hushrong Posted April 30, 2019 Share Posted April 30, 2019 That other gamer sounds like a pain but I hope you are feeling better. Wild that you were in pain from your sinus' for 28 hours. All the new goodies look great and I'm excited to see tackle that To-Do list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 1, 2019 Share Posted May 1, 2019 Excellent work on the new models. You're very skilled in painting metallic surfaces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 9, 2019 Share Posted May 9, 2019 Hey IP, great to see you still chugging along. The new chaos marines look dope, I’m thinking of doing them up as Iron Warriors myself. To that end, can I ask a dumb question? Do you just spray the leadbleacher spray directly on to the plastic? Or do you spray them black first? I sort of feel I want to prime them black before I spray the boltgun metal... hope that makes sense! I’m re-reading your old thread too it’s so chock full of inspiration! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted May 9, 2019 Share Posted May 9, 2019 We have someone in the gaming community who will show up ever often. When they do, there pretty ill & had a rep for spread what ever illness they have. If it not that, then they are about because they want to spoil recent movies or TV shows... Avenger & Game of Thrones recently been on. Do they play Nurgle? Really horrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 9, 2019 Author Share Posted May 9, 2019 So they not be any update for a while. Thing got worst with been ill. It went from a sinus infection for two weeks, to a virus that been here for three weeks. For the past two weeks, left side of my face has been in pain. Sunday there been the worst pain I have ever felt from 6pm to 9pm. Doctor say should clear by next week... I'm just going have to sit and wait until it clear. All this because one person spread illness and mutate them. So it meant no hobby this week. This has been by far the worst illness I've gone through. Hey IP, great to see you still chugging along. The new chaos marines look dope, I’m thinking of doing them up as Iron Warriors myself. To that end, can I ask a dumb question? Do you just spray the leadbleacher spray directly on to the plastic? Or do you spray them black first? I sort of feel I want to prime them black before I spray the boltgun metal... hope that makes sense! I’m re-reading your old thread too it’s so chock full of inspiration! Spray black first. Always use black undercoat first before use any of the other colour spray. Other spray are not really undercoat. Also with leadblecher going onto bare plastic. It might be easy to miss apart, you'll not notic it until you start painting the model. Also some time the shade me go funny, vanish when paint onto the spray model. Just wipe the model and it be ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 10, 2019 Share Posted May 10, 2019 Ok yeah cool thanks! that’s what I thought! I swear to god one of the red shirts at GW was trying to convince me that the colour sprays were primers too, and could be sprayed right on to plastic. I told him he should read the description on the webstore more carefully, because only the black and the white spray cans are referred to as being primers. Thanks a bunch you have totally validated that for me. Plus it’s good advice to spray black first to check for coverage. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 11, 2019 Author Share Posted May 11, 2019 Small update This pretty much sum up what the passed fifteen days have been like for me. As said I've been pretty unwell, turn out to be a horrible virus & all because of one person who show up now & then in my gaming community. There well know for spreading & mutate any illness they have. In fact I've been informed that on Thursday they've shown up with a horrible cold, this has been there fourth illness since March... Few hobbiest are already suffering from this out break. However I've seem to been ok during today & if this can keep up. Should hopeful be back to normal by the end of the week. Some photos taken from my game on Thursday last week against my friend Salamander. Where Warsmith Abhorred Riddick slay all the character, from the Captain, Librarian & Apothecary in combat. I did get a bit of hobby done today. Just to see what I can do & due to not really been able to do anything since Friday last week. So mange to get both these Havocs ready for undercoating. So those two, along with the rest of the squad. All going to plan & I recover, I'd like to have them finish by next weekend. I've also kept forgetting to add the test scheme for my Black Legion. I'm still working out what I want the models to look like. But I want my warband to be the Hound of Abaddon as my originally Black Legion force was Khorne heavy. Part of me though about using the FW Night Lord helmets, but another part of me has though of using the FW World Eater upgrade packs. So using the body & Khorne pads, with the legs, helmet & backpack from the new Chaos Marine set.I've got a few spare part & see what I can sort out. Abaddon. My aim was to paint him during tomorrow to Tuesday 14th. But that currently been put back until I have 100% recover. However if I'm ok during tomorrow, I will get the base sorted out so he is ready for undercoating. Mange to get out for the first time in a week & mange to pick up this lot from my local store. The box of Chaos Marines will go toward making another Breacher theme squad for my Iron Warriors. As I would like to see what the new kit like with those parts. While the Rhino will go toward one of the two squads I've already got. I've still got another Rhino to build up. Really happy with today announcement for codex Chaos Knights. Since the knight where first release 2014, I've always though how cool it would be for Chaos to get there version. I know a lot of my friends where more than happy for me to use the Knight in our games, back when 6th ed allies where different. Then later we ended up getting rule from Forge World to use our Knight. I've now got a Knight force which has went onto seven Knight & four Armiger. With (never remember it name) the heavy support Knight about to arrive in a few week time, thanks to B&C member Bio. But after today annoucment, will see this force grow. As always I pick a army because I like the model, I'm not all to keen on the latest internet list. End of the day, rule change. I'm in the hobby because I want to have these cool models. When I game, I just want fun game with epic moment as shown above. If possible, I would like to use my Knight in one event up here this year. Part of me is thinking of using the new Chainsword & replace the once that is current on my Siege Knight. Just to add that bit more aggressive feel as the Siege Knight (below) meant to be the alpha Knight & the one who will always be my warlord when taken the Knights as a stand alone force. With the new Knights. I'm aim on getting one of each for the Iron Warriors. While my World Eater will get one for them self, which will be all bash up & damage. My unbound Chaos Knight force from Throne of Skulls Carange 2016 that Warhammer World. Along with my unbound Terminators force. The knight where really last moment as the fourth Knight was painted a few days led up to the event, for another event I was attending the week after. Looking that the model & Throne of Skulls allow us multi armies/list that the time. I though I would bring them. Swap between the Terminators & Knight list each round. So needless to say the codex & one new Knight will be bought right away Noserenda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 18, 2019 Author Share Posted May 18, 2019 Update Just when it seem this illness is gone, it been one step forward & two step back. Also the hot weather on Wednesday didn't help. But since yesterday, I've been able to return painting after two & a half weeks which for me longest time in ten years I've not painted a miniature. Be honesty this has been the main thing I've missed compaired to TV or my PS4. Mange to spend today just getting the finial part paints for the two new squads of Iron Warriors. Once there Rhino are sorted, I'm looking forward using them in there first game. I've really like the new Chaos Marine kits. Also mange spare a few moment during today getting bit paint added to the Havocs. The Champion & two Lascannon models where the last models that where painted two & a half week ago. But aim getting them & the Autocannon havocs all painted by the end of next weekend.. Finial getting around to getting the Khorne biker finish. It just to get the weather powder & blood for the blood god added. I will be adding the finial three Battle Brother to this unit, there current been kept back for ETL that the moment. I also need to get around buy the new Flesh Hound models so they can get added to the base as well. After using my World Eater in a game during the week. If your on Instagram, you can find a few photos from the game over on my account I've had a quick look that a few of my models & though about adding some changes to them. For a few, it just adding shoulder pads from the brand new Chaos kit. Or maybe replace a model, like the Night Lord Battle Brother & how I want him to look, as well as the narrative on why he part of my warband. Or, seen below replace helmet on the Black Legion. It fine to look back that models & armies, maybe adding or changing parts as end of the day you just want to have models you think look cool. Finial - Abaddon. Again, I was hoping to spend 12th to 14th May painting him, but instead those days where spent recovering from one of the worst illness I've personal been though. I've kept Abaddon aside since the release for that moment. But when I felt ok yesterday & felt ok painting. I just needed to start painting. Just I tend to dislike putting models off for a long period of time if I can help it. I'm not sure why, but it does put me off painting a model & I did not want this to happen with the new Abaddon model. So right now I'm planning on trying to keep a few spare moment aside during the week to get him painted.I think I will be doing this for my Black Legion from now on. Taken on Duncan guide for painting Thousand Son's over on Warhammer TV. With ETL been announce during the week. I've though it might be time to start that Thousand Son's force. I've already painted two armies of them for others. They wouldn't really cost to much to get a 2000ish pts force together. I wouldn't really add to much onto them other than Daemons & just a few units to change the list around. I do have a few conversion plans for the Sorcerer as well. I think I'm going to use the Necromunda 32mm base, models below will get rebase. I've got a rough idea what I want. For ETL, it going to pretty much be a large batch paint for the gold & blue basecoat phase, before split it down to a few models for all the detail work. Then just got this lot during today. - Chaos Marines: Some will be use toward Character for my Iron Warriors, one will be use as a new Night Lord member for my Berserker. While a few other of the models will be use toward Rhino crew. - Skulls, always need more. - Assassin's: Base is going toward the Champion of my Siege Breacher squad. My third unit (models bought last week) of Iron Warriors will be another unit of Siege Breacher, as I'd like to see how the new Chaos Marines look. I've got a FW order from egg head miniature that have enough Iron Hands shield for this unit. With ETL been announce recently. I've got a few thing I would like to try get done during the event. Thousand Sons As said it mainly to get a 2000pts force together - Thousand Sons power armour models - Sorcerer - Predators - Daemon Prince Chaos Knights - That least one brand new Knight. Just having to wait & see when the release date. - Heavy Support Knight (can never remember it name). Bio has help me out a lot with the model & this should be arrive soon. I've already got a few conversion plans & this is most like going to be part of my first vow, along with the Thousand Son's. World Eater - 3 Biker, just help bring the current squad to 8 member. Try model a few of the models on other warband to fit the narrative of my own. - Executioner. Since been brought in with the new codex. I knew right away my Berserker warband need one. This will most like be near the end of ETL Nurgle I want to go back to my Death Guards & just add a few Character models. - Lord in Power Armour. I now have a idea how I want him to look. While the Terminators Lord most like going to be kept back until Call of Chaos to be honesty. Iron Warriors Always adding onto them - Rhino for new squads - New Character from codex Chaos - Wait & see to be honesty. Noserenda, Bjorn Firewalker and Dizzyeye01 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 19, 2019 Share Posted May 19, 2019 Excellent work on the traitors. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 22, 2019 Author Share Posted May 22, 2019 Update After seven weeks, it look like this virus I've had is finial going away. If today anything to go by, then I should hopeful be ok during the next 48 hours. Today actule been the best I've been over the seven weeks. I will be taken Sunday off to try get some of my own models built, with the led up to ETL. With that been said. Recently Bio help out with this lot with a recent trade. Project Thousand Sons is now going forward & I'm looking forward converting up the heavy support Knight. The classic plastic Berserker was from ebay after seen them recently & they will also be part of my ETL vow. Also forgot to add photos of the game I had last week with the World Eater against Ultramarines. Gaming ending 8vpts each, draw. Since feeling a lot better today. Mange to spare a bit of time getting Abaddon painted. If all goes to plan, Abaddon should hopeful be complete between Friday to Saturday. Also mange to get a few object marker made for my World Eater, it about time I get a few model up. There still two more, one going to be a axe in the ground & possible another fallen World Eater? The finial one, I'm not quite sure. I'm trying to keep them to the theme of my World Eater during the Warhammer World Dark Zone campaign weekend that Warhammer World. Also going to update a few World Eater with the new Chaos Marines shoulder pads & replace a few parts. I've had this Slannesh Marine sitting since Christmas time. I think it about time to get him painted & will act as a Lord for ETL. I base this upon Syn warband, you can find his army log on these forums. Bit progress on the Havocs. Spent a bit today, but because been a bit worry with the way I've been for the past week with the virus. I had to cut today painting season that my local store short. But hoping to get the unit finish by the weekend. With the Havocs. I am thinking painting the Iron Warriors icon in white, as seen in the Vigilus 2 campaign book. robofish7591, Bjorn Firewalker, Dizzyeye01 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Excellent work on the Objective markers. The Havocs are well-painted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 26, 2019 Author Share Posted May 26, 2019 Thanks Bjorn Firewalker Quick update Abaddon nearly complete. I'm just need to varnish Abaddon & when I am better, it just to tidy up/add any last bit of detail. There some finial highlight I need to add & I've also still got to add transfer to the Space Wolf helmet. It just I am now on my seven & a half week of this virus... Needless to say I am really fed up & really want it gone now. So there been some parts in the day where I do just need to do nothing, due pain now shifted to the sinus to the right side of my face. But no where near as bad as start of the month with the left side. Abaddon has been a great model to paint. Really like the new sculpt & Seb really done justice. I started the hobby when Abaddon & the 2nd ed codex Chaos Space Marines where release. Also mange to spare a few moment just sort out these Berserker. Was just to replace the leather loin cloth on a few & add shoulder pads from the new Chaos kit on other few models. As said before I tend to go back time to time & replace & add part to models just update them a bit. Also got the object marker sorted yesterday while I was that my local store. Like Abaddon, they are nearly finish. But I need to wait until I'm not ill for that to happen. Also got the Age of Sigmar object marker which I though was pretty cool. Rep a statue of the Emperor, a Saint, a hero or maybe someone who rule the planet they where on when the event of Dark Zone took place. I just need a 6th marker to get built now, but I'm not sure what to do. Part of me though of the Primaris Marine from Harrokon base, show it as been a blood sacrifice? Another was to build a World Eater with a Heavy Bolter (15th Fang from ADB Talons of Horus novel) with a few dead orks. I've also still got to paint the Flesh hound object marker that was made during the week as well. With today been planned as my day off. I though I would get some new base sorted for my Thousand Son's. I'm going to be my army with the Necromunda style base as they just look a bit more cooler than the once I use on the unit before. As said, I took today off with the aim try get a few models built. Mange to get the Thousand Sons built first thing this moring. The right arm will be kept separate, just help when painting the blue armour. Once the blue & highlight for that all painted, I will glue the arm's in place & also get the models onto there base. I've also planned my 2000pts list for the Thousand Sons. I just wanted to get a army of them together after already painting two different armies for other people. There really great models (when you get past the base coat phase). I don't really use a lot psychier if any, I think 7th ed was the only time I really started getting into use psychic power. So a lot of those models will be vow toward ETL. I'm also looking forward getting two of these Contemptor, which make up for me been gutted that Forge World no longer sell the Chaos Dreadnought. But I don't think I will have them vow for ETL, I need to see how everything else goes. Then finial getting this Knight built. I just wanted to get the skeleton of the model built. Beyound that I want to try keep everything else aside until the Knight is fully converted. I've got a lot idea, but until he is fully built, it need wait until that day. Also though I would take the time quick note down how I'm planning my ETL vows. Planning really help & more so when there a deadline for a event like ETL. It also allow me sort plan out my money as well.Right now I know the Thousand Sons will take a bit of time during the basecoat phase. I'm aim batch paint the two squads during this phase, before breaking them down for highlight & detail work. First vow pretty much going to be IW Siege Breacher squad. Thousand Sons squad Thousand Sons squad IW RhinoTS RhinoTS RhinoTS PredatorTS PredatorTS PredatorKnight (shown above)Knight, when new once releaseFallen Sorcerer 3 World Eater Biker Saturday 1st - Friday 7th Sun - Getting the IW Siege Breacher squad built. Getting 2x Rhino inside detail painted Mon - FW Order for Thousand Sons door upgrade & Transfer sheet. Bit + ebay order Wed - Paint IW Breacher squad. Buy 1x Thousand Sons box set, 2x Rhinos, 1x Dark Angel Primaris Lt (Fallen), Mail order 2x 32mm Necromunda base Fri - Build Thousand Sons models Sat 8th - Fri 14th Sat - Get Breacher squad finish painted. Build Thousand Sons Rhinos Sun - Spray paint 2x Rhinos & 2x squad Thousand Sons, get metallic phase done. During this week it mainly just getting the blue basecoat done for the Thousand Sons models. Once that phase is over, it lot easier & more fun. Sat 15th - Fri 28th Sat 15th - Pick up 3x Predators Also aim to try get the Knight shown above painted during this week. That get done during the week when I'm aim spare a few hour here & there. Get the World Eater Biker ready during then. Hope mid July that vow 1 is complete. After that my other vows will mainly be Character. I need to get a Lord in Power armour sorted for my Death Guard. World Eater need a Dark Apostle & Executioner.While my Iron Warriors, I'm looking that a Executioner & Master of Possession just so I have those models.For the Thousand Son's I also be looking getting the Exsalted Sorcerer I'm needing for my list. As said I "might" get the Dreadnought for then. August is been kept aside, with events happing & new models needed for them. I'd like to try keep some vow aside for this when it happen. Other wise I'm more than happy sort them during my week off which will start from Saturday 31st August to Sunday 8th September I Iron-Daemon Forge rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos forum and vow to complete Vow 1Iron Warriors 5 Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines, Flamer, Bolter. Champion w/Chainaxe & Combi Bolter Rhino - 72 Rhino - 72 Venom Crawler Master of Possessed HeldrakeMaulerfiend MaulerfiendLand RaiderWorld Eater3 Chaos Space Marine Biker Dark Apostle Thousand Sons 10 Rubric Marines, 1 Soul Cannon, 1 Icon, Force Stave 10 Rubric Marines, 1 Soul Cannon, 1 Icon, Force StaveExalted Sorcerer on Disc, Force StaveExalted Sorcerer on Disc, Force StaveRhino - 72Rhino - 72Rhino - 72Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Chaos KnightsKnight Castellan. Fallen Angels #Marchofthefallen Fallen Angel Lord once know as Captain Semper, Power Sword, Plasma Pistol Cypher Black Legion *Waiting to hear what units my friend wanting to paint for them for a event in August. of total value [insert total points’ value of the vow here] on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end Midnightmare 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 3, 2019 Author Share Posted June 3, 2019 Update After two months, it now seem that the virus is lifting. I've been ok since Saturday but that the same time just been careful as I though I was ok a few week go & then got worst. As said this has been one of the worst illness I've gone though & I would never want it upon anyone else. Anyway, the ETL has started & I've vow the following I Iron-Daemon Forge rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos forum and vow to complete Vow 1Iron Warriors 5 Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines, Flamer, Bolter. Champion w/Chainaxe & Combi Bolter Rhino - 72 Rhino - 72 Master of Possessed, what ever standard gear is Heldrake w/FlamerMaulerfiend w/Lash - 132 Maulerfiend w/Lash - 132Land Raider, Twin Heavy Bolter & 2x Twin LascannonsWorld Eater3 Chaos Space Marine Biker, just Combi Bolter Thousand Sons 10 Rubric Marines, 1 Soul Cannon, 1 Icon, Force Stave 10 Rubric Marines, 1 Soul Cannon, 1 Icon, Force StaveExalted Sorcerer on Disc, Force StaveExalted Sorcerer on Disc, Force StaveRhino - 72Rhino - 72Rhino - 72Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Predator, Heavy Bolter, Twin Lascannon - 150Chaos KnightsKnight Castellan. Fallen Angels #Marchofthefallen Fallen Angel Lord once know as Captain Semper, Power Sword, Plasma Pistol Cypher Black Legion Maulerfiend w/Lash 132 Dark Apostle, current plastic box set version. 10 Chaos Space Marines, Chainaxe Champion, Autocannon, Plasma Gun, Icon of Vengeance Master of Possessed Master of Possessed of total value 3522 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end I am not messing about with this. I had a lot models I want to get built & painted, along side starting a Thousand Sons army. So here what the past few days been like since been better. Just got my third, brand new Chaos Marine unit built. I wanted to try get a Siege Breacher theme for them, just to see what the new kits would be like. The only issue I really had was with the bolter, since they already have hands moulded onto the grip part of the weapon. So I ether had to use the only two that don't or use the bolter from the Tactical Marine kit. Same with the Flamer. I was orignaly going to make a unit of Terminators with barbed wire after someone quote a part from the Long War from the Beast arise series. But after the new Chaos models got announce & over the past few recent weeks. That idea change & though be better suited to try make this unit stand out a bit as there own theme. Also if you think about any Guards who have to try hold a trench while a shield wall happen. Think what Game of Thrones would have been like if the Bolton shield wall had barber wire on it? I like the idea from the model to the left, the jaws are from the Ork he slay - trophy on the backpack. Also the start of my Thousand Sons. The unit has taken 6 hours to paint so far. I've already painted two armies, one last year & one year before (all Terminators). So knew right away how I'd deal with painting my own & just getting passed the wall - Base coating the blue. Once that done & you get to the transfer stage, there something about seen them. So a Forge World order was place today for a few Thousand Sons upgrade for my tanks. But also the 32mm Necromunda base. Also just waiting on a few bit order to arrive as well.For the unit Sorcerer, I'm thinking of painting them in a metallic red colour that a lot of the Horus Heresy hobbiest tend to do. Also just to show there tie to there history. Though be nice & something help my warband theme. Beyound that need to wait for the bit order to arrive & there built before I show off anything. Had Horus Heresy transfer spare from the MkIII kit. So I think use it as my warband icon. Then a quick Exalted Champion that was made last week for my Berserker warband. Just a idea I had & he was going to be made sooner. He just had his first game on Thursday there. Khorne icon are 6's. It back when Warhammer World sold some theme dice for a while in 2017. Sadly they've not been re-stock in a while. Also the Object marker. So I have one more to get built & few part have been order for that. Also still got the FLesh Hound marker to paint up as well. So in a week time I'm going to get the Knight converted up. I have a idea, I had some of the parts with the rest arrive later. I'm wanting to wait until it is fully built before I post anything. But I'm that the stage I want to get it built now & get the idea in my head out of there. Biohazard and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 Well done. I was orignaly going to make a unit of Terminators with barbed wire after someone quote a part from the Long War from the Beast arise series. But after the new Chaos models got announce & over the past few recent weeks. That idea change & though be better suited to try make this unit stand out a bit as there own theme. Also if you think about any Guards who have to try hold a trench while a shield wall happen. Think what Game of Thrones would have been like if the Bolton shield wall had barber wire on it? With Westeros' downright PRIMITIVE medical services, barbed wire-covered shields will wound- and via infection, eventually KILL- their own wielders, in addition to the enemies they face. Against the White Walkers, such "defenses" are counterproductive. Of course, a Space Marine has power armor the barbed wire cannot pierce, a genetically enhanced immune system and healing abilities, and medical support from Apothecaries who know the value of disinfectants and antibiotics. He'll laugh at my concerns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted June 4, 2019 Share Posted June 4, 2019 Really liking the barbed wire on the shields, it's both brutal and perfectly apt for the siege legion. The addition of the entrenching tools is also a nice touch and the the champion's servo gear/weapon apparatus looks cracking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted June 4, 2019 Share Posted June 4, 2019 I might have to steal that oxide on those necromunda bases, mind are looking a bit too bare and clean. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 4, 2019 Author Share Posted June 4, 2019 Thanks for the replys Really liking the barbed wire on the shields, it's both brutal and perfectly apt for the siege legion. The addition of the entrenching tools is also a nice touch and the the champion's servo gear/weapon apparatus looks cracking. Just after the Beast Arise - Long War, it something I've wanted to try out but with Terminators until the new Chaos range got announce. But I didn't want to add to much due to been bit limited with the brass etching I have & wanting to use some of that when the new Chaos Knight finial release. Also want to try keep some aside for trophy for the new Rhinos for the squads :D If other hobbiest try this out, it really does need to be brass etching & not the wire that was release in City of Death 2006. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted June 5, 2019 Share Posted June 5, 2019 Like the barb wire on the shields + shoulder pads. Not a fan of it wrapped around the PA legs. What about adding barb wire chained to melee weapons around a gauntlet like BT do but they use chains. Snagged barbed wire on termi legs would look great, they are dragging the enemy wire with them, would look cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 8, 2019 Author Share Posted June 8, 2019 Update The squad of Siege Breacher are almost there. Aim try get the finial part done tomorrow & have the unit all complete & my first unit complete for ETL. I've also got a limited bit of barbed wire spare I'm going add around the right arm of the Champion & on the shovels. I've really enjoy convert up the unit. Orignaly the barbed wire was going to go for the unit of Terminators base upon Long War from the Beast Arise series of novels. But felt I'm more like going to use this unit bit more in games. Seen it wrap around the power armour & shield as another forum of weapon. Think if a Guard was trying to defend a trench. Also due to limit amount of the brass etching, as I would like to use some for the new Chaos Knight & possible a Dreadnought for my Iron Warriors. +Beast Arise: Echoes of the Long War+Behind them marched a second ten-man squad, who fanned out, adopting a staggered firing line of bolters and siege weaponry, shielding the ponderous advance of a final three Iron Warriors behind them. They were huge, armoured like tanks, and bound in razor wire. Terminators. The colossi stomped into position behind the Traitor Space Marines, Tactical Dreadnought suits purring and belching black smoke as they redressed the aim of their combi-bolters towards the Militarum Tempestus The second unit of Thousand Sons for my new army. I'm thinking going back to the first unit & re-painting the right shoulder pads to have the icon show below & have this as my warband icon. I've just got the metal part on the tabard left to paint. I just wanted to get the models up to this stage, but I think I'm going to wait until the third unit (bought during the week) is all painted up as well. Here the Sorcerer who will be leading this squad into battle. I'm going to convert all the Sorcerer to have these wings to be part of there narrative & also show there favour from Tezenetch (sp) trying to have them as a mini version of the Greater Daemon. For the Sorcerer colour scheme. I'm wanting to go with the metallic red that a lot of the Heresy hobbiest seem to use for there armies. I'm not sure if I will go for the re-release FW Air paint when that release next week. Or while I was that my local store today, I try out the contrast paint. Below model was with the gold spray paint & then Blood Angel red contrast paint. Not quite sure how the photo turn out, but a lot people seem to really like the look of the model. I was going to wait. But I though just show off the Knight, which I trade Biohazard from the forum just a month ago for a few stuff. I have wanted to get this model since last year, when it was preview. But I've never really had the time or the money to spare to be honesty. But since it preview I've often though about converting it to be like the Warlord Titan from Storm of Iron. Where it describe as having a wrecking ball tail. Orignaly the Skaven part was going to be use as a mace for a Daemon Prince conversion I was trying out but it never really went forward. While the Heldrake neck always been spare after buying the kit as a few part where use to replace broken part on my current Heldrake models. I'm just waiting on the Bloodletter banner to arrive which will be use as a loin cloth. Then I'm going to add a few trophy around the hip. I also need to add green stuff. Other wise I would like to try get the metallic painting done by next weekend & start painting a model in a week time. I'm really hoping the Chaos Knight codex get announce tomorrow & would be nice to have the model ready so I can get a few games when I get my own copy. I also have the oop FW Dragon Teeth tank traps, so I'm not sure if I'm going to add them to the base or I also have a few of the oop Necromunda bulk head terrain that I could cut up Spike are all from the AoS Varanguard kit. I've got another one of these shield spare which will go onto the other Autocannon. It just the case of trying find the spure which I will hopeful try sort out tomorrow. Biohazard, Sgt. Blank and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 8, 2019 Share Posted June 8, 2019 Excellent work on Perturabo & Magnus' sons. The customized Knight looks promising. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 15, 2019 Author Share Posted June 15, 2019 Update Because we couldn’t be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We’ve all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we’ve all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable pets that the Emperor wanted. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with the Butcher’s Nails buzzing in the back of their skulls. The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every whim. But a wolf doesn’t behave that way. Only a dog does. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer."+Khârn 8th Company, XII Legion - World Eater+ Few photos from my game against the Space Wolves during the week. This time remember to not leave a few models like the new Exalted Champion. As the first photo with the dice shown that he just really wanted to kill the Dreadnought with just a chainaxe… Part for the finial object marker arrive. So I might model up a World Eater as part of 15th Fang from ADB Talons of Horus novel. As a lone survivor who some how ended up join this warband & make use of the Heavy Bolters from the new Chaos Marine kit :D I also quickly went back to the Siege Breacher squad. Just add left over barbed wire onto the shove to make it fit more as been part the belt. Other wise it was sort looking bit odd. I will be adding onto this unit & the other two Iron Warriors squads as well. I also went back to the Icon of Vengeance for my squad of Terminators, Lord Narach bodyguards & adding the Chaos star to the banner, replace the free hand painted one I had. I just need to spray varnish on the model when I've got a spare moment. Here the Sorcerer for the squad of Thousand Sons I'd shown in the last update. Try out the new Blood Angels red contrast paint mix with medium. The model just need to get varnish & then I can get some finial detail painted. Once that done, I'm thinking re-apply the gloss varnish over the red part of the armour as it really stand out on the model. Currently it the shoulder pad, helmet & thigh that got gloss varnish applied & I've still got a few transfer to add as well. Then the new squad of Thousand Sons with Sorcerer. I just need to add transfer to them as well & then varnish. The finial part arrive for the Knight today, so that him all built. Is was another set of spikes from the Age of Sigmar Varanguard kit, which where added to the armour plate bottom of the leg & a few spike added to the hull as well. So this will get painted during next week. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 15, 2019 Share Posted June 15, 2019 Excellent work on the Thousand Sons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 19, 2019 Author Share Posted June 19, 2019 Update Tomorrow will mark four years since I converted up the Siege Knight. One of my favriote conversion. I just really wanted to get a knight built that fitted with the Iron Warriors narrative. You can find the original post on my older army log, before photobucket had to ruin things During that time he has change a bit. Last year saw a list of campaign, transfer I'd gotten commission by Wessex transfer company. These listed a few of the campaign in the background, but more importantly gaming campaign my Iron Warriors had taken part in. Then early this year I went back & added a few new trophy, trying to base them upon some of the more important gaming moments. Like the Grey Knight rep game 999 when it was just Lord Narach & Dragio battle each other & both on a single wound each & then follow by game 1000 against Ryan Alpha Legion during the Throne of Skulls April 2018 event. But there one more change about to happen, with his chainsword been replace when the Chaos Knight get release Spent past five hour today painting the Knight. Spent a little bit time yesterday getting the red base coat done & the weekend getting the metallic done. That both unit of Thousand Sons now complete Current working on the 2x IW Maulerfiend & Heldrake** & hopeful get the Land Raider sorted. There for a friend, so if I can get them complete by the weekend. I be move onto the Black Legion models for another friend.Also got 3x Rhinos & a Predator that be getting built during the weekend. **Never painting a Heldrake again... I hate painting there wings. hushrong, Kor Dalron and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 Everything looks fantastic but those RUBRICS! I really like how those came out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kor Dalron Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 Great looking Thousand Sons, really like the original Sons colours on the sorcerers. Also the Big Knight looks really sweet as well! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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