World display had. But back to the Bloodthister. He was release, got him built & painted in a week. He was great fun, follow Duncan painting guide on Warhammer TV. Chosen - Still add name This unit was added in 2012 as part of my Call of Chaos vow. Orignaly they where going to be the unit theme around Warsmith Abhorred Riddick old bodyguard unit of chosen, the once I have back in 2001, try carry forward new glory & theme/narrative. The aim was that any chosen units would be the only once to use the Raptor Bolt Pistol & Chainswords.....but there to cool & been use on a lot of other models. Chaos Guards - Still add name The Cultist have been model to double as cultist & chaos guards. I was orignaly going to make a Chaos Guard allies, which happen later with my Armour force. The theme was that they where part of a Forge World which act as a base for my Iron Warriors. That first in civil war, so Dark Mechanicus with these Chaos Guard, with my IW help over take the world & turing it into a Chaos Forge World. So these models have been built to act as both, depend what I'm wanting to use in my games. I think in the next update, I will get new photos of my Chaos Guard armour company with my leman russ, etc... First Blood Marker Dos challenge me during a event held on this forum to paint a Imperial Fist. But he didn't state how it was. So though I'd make a first blood marker to help remind me during games who got first blood.I though I'd base the marker on my game against Dave & his Imperial Fist from Throne of Skulls Sept 2013. When a lone IF & a lone IW both arm with Melta kept trying fire & pass ever cover save. It when close combat happen that both Marines where slay, but I claim I got first blood!!! Marqol 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marqol Posted August 6, 2017 Share Posted August 6, 2017 As a fellow Iron Warrior player who has found your thread great for inspiration, thanks for re uploading your pictures. As ever your army is looking stunning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 6, 2017 Author Share Posted August 6, 2017 As a fellow Iron Warrior player who has found your thread great for inspiration, thanks for re uploading your pictures. As ever your army is looking stunning. Thanks for the comment Marqol. Yes, just with the units. It been something been mean to do for a while. Few models have been replace, few have new trophy added to them & then 2015 I rebase my Iron Warriors onto 32mm base, soon after them was my Wolves that got rebase. I'll need to do the same with my Space Wolves, but I think they'll only be posted over on my facebook page. Update It been over 24 hour since the codex Chaos went up for advance order. I've been watching the review over on youtube by Mini-wargaming & a few other youtube account. I'm really looking forward to the release & it given me a few idea what I want to add. So here a few thing Well I'm already working on adding a new squad of Chaos Marines to my Iron Warriors soon. A friend just message me to say they've pick up the Warhammer World only tanks for me to convert. I want to convert up the Rhino for the theme & narrative of this unit. Bikes, so my originally unit was 10 models. Index had the squad max number going up to 9? I think this is still the case. So what this mean is I'm going to pick up another box of Ravenwing Knights to convert up. One will be a Champion, another with Melta. What I'm going to possible do is take member from the current unit & have it as two 6 Biker units in my army. Seem we have a new HQ chose, a Exalted Champion, bit like the lieutenant from the codex 3.5 era. In one of the review I've watch, it shown some really cool art work of a Iron Warrior, had a bionic leg & carry a Thunder Hammer, so I'm going to try do a conversion like that. I just need to wait until I get my codex & have a proper look before I go to buy parts. Because it sound like points & power level are going down on a lot of the units in my core list. It maybe possible that he can get added to my list. If that the case, then he most like going to be attach to my unit of Havocs. Just started building the Basilisk after building a army for a friend today. I was meaning to get the base made for my Thousand Sons unit, but get that done tomorrow. Just as soon as I start work on building the Basilisk I ended up losing track of time. So like a few other units in my Iron Warriors force. I use to have a Basilisk when I first started them. It was part of my Conflict Scotland force with Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, with his unit of Chosen led by Narach. Sorcerer Kurll along side there Land Raider Transport. With squad Iupatus Proeliator & Be Graphicus, along side Obliterators & my unit of Khorne Berserker. This will use the rules from the Forge World Index book. Crew - I wanted a Iron Warrior to be the commander of the tank. Trust in a Veteran of the Long war & a Dark mechanicus tech-priest to chant pray to the Chaos Gods as the shells fire. For the Iron Warrior, I wanted to use the bare head from the Iron Hand model from the Deathwatch Over-kill box game, find it more fitting for the theme & narrative I want for this model. I'm not sure what else to add or if anything else need to be added to this tank. I'm going to look back that some past Iron Warriors armies I've save photos of from the forum for reference & conversion idea. 5th Grand Company Over the past few updates I've been shown the units in my Iron Warriors force. I've not shown the Dark Mechanicus or (beside the Cultist) the Chaos Guards side....yet. Here the finial but no mean least for the Iron Warriors. Mortis Tyrant of Olympia - The Siege Knight This Knight conversion came about in 2015. Pretty much I was aiming on adding more Knights & have a army of them for my Iron Warriors. View them to become part of the Warband, much like it view in the background that titan soon become part of set warband of Iron Warriors. I really wanted a Chaos Knight that was "mine". Something that would stand out & be the alpha Knight, one who'd be the warlord. Pretty much after the Warhammer World re-open in 2015 with all the cool display. I was really inspired, the re-open of Warhammer World was the best hobby experience I've had. It wasn't just that, I wanted to make a Knight that stood out & really felt like it belong to the Iron Warriors. I wanted a Knight that was theme around siege. So I done a lot research. The Lord of the Ring, siege of Gondor been the main part with "The Wolf" who break the gates of Minis Tirith. So I wanted one arm to have a wrecking ball, that would break any fortification doors, walls, destroy bunker. The flames where painted in green to show it as been part of the warp. While the Hellcannons on the top rep the Melta weapon Knights get. Seen it like the Wild Fire seen in Game of Thrones during the Battle for Black Water. Seen the ammo as a way that would destroy all before it. It has been a costly conversion, but end of the day I really enjoy converting & painting the model. It was one of my ETL vows in 2015. It also been the first model I try using transfer on. As the Iron Warriors transfer sheet was on display during the Warhammer World re-open & sold around this time two year ago Since then I've included transfer in a few models find them add another bit to my hobby skills. Biohazard, Gabocius, deathspectersgt7 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabocius Posted August 6, 2017 Share Posted August 6, 2017 Man, I feel overwhelmed by size and the quality of your army ! If I ever built an army of Iron Warriors, I guess I want them to look totally like yours ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 7, 2017 Share Posted August 7, 2017 As always I don't know where to comment. I'm a huge fan of your army and you always make me want to build and paint more IW. Simply amazing. That Basilisk will be glorious. The crew is a great addition. Keep 'em comming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 7, 2017 Author Share Posted August 7, 2017 Man, I feel overwhelmed by size and the quality of your army ! If I ever built an army of Iron Warriors, I guess I want them to look totally like yours ! Thanks Gabocius. With the Iron Warriors, my Space Wolves & Ravenwing. Or any army, it always going to be down to cool models & how I image my force, as seen here with the Iron Warriors. Never collect a army base on the current internet list. I still need to try get back to my Space Wolves army & get them up to a Great Company strength & get around to making the Lord of the Great Company. As always I don't know where to comment. I'm a huge fan of your army and you always make me want to build and paint more IW. Simply amazing. That Basilisk will be glorious. The crew is a great addition. Keep 'em comming! Thanks Aasfresser I'm going to have a search see if I've got any Grey Knight parts or standard Marines. Add a Blood Angel trophy, so it'll ether be a Librarian or a Tactical Marine. It'll be on the shield that the top. I'm also thinking for that shield having one side with a Chaos star (as seen on the Siege Knight & Terminator Standard), while the other side the yellow & black strip where I'll use the Forge World transfers with the Iron Warriors Icon, letter & IV. Ryltar Thamior 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted August 7, 2017 Share Posted August 7, 2017 Some beautiful work in here :D Well done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 9, 2017 Author Share Posted August 9, 2017 Some beautiful work in here Well done! Thanks for the comment Ryltar :D Update Just spent today painting the Basilisk. I like the idea that the Iron Warrior the spotter, to make sure that the job done. While the Dark Mechanicus Tech Priest give the IW order to the crew & for aim the weapon. While somewhere in the background would be Renegade Guards & Slaves dragging the ammo needed. I though for the trophy I'd add shoulder pads this time from the Deathwatch kit. So the Blood Angel & Imperial Fist rep the Siege of Terra. While the other side show Raven Guard & Iron Hands, rep istvaan V. With the Ultramarine & Flesh Tearer rep more recent. I'm going to add more trophy to the Basilisk, once the 340 skulls are release. I want to add Bloodletter & other skull above the cannon, with the brass etching barb wire from Forge World. So just need added some transfer. Then here the crew. Thousand Sons Got these 5 Thousand Sons models painted for today, for the Fate of Konor. Still need add transfer & varnish them. Just I've not really had to much time as there been a lot on the go that the moment. But things will settle down by next week hopeful & I can get this squad finish, as the other battle brother have there base all done. It just put sand & undercoat them. I'm going to re-paint the blue armour on this Sorcerer I done last year or year before for ETL or Call of Chaos?? It just I;ve always like this model. Also from seen Aasfresser - Thousand Son's force, check out the log he's got on the forum. Also just got this today as a friend was down that Warhammer World recently & I ask them to pick this up for me. Going to convert the Rhino for my Iron Warriors for a new unit I'm building soon. Land Raider be added as well, mean all my Terminators have Rhino transport & a good part my army has transport. As said Mech armies are my favorited & way I enjoy gaming. Sadly due to issue with the trains, when trying get back home. I've been stress & really tired. I was hoping to get a unit by unit photos of my Chaos Guards. That will still happen, but maybe need to wait until the weekend or the next update. Pretty much I've wanted to start a Chaos Guard army during 2012, just before 6th ed & allies where brought in. Then during that time, for one reason or another when I started. The project came to a halt. I kept trying & codex got a update. It going to the point where Call of Chaos 2015, I just vow my Chaos Guards to give me that deadline. It was the case of, if I didn't do it back then, it would never got done that all. As said I like Mech armies & I wanted a Armour company inspired by George Dellapina force in a classic White Dwarf. I got a lot of the models during my birthday & bought some. Then spent a good amount time getting it all done. The force took it colour scheme from the Forge World Model Master class book. Painting wise it was pretty much using the Games Workshop spray gun & base coat spray. Shades & Battle damage. I went for the plastic Storm trooper as Veteran for the 4+ save. But how I image my Chaos Guards. If anyone played Half Life 2, you'll know the combin & the different ranks from police, military & elite. How they get mod as they go up the tanks by the combin race. So I like to think that these Veteran never remove those gas mask & how the warp or the obliterator virus or Chaos general change them compared to my Cultist who are still human looking. So I'll get there photos upload in a few days time. Aasfresser, brettfp, Marqol and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen.Steiner Posted August 11, 2017 Share Posted August 11, 2017 This army is absolutely outstanding. Seriously inspirational. I love it a lot. 10/10 would heretic again. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 13, 2017 Author Share Posted August 13, 2017 This army is absolutely outstanding. Seriously inspirational. I love it a lot. 10/10 would heretic again. Thanks for the comment Gen.Steiner Update. So first all, I'm really happy with the new codex Chaos. It a release I'm always looking forward to, I don't care how other view the release. Chaos Marines is my main faction & the reason I collect them today is the same reason as when I first started collecting them in 1996. I can careless on top armies, internet list, that not how I do this hobby. I really like the art work, the image of the Chaos Marines is really cool. Just I was never a fan of the flat art work Games Workshop went for in the last few codex & campaign books. I prefer the way they've started doing them now, how it more in line with Forge World style of art work when shown a Marine. I've just started reading some of the background today. So I got the standard version for gaming & collector version, as said with Chaos been my main force. So standard one will be for gaming, even then I'm weary as there are people & oppents who treat stuff with little to no care. I was that a local event yesterday. So I've only had time to add weather powder & transfer for the Basilisk. I should hopeful have it all complete by the end of the week if time permits. So there will be a few more trophy added to this once the new box of skulls is release Also I'm really like the new art work from the codex. So I'm thinking of making my own version of this Iron Warrior, to be my Exalted Champion, who will tag along with my Chaos Marines. I'll search for some parts later today so I can get him sorted, along with a new 5 Chaos Marine unit. Then as said yesterday I attend the DWARF - Fire Storm event. I've been going since 2013 when it first started. As always it been good day, some great games. My Iron Warriors got 2nd place for Best army :D Syn's Emperor Children won Best army overall, you can find Syn's army log on this link Really great Emperor Children force, which he's recent rebase to 32mm. Ever single model converted & it well worth check out the army log. We've got a grudge match arrange for DWARF Winter War event in November. Last time we had game was Winter War 2015, been hoping to get a re-match. Just Fire Storm I already had a grudge match sorted against Liam who in charge of Caledonian Deathwatch podcast. Aasfresser and Marqol 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 As always, great show IP. Great show! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
outlanders_luke Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 I remember reading your old log through about a year ago, thinking how amazing it was so I'm really glad to have found you've started again and keep adoing to it. Looking forward to more updates Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 Thanks for the comment Update Here the Basilisk. Just need add some typhus corrosion on part of the cannon. Then it just waiting for the box of skulls to be release & add them on the gun shield. Selucid Thorakite Finial got around taken some photos of my Chaos Guards, just before yesterday Game of Thrones. As said there in the last update. I started a Chaos Guard force in 2012, just before 6th ed got release & allies where brought in. But it was one of those armies they'd start going, then stop. It got a bit frustrating, then in 2015 the Guard codex been updated some point during then or year before & it brought something that really help me for the army I wanted, Tank commander.Pretty much the armour company is a standard store list. A lot of people that my local store have this force as well. It because it look cool, there something great seen all these tanks on the gaming table when there all fully painted & how different painted ever single one them are. But 2015 I sort had enough & that the point, if I didn't get my Chaos Guard army done then. It was never going to happen. So when Call of Chaos happen, I vow a lot of units for this. 2x Leman Russ, 2x Demolisher Leman Russ, 3x Wyverns & 4x Sentinels. Getting a few of these models for my birthday.For the colour scheme, I went with the one from the Forge World model masterclass book. That the time I had to mix my own paint follow there guide & spray that one with the Games Workshop spray-gun. Then that was follow by spray desert yellow? using the Games Workshop base spray paint. Before adding shade, the colour where pretty bold & in your face.After that it was pretty much just adding shade, heavy mix with medium so there would be no pooling. Then just adding battle damage with foam with dark brown & rune fang, painting the rivets & then all metal & Chaos icon. It only take a few hour get them paints. I am aim to go back to this force. I'd like to add the Death Korp Rough Rider models that Forge World sell. There set models & units I belive ever army should have regardless how there view gaming term. Rough Rider are one of the unit I think all Guards armies should have in my view. Beyound that, I do have a good core of troops, since a lot of my Cultist are standard Guards. I just need to model Enforcer & other character. I'm going to pick up the Forge World book for them soon so I can get a idea & make a list for that. With my Chaos Guards been theme around a Forge World where Dark Mechanicus started a civil war, with IW arrive later to help the balance. I though I'd add some here & there, ether as Champion in standard squads or as crew for tanks like Wyverns. Veterans - Pretty much, it one those it was maybe best that it taken some time for this Chaos Guard army to happen. Games Workshop release updated plastic Storm Trooper & they look really cool. I wanted them in the Chaos Guard force & though Veterans would suit them for the narrative/theme of my army. Anyone who played Half Life 2. So there the combin (sp?), there the human who join the Aliens, that bad guy's in the game. There the police who are just standard human (my Cultist), then as you go up in the ranks. The person get mod to the point there no longer human, with a lot tech added onto them.So that how I like to see this. So the Chaos Guard, the Cultist are the bolter fodder. While the Veterans are a bit more up in the level, give a limited trust in set task. So I do plan to add more onto this in the near future, like a few different tanks like Hellhound, maybe different version of the Leman Russ. To be honesty I have no idea what any of the updated Guard stuff does as I've not been able to get the index that the moment. As said end of the day for me, it more important to add the models I like & fit the theme & narrative I want for my force. I don't even know how all these tanks are in 8th ed, other than I had wound values. But as said I'm getting the Forge World index for this army pretty soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Sapper Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 Great stuff in here. I love your Army and use it as inspiration for my own. I'm curious where you get your bits from, especially the servo arms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 Great stuff in here. I love your Army and use it as inspiration for my own. I'm curious where you get your bits from, especially the servo arms. Thanks for the comment. The servo arm It from the plastic Tech-Preist model. Other wise, before he was release it was the one from the Forge World Tech-Priest but that is extremely fragile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirstSonofHorus Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 Love this thread. Not only are they beautifully (Iron Warrior beauty standards are a little different) painted, you have background and a little explanation for why you do it. I loved the old thread, it is great to see it continued. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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