Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 19, 2019 Author Share Posted June 19, 2019 Everything looks fantastic but those RUBRICS! I really like how those came out. Great looking Thousand Sons, really like the original Sons colours on the sorcerers. Also the Big Knight looks really sweet as well! Thanks With the Thousand Sons, just scheme (Blue) I really like using after painting two different armies for others. As soon as you've got passed the basecoat phase, it just nice seen the models starting to pull together & seen them near complete. So two week time I should have 2x Predators & 2x Rhinos bought for them. I'm just really looking forward getting the army sorted. Hopeful have the Exalted Sorcerer sorted as well in two week time. One going to use the Varanguard AoS part & another from the Master of Possessed. Red using the new Blood Angel contrast paint - GW Gold spray-paint - reikland shade - druchi shade - dry brush retributor armour - dry brush golden griffon - Contrast Blood Angel red mix with Medium. It important to use medium with contrast in my view. Once spray with varnish (I use Games Workshop spray). I go back over all the red armour plate & re-apply gloss varnish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 Excellent works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 24, 2019 Author Share Posted June 24, 2019 That the Knight now complete for ETL. Inspired by Dies Irae from Storm of Iron & the Titans from the Bloodquest comic series (see below). He will get his first game in the next few days along with my Iron Warriors & Siege Knight. CaptainStabby, Bjorn Firewalker, Deadass and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 30, 2019 Author Share Posted June 30, 2019 Update I though I would show a few photos taken from this week gaming. Again Blood Angels. New model syndrome is real, as the new Knight was taken out by turn two. Turn one it had only a single would & a lot of that was down to fail my super charge plasma. I don't think I mange to make a single bit of damage with the model :( But it was still a fun game with a lot great moment. Though I did felt the table may have been thrown across the hall due to my ability to make Inv saves which frustrate a lot of people. Knight gone after turn 2 :( Warsmith Abhorred Riddick does have a bit of history with the Blood Angels. Just the last game use the Power Armour version & epic moment happing with the amount he slay in combat. It seem right he was granted Daemonhood & also with me getting the metal Daemon Prince model the following week, thanks to a friend who'd been down that Games Day. It been really great bring Warsmith Abhorred Riddick back to the gaming table & model him how I though he would be. Just find 8th ed so much better compared to 6th & 7th ed. As said with the metal Daemon Prince been among my top favriuote models in the hobby. Just saw the Space Marine, 3rd series in the hero range. I'm really like this Death Guard Icon bearer & if I ever happen to get one. I wouldn't mind convert this model into a Lord - Like my Iron Warriors, it be a standard bearer for my Death Guard warband that I would like to try get back to that some point. I'm currently planning on give Lord Narach a small update again. Pretty much I'm thinking of removing the Forge World servo arm's & replace them with the plastic datasmith from the Mechanicus range. Maybe converting one of those servo arm's with parts from the Primaris Apothercary. Part of this is due to how fragile the FW Tech Priest arm's are. Another just due to those parts been release & look cool. It great going back to models built & painted a while back. Just adding something new. Early this year Lord Narach got the Space Wolf trophy added. While a lot of my other models started say 2011 will seen change happen to them over the years. So rebase to 32mm, adding "IV" transfer & updated trophy. The Master of Possessed. I've finial gotten around the converting up the Master of Possessed last week. It was more down to a conversion not really working out - Trying the new Chaos bodies toward Rhino crew, there is a big difference now. So though use some of the parts & finial get the Master of Possessed ready for painting during yesterday there. While keep the legs, helmet, arm's & backpack. Use the ruin from the Venom crawler model which really help out. I'm really happy how the model turn out. I've not use any psychier during 8th ed so far. But depend the points or power level my friend wanting to go for in over a week. I might try & see if I can add him to the list. Master of Possessed has been a really great model to paint as well. Abaddon is finial nearly there. Few bit detail left to finish. But after three months since buying the model, he nearly there. He was bought as a gift back when I was that Warhammer World for Throne of Skulls & when the Chaos Marine release had happen. But because of a few stuff going on, it meant waiting & planned for the 12th to 14th May that I had planned as days off. It would also allow me those two days to purely focuses on painting Abaddon. But as said a while back I ended up getting pretty badly unwell with a sinus infection that turn into a horrible virus. Hopeful spare a small bit of time tomorrow to get those last parts painted. Thousand Sons Predator that will get painted this week. Aim to get it undercoated tomorrow & try to use the old Games Workshop spray-gun to get the blue armour painted.Then in a few days time, finial get around to buy the other two Predators & Rhinos for this army. I'm almost there with the Thousand Sons. I just need to try convert up the Exalted Sorcerer to led the army & try to get the Contemptour Dreadnoughts. I'm just unsure for my planned 2000pts force if I will go for a Daemon Prince or a third Contemptour Dreadnought that the moment. Both will be in the army some point, it just get them ready for gaming more than anything else. Really happy with two days advance order announcement from the Warhammer Community page. With Chaos Knights been release. Because I want to try get the bulk of my Thousand Sons army. I just advance order the codex next week. But hopeful have hobby fund on the release day to pick up one of the brand new Chaos Knight. I need the chainsword for my Triple Hellcannon Siege Knight. While the new model it self I think will be the shooty version. I do plan on another one in the near future & my World Eater will also be getting on added to them during the year though that might be for Call of Chaos. But here my Chaos Knight force as it current stand. I would also like to add a third Armiger to the two units I've already got. Depend the points for my game, I'd like to use a unit of Armiger again. Then the week after that a friend has ask for a game against the new codex. Biohazard, Raztalin, Canardwc and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 14, 2019 Author Share Posted July 14, 2019 Update Been really busy over the past few weeks & with the recent humid weather I've not been to well over the past few days. I really can not tolerate the heat. But I'm hoping two week from tomorrow to have the rest of my ETL vows bought. So the 2x Predators, parts convert the Exalted Champions & Fallen Angel. Then aim to vow the new Knight & then follow by a few squad of five Iron Warriors Battle Brother. Pick up the brand new Knight model yesterday along with the codex. The cards & a second Knight are also on there way after refunding the XL Crusade case. The second Knight will be going toward my World Eater warband. The new Knight got built between yesterday & during today. I'm just waiting on a Bloodletter banner to arrive for the loin cloth & few other parts to convert the rest of the model. Also hoping few part arrive for the base so I can have the model ready & undercoated for a game I have arrange during the week with the brand new Codex Chaos Knights. Since the announcement & preview of the Chaos Knights. I've wanted to add the new chainsword to my Siege Knight & now the time arrive. One of the Rhinos for my new Chaos Marine squads. Hopeful going to get the model finish painted during the week. Then another one of the Rhinos for my new Chaos Marines squads. Adding a crucified Primaris Marine. I have already added a Primaris Blood Angel Lt as a trophy on a Havoc Rhino. But not a crucified version yet. It has been a lot easier, thanks to the arm's from the Captain & from the tactical spure. The crucified Marine has been something that been part of my army since 2005. After reading Graham McNeill short story "Chain of command" before Uriel became Captain on the 4th company. It had talk about the Night Lords with capture Ultramarines crucified to the front of there tanks. So try this out for my Predator 2005, which Graham McNeill notice during Conflict Scotland 2005 Graham McNeill blog before the update Quote Stuff other people have done.One of the things that’s really rewarding about this job is seeing how people who read my books have gone on to take my characters onwards and do their own things with them. After Storm of Iron came out, I remember loads of GW store managers telling me – with varying degrees of frustration and/or glee – that the number of Iron Warriors armies in their stores had shot up. That’s just one example, but in recent times I’ve had contact with a couple of guys who’ve done some really amazing things that I’d like to share with you.Many moons ago I was at Conflict: Scotland, where I met a guy called Jamie Farquhar, who was thinking about going to the Glasgow College of Building and Printing to do a model-making course. We chatted at the event and he showed me his Iron Warriors army, which was very nicely made and had lots of very cool conversions. Anyway, many years later I got an e-mail from Jamie through the website where he told me that he was indeed on his model-making course and that he was going to build part of the fortress from Storm of Iron for his end of year show and could I help him out with the background (where I got my ideas and inspiration from etc). We chatted many times over e-mail and, long story short, Jamie had his end of year show and if you’d like to see some exceptionally cool models of the fortress then follow the links below and you’ll see what I mean: Comment back in 2005 on my Conflict Scotland discussion on here from a memember of Games Workshop Aberdeen. Quote Bonjour!I'm that random member of staff who just floated about and didn't really achieve very much!Even though your army wasn't picked for the painting, it was top 3 and all the judges really really liked it (Graeme McNeill highly amused by the spreadeagle ultramile on your vehicle).I hope you had a good day, it was an awesome turnout, and everyone did seem to enjoy themselves!Finlay Then when I started this era of my Iron Warriors, bring back the crucified Ultramarine, the rhino belong to Bronn Tal & his squad. For the Primaris, again he will be a Ultramarine & part of the 2nd Company. He going to be base upon a squad of Ultramarines I've painted early in the year Finial the Thousand Sons Predator. This was getting painted the week after my last update. But as said I've been really busy that the moment. I need to try add transfer to the Predator. As said in two week time I'm aiming on buying the other two Predators. I've got a day off on Friday. So if the weather more to my standard - not been hot or humid. Then I would like to get the Thousand Son's Rhinos built & ready for undercoating & painting for the following week. Bjorn Firewalker and Sgt. Blank 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 14, 2019 Share Posted July 14, 2019 Excellent work on the Chaos Space Marine tanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 24, 2019 Author Share Posted July 24, 2019 Update Been pretty busy once again & also not been feel so great during the week as I have very little to no tolerance for the heat & humid weather. But here some hobby I've mange to get done. The two Iron Warriors Rhinos are getting there. They just need varnish, but I'm not wanting to risk it that the moment with the humid weather. The custom transfer with a list of campaign from the background & campaign my Iron Warriors have fought in gaming wise. Hardest part trying to not drop the spike onto the floor. This Battle Brother will join the Siege Breacher unit that was recently added. The barbed wire inspired by the Beast Arise series of novels & the idea that this will also be use as a weapon. If you think about a Guard trying to defend a bunker, but had to deal with a IW with barbed wire & a siege shield. Converting the other two IW with Autocannon from the Shadow Spear box set. Wanted to make a diorama base upon the Warhammer World display from 20 year ago with the two World Eater. Tables arrive yesterday to help support the plastic Games Workshop board I've got. So in over a month time I should hopeful get some games on the go that my home. I've always wanted to get a gaming table that home & it important to me to have the table looking as cool as possible. Just find the table & terrain are just as important as the models we build & paint for the hobby. I'm currently going to use terrain from my pass Armies on Parade boards. It been 6 years since my Iron Warriors where part of the Army of the Month for the White Dwarf. Since then, few trophy been replace. Adding a World Eater & Bloodetter trophy rep the Dark Zone campaign from last year. Lord Narach got a new Space Wolf trophy & Varanguard hammer to rep the Siege Breacker mace. I'm now looking replace the Servo arm's in the next week or so & I'm possible going to replace the Salamander trophy. I mange to get the helmet from the Calgar model & though it would be good to add. Ether as a Novamarine captain or have a look that some of my past games for idea. Raztalin and Sagentus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctus Cornix Posted July 25, 2019 Share Posted July 25, 2019 God, your Iron Warriors never cease to inspire mean. Beautiful work, man. I'm looking forward to seeing those finished Havocs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 25, 2019 Author Share Posted July 25, 2019 God, your Iron Warriors never cease to inspire mean. Beautiful work, man. I'm looking forward to seeing those finished Havocs! Thanks Noctus Cornix Just saw the Rhino you'd recently added to your Word Bearer, adding trophy. If your looking for some more parts to add on, I was going to see check Warcry terrain for some of the skeleton that are on the stake, could be cool having them on the side of the Word Bearer Rhinos. Meant to say the three Heavy Weapon Iron Warriors will get added to the recent new squads I've added to my Iron Warriors. However there will be some new Havocs as well & it thanks to building these three models that have help. I have a Autocannon (weapon of chose) & the Reaper Chaincannon units. That least one of those units will get added pretty soon, with my gaming club event in a few month time :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PowerHungryMonkey Posted July 26, 2019 Share Posted July 26, 2019 Only just saw your Master of Possessions and I've gotta say, that is awesome. Really like the little changes to the pose and the staff/axe. Great fit for your IW and the paint scheme really brings it home Iron-Daemon Forge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 29, 2019 Author Share Posted July 29, 2019 Only just saw your Master of Possessions and I've gotta say, that is awesome. Really like the little changes to the pose and the staff/axe. Great fit for your IW and the paint scheme really brings it home Thanks PowerHungryMonkey Quick update The Lord Discordant pick up the open award during the Everchosen painting comp. Also that both of the new Rhinos finish & ready for there game this week. More Chaos Marines. I'm wanting to bring the current three new squads up to ten models each. Converting up the Blackstone Fortress & one of the model from the Shadowspear set. Then the Heavy Weapon are ready. I'm hoping to have vow 1 for the ETL all complete by the end of the week. Then I can move onto painting the new Chaos Knight & Armiger. Then the Chaos Marines shown above so there ready for a few games I have planned in September. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted July 29, 2019 Share Posted July 29, 2019 I don't comment on this thread nearly enough, your work is a continuing source of inspiration. I like how you update old minis with new trophies from iugames and campaigns, it brings a sense of history to them. Cool idea with the berserkers too, I remember seeing them in an old WD and being blown away. Seems pretty primitive bu today's standards:) Keep up the great work! Iron-Daemon Forge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 5, 2019 Author Share Posted August 5, 2019 Thanks ElDuderion for the comment. Been pretty busy once again & also not been feel so great. It been pretty humid with the weather over the past few weeks. I can't really tolerate the heat as it will often cause headache & nose bleeds or just general feel horrible & having no energy. So I really hate summer time & yesterday sort seen me that my worst. Anyway I have mange to get a bit hobby done. My ETL vows 1 should hopeful be complete by Sunday or Monday. I've got Sunday off which is going to be kept aside for painting my 2x Predators & 3x Rhinos for the Thousand Sons along with the Exalted Sorcerer. Also here one of the ETL vow 1 - Semper the Fallen Angel Lord. Just something I wanted to try out & as part of the #Marchofthefallen for ETL, name after the man himself who run it Semper. So I get the Fallen Lord painting oN Friday night along with the 3x World Eater Biker. Also getting more Armiger added. There needed for a local event & will also be part of my second vow for ETL. Once again model a Melta arm model after Cadras. I'm just having to wait until the end of the week to order a Melta as I've seem to ran out. I'm really like the new Chaos Marine models & as said before I've been really happy they've went this way with the models. I was never a fan of the Chosen from the 6th ed box game, dislike the mutated warp look to them, as not all Legion & warband went that way. I've also seen Warhammer World starting to run Apoclypse events. Sadly not going to make the one in November. But if they happen, I am close thinking of attending one of them. End of the day I prefer large point games & just waiting to use all my models if possible. It also allow me time to model up a few unit of Chosen & a few new Helbrute.But as said right now, I'm wanting to bring the new squads of Iron Warriors up to ten models each. A Jump pack Iron Warrior Lord. I've had part of the Harkon Black Legion model sitting about since Christmas & always wanted to try get a conversion done. But kept it to one side. He also going to be part of my ETL second vow. Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer, he will get painted on Sunday as well. Sgt. Blank and Canardwc 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 18, 2019 Author Share Posted August 18, 2019 Update Once again been really busy with personal life, catching up on painting models for friends. As of last Saturday, I've now got two nine week old guinea pigs & been spending a lot of my free time with them. So yesterday I chose to take part in DWARF Fire Storm. I went last moment & I wanted to use the brand new codex Chaos Knights, but due to the points meant I could not take a full Knight force. So added a small detachment of Iron Warrior with Bloodletter. It been something I've wanted to try out since the Daemonkin codex & unbound in 7th ed back in 2016. Any time I had toward the hobby last week was spent getting the Lord with Jump Pack & the Chaos Knight model painted. In fact the Chaos Knight model got complete by 9pm on Friday before the event, with the water effect & MIG pigment fixer still drying as round one started. I also had a Champion for my Bloodletter who was also painted up, using the new Herald model just stand out a bit more & give me the chance to buy him. I had to leave before the event finish. But I've been told I came runner up for best army. Look like for ETL I'm only going to stick with my vow 1. There been a lot of dely. But I am getting there. Everything is now bought & built. Here my two Exalted Sorcerer for mY Thousand Son's. I just need to get the 40mm Necromnda base & use the clear plastic rods to pin them in place. Rest of the Thousand Sons models. I've got a few spure from someone from the event I attended, so that allow the tanks to have crew. All five tanks will get spray painted tomorrow. Lord Semper of the Fallen Then the World Eater biker. They just need green stuff applied to there base & will get ready for painting pretty soon. Lexington, Bjorn Firewalker, Sgt. Blank and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 18, 2019 Share Posted August 18, 2019 You have a fine Chaos army. Is the winged half-serpent constricting a Custodes jetbike with its tail, meant to be Daemon Prince Fulgrim? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted August 29, 2019 Share Posted August 29, 2019 A fine looking army indeed. Is the winged half-serpent constricting a Custodes jetbike with its tail, meant to be Daemon Prince Fulgrim? I think that's his opponent's model and I've seen it here on the forum but can't remember who's it was. Looking forward to the next ETL update as well that's going to be an epic group shot at the end, best of luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 1, 2019 Author Share Posted September 1, 2019 You have a fine Chaos army. Is the winged half-serpent constricting a Custodes jetbike with its tail, meant to be Daemon Prince Fulgrim? Daemon Prince that converted by fellow Bolter & Chainsword member Syn & his really great Slannesh force. He got the conversion finish for last year Warhammer World campaign event in September. Check out his army log :D Update ETL has finish. While I mange to get my vow complete, in truth it wasn't to my standard. The models where just complete for ETL. Just real life taken over & as said while back, I wasn't to well during summer due to the humid weather since I don't react well toward heat. So there get finish to my standard over the next while when time permit during the week's. I'm also off for two week as well & planning to keep a day aside for get the Thousand Sons finish. But for time been. Lord Narach has gotten new servo arm's. Replace the Forge World Tech-priest with the plastic once from the Mechanicus range. I'm also going to replace the Salamander trophy & add a Alpha Legion instead, using the FW Transfer on the side when that all painted up. This is rep my game against Ryan last year that Throne of Skulls April, which mark the 5th Grand Company 1000th game. Here a few new Battle Brother join the ranks of the 5th Grand Company. I'm really like the brand new Chaos Marines models, there what I was hoping for compared to the Dark Vengeful chosen. I've also use the Chaos Marines from Black Stone & few from the Shadowspear box set. New Siege Breacher. I just like the idea of this unit been like the pike unit from the Bolton army. So the new Iron Warriors models in the shade stage, will get painted during tomorrow & Tuesday during my time off. I'm also looking on, to my to-do list which is pretty much - Havocs with Chaincannons - Havocs with Autocannons - Rhinos for both units, one will have a Alpha Legion cursifed & the other a Space Wolf - Executioner - Greater Possessed, it be Obliterators looking. - Armies on Parade board - Helbrute with Twin Lascannon - Ether another Helbrute or Contemptor Dreadnought converted with part of the Iron Circle models. Bjorn Firewalker, Isengrin and I Am Forsaken 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 Again, excellent works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 8, 2019 Author Share Posted September 8, 2019 Update The first week of my holiday has came & went. Some of that time, Wednesday to Friday was spent that Warhammer World. With no events I would like to attend announce for the remaining year (Throne of Skulls & Campaign weekend). I though I would travel & spend my birthday there, with Warhammer World been a really great place & to get a few games against a few of my friends. You will be able to see more photos on my facebook page, with over 180+ from the games & displays. Getting a quick photo of my army before my first game against Space Wolves. Game against Ryan, who Alpha Legion give me my 1000th game that Throne of Skulls last year. You spot a Iron Warrior trophy on the right Daemon Prince arm that I painted up last year for Ryan. While he donated a Alpha Legion for my Hellwright. One of the best troops vs troops close combat that seem to have gone on all game. Also a quick tidy up of the painting station, as well as replace the cutting mat I've had since 2005. Few of the Iron Warriors I was trying to get complete before travel to Nottingham. Sadly didn't make it, but was enough for me to use for gaming against my friends & given me models to paint on Saturday that my local Warhammer store. So it the remaining Siege Breacher & one battle brother for one of the other new Chaos Marines squads. Then some photos from my camera (above where mobile) During today, I quickly pained up a Alpha Legion trophy to rep my game against Ryan. Replace the Salamander trophy that Lord Narach originally had. As well as finial adding transfer to this Alpha Legion trophy after picking up the sheet from Warhammer World. Pick up the Lord Discordant for the Iron Warriors as a gift to myself for my birthday. I just really like the model & want to convert it, try get him as though he charge into a unit or tank. I've got one more week off. I think I will keep some time aside to get my Thousand Son's models finish. Raztalin and Sagentus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted September 9, 2019 Share Posted September 9, 2019 What a way to spend your bday! great pics all round, really do like your stuff and gives me a niggle to do a small IW, kill team or a 750pnt contingent to fight along side my khorne army. the pics of your army look great! my favourite one is the 3 alhpa legion stood there deciding what they're going to do to bring the knight down lol Raztalin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 9, 2019 Author Share Posted September 9, 2019 Thank Sagentus As seen in the log September last year, I started a small World Eater warband due to Warhammer World Dark Zone campaign. With the release of Slaves of Darkness novel though was a good way tie in my warband Heresy past with my Iron Warriors & sort them been lost to that moment due to the butcher nail. Also yes as soon as the Alpha legion Obliterators deep strike there. It just look really cool. Ryan has a few photos posted over on his Instagram. The board that Warhammer World really help with the narrative. From that moment, there was a single Obliterator left... but my Knight wanted to take down his Lord, just there a grudge reason for that from Throne of Skulls we both had to settle. What a way to spend your bday! great pics all round, really do like your stuff and gives me a niggle to do a small IW, kill team or a 750pnt contingent to fight along side my khorne army. the pics of your army look great! my favourite one is the 3 alhpa legion stood there deciding what they're going to do to bring the knight down lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted September 9, 2019 Share Posted September 9, 2019 As always, your work inspires and terrifies in equal measure! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 18, 2019 Author Share Posted September 18, 2019 As always, your work inspires and terrifies in equal measure! Thanks for the comment Son of Carnelian Update So sadly my holidays came to a end there. Early in the year I ended up with a horrible virus that lasted for two months. So this in turn has result in a lot of catching up, needless to say I really needed the two week off... but I could do with more time off to be honesty. Any time I've had toward the hobby last week has been spent toward getting models painted for Warcry. Any other time been spent with the guinea pigs I got back 10th August & just building up that trust with them. But thing are settle down & I am aim to try get a bit more time toward the hobby from Friday on words. My aim next week to try get my Thousand Sons Rhinos & Predators all complete, along with the Exalted Sorcerer so expect them some point next week. Once again I'm looking forward take part in this year Call of Chaos. After taken part recently in ETL. For me it not who win, it more important about see the work each hobbiest in the community does. It should never be about arrogance or ego's. Call of Chaos is a event that is pretty important for my Iron Warriors over the years I've been part of the forum. So here what I've vow so far. 1. Havocs w/Autocannons (x5) - I'm just waiting to make use of the brand new Chaos Marines, using the autocannon from the shadowspear model. 2. Havocs w/Chaincannon (x5) - It funny, anyone who followed my Iron Warriors over the years will seen me converting up Autocannon as Heavy Bolter with the barrel from the Assault Cannons. Now we get this as a wargear. But I'm wanting to use the new parts from the Havoc unit, which I've already got. I already converted up a Battle Brother with the Chaincannon for my Siege Breacher unit & he was a test model to see if a few idea would work out. 3. Lord Discordant - I'd just bought the model while that Warhammer World for my birthday. It one of my favriote models since been preview early in the year. Really enjoy painting the first Lord Discordant back in April. 4. Iron Warriors Rhino 5. Iron Warriors Rhino - Both for the Havoc units. I want one Rhino to have a Crucified Alpha Legion to be base upon my games against Ryan & after getting the Forge World transfer. I'm also ether looking into a crucified Space Wolf or Salamander for the second as a Primaris. Really enjoy converting the Ultramarine. If I went with the Salamander it might possible be done in contrast. While the Wolf would rep my game while that Warhammer World. 6. Helbrute - I've had another Forge World OOP IW Dreadnought waiting a while. Part of this was to wait for the Sister of Battle walker to be release. But seen the preview a few week ago, it look a bit small for the conversion I wanted. So instead just build him as he is but cover in Barbed Wire & I'm going to get the Iron Hand Character this weekend to use the Servo arm's. 7. Executioner - I've been meaning to get around adding this model to my Iron Warriors. But as said above, just time was become a issue. So I will really need to try come up with something that rep someone who part of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick command. Someone who sent to deal with anyone who wish to challenge him or to go & take on Champion of other faction in single combat. I like the idea of the Iron Warrior who shown up in ADB Black Legion novel. Part me maybe going with a Techmarine but not all out Warpsmith vibe. 8. Armiger 9. Armiger 10. Armiger - I have two of these already for Combat when the Chaos Knight codex was release. The third one will be arm with the Autocannon, as I think a friend is after a single one. 11. Chaos Knight Rampage - The Knight for my World Eater, just give me option for my list. Simple use him instead of the three Maulerfiend & it mean I will have eight units. He most like going to get built on Saturday as I've had the model since there release. 12. Nurgle Lord - I've been meaning to go back to my Death Guard army over the past year & also try get more games with them. Part of this is, I also need to get a Lord sorted. I saw a cool bit art work over on Instagram which has inspired this. But other side is, my uncle going over to Japan in the next week & is going to try pick up the Hero series three for me while he is there. 13. Greater Possessed 14. Greater Possessed - These two are a bit of a risk. The Greater Possessed as for my Iron Warriors. But I want a more tech look. So I'm waiting for the Arco-flagellant to get release to use part from them. Here how the three squads of Iron Warriors look, with the new updated Chaos Models. One of the unit still has one Battle Brother to add. I'm just waiting for the Scout Primaris to get release, as I'd like to use the radio backpack on one of the models. I've also done a quick update on my Dreadnought I'd added during Christmas last year. It was just to removed the Plasma Cannon arm & he traded that with a Lascannon. This arm came from a Metal Chaos Dreadnought I added to my army back in 2015, so they just both swap arm's. This Dreadnought blow is also possible going to see a small change. Replace the Missile Launcher with a Close Combat arm. Just I prefer combat to be honesty. When the Dreadnought was orignaly added, theme was going to be a fallen Battle Brother of the Havocs. But as said I prefer combat more than anything else. I'm not quite sure yet. So hopeful from next week there will be a few more updates. With aim of getting the Thousand Sons tanks finish & World Eater Biker so that bring the unit up to eight models. Raztalin and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 Excellent works. I especially like the Dreadnoughts/Helbrutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 Have you been magnetizing? It would be a shame to butcher up that cool dread. It can be tricky to do, but once you get the hang of it its like breathing. I have been magnetizing my dreads and vehicles, even some termi's myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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