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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Xin, I find it hard to imagine Sabaan has bionics he doesn't know about - not least because he implanted the tech himself! What I'm saying is that, should you choose autosanguine as your upgrade, it is feasible that Sabaan has had the upgrade the whole time, it just hasn't been mentioned thus far. Sabaan hasn't suffered an injury serious enough for them to come into play yet.
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Xin, I find it hard to imagine Sabaan has bionics he doesn't know about - not least because he implanted the tech himself! What I'm saying is that, should you choose autosanguine as your upgrade, it is feasible that Sabaan has had the upgrade the whole time, it just hasn't been mentioned thus far. Sabaan hasn't suffered an injury serious enough for them to come into play yet.

Ah! I see. That does indeed makes much more sense! I am sorry that it took me this long to get your point.

( of course it beeing almost 40 Degree Celsius outside for the last couple of days did not seem to help....)


This also makes writing my intermission post easier ... I was truly callenged with coming up with a way to explain that :p

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Xin, I find it hard to imagine Sabaan has bionics he doesn't know about - not least because he implanted the tech himself! What I'm saying is that, should you choose autosanguine as your upgrade, it is feasible that Sabaan has had the upgrade the whole time, it just hasn't been mentioned thus far. Sabaan hasn't suffered an injury serious enough for them to come into play yet.

Ah! I see. That does indeed makes much more sense! I am sorry that it took me this long to get your point.

( of course it beeing almost 40 Degree Celsius outside for the last couple of days did not seem to help....)


This also makes writing my intermission post easier ... I was truly callenged with coming up with a way to explain that :tongue.:




:huh.:   Ugh 40 degrees C?!? No thanks! pushing 30 is bad enough....

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About that.... And regarding Solastion question: I am guessing we should put the craft down near the Inquistrix last location but with enough distance to not be in the immediate cross fire of those fighting below.


So long as it's flat enough, and our craft is VTOL capable, we should be good just about anywhere, provided it's large enough to accommodate the craft... can be a little less so, if we don't really plan on trying to fly away again....

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Hey Dos, feel free to write Tyber as trying to convince Vaidan of the usefulness of the Humans we've got as expendable assets. In the end of Vaidan makes it clear this his decision is a command one, Tyber will comply and follow the letter of the order rather than the spirit of the order that Vaidan uses.

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Nicely done MR, I wonder if she'll actually approach Tyber for chainsword training... a lot can be learned in an afternoon... depending on how fast she picks things up an hour could give her the basics of how to block, parry and strike effectively.... more advanced things like counter attacking and such would take longer...
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Hi, thanks to A.T. for your flexibility in this regard. I'm happy for you to catch the armsman who is about to die if you should wish - that's up to you.


I will post again very soon - this is by no means over, and I have about an hour left of updating time today... 

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Placeholder up, rolls edited in.


I am in the phone but want to keep things rolling...


It's good thing I went for the Autosanguine... I have a feeling that this adventure will see it's closing screen with Sabaan crawling from the burning wreck, determined to avenge his fallen brothers :p

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Please be aware that my personal view of jump packs doesn't allow the Astartes to have true super-hero flight. We have some depictions of Space Marines using jump packs to descend, yes - but Space Marines are big, bulky and powerful rather than graceful. When you consider that the shuttle is moving very fast and descending very quickly, I can't see it being very easy for a Space Marine to do the Iron Man thing that A.T. linked to earlier.

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