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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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I know Dos, I'm just curious to see how he'd implement keeping it out of our hands... at the same time, I think looting it for the final defensive strong point during the invasion would be good too. I mean that gun is a threat to even a carnifex. ;)

Yeah, it's not like Mol is just going to blow up Marines at random. Oh...wait.... ;p

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Dear all,


One thing I'm trying to do in order to make the updates more timely and more effective are these combat cards, which include the most common weapons and rules used by characters.




It would help me massively if you could post your correct stats and those of any equipment and any rules you need me to keep track of so that I can update without for players much more efficiently without having to cross-reference things.

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Sounds like a good idea to me CM, Tyber is up to date, with his loaner Mk VII armour.







CM’s cheat sheet for Tyber:


WS 54

BS 45

Str 53 (10, 15 when using Codex Feat of Strength) effective 73 in PA

T 41  (8)

Agi 48

Int 49

Will 40

Fel 48


Movement: 5/10/15/30 double with jump pack


Dodge +20 (target number is 68)

Parry +10 when using chain sword to parry



Mk. VII Loaner armour: (currently equipped)

10 Torso, 8 to all other locations

+5 bonus to Pinning Test, Fear Tests and Command Tests



Arming sword 1d10+22 pen 3 Rending


Chain sword1d10+20 pen 3 Rending with Tearing and Balanced


When fighting with two melee weapons it is WS-10 for the basic target number because of ambidextrous.


Twin Bolt Pistols, use raw BS when firing both 1d10+9 Pen 4 Explosive Tearing


That should be all the special rules that have Tyber deviating from normal CM. :yes:



Edit #3:


trimmed down as per CM's request, Tyber will use Codex Feat of Strength most times, so I'll just past those stats.

Edited by Steel Company
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For combat cards : Atratus

WS 63, BS 42, S(11) 74, T(8) 41, AG(7) 70, INT(4) 45, PER(5) 50, WP(4) 45, FEL(4) 46

Armour 9 body, 7 arms, 8 elsewhere


Sniper Rifle, Range 250, 1d10+4, Pen 7, Felling, Tearing OR Toxic, Accurate (+20 with aim, up to 2d10 extra damage)

Two Chainswords, 1d10+14, Pen 3, Tearing, Balanced, Swift Attack, Counter Attack (+10 WS, +2 damage vs xenos)


Assassin Strike (AG 70 test to move out of combat after making an attack)

Death From Above (D10 damage per 2 degrees of success on charge, max +2d10)

Wrathful Descent (D10 additional magnitude damage to horde on charge)


Parry(vs xenos) = 83, Dodge = 70, Spot = 75, Conceal = 90, Move Silent = 100, Full Move 32m

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Thanks, A.T.


Combat has ended, I will post up a narrative post to try to get things moving.


I've been struggling a bit recently with my online presence and with the plot here.


As it stands, I have a core timeline worked out of the invasion and what's supposed to happen. The idea is that the Astartes are taking control of the defense and your choices will impact what happens to the Imperial defenders. But rather than going day-by-day, it appears to me that we might have to abstract certain things and move over them. I see this as a positive insofar as it allows me to effectively "direct" you - I know that we have players who particularly enjoy the combat, and players who are here for the narrative. It may well be that I need to parcel off some small parts of the plot to you all so that we can get done without being bogged down by combat at all times.


I will be back in the next few days to post a roadmap of what's happening going forward!


For the Deathwatch!

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**Peers out from Igloo**


Still snowing problems here!



WS:37, BS:52, S:(12)50, T:(10)50, AG:(5)45, INT:(4)41, PER:(5)50, WP(4)45, FEL:(4)48

Armour: Mk VII 10 body, 8 Other (Armour imposes -20 to Concealment Tests, +10 to Command Tests)


  • Heavy Bolter - Standard Ammunition 150m, 1D10+12, Pen 5, Tearing (X)
  • Heavy Bolter - Kraken Rounds 225m 1D10+12, Pen 8, Tearing (X)
  • Bolt Pistol - 30m, 1D10+9, Pen 4, Tearing (X)
  • Flamer - 20m, 1D10+9, Flame
  • Combat Knife - 1D10+SB (12), Pen 2, Rending
  • Chainsword - 1D10+3+SB (12), Pen 3, Balanced (+10 Parry), Tearing
  • Frag Grenades
  • Krak Grenades

Fate: 4

Move: 5/10/15/30

Abilities: Mighty Shot (+2 to ALL ranged damage)

Unrelenting Devastation: 1D5 Magnitude Damage to Hordes per attack (with Heavy/Flame/Blast weapons in Squad Mode Only).

Solo Mode: Eyes of Fate (Spend Fate Point, Roll D10, 9 or 10, Fate Point returned)

Squad Mode: Attack Pattern - "Big Guns Never Tire" Bolter Drill (All Bolt Weapons +1 RoF)

Squad Mode: Defensive Pattern - "Bulwark Against Terror" Fearless in Nominated piece of cover.


Akkad will carry the Chainsword in place of the knife when the Requisitioned Items are released, not both as I don't have that many pockets in these PA trousers...!



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MR, think about the holster locations....


Pistol on either left or right hip

Combat knife on other hip / thigh

Chainsword across the small of the back / waist under the HB back pack supply with the grip on the left side to work with how the belt feed for the back pack supply comes around from Akkad's right side.


See it all fits. :happy.:


I know I had to give Tyber's weapons a lot of thought as to how he carries them.:wink:

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The hope is it will allow me to update quicker in future, as it will reduce the amount of cross-referencing.


If possible, Steel, could you reduce what you have in your prior post now that you have a sense of the available "real estate"? I need to know the core and most typical things that Tyber would use.

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Thanks for all corrections, do feel free to keep them coming.




If you look at the Folio thread, we are on Day 20 of the Deathwatch's mission to Syndalla. My next plan is to move forward to Day 23, when the Naval battle above Syndalla begins.


The question is - what do you all want to do between now and then? Do you just want me to skim over that, or are there any story threads that you wish to focus on?

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