Gen.Steiner Posted August 16, 2017 Share Posted August 16, 2017 These are so lovely. I really like the look of the Veterans - they fit so well - and the tanks are just lovely. I know I keep saying it but it's true.And that Emperor's Children army! Glorious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 22, 2017 Author Share Posted August 22, 2017 These are so lovely. I really like the look of the Veterans - they fit so well - and the tanks are just lovely. I know I keep saying it but it's true. And that Emperor's Children army! Glorious! Thanks for the comment Gen.Steiner There a link to Syn really great Emperor Childen topic in the post. Check it out, every Slannesh Marine converted & Syn really great sculpting ability as well. I think he current adding Havocs unit the Dark Angels models? Update So thing have sort of been, plan don't go forward but things still work out. Pretty much I was aim to have Friday & Sunday off so I could build my new unit of Chaos Marines, Rhino, Exalted Champion & new unit of bikers. Friday arrive, that didn't happen as I ended up with a headache lasting for 7 hours (thankful, last two lasted 22 & 24 hours). So that meant I was not able to get anything done on Friday. Then Sunday night I found out I didn't have much green stuff left. Thankful a friend help me out yesterday. So, only gotten the Biker (minus the champion), Exalted Champion & the extra armour plate built for my Rhino during Sunday & a little bit during yesterday. Also turn out I need to buy a new large dry brush............ So here what happen. This lot was pick up on Saturday. I've just started reading the Black Legion novel & it been really great. I've only finish chapter 1 so far, again just a lot happen that the moment it been trying to find the time. But my holidays start from Friday where I'll be off for two weeks!!! The Tech-priest servo arm going to be use for one of the new Chaos Marines. The box of skull for trophy, really grateful Games Workshop release this, it really great & something I'm going to be buying a lot of in the near future. While I do clean up painting station from time to time just get some space back. Around now one of the time it will get a proper clean out. But then with in a few moment....... Iron Warriors Start of my second Biker unit. This has been something I've wanted to add over the past little while. The new codex Chaos has help push forward the unit. So first part is, I built my first unit to be a unit of 10, but you can now only take Biker units as 9 models, it make sense with the box set only getting three Biker. Also for a event, it 100 power level & I had 5 left after re-working my list with the brand new codex. The Champion will be sorted tomorrow as it mainly the base I need to try sort out. Next up the Exalted Champion. Since getting the new codex Chaos Space Marines. I've really like the brand new art work of the Iron Warrior carry the thunder hammer. So inspired by that, I wanted the art work to be the base of the idea I wanted for my Exalted Champion. I also wanted this model to have some nod's toward the classic metal Warsmith model as well, as why want with the Red Scorpion Honour Guard helmet & wanted to make sure he had a Servo arm. While the Bolter on the arm something I've done a few time, though it was be a good way for IW wanting to be like the Lord of Iron. Also just cover up the Deathwatch detail. 5th Grand Company Last few units to add. So a long time ago, back in the 3rd ed codex Chaos Space Marine. A friend & staff member that work that the Games Workshop store I went to. They had a really great converted & painted Thousand Son's force, before the official models where release. They also had a lot of other really nice Chaos armies & a Black Templar force they done for the store. In fact it because of them I started to get into the painting side. In those Chaos armies, they had some really great Obliterators models. Before the once we have currently, when we had the first lot. But they converted there out of the plastic Chaos Space Marines, using the shield from the Chaos tank sprue & then just a lot of Heavy Weapon. They look cool, I like them & done a few conversion for my Black Legion. Then Index Astarties came out with the Iron Warriors background & art work. It allowed Iron Warriors more than one unit. Back then Obliterators where a lot different. Back then you use to be able to get the Obliterators in unit of 6 that 180 points. While weapon wise, it was a lot different. With the unit, each one had to fire a different weapon I think, I'd need to check that, so one would have to fire a Lascannon, another the Heavy Bolter, other a Storm Bolter. The list of weapon for them was a bit longer as well. These Obliterators conversion came about, been inspired by Kizzdougs. Just when I made the following models, the current Obliterators where still in metal. I've bought a few in the past, but the problem was that they would start to break from wear & tear. The arm's would always break off, chip the model. That the last thing I want if I went to a event. So I wanted something a bit more solid & I prefer working with plastic & resin. Be'lakor - He was added a few year ago. Pretty much when he was brought into the Warhammer 40k background. A friend had told me about the IF supplement & the background about the Iron Warriors warband overtaken the Phalanx, with Daemon allies led by Be'lakor. I though I'd buy him, get him painted - went with red after seen him on the older Games Workshop what new today blog. I've not use him yet in games. But it nice having the model around & he is really nice. Just I was also unsure how long he would be around for, been finecast. Daemonkin/World Eater Also though I'd take the time to add the Daemonkin/World Eater. This is a force I started 2015 but not much has been done with them. Pretty much I'm waiting for new plastic Berserker more than anything else. But start of this was down to thra few things 1 - Angelus Prime shrine world of Sanctoria display that Warhammer World, you can find photos of this on my facebook page 2 - Khârn Eater of World Novel & ADB Talons of Horus novel (Firefist) 3 - Khorne always been main thing for me when I started the hobby. Pretty much inspired by the Angelus Prime display. The theme of my warband is one that is understrength after taken part in that Blood Crusade. There still in the Ultramarine realm & that been further added with the return of there Primarch with the recent events. There good allies to my Iron Warriors, having fought during the Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Legion Wars, current event. So because there badly understrength they've seek help/oath help them out a bit. Beside these two units, I have over 60 Bloodletter painted as well. As said I've always like Daemons, it just the horrible Sceamer Council list that stop that until the plastic Bloodthister got release. Bloodborn - This unit was done for Call of Chaos 2015. Inspired by a unit in Khârn Eater of World. So the Bloodborn a unit of Berzerker who been drawn together. The unit mission will ether go well or they give up there life. There meant to be cover with blood hand print & other icon. But for me I went with the Night Lord helmet. Because it meant to be different Battle Brother been drawn & then all make oath in blood. Then the other unit I done for ETL? There meant to be the more recently join to the warband, Renegade Marines who still chose the Bolter. I've still add trophy onto the Rhino, just time was against me when getting the model done. Once new Berzerker are release, I'll add one of them as a crew member to the Rhino. Also the Champion that the front was done last year ETL as the sort of second in command. I also had the plastic Champion model sitting there in my bitz box. Then the Mark of Khorne, inspired by the once from the Warhammer World display. Just got the image of a Khorne icon, cut it out onto sponge, then stamp onto the Rhino hull. Just make sure you've got it straight on. Pretty much while getting the recent models built. Been listen this on my Ipod. From Warhammer World, it the sound track played when you go to see the displays. So there four track on this. But I mainly listen to the Blood-oath one, one for the Angelus Prime display :D It only £10 & each track lasting 15min Canardwc, Aasfresser and Urauloth 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 22, 2017 Share Posted August 22, 2017 Those bikers, nice. Those termis and demonkin, yes, yes, nice but not new. That exalted champion: WOW! I already love that mini so much! That's what I call a warsmith. Now I want one of those... The base model is the Vrosh Tattersoul champion, am I right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 22, 2017 Author Share Posted August 22, 2017 Those bikers, nice. Those termis and demonkin, yes, yes, nice but not new. That exalted champion: WOW! I already love that mini so much! That's what I call a warsmith. Now I want one of those... The base model is the Vrosh Tattersoul champion, am I right? The Exalted Champion part are MkIII body Khârn legs Deathwatch legs Deathwatch Thunder hammer Varanguard Hammer top Spike from the Chaos Marauder (bottem hammer) Just when I converted the 2nd Warsmith a while back I like the way he look & took idea from that conversion toward the new Exalted Champion. Mean with Khârn legs for example. Aasfresser and Urauloth 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 22, 2017 Share Posted August 22, 2017 Ah! Those are Khârn legs! Hm... I think I'll have to make due with normal MK IV or MK III legs. Hm... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 22, 2017 Author Share Posted August 22, 2017 Ah! Those are Khârn legs! Hm... I think I'll have to make due with normal MK IV or MK III legs. Hm... Dark Vengeance chosen legs can also work, ether the Champion with the mace or the Chosen with Power axe. Aasfresser 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted August 22, 2017 Share Posted August 22, 2017 Ah! Those are Khârn legs! Hm... I think I'll have to make due with normal MK IV or MK III legs. Hm... Dark Vengeance chosen legs can also work, ether the Champion with the mace or the Chosen with Power axe. That might work. I have to see what I have left :D Thank you for the advice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 23, 2017 Author Share Posted August 23, 2017 Update Iron Warriors Here how the Champion currently looking. Should have the Exalted Champion finish painted by the weekend :D Then the two Biker. I just pick up some parts today to get the base built for there Champion, so hopeful get a bit spare time tomorrow lunch time to get that done & have the Champion all ready for undercoating on Friday. Also need to add transfer onto the Biker here. I'm not quite sure if I will add the FW Iron Warrior or the Chaos star icon? Going have a think about that tomorrow as well. The Rhino for my new unit of Iron Warrior Chaos marines. Been thinking about converting the Warhammer World only tank for some time. A few friends suggested about putting the current trophy from the front hull, onto the antennae (sp?). The idea to try rep this been a psychier & how there power help boost the signal. A bit like the Witch Wall from The Siege of Castallax or say in ADB Night Lord novel they take the commander of the Warhound Titan & use him with the machine sprit in the third novel in the series.While the replacement trophy going to be a Blood Angel. A old grudge army my Iron Warriors fought against a lot back when I started them & when I went to my first gaming club out side of high school. The fallen Blood Angel going to keep with the black trim like the 2nd ed era Blood Angels, something that always been cool & something I'm gutted about not been part of them since that era. So.... many Imperial icon had to be remove from this kit. From using the Iron Warrior brass etching to cover some, to using the new Skull box set to cover up once I've remove with the scalpel. So this will get undercoated on Friday & get all the shade work done as well. Start painting on Saturday. Nurgle So it been a month or so since I've been near painting much for my Nurgle. I just got the box set - Dark Imperium, the Helbrute & the £10 clip together models built & painted. I really enjoyed this. But it seen the Nurgle preview we say in March, it taken a little while. But it meant I was able to get a few thing done. Then yesterday the Warhammer Community posted up that the new codex will be release in September, no date as of yet. But also posted up this cool new photo. Needless to say that has got me looking forward even more to collecting my Nurgle force. For me, all these models match how the image I've had in my head when thinking how I'd like any new plastic Death Guard models over the years. I really can not wait to start this. Pretty much I'm thinking try get that least one of each box set that least. But right now wait for the codex before I plan. Aim for this warband have them as part of a Nurgle Crusade force, with the narrative of them join my IW's with the vision Nurgle give them. So as well as the once I've already show. I'm going to try paint a unit or two in different Nurgle Warband colours to who've join this crusade. I also think I'll ask a lot of this for my birthday as well or that least money to get them :D Biohazard, Marqol, ElDuderino and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 26, 2017 Author Share Posted August 26, 2017 Update Iron Warriors That my holidays started, where I've got two week off. With that to try get some hobby done. Here my new unit of Chaos Marines. I just built the Champion a few hour ago & went with Power Fist as it something I've not added to a Champion for a while. They also look cool.While the other two Battle Brother where built yesterday. So I'm aim to get the finial two member for this squad built tomorrow. Another Bolter arm model & a Autocannon arm Iron Warrior. Remember Bio Abaddon conversion from his Black Legion topic. I had the head spare from the Space Wolf model from the Deathwatch box game. I'd use the Space Wolf model for a Wolf Guard Battle leader for my Wolves force. Had that part spare, though be cool to use for this Champion. Then there transport which I spent a bit of time today painting. I got the change done with the trophy. So the originally trophy on the signal, with a new Blood Angel trophy on the front hull of the tank. It just, Blood Angels use to be a old grudge force for my Iron Warriors back in 2001 & when a gaming club that the time started. So a lot of people there collected Blood Angels. It also the last game the Marine version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick took part, slay 500pts worth of Blood Angels in combat. After that was Games Day & a friend had pick up the pre-release metal Daemon Prince when codex 3.5 was due for release back then. It was originally going to be a Librarian but I couldn't find the parts I needed, so that will be kept for another tank in the near future. Then the Champion for the Biker unit was also built on Thursday & spent a bit of time today as well painting him. Then setting tomorrow aside to try get as much painting done as possible. Then as said build the other two battle brother for the new squad of Iron Warriors Chaos Marines. Then Fate of Konor. I've really enjoyed getting games for the campaign. As said this is something I've been really intrested in & a way to build further narrative to my Iron Warriors.This is way more important & the way I enjoy the game side vs say someone taken a dull internet list & stomp someone by two turns which isn't fun for anyone.So far I've fought Wolves twice, Imperial Fist twice & Orks. I'll try & get some photos of the two Iron Warriors in the next few days once there built. Biohazard, Marqol and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted September 2, 2017 Share Posted September 2, 2017 The CSM Champ looks great, I really like that head once the hairs shaved off. The Rhino looks awesome, Really like the corpse on the front. :tu: The Biker Champ is coming along nice as well. He must be pretty special to be wielding Gorechild as well ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 4, 2017 Author Share Posted September 4, 2017 Update ++Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium++ So during the weekend there, I'd attend the Warhammer World Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium event. A weekend of five games. Like Throne of Skulls Sept last year, this event is now join with this as been the best event I've attended. I've been to a lot of really great once ether by Games Workshop or wargaming clubs & I've been one indy terrible one. But this was the best. Five of the best games I could have ask for. Lot of epic moment & just general great oppents who made the games fun.To me this is what important. I don't get to game as much as I use to. When I go to events, I'm just there to get those games, to enjoy & add more life & narrative to my Iron Warriors. For me, Throne of Skulls is the way the hobby should be done, it the way I enjoy the gaming side.As said, over the years I sort of gone to less event. Just because I do not wish to have anything to do with the ETC & ITC scene. But I will always support Throne of Skulls, it great fun & I always look forward to them. Warhammer World event team work really hard & it really show. So once I've have a few days recover I'll get some more photos. Pretty much, led up to the event I ended up spending 5 days in all painting the Exalted Champion, 3 Biker, 5 Chaos marines & there Rhino transport. All finish up by Thursday & all pack by Thursday afternoon. So I'll get photos of the models over the next few days. But for now here some from the Warhammer World event team, from there Facebook page & a few I take myself. My Iron Warriors where part of the Army nominee again, along with 6 other hobbiest. With Paul winning overall with really cool Sister of Battle force. The standard this weekend was amazing. I think there was over 25 armies on the list & had to be cut down to 7, I'm not quite sure. In general it was really great, even if someone may not enjoy the painting side for example. You could still see & tell that they took great care & pride in the hobby & on the army they where using during the weekend. The armies up for nominee where James Primaris Marines Paul (winner) Sister of Battle Eldar Blood Angels Dark Eldar? Myself Nurgle Then my Round 3 oppent. When explain a bit about my Iron Warriors, that ever trophy is base upon someone I've fought since starting my Iron Warriors back 2001, just to remember great games. After the game, they ended up donate a Space Marine, saying how much they enjoy the game & how much they like the narrative of my Iron Warriors.They also had a lot of narrative on there own force. Battle score on who they've fought against, what epic deed they'd done during this or that game. It was a pretty big book. As you can see from the base, they also added names to each Marine Battle Brother as well. So here the photos from the Warhammer World event team. You'll see some of the new models I was painting last week. Art work by Igor Sid This is what inspired my conversion for the Exalted Champion. So I'm going to try get photos of the new models later in the week. I'll have photos from Warhammer World posted on my facebook page in the next few days as well (unless few people already on my personal account, then there up now). Noctus Cornix, deathspectersgt7, Aasfresser and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted September 4, 2017 Share Posted September 4, 2017 Man you post so much great stuff that it's hard to keep up with, but the hammer champion is one stand out. So damn cool. There's something special about seeing a piece of artwork turned into a mini so faithfully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 5, 2017 Author Share Posted September 5, 2017 Man you post so much great stuff that it's hard to keep up with, but the hammer champion is one stand out. So damn cool. There's something special about seeing a piece of artwork turned into a mini so faithfully Thanks for the comment ElDuderino Just I really like seen that art work as soon as a few youtube account where preview the codex Chaos Space Marines on the advance order day. I knew I had to try make something base around him & saw that we gain access to Exalted Champions as a new forum of HQ chose. So he already building up his Narrative, already slay a Red Corsair Sorcerer in combat, after already wound myself when trying to use the Daemon Shell. While also getting lot of other cool combat & leding Bronn & my Siege Breacher in counter attacks to help my Terminators out in game. Update So last week I was really busy getting a lot of painting done for Throne of Skulls. I like to try add new models & units when I attend the event. But same time I do have "core" units that I'll always want to take & are pretty important to me. So Bronn Tal unit for exsample have been true veteran in all the different era I've been collecting my Iron Warriors. Also bring back like of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, as it been way to long since he been use in game. With Throne of Skulls, your able to use different list each round - Make sure your doing this for the right reason!!! So for me I'll have one list with the core units. My other list with units I've given myself deadline to paint or not try. For exsample last year, my unbound army was about trying out the unit of Chaos Possessed as I've never use the unit since my Black Legion day. Next year I'm looking that maybe adding some Renegade & my Basilisk I painted just a few week ago. You can find more photos from the Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium over on my facebook page, as well as a lot of photos of the display in Warhammer World as well So here the new units from the weekend & what I painted in 5 days. Exalted Champion - Bakulos Endemion Chaos Biker squad - Gugann Vall, Led by Champion Shohvaz Kurr Chaos Marine squad - Ferrus Cricle, led by Vosh Kurr Rhino - Scorpias Ferrus With the Rhino. I've been thinking about adding this to my Iron Warriors for some time. But when I've been that Warhammer World, any money often went to Forge World store. But a friend pick up this kit a few week ago for me. I think this taken two days to get complete, included time to get weather powder done. Then the unit of Chaos Biker. They where added last moment, with the release of the codex Chaos. There was a few changes in the power level points & left with 5 points. So though get this unit of Biker done. Also because I've now got a spare biker from my other unit, with them going to 9 models instead of 10 in a unit. So I will get the other bike from the other unit sorted to have the same transfer as his new Battle Brother have on there bikes. Then the new 5 Chaos Marine squad. Wanted them to sort of be bodyguard for Exalted Champion. The Champion was originally going to have a Chainaxe. But I found the power fist, when search for parts. So as always, going to go with the models I think look cool. I'm going to add another Chaos Marine to the unit in the future, so he can replace the Champion in none power level games if I don't have the points. Not sure if it show in the photo. But pretty happy have the IV icon on the face plate on this model & something I think I'm going to do more of in the future. Then the Champion Then with today been my birthday. I'd pick up the Leviathan Dreadnought while that Warhammer World, so family could get me this for my birthday....also the Chaos Warhound current no on sale that the moment....... So I'm still waiting on his range weapon arm to arrive as that wasn't in stock in the Forge World store. Then I've just place a Forge World order there, seen I had some spare money from this weekend, got a few extra part for converting this Dreadnought. As well as getting the book with the Renegade army list in there. Here some list of names, I'll go back & edit when time permit. Just these where posted on the last log before photobucket chose to change there terms. Warsmith Abhorred Riddick Narach Delau Sorcerer Krull. Sorcerer Nârik Gharrok, Herald of the 5th Grand Company Forge Chaplain: Daxos Styx Warpsmith Damocles Cypher Khârn Terminators squad: Tormentia led by Champion Crysos Darr Terminator squad: Proeliator led by Champion Sevatar Rauth Dreadnought - Battle Brother Vosh Khorius, the Siege Breaker Dreadnought - Santar Vull 10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Iupatus Proeliator led byChampion Bronn Tal Rhino Messor Ferrus 10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Be Graphicus led by Champion Uzas Vel Rhino Fulmen Clavi 10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Desolatum Tempestas led by Champion Goran Brakar Rhino Iapetus Daedalus 10 Chaos Space Marine squad: Apocalypse led by Champion Kroege Santarr Rhino Demens Malleus 7 Chaos Space Marine squad: Thanatos Negaera led by Champion Dargron Valicar Rhino Vortrax Hydra 5 Chaos Space Marine squad: Daedalus Iapetus led by Champion Vortrax Dargon Rhino Metellus Scipio All Cutlist part of the - Thorakitai Heldrake: Proditor Vesanus Heldrake: Arbor Draco Heldrake: Megaera Notus Obliterator squad 5: Excessus Fillius - 146 Obliterator squad 4: Oburo – 73 Obliterator squad 6: Hydra Infensus – 73 Vindicator Ferrus Draco Iron Havoc squad: Olympia Vengeance Havoc (with Launcher): Demens Havoc (with Autocannon): Tarraq Predator: Immisericors Predator: Tormentia Predator: Pyrobolus Predator: Furibundus Knight Errant: Acheron Vannuk of house Karstark deathspectersgt7, BrotherJim, Marqol and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phal Brannon Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 Hey Jamie, Dave Here, I now have regular PC access so can keep up with the B&C again, Thanks for the last game at Thrones, Hope you enjoyed your birthday, look forward to following this thread and seeing how your Leviathan comes together Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Stray_Idea Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 Great take on the iron warriors. This plog was a joy to flick through. Keep up the work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 8, 2017 Author Share Posted September 8, 2017 Hey Jamie, Dave Here, I now have regular PC access so can keep up with the B&C again, Thanks for the last game at Thrones, Hope you enjoyed your birthday, look forward to following this thread and seeing how your Leviathan comes together Hi Dave Great to see you've mange to get sorted again for Bolter & Chainsword. Thanks again for the game, as always it great getting that grudge match & was great to see the new chapter & game against them. As always, any future Throne of Skulls games, we will get a grudge match sorted again :D Yes the Leviathan just been wash. I'm still waiting for the Storm cannon arm to arrive, so that should hopeful arrive tomorrow. Should also be getting the Index Guards, so I can start using some Renegade in games. _______________________ Not much of a update right now. While I am on holiday, past few days have been busy & trying to get a few thing done while I've got the time off. But aim on spending Sunday get the Leviathan Dreadnought built. I've also got a box of the plastic storm trooper, my 7th Predator that going to be arm with Autocannon turret & need to build a extra Iron Warrior for the squad I recently got ready for Throne of Skulls - just in case I need to swap out the Power Fist Champion. Aim to get trophy on the new models base on the great Throne of Skulls weekend. As always trophy are base on armies I game against & the games I want to remember. But for time been, this arrive in the post Limited ed art work from Forge World on Erasmus Golg & this will go along side the art work of Narik I got last year. From the Forge World store that Warhammer World. BrotherJim 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted September 8, 2017 Share Posted September 8, 2017 Hey IP, shame the old plog died but it's kind of refreshing to see the old pics again. Your army is just so inspiring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 Hey IP, shame the old plog died but it's kind of refreshing to see the old pics again. Your army is just so inspiring. Thanks for the comment Daemon2027 Yes, just find it rubbish what Photobucket had done. But same time the page was getting really bad with spam ad's & general slow down. I've got my facebook page & right now this is the only forum I go onto. Update So I've had two weeks off there & it coming to a end today :( First week was all about getting ready, getting new models painted for the really great Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium event during the 2nd & 3rd September. While after that, was my birthday & just try get a few things done during this week. I wanted to keep today aside just get some new models built, mainly the Siege Dreadnought. Here how the model looking. I got the siege claw, but I didn't know the other option the Dreadnought got. To be honesty I think I might go for the standard claw & mean I'm going to have to place a order with Forge World tomorrow. I've also look out for the Ork bionic arm has the chainsword as I'd like to add this to the arm. Like wise I'm waiting on a bit order from Bitzbox & few other part. Mainly just to get the trophy sorted. All trophy on the Dreadnought will be base upon the Throne of Skulls Dark Imperium event, with a extra one been base on the Blood Angels a old grudge army I use to game against. But here how the model looking so far. Some of the trophy to one side. So there going to be, Red Corsair, Iron Warriors, DIY Marine Chapter (name writing on my ToS army list), Orks & Dave Executioners (Primaris) Then as seen next to the Dreadnought. There a new Iron Warrior Battle Brother. So he going to be added to the recent squad I'd built for Throne of Skulls. This is just give me the chose, in the event I'm not using power level & I don't have the points for the Power Fist Champion. Just so I've got a model to replace during games. I personal prefer Power level personal in my games, I find it make it a lot easier. I don't have to worry about dropping set wargear or in case of the new unit, adding Power Fist as it been while since arm a Champion with one & use them in game. End of the day I'm not "that" person & nor do I game against people who may try to take advantage just to be desperate to win. So I've base the new Battle Brother on a Iron Warrior from the 2008-2010 era IW force after find the classic model in a box recently. Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company Going on from the army photos in past updates. I though I'd take the time to show my second version of my Iron Warrior fleet. Started the Mk2 era in November 2012, after buying a lot of the Chaos ships for a few part for the backpack conversion I do. Also again, like my Iron Warriors I wanted to move away from the old inks in the event I wante to further add to this force. I use the Black Crusade army list that was found in the White Dwarf during the originally 13th Black Crusade. It simple just allowed me to field & use a all plastic fleet. Anyone who built the metal models for Battlefleet gothic will know the night mare & most of all when one of the plastic stand broke. I really enjoy Battlefleet Gothic, while I don't get to game as much as I'd like to. I think it been three year since I last had a game. I;ve always enjoy them. One aim would always be to try have a link narrative campaign with Battlefleet Gothic & Warhammer 40k 8th ed. So here the fleet after I needed to add a few more ships during my wargaming club campaign. If Games Workshop ever re-release Battlefleet Gothic, you can count on more models been added to this. Then finial bought stuff. So with money I got for my birthday. I chose to pick up another Predator, so I'm going to arm this one with Autocannon but unsure of the side weapons. I'd like to in the near future get another two Predators that least to have as Relic one from the Forge World Index book. I've got the Plasma Cannon kept to one side for another one. Then the plastic Storm trooper was to just build up on my Chaos Guard force a bit & bring in some special weapon. I've been told there troop chose in the Guard Index, so I'm thinking of exspanding them, sort like Terminators list in my Iron Warriors. Also there just really cool models. Also look like we maybe seen return to my Nurgle force. Since finish painting the Nurgle Marines side from Dark Imperium (beside the pox walker). I've been waiting a good few months for the rest of the range & codex to get release. Now it happing, with the codex out next weekend. Not just that, but the Warhammer Commuinty web site just said that the first unit, Deathshroud are been release the week after. From what I've seen so far. I like all the new models & I'd like to get that least one of each new box set from the Nurgle range. I might even be buying a Primarch next weekend, along side the new codex. Biohazard, Marqol and BrotherJim 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 16, 2017 Author Share Posted September 16, 2017 Update So I've been pretty ill this week & not been happy one bit. Just Monday to Thursday I'd been ill, but was starting to get better by Thursday afternoon. Then Thursday, someone with a really bad cold had went to the wargaming club I go to, about 30 min after I return home.....I'm ill for a second time this week, with a really bad cold!!! So try get by. Got this lot today. The Death Guard Primarch & the new Nurgle codex. I spent bit time that my local store today reading though the codex. I'm really like all the models & I'm aim on getting that least one of all the new units for my Nurgle force. I'm going to pick up the Deathshourd next week & try order the dice as well. Then also spent bit of today just getting these three models finish. Just it been really busy here, even with my two week off. But finial got around getting them finish & to join the other Nurgle models from the Dark Imperium box set. Here the new Battle Brother who will be join the squad I painted just over two week ago for Throne of Skulls. Just try add onto the unit or if I need to swap out the power fist champion in points games. Then the Forge World Siege Dreadnought I pick up from Warhammer World as a birthday present. The combat weapon arm just arrive today, so try to build that while cough & sneezing <_< So for the trophy - Five of the 15 on this model are base on my five games from Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium. They where all great games, really hard fought, with a lot of epic moment & general how I enjoy the gaming side of the hobby. Just as said I add trophy to remember games like those, it help add narrative & theme to my Iron Warriors & give those units life as they start to fourm epic deed. For exsample there one Iron Warrior Battle Brother who always seem to do well in combat vs Nids all the time. Or Champion Bronn Tal & his long history in my Iron Warriors force.Below is a model my round 3 oppent had donated when I explain about the trophy & why they where important to me. So they donated a Space Marine battle brother. They've created a lot of background for there DIY Chapter, with each battle brother, the games they've fought & epic deed they'd done. It was really cool see that.So there going to make up some background about this Marine. I'll use the model as reference when it come to painting future trophy base on this chapter. Biohazard, deathspectersgt7 and BrotherJim 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted September 16, 2017 Share Posted September 16, 2017 That Dreadnought is an absolute beast, can't wait to see him painted up. The Nurgle guys are looking really cool as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 18, 2017 Author Share Posted September 18, 2017 That Dreadnought is an absolute beast, can't wait to see him painted up. The Nurgle guys are looking really cool as well Thanks Bio for the comment. Update That the Dreadnought undercoated & armour phase painted. So he will get painted in a few days time, want to try get him ready for his second game this week. I'm also hoping to get the Predator built this weekend. I think for the trophy I'm going to add a Space Wolf on the front hall to rep my friend Wolves army I was game against during Fate of Konor. I've got another three Space Wolf company to try rep as trophy that some point. As well as with the release of the new Death Guard models, I can finial add some trophy on Chris, a oppent I'd use to always end up game against in local events during 2013-2014. So I end up spend a bit of time painting the Lord of Death today, what was meant to be apply quick shade to the green, ended up been two hour painting away. With half a hour waiting on shade to dry. He been a really great model to build & been fun to paint so far. Marqol and Aasfresser 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 20, 2017 Author Share Posted September 20, 2017 Update Death Guards Here he is, Mortarion. 5 hour so far painting the Lord of Death. Spent Monday & yesterday painting the Death Guard Primarch, after spend the day building a Black Templar force for a friend right now for a local event. So spent two hour on Monday & three hour yesterday night painting. Still a few thing left. Nurgling still need painted. I'm going to varnish the model first & go back to them. Add Blood for the Blood god & Forge World weather powder, also Games Workshop water effect to the base.He been a great model to build, among the best & fun to paint. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the Death Guard release & had a idea in my head how I'm wanting my new Warband to look. So this Saturday I'm going to pick up the Deathshroud Terminators. Mail order the other Terminators & one of the character I think getting release this weekend?? I'll need to check the community web site. Iron Warriors Here the Leviathan Dreadnought. Wed are usely my day off & when I want to get my own models painted, so this has taken 5 & a half hour in all to paint today. I'm aim on getting a hour set aside tomorrow to get the transfer added to the model. I'm also thinking of model a Iron Warrior Battle Brother arm with melta to the base. It just the Melta in the claw & I'm most like going to forget about that in my games. So though be a good way to remind me. So he most like going to go where the Knight face plate is. Inspired by Cadaras Grendel from Angels Extermanitus & Dead Sky Black Sun novel. Where he protect Warsmith Berossus & the weakness Dreadnought armour can face in battle, which he shown in a mock battle on one of the Iron Warriors ship's in the Heresy. So though be cool. Also with this been a bigger Dreadnought, while tougher will still face a lot more danger. So have the Iron Warrior battle brother with a siege shield if it can fit onto the base. Just waiting on that to arrive from egg head miniature a FW bit's (buy all there part from Forge World) So this weekend there going be a few thing try get done Finish painting the above^^ Getting my Autocannon or Hellforge Predator built & ready for painting next week Getting Deathshroud built & ready for painting. Biohazard, Marqol, hushrong and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Mortarion and a Leviathan. Somebody catch me! *feint Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Mortarion looks awesome bud and you're really making me want one of those Siege Dreads, it looks great :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Morty looks good as does the Leviathan . I really need one of those... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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