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With an eye to the past I look try to divine the future.


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Yeah lmao its still the same.


The force weapon changes and predator autocannon help me a lot. interested to see what our other stratagem is


Amen to force weapons/pred cannons. 


Hilarity ensues "You get to use Vets of the long war" and there was much rejoicing!  (or...there will be when that happens) 


So as of this moment an exalted with sword or stave is 121 all gear inclusive, on disc they are 155.  The ones on disc are exceedingly overpriced for what they can provide.  Hope the dex either buffs them or fixes them in some way to make them worth the cost (hello auras!) 




Boomwolf; for the record I tend to agree that the Exalted box is going to be the "go to" if Gw throws a bunch of Elite slot aura abilites at us like the DG have.


but currently the biggest issue of our faction as far as chaos is concerned is the lack of fast slots, pretty good on most other counts if we toss in FW ontop of our current GW offerings. 

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Good reductions on some FW units to help our limited army list options.


E.g. Helforged contemptor with 2 butcher cannons dropped from 206 to 163. Fire raptor base cost dropped by 60 plus the cost reduction in balefire missiles and reaper batteries make this much more points efficient. If only it wasn't such an awful kit to build!

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While I’m not going to say that Tzeentch’s firestorm is fantastic (or even ‘good’), it on average will deal the same number of mortal wounds as infernal gaze. So if they had the same manifesting cost it would probably be a decent power if you wanted to make a pure ‘mortal wound battery’ sorcerer.


However, at its current manifesting cost I have to agree that it’s utter garbage and I will never take it.

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Well, the fact its rather similar to gaze in effect IS the issue.

Gaze is widely considered a subpar spell, and yet this is a harder to cast variant of gaze. it really brings forth the question of why ever picking it.


I certainly will.  And then Ill laugh maniacally whenever it nails a weak 4 wound character.  I can generally get away with fooling around with sub-par options in my Meta so its "okay" in my case.  Tossing both and gaze if you go even slightly above stat youve just killed a hidden character. (assuming both spells go off and you roll *average* with both generally) Lord knows the dice gods are fickle lol

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Well if you get both off you will have on average dealt only 3 mortal wounds...


So I just did the math, for each attempt at gaze (including the odds for the psychic test) you should on average see 1.2 mortal wounds per cast over time. Contrast that with the .833 per cast of firestorm... contrasted with the 1.73 of a simple smite... this is all with no bonuses to your casting roll.

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I think GW highly overestimates the value of Firestorm's peak damage. Yes, it can potentially deal 9 Mortal Wounds, but it will happen once every 100000 games...


They need to realise that a reliable power like Smite will ALWAYS be favored by players over one that could *potentially* deal more damage.

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I think GW highly overestimates the value of Firestorm's peak damage. Yes, it can potentially deal 9 Mortal Wounds, but it will happen once every 100000 games...


They need to realise that a reliable power like Smite will ALWAYS be favored by players over one that could *potentially* deal more damage.

On a positive...in higher point games with multiple sorcerors on the field it will see some use. So there is that.
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Smite, for all the people complaining, is fine the way it is. While it is VERY powerful, the user has no choice in who it goes on- it always goes on the nearest target unit. If people are so upset by it, they should be taking more assassins, cultests, brims, or conscripts (cheap screening units). 

I went a tournament a few weeks ago where one of my opponents was complaining that i killed a lot of his army with smites. At the end of the game i showed him how to avoid smite spam in the future and he just looked at me like "ooooh". 


That said; The power of Infernal Gaze and Tzeentch's firestorm is that it isnt restricted by targeting. You can snipe characters. That is HUGELY important against certain armies. Tzeentch's firestorm, while not particularly regular, does have the reliability to put out (usually) 1 mortal wound a turn. That said i do believe it should have been: casting value of 7, rolls of 6s cause Mortal Wounds, Casting value of 10, rolls of 5+ cause mortal wounds, just like the smite spell. That said, im not thinking its a weak spell either. You all know there will be a time when you cast it on a key character and the enemy WONT try to dispel it because they think "oh, one Mortal wound, whatever" and then it causes 5 just through lucky rolls

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@ archaeinox, I will run the numbers at lunch.


Edit, so I had a few minutes and ran the numbers on the Ahriman ‘mortal wound machine gun’. The wounds per spell over time is as follows: Firestorm- 1.08, Gaze- 1.33, Smite 2.15; for a total average of 4.56 mortal wounds a turn.


IMHO, I agree with the idea of making 10+ wound on 5+’s, but the entry cost should still probably be a 6 WC power in its base form.

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Smite, for all the people complaining, is fine the way it is. While it is VERY powerful, the user has no choice in who it goes on- it always goes on the nearest target unit. If people are so upset by it, they should be taking more assassins, cultests, brims, or conscripts (cheap screening units). 

I went a tournament a few weeks ago where one of my opponents was complaining that i killed a lot of his army with smites. At the end of the game i showed him how to avoid smite spam in the future and he just looked at me like "ooooh". 


That said; The power of Infernal Gaze and Tzeentch's firestorm is that it isnt restricted by targeting. You can snipe characters. That is HUGELY important against certain armies. Tzeentch's firestorm, while not particularly regular, does have the reliability to put out (usually) 1 mortal wound a turn. That said i do believe it should have been: casting value of 7, rolls of 6s cause Mortal Wounds, Casting value of 10, rolls of 5+ cause mortal wounds, just like the smite spell. That said, im not thinking its a weak spell either. You all know there will be a time when you cast it on a key character and the enemy WONT try to dispel it because they think "oh, one Mortal wound, whatever" and then it causes 5 just through lucky rolls

Also, Firestorm specifically says that you can swap another power for it (other than Smite) before the game starts. If you need character sniping, make the switch. If not, leave it on the bench. :)

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