Sagentus Posted March 26, 2020 Share Posted March 26, 2020 Dam thats a good delivery, should keep you busy :) Liking the girders on the base of the venom crawler ... and those sorcerers on disks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 29, 2020 Author Share Posted March 29, 2020 Thanks for the comments Dam thats a good delivery, should keep you busy Liking the girders on the base of the venom crawler ... and those sorcerers on disks Just gutted never got the game with the Thousand Sons last week, but that can always get rearrange once this horrible virus is away. With the recent Warhammer preview yesterday, I want to get some of the new warband as cultist for my Thousand Son's. Then Venom Crawler has had a few changes. I've remove the few part from the base & replace them with some of the ruin after find them. They where already glue together, meant for Armies on Parade last year but ended up not been use for the board. Though add them to the base. I'm now just waiting on the slay Primaris fromt he Apothercary set, after spot him on ebay today. So that part will get added just under the ruin building on the left side of the model. Then it get painted, as soon as that part arrive. Next to the standard Venom. I just don't like the face the standard Venom model has & the squat look it has. The standard Venom model just doesn't come across as a Daemonic engine that will destroy you. Crew for the Rapier Artillery. Started painting the models yesterday & aim spend tomorrow afternoon painting them. I've got the other two crew member built, but I'm waiting on part to arrive to get the base done or just finial parts to have the models ready for painting. I'm also waiting on base to arrive for the Rapier Artilliary as well. While taken some much needed time off to get as much of my own hobby done. One of the thing I've wanted to do was build a unit base on John Blanche art work from White Dwarf 202 & 2nd ed codex Chaos. The art work is one of the many reason I've collected Chaos since 1996. I've gone back to this art work time & time again to get different idea, same with reading the Storm of Iron novels as well. With Chaos getting update last year, I though it was time to get a unit built roughly on them. But it would not just be John Blanche art work. Andy Chamber Iron Warriors in that very same White Dwarf would be brought into this, along with the look of my own Iron Warriors. I'm also aim on converting a Rhino base on Andy Chamber version, seen below. In the art work, you can see right away a Iron Warrior carry a Banner. Having the Lord Discordant backpack spare, I wanted to use it. I'm not sure if I will free hand paint the banner or look into transfer. Champion - In the art work, there a Iron Warrior with beastmen hide. I could maybe taken one of the new Warrior of Chaos models. But that may been a bit more hassle than it worth & I can't really sculpt. Another option was taken the cape from the Salamander Captain, as it just been updated on one of the bits site I use. It was really easy to sort & help with another conversion I have planned for the future. In the art work he carry a axe. After tidy my room up a few days ago, I came across a 2nd ed Chainaxe I though I would keep aside for this model. Andy Chamber & those in the WD 202 article on converting Chaos Marines. A lot of them use Goliath models, as you can see it one of Andy model. Another was the Grand Warlord using them toward his World Eater. So seem only right to have one of the IW this way & something I want to try add more off in the near future. I've already got a crew member of a Basilisk with a Goliath head because of WD 202. Seen Andy Chamber models again. He has a Iron Warrior model carry one of the classic RT era Chaos Weapons. While the radio on the back, again model arm with Plasma Pistol & Chainsword has this. So felt it was more fitting add to this conversion. It been far to long. About start of the year, I was aim on building a unit of 10 Chosen who would be arm with Thunder Hammer, Combi Bolter & Chainaxe. I mange to get three models painted, but then real life been chaotic meant they where put on hold. I've got a few more of them built today, but I'm waiting on some part to arrive to get there base sorted. Or some are on hold until I can get a few more Chainaxe. Then there transport. Back September I got a game against Ryan, who give me my 1000th game that Throne of Skulls April 2018. So this was a rematch while I was that Warhammer World for my birthday & he use one of these Mechanicus drill transport but with Berserker & a Lord (who wanted vengeance against my IW's), In one of Graham McNeill short novel in the Honsou series, it talk about how he use them during the Siege of Ultramar. I'm going to get a large base for this & have a lot of bursted up ruin. Part of this to try protect the model with it been resin & some place still use sand on there terrain base & just something look cool. While on holiday. I've also been painting up the Knight Rampager. I'm going to apply the transfer tomorrow morning & might possible get some tuft grass added. The Ergonomic Enginseer and bluntblade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 6, 2020 Author Share Posted April 6, 2020 Update Here the Venom Crawler. Finial part arrive today & I've just got a small bit green stuff add to the cable's I've missed out. But beyond that, the model will be ready for this weekend painting session. The Chaos Knight Rampager also getting there. Just a few parts left to paint which will get done tomorrow night & he be complete. I've just spent today buying a few parts for the remaining crew for the Laser Destroyer Three Battle Brother for the John Blanche art work/Andy Chamber conversion inspired unit. The unit of Chosen. Like above, a few part have arrive & allowed me to get a few more Battle Brother built. But it mainly waiting to get the Champion from Shadowspear for the Chainaxe for the rest of the unit. I'm going to have to wait until next month to buy those models. Last month I knock my Chaos Knight by mistake during my fourth game that Warhammer World Throne of Skulls. It meant a few spike broke off & it going to be a headache to sort. So though it would be a chance to add some new trophy. I'm also replace the out dated skull sculpts as well. With last week been off. Not only was I able to get a lot of my own hobby built & painted. I was able to plan what I would like to do, when thing return to normal. I started my second Daemons force in 2016, first one been 2008. To be honesty I was put off collecting Daemons for the simple reason of waac player taken Screamer Council list. I've never kept it a secret that I hated that list, along with Deathstar list. It was honesty ruin 7th ed for me & getting to the point I wanted to stop attending all local tournament up here. Now I only avoid ETC style events, just keep to my club event. But what got me back to collecting Daemons was the release of the Bloodthister & the Warhammer World display with the Daemonkin vs Ultramarines. But for one reason or another, I would add a few models & then the Daemons would be put to one side. It time to get them complete & that the aim for this year. The Bloodthister below going toward another conversion I have planned. When thing return to normal & mail order return I'm aim on buying the last kit to try out the conversion. Also find the second unit of Bloodcrusher. I'm planning on taken another week off that the end of April & going to keep some time aside to get them complete. There not the only force that going to see some more stuff. I started a Chaos Guard Tank force in 2012, had enough of it been on/off project & got them complete in 2015? I've not really use them in 8th ed. But been inspired by a conversion I saw recently on Instagram. I want to get them back on the go, so I need to dig out my FW Index book to find out the Renegade list & what I can have & what unit I can add. Once the Daemons are finish. It be Chaos Guards. Also some of the models will double as Cultist for my Iron Warriors as well. Sagentus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 17, 2020 Author Share Posted April 17, 2020 Update Mange to get some time on Saturday to start painting the Venom Crawler & then painting on/off during rest of the week to get the model complete. Here how it now looking, With the lock down now extended by a further three weeks. I'm taken this week off & aim to get a few more models finish & to clear that backlog. Near the end of last year, I though it was time to get back to my Plague Marines & add onto them. Originally when I started my Plague Marines, it was mainly to try get one of each new release for this great range. Then last year, my uncle was going to Japan for the Ruby & ask if there was anything I'd like since there was a Warhammer store near by. I'd ask for the blind pack Plague Marines, but didn't expect the whole complete set. I'm not to far from having the Plague Drone complete. I also have a Dreadnought with need legs & a Lascannon, it was a out of print FW one I saw on ebay that had it right leg broken & arm missing, but wanted to convert it anyway. Once I get those parts that also be join the Plague Marines ranks. I will also be spending time ether building or painting my unit of Chosen & John Blanche art work inspired unit during the week off as well. Armiger that where done back ETL. I could only get them to a basic standard before having to call my vow complete. This time last year, I ended up with a horrible virus that lasted for two months that effected my sinus, for 35 days solid my head was in the worst pain (it still effected to this day/my sinus side my head have not fully recover). The knock on effect was, it felt like two month of my life was stolen from me & felt really under pressure to catch up on my work (self employed) & catch up with the hobby. During the week off, I want to get the weather powder & Blood for the Blood god added to them. First layer weather powder was just added a hour ago. With me going back to my Khorne Daemons & wanting to get a 2000pt force ready before end of the year. I've got this unit of Bloodcrusher that are nearly finish. Then the same with the World Eater Biker. I think they where for ETL last year & suffer same as the Armiger due to a virus I had last year. While we wait for preview & release to happen. I know I'm really looking forward to the PA book for Daemons & Knight, partly why I've really though about getting my Daemons to 2000pts now. There also the Bile book & the image below... I'd really like even just a unit of Chaos Marines that Bile has made. Like he use to have in 8th ed. Should this ever happen, then there may possible be a small force. I'm also getting Bile, one as him himself & another one that going toward a Warpsmith conversion (servo arm's). But all we can do is wait & see & also when thing return to normal So my hobby plan for 2020 is - Khorne Daemons: Get them to 2000pts so I can get some games with just them. I've save some money aside that should hopeful get this done. But one of the chose I need to make is... Do I push back Titanicus once more, as the Xenith and Sagentus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 22, 2020 Author Share Posted April 22, 2020 Update With the week off & the lock down still in effect until Mat. I've chosen to spend this week on sorting my back log of models. Some of these where from a few month ago to last year. Just I was getting fed up of seen models I'd started painting but ended up getting put to one side & just not find the time. So far it pretty much been Sunday - Getting the seventh squad of Bloodletter painted, bring it up to 70 Bloodletter all painted now. As well as the Blodocrusher. I want to get my Daemons up & running so I can get some games & also with the release of the Psychic awaking book been base on Daemons & Chaos KNights. Monday - Was spent getting the Japan Plague Marine hero, Drone & HQ (Lords) finish off. Tuesday (yesterday) - Getting the Armiger finish, they where bought last year with the Chaos Knight codex release & where getting painted for ETL (only got to basic standard). Also got my Siege Knight updated with new trophy, but he just waiting on a few thing before I be posting update on him. Wednesday (today) - I spent the day getting my World Eater Biker sorted. They where a unit that got badly effected when I was unwell for the two months. I'd just started them. I just need to get wrathmonger Icon for three of the models. Tomorrow - I might get the Champion (for John Blanche/Andy Chamber inspired unit) painted tomorrow along with the Thunder Hammer arm Chosen & the Cultist. The rest of my week off is been spent on my Age of Sigmar Everchosen army & getting them sorted with a few new things. But here the photos of the models that got sorted during the past few days. Sagentus, Lexington, Thousand Eyes and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 Dam IDF these all look great, liking the different colour scheme for the DG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 12, 2020 Author Share Posted May 12, 2020 Thanks Sagentus Update I've recently been using some of my time getting my Siege Knight updated. One of them was replace the spike with trophy, I've got space for one more Trophy but I'm unsure what to add as I've already got a few Marines & Chaos trophy there.Also during this week was sort out the new Iro-Shield.It good to go back to models we've had for a while & add a update. The Siege Knight was created in June 2015 & during that time, he fought in a lot of amazing games against friends & events. The trophy are important to his history & seen his narrative grow. Taken yesterday - Spending few hour later in the day painting these three Iron Warriors. With the Thunder Hammer going to my unit of Chosen. The other two as crew for my new Rapier Artillery. Anyone who know me or follow my work. You know that John Blanche art work from White Dwarf 202 & 2nd ed codex Chaos is one of the main reason I've been collecting Chaos & that they've been my main faction in the hobby. It been a bit of art work that help with idea's over the years. I though I would build a unit sort of inspired by this. As well as bring in element of Andy Chamber Iron Warriors, shown in that same White Dwarf. While trying to keep them to my style. Also a few updates since this art work was done in 1996. Since then, we've had a bit more depth & background expanded upon. The Champion - So first up, I've always been honesty that I can not sculpt. It a skill I would like to learn, but sadly there no one I know who can teach me. So with this in mind, I ended up making the chose try using the cape from the Salamander Primaris Captain. It look cool & it something I've wanted to try do in the past. It base on the manger of my local store Nids force as well & I like to think he a Veteran of the Forgefane - When Nids attack the Iron Warriors fort Forgefane, with a few escaping with a upgrade in Armour 13: Lost & the Damned book by Forge World, back 7th ed. Servo arm, with this becoming a thing for Iron Warriors when they got there Index Astarties article. The Axe, as the IW in the art work arm with one & I seem to have had a Wrathmonger one spare so it seem like fate. The melta arm Iron Warrior & one of the rare time I add horns to one of my Iron Warriors. Then the Banner. Sadly I couldn't find any thing to fit with the banner icon. So made the chose to add the black Iron Warriors skull from the Forge World sheet. On the back is the Iron Warriors chant also from the FW sheet.. Then as said I wanted to bring in element of Andy Chamber Iron Warriors to this squad. So with this done. They will get there own Rhino, just like every other squad in my Iron Warriors & this will also be base upon Andy Chamber conversion in the same article. I've got the Necromunda bulkhead kept aside for this & have a few other part to try bring in element of the 2nd ed Rhino kit. I'm not quite sure when this will happen, it might be two week time. Other than that Currently waiting on the rest of my Khorne Daemons to arrive. Once they arrive, I'm taken a few days off to get them build, base & undercoated. I'm hoping to get the rest of my Chaos Guards order sorted in a few days time so I can get a Renegade force ready for 2000pts. bluntblade 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 20, 2020 Author Share Posted May 20, 2020 Update This arrive a few days ago. Everything I'm needing to bring my Khorne Daemons up to 2000pts & will spend tomorrow to Sunday building. There - 2x Deflier - 1x Bloodthister - Skullcannon - Lord Discordant - 3x Flesh Hounds box Last month I took a second week off during the lock down. During that time, was spent getting any unit fully finish. Some them where for my Khorne Daemons. It just meant Titanicus has had to get push back until September time now. The Bile novels are something a lot of people been recommending. With his 40k book due out that some point, felt it was time to get around to reading them. During the lock down I've also been updated some models. One of them was my Siege Knight. Seen new trophy last month. A new Iro-Shield a week or so ago? As of today, the Ultramarine trophy on the side got updated to a Primaris version. It good to go back to a model every now & then to add something new. It just the Siege Knight is important to me & these changes are not been done for the sake off it. But because of thing that are important, like the trophy - As always all trophy are base upon great games I've had against friends & that events like Warhammer World Throne of Skulls. My new unit of chosen arm with Thunder Hammer. I'm still waiting for the parts to arrive to convert up my Chain Axe arm models. Hopeful next week the base for the FW Mechanicus Drill transport will arrive as well so I can start getting that ready as well. Talos & Honsou - Said back in August, I adopted two guinea pigs (there brother) called Talos & Honsou. It be there first birthday in two week from Friday, so I though I would make this display of Talos & Honsou from ADB Night Lord & Graham McNeill Iron Warrior novels. I'm just waiting on Night Lord Blue to arrive in the post, model chains & a Blood Angels Power Sword to get Talos conversion complete BadgersinHills, Thousand Eyes, Sagentus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted May 20, 2020 Share Posted May 20, 2020 New models are looking good. My question is this: Are you going to paint Honsou's bionic eye the colour it is in the books? (it's blue) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeremy1391 Posted May 20, 2020 Share Posted May 20, 2020 Always love popping into this thread, great work as always! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 23, 2020 Author Share Posted May 23, 2020 Thanks for the comments Just a quick update Talos & Honsou are ready for painting. So try get some painting done tomorrow, just currently trying to stop a headache from happing so mean no undercoating today. Yesterday was the second day of building my Khorne Daemons. Everything getting there & should be a update once got bit more work done. I'm just waiting on chains to arrive that get added to the two soul grinder to the bottem of the photo & to the Skullcannon.If your on instagram, I've been doing a live update during the past few days of the models. Link on my sig. hushrong 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 25, 2020 Author Share Posted May 25, 2020 Update So it seem to been a busy weekend for the hobby. 9th edition got annouce, which I'm really looking forward. Only impact is that I will be adding more models I think look cool & will enjoy using in games. I've enjoyed 8th ed, it brought a lot of new life into the game for me, where 7th ed - It was the Deathstar list. Anyway I'm looking forward to the future of 40k & getting more games. I'm looking forward to the Crusade system as having a narrative to my armies is really important, to have a visual story to my models. Also, yesterday saw advance order been announce returning this weekend. One of the two I've been waiting for is Engine Wars, give that I collected Chaos Knights & Khorne Daemons. Speaking of Daemons. I've been spending Thursday to Sunday (until later on during Saturday & later on Sunday due headaches) building my Daemons models that arrive last week. During the lock down, my second week I'd taken off was about painting a back log of models from last year, just to get them finish. Some of those units where my Khorne Daemons & with the book above due out that some point. I wanted to get them up to 2000pts so I could get some games. So right now the aim been more about building the models & getting them base before the lock down is over. This is partly due to the headache & I don't react well to heat. So with Summer here & how I can often be during July when it that it hottest. I've got these daemons, then by the weekend I should hopeful have enough parts for my Chaos Guard force - but that for next weekend. Anyway here the Soul Grinder I converted. Inspired by the Warhammer World Bloodoath display. I wanted to convert mine using the Bloodthister. One of them was a gift from a friend who won a bit box & had a complete Bloodthister sprue in there. So though I could use it back then. I've just got to add chains to both models & lot of skulls. I want to make sure that the skulls equal to 8 in some way eg: 24 (3x8). That to fit in with the narrative about them been as soul payment for the forge. Then the rest of the Daemons that get sorted soon. Flesh Hounds just need skulls & plastic rods & H beam to the base. Skullcannon need chains & skulls. While clear some boxes, mange to find a spare Chaos (new) backpack. So allowed me to model this Melta arm model. I think he going to join the recent Thunder Hammer Chosen unit. Chaos trophy will be Word Bearer. Talos & Honsou display. I'm just waiting on the Night Lord blue paint to try that out. I would got lot more painted yesterday, but due to headache meant that wasn't possible. Got Friday to Sunday off this week. Aim Friday, when lot more parts arrive - to get my Daemons all built by then & maybe get the base sorted during the weekend. Then Saturday & Sunday, I'd like to start building my Chaos Guard/Cultist that allow me 60 new Cultist for the Iron Warriors, but also to run a FW Renegade list. As well as painting the Talos & Honsou display :D Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Custom Hero Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 IDF, your conversions are nothing short of spectacular. That Soul Grinder is epic. Was the conversion pretty straight forward? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 26, 2020 Author Share Posted May 26, 2020 IDF, your conversions are nothing short of spectacular. That Soul Grinder is epic. Was the conversion pretty straight forward? Thanks. Yes, just with the legs been separate and then using the helbrute parts cover gaps where the wings would be. Then just waiting on chains to arrive to cover the waist and other part of the model for the final look and top reduce using green stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 1, 2020 Author Share Posted June 1, 2020 Update Taken Friday to Sunday off. Part of that was to get my Chaos Guards/Iron Warriors Cultist built (Friday). As well as getting my Khorne Daemons (Saturday & Sunday) ready for basing during the week & undercoated by the weekend. So here how the Daemons are now looking. Then my Chaos Guard side of things. So this will be two unit of 30 Cultist for my Iron Warriors. Or Cultist & Mutate rabble for my Renegade force. Just waiting on a mail order just place today to get the Chaos Guards finish. I've got two more back log of models. Back when 8th ed was release, I bought a few Dreadhold fortress for Age of Sigmar, with the aim making them as Bastion. I think I vow them toward ETL or Call of Chaos? But I only mange to get them painted to a 3 colour standard.They've been sitting there for a while, gotten side track. Well, during the lock down I've been trying to get all the back log of models complete & out the way to have a clean hobby slate. So during the weekend, I'm planning on spending Saturday & Sunday sorted both bastion out. There going to get brand new trophy & get them all complete. Also here the Talos & Honsou display I've been working on during the week. I have two guinea pigs, name Talos & Honsou, so though I would make this display as it be there first birthday this Friday. Both them have been the best thing to happen for me & how strong both guinea pigs character are. Majkhel, Thousand Eyes and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 1, 2020 Share Posted June 1, 2020 Impressive work on Honsou, Talos, and the Iron Warriors bastion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 6, 2020 Author Share Posted June 6, 2020 Thanks Bjorn for the comment Update That the Bastion now sorted. Both models have been waiting past few years to get finish & with the lock down still in effect here, I wanted to get all back log of models complete. It got new trophy added, replace once use to be there & just finish off everything. Shame the Dreadhold keep is no longer on sale as I wouldn't minded another one. New Iron Warriors that be added to the Rapier Artillery unit & Chosen. Today also been spent getting the shade work done for the red & metallic. Then over the next few days picking the models & units to paint. I'm also planning on building a fourth Obliterators. I'm not sure if & when a new kit will get release. But I would mind having another Obliterator converted up & using the trolls from the Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies movies for idea. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 6, 2020 Share Posted June 6, 2020 Excellent work on the Obliterators. The Daemon Engines look promising. I wonder if the Daemon heads on the bastion serve a function beyond mere decoration. Do they incorporate sensors- maybe a bound Daemon- to warn the Iron Warriors garrison of approaching enemies? Maybe they're disguised gun turrets? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted June 15, 2020 Author Share Posted June 15, 2020 Update Recently re-set up a lamp that my painting stastion. This use to be my grandpa before he passed, when he use to paint historical models. It just over the past while, it been difficult to get the bulb I usely use in my room for painting & the past few sets have been horrible. So though it might be time bring this back out & as a full time set up that be on for painting only. It also has a magnifying glass. For the past month I've been busy getting my Khorne Daemons sorted. This started in 2016, with the release of the Bloodthister model & a suggestion from Midnight Runner on a list idea with Chaos Knight back in 7th ed as part of a unbound list with Daemonkin codex. But also the Warhammer World bloodoath display. This sort of went on & off over the years. Part this was with units, hoping for plastic Flesh hounds, etc... Lot of other stuff happen that effected this army from going forward. April during the lock down. I ended up getting a unit of 10 Bloodletter & a unit of Bloocrusher finish as part of the back log models from last year. It because of that & Engine War PA book release, that made me really want to get them ready for gaming. Mange to get the two soulgrinder painted last weekend. Then past few days was painting the Skullcannon. Also, some work I've current got been completed a lot sooner than I expected. So this mean I'm able to take the rest of this week off. Spending this afternoon painting the first batch of the Flesh Hounds, with the rest unit between tomorrow & Wednesday. Then if they all get done, it to spend Thursday or Friday just check the models & adding those last details. With the Flesh hounds, just a bit gutted to find I don't have the paint I'm needing to highlight the red from follow Duncan guide over on Warhammer TV. So that just gotten order today. So tomorrow I just keep painting the below getting the grey highlight & other details done. Laser Destroyer unit. Hoping to get the base done on Friday, just waiting on a few part to arrive before this can happen. Parts for the fourth Obliterators are nearly there. There a few thing I'm still waiting on, like the Necromunda Ogryn - hoping there power fist be alright. I'm wanting to try get the fourth Obliterators sort of like the art work below. With the Khorne Daemons nearly complete. I'm aim on spending the weekend getting the rest of my Chaos Guards sorted. So there about 60 models in all. Also with Forge World reopen on the 17th. I might get the parts I need to convert one of the Renegade commander.So Saturday to Sunday about building what left & getting this lot base. Thousand Eyes and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 Again, excellent works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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