Closet Skeleton Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) I felt like doing a project log. I should have started earlier since I've been doing the odd bit of Black Legion for most of the year but better late than never and the Death Guard release is round the corner so I want my Black Legion out of the way. Black Legion were my second 40k army from over a decade ago but I never really painted that many of them. This thread will be for Black Legion, Death Guard and Fallen Angels. I got my BL ready but only got to play one Fate of Konor game my army was more or less this: Proxied Cultists due to not wanting to buy or paint more autogun chaff right now and a rhino I actually earmarked for Death Guard due to not wanting to have to work on that many rhinos. Everyone was based for the campaign and the khorne berzerkers got rebuilt. Daemon Prince is only there because my Lord never got finished. Berzerkers were the only chaos unit I actually 'finished' when I was a wee lad. I don't have a 'before' pic for the berzerkers I rescued them but here are some left over bits to give you an idea of the state they were in. Now they look like this. Mostly made up of berzerker bits because I wanted to finish them without any further investment but there are some chaos knight, possessed and regular chaos marine bits in there. They aren't quite finished but they'll do for now. Banner is a plague monk one. Work in progress possessed. The rest of the squad I won't post because they're not very different from when I got them painted second hand (only thing I did was the black legion symbol and a coat of black over Iron warrior grey). Daemon Prince I started years ago and redid the trim and eyes to bring him up to scratch along with throwing a wash on him. Earlier this year I did these squads: Havoks with Forge World autocannons and mixed csm/mark 3 bits. Still need one last top knot. I did some touches up on my old chaos lord before noticing that he was way out of scale compared to the Dark Vengeance models I had just painted. I had planned on just changing the bases on my metal terminators since they were still kind of okay scaled to the 3rd edition chaos marines and berzerkers but the newer models were going to cause issues. So I bought a Terminator Lord Cadre and a Scarab Occult box to combine with a bunch of second ed metal terminator arms to make: Still kind of WIP Terminators Cyclopia Cabal (never actually used it before the new edition removed formations). Still a legal Supreme Command detachment but too expensive to use. I have a "terminator officers only" rule in my Black Legion which only my Exalted Champion is breaking. Motor pool with WIP rhino. Can't remember how I used to do eyes and have DG rhinos to do so its on hold. Bikers are only slightly converted because I needed to do something to make them come close to living up the ludicrous concept that is "CHAOS SPACE MARINE BIKERS" but also wanted to be able to get them out of the way. Stuff I did less recently. Chosen I did a year or so ago and are the current 'standard' I followed up with on the havoks and terminators. Guys on the right are my old 'possessed' from 3rd edition who I made without properly checking the unit entry while the guys on the left were done 7 or so years ago just after my daemon prince' first colour scheme back when I was checking out if p3 Blighted Gold was going to be the way to go. All were rebased recently. Mace chosen gets used as an exalted champion, the others get to be aspiring champions. Edited April 28, 2021 by Closet Skeleton Sception 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) My current WIP for Black legion I didn't want to spend much more money on Black Legion with Death Guard round the corner but I had 20 2nd edition plastic chaos space marines that had never gone beyond the undercoat state excepting a few uneven brass smudges. They were too ugly for me to enjoy painting but then I saw 22 plastic mark IV torsos for Edited September 10, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) This August I did these Death Guard for DIU AD BELLI. Except most of them didn't get entered because that contest was (presumably by design) unfriendly to batch painting. Deimos pattern rhino is a plasticard based version following a tutorial that's easy to find online. Everything base coated in Rhinox Hide. Green is P3 Ordic Olive highlighted by citadel Death Guard Green and Nurgling Green. Purple is P3 Beaten Purple and Murderous Magenta washed with citadel duichi violent and re-highlighted with more murderous magenta. Brass trim is citadel Balthasar Gold, highlighted by Coat'darms Bright Gold (basically citadel liberator gold but was available years earlier and I haven't run out yet) and mithril silver (haven't run out yet) washed with Agrax Earthshade gloss. Skin is Palid Wych Flesh over Rakarth flesh then glazed with druichi violet, old citadel elf flesh and dwarf flesh, P3 murderous magenta and Guiliman blue. Edited September 10, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 13, 2017 Author Share Posted September 13, 2017 (edited) Some progress. Doing these guys in batches of 7 since I have 21 to get through. Will probably fail to finish before more Death Guard arrive. But since there's only 2 of these guys they're kind of getting done along with the 7. I wanted to get these out of the way before starting the Black Legion but since they have a similar pallet the two projects bled together. Slow progress but the metal veterans are certainly nice sculpts and refreshing after having painted 3 boxes of the plastic ones. Today's work. Almost up to the same level as my other two who I want to finish at the same time. I'm not good at getting decent finishes on large areas like tanks. I wanted the militaristic effect of the olive drab and think its coming close to working. Better painters than me seem to be favoring the pre-heresy scheme but I already have an off-white army and no green one so I'm avoiding that band wagon. Edited September 13, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Armament81 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted September 13, 2017 Share Posted September 13, 2017 Cood Looking Army of Traitors!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted September 13, 2017 Share Posted September 13, 2017 Everything is looking good! Â Also, love the top knots! That will never go out of style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeinox Posted September 14, 2017 Share Posted September 14, 2017 I like the blue as a spot color. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 14, 2017 Author Share Posted September 14, 2017 Cood Looking Army of Traitors!!!  Thankyou.  Everything is looking good!  Also, love the top knots! That will never go out of style.  Sadly I don't have enough of them or the required obsession to buy more.  I like the blue as a spot color.  I think that's mostly an accident.  If anything was supposed to be a spot colour it was red. The blue is mostly just eyes, plasma and highlights. The Fallen with the blue headdress is just because I got bored of red.  Some of the highlights were blue enough for a few of my models to get mistaken for Night Lords. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted September 14, 2017 Share Posted September 14, 2017   Everything is looking good!  Also, love the top knots! That will never go out of style.  Sadly I don't have enough of them or the required obsession to buy more.  I hear you on that. The Sisters of Silence have plenty but I am not spending X amount on them just to lop off those knots when they are usually sold as a whole mini on ebay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 18, 2017 Author Share Posted September 18, 2017 (edited) I hear you on that. The Sisters of Silence have plenty but I am not spending X amount on them just to lop off those knots when they are usually sold as a whole mini on ebay. Anvil industry wants to sell me 27 for Edited September 18, 2017 by Closet Skeleton chronosvulcan597 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 24, 2017 Author Share Posted September 24, 2017 (edited) Got some ryza rust and typhus corrosion on my death guard rhinos. First batch of Black Legion marines are much closer to done. 14 more still have nothing done to them. Cataphracti are pretty much at the same level as the rest of my terminators so I should just start working on the whole lot as a squad of eight. Mortarion progress. Did the rusty bits first because drybrushing is messy. I'll say goodbye to this level of sub assembly once the legs are at an okay standard. Not sure about sticking close to the studio comic book super villain scheme but I like combinations of purple and green so whatever. Did some drybrushing on the stone of the base and I'm more or less happy with the result. Not sure what to do about the details which there are few reference pics of available. Edited September 24, 2017 by Closet Skeleton chronosvulcan597 and Armament81 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted September 26, 2017 Author Share Posted September 26, 2017 (edited) Minor update. Threw agrax earthshade on the green and then re-highlighted with nurgling green before base coating the metal. Otherwise I'm just posting this as a reference for before I highlight the metal. Edited September 26, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Atia and El_Dicko 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 1, 2017 Author Share Posted October 1, 2017 (edited) Today I finally got Mortarion's legs to a state where I was happy gluing the body together. Only to find out one of the chest cables didn't attach properly. 2nd and third batches of chaos marines went a lot quicker due to not painting any terminators or Fallen at the same time. 3rd batch Edited October 1, 2017 by Closet Skeleton hushrong 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 1, 2017 Share Posted October 1, 2017 Lord Mortarion is coming together quite smoothly from what I am seeing. I also just noticed this but did you not go with those cannisters that attach to his face? Â The Black Legionaires are also looking sharp. Finish them up, they look ready to burn down the Imperium with the 13th Black Crusade already going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 1, 2017 Author Share Posted October 1, 2017 Lord Mortarion is coming together quite smoothly from what I am seeing. I also just noticed this but did you not go with those cannisters that attach to his face? Â I have the rest of the gas mask parts on my desk, I just want to finish the face before sticking them on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 4, 2017 Author Share Posted October 4, 2017 Got out the rust paints again for various random chains I'd left on the sprue. Nurgling close up, only really just begun them as you can probably tell. Finished the base to a level where I could put Mortarion on it. This allowed me to start painting the robes as I could now actually hold onto the model without getting my fingers over the paintwork. Armament81 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 6, 2017 Author Share Posted October 6, 2017 Started on Mortarion's wings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 14, 2017 Author Share Posted October 14, 2017 (edited) Mostly finished the wings and did some work on the robes along with more gold and most of the Lantern. Started on my 10 Blightlords on Tuesday. Might finish them soon. Also managed to play my first two games with the Death Guard against Raven Guard. Mortarion and the flails were horrific. Terminators were sort of hit and miss but having two units saved me on that front. Edited October 14, 2017 by Closet Skeleton hushrong 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 14, 2017 Share Posted October 14, 2017 Looking good! I don't know why exactly but I love the way you painted up Mortarion's wing. The colors just say "disease is flying by" when I see them. I also wasn't too interested in the light lords when I first saw them, I think the Deathshroud caught my attention. Now I am starting to like the look seeing yours. I may have to go bits hunting for their chainaxes of theirs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 15, 2017 Author Share Posted October 15, 2017 (edited) I just copied I think Duskraider's technique for the buboes from here in the WIP section (cassandora yellow on white in layers). Then glazed the the membranes around the structural parts with naggaroth nightshade/lamian medium and wartered down P3 purple. Finally I put a little reikland fleshshade into the damage parts. Keeping it simple helps the yellow spots stand out and the mix of blue, yellow and purple naturally comes off as sickly. Edited October 15, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 19, 2017 Author Share Posted October 19, 2017 Blight lords mostly finished except for the cloth. Second squad is in the same state but I'm just going to post 1. My whole tournament army is now purchased, so I can finish the power armoured section. Melee squad WIP. Chaos Lord (center I think) and bonus guys to fill out my currently 5 man units. They're also part of my call of chaos vow but for that they're going to be in different squads just to confuse things (well, make adding guys to existing squads a legal vow). hushrong 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 20, 2017 Share Posted October 20, 2017 Making good progress! The rust and disease are looking ace. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 25, 2017 Author Share Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) Light is bad due to the time of year, but here's my best attempt at getting photos of my nearly complete tournament army. I was planning on getting the first fully painted pics of the new plague marine box on the forum but had to delay taking photos. Mortarion finally has his scythe, chains and the cables from his back canisters glued on. Also painted the back canisters but the angle hides them. Converted Chaos lord, mostly just needed basing. Then I tried transporting him after taking this pic and his arm broke. Melee plague marine squad, these need basing. Plague Marines for to join pre-existing squads, these are pretty much finished Edited October 25, 2017 by Closet Skeleton Armament81 and hushrong 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 So far so good! Get that lord fixed up so he can hack and slash his foes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted November 1, 2017 Author Share Posted November 1, 2017 My tournament army has been officially 'almost ready' for a week which means there's a ton of tiny details to do despite it being 'finished' in a broad sense. Last thing I needed to build was some combi-bolters for my rhinos (which I started before most of the army was even released so yeah). Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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